I'm just an actor

Chapter 195 Injured

Chapter 195 Injured
How to deal with the scene where Gu Yejia died in front of him, Xu Rong had thought about it a long time ago, it was quite difficult to act, because the weight of Gu Yejia's role itself was too heavy and too light.

It's too light, because her drama is not even comparable to the male N number Ding San, and it's too heavy because of her role positioning. She is Liu Xinjie's lover who doesn't care about it on the surface, but he cares about it in his heart. As the director of the department, he is an underground worker who dare not reveal too much true emotion.

But as Liu Xinjie's lover, her death is an important factor to promote the development of the plot.

He is very clear that this kind of importance must not be expressed as hysteria, that would be too abrupt to the audience, because the audience may not have a deep impression of her at all.

The only thing that reassures him a little is the unique tranquility of Yuan Wei, like a flower blooming under the warm sun. When the petals wither, they should be able to win a certain amount of sympathy and pity. understood.

Xu Rong stared at the gunshot wound on Yuan Huang's back, turned her over gently, stroked her cheek, and asked softly, "Is what they said true?"

In the previous scene, Li Bohan and Qi Peilin identified Gu Yejia as an underground party member.

At this time, Liu Xinjie brought Gu Yejia to the escape location, and Gu Yejia, who was barely supporting himself, realized that Liu Xinjie was 031, because only the sailor and 031 knew about this hidden escape route.

Yuan Wei smiled reluctantly, as if she wanted to reach out to touch Xu Rong's face, but she completely lost the strength to raise her hand, but she still smiled hard: "It's just, it's just that I didn't expect that you are 031."

The phrase "Xinjie, that rose is so beautiful" was temporarily changed by her, because Liu Xinjie brought her a rose when the two met for the first time in the play.

Xu Rong slowly embraced Yuan Wei who had already closed his eyes, and also closed his eyes, feeling the few time the two of them spent together, and dreamily said: "Every time I see you, I can't tell you apart. Know who I am, you, you know my name is Liu Xinjie, you also know that I am 031, but you still don't know my real name."

"I'm calling, I'm calling" Xu Rong opened and closed his mouth a few times, looked down at Yuan Wei who was already quiet, but in the end he couldn't make the last sound, and only a line of tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.




Du Jun was originally immersed in the depression and grief created by Xu Rong, but a few sudden muffled sounds startled him. When he noticed that the car door was obviously sunken by Xu Rong's smashing, he subconsciously wanted to open it immediately. Shout out.

Just seeing that Xu Rong had no intention of stopping, he forcibly swallowed the breath that reached his throat.

He is only the executive director, not the chief director, but Xu Rong is sitting in front of the camera at this time. He is a big name who has a good personal relationship with investors, producers, directors, and producers. The director lost his job on the spot.

A young actor must learn to deal with the relationship with the director, and a young director must learn to deal with the relationship with the big names. There is only one point: as long as you are happy.


When the play was over, Du Jun immediately put down the earphones, because from the small details of Xu Rong's behavior just now, he keenly discovered that Xu Rong began to subconsciously avoid using his right hand after hitting the hammer a few times, as if something went wrong .

Yuan Huang, who was lying on the corpse, had recovered from the fright. The sound was right next to her ears just now. She heard it like thunder. She glanced at the sunken car door smashed by Xu Rong, and then at Xu Rong's swollen face. With the back of his hand, he asked, "Mr. Xu, is your hand okay?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Xu Rong touched it lightly, took a breath, and shouted to the producer director, "Please give me the whole piece of ice and a towel."

When acting just now, under the influence of emotions, he subconsciously used the greatest strength, but he ignored one point. A while ago, the new traits that were loaded due to the coronation of the Magnolia Award.

And from the extent of the pain just now, he guessed that something went wrong when his little finger hit it for the last time.

During the filming of "Night", he had a similar experience.

Du Jun rushed to him, saw Xu Rong frowning slightly, and asked softly, "Mr. Xu, how are you doing?"

Xu Rong moved his right hand a little bit, couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's not very good, send me a car and take me to the hospital."

After Xu Rong left the set by car and rushed to the hospital, Du Jun looked at the dent on the car door and fell into deep thought.

He has always felt that the lines on Xu Rong's body are from fitness training, and they are empty of beauty, but they can't have too much strength. But at this time, he couldn't help but wonder in his heart. Won't you break your own ribs?

"Director Du, are the windows made of steel?" The reporters watched Xu Rong leave and turned their attention to the damaged steering wheel.

Xu Rong and Yuan Wei were the ones they came here for, but a small detail right now made them discover the breaking point of the news.

Xu Rong's immersive performance was one aspect, and what made them even more unbelievable was that he used his fist to smash the modified car into a dent.

Du Jun wanted to answer "yes" immediately, but seeing the unbelievable eyes of the reporters around him, he was also a little uncertain, reached out and knocked twice, and then buckled it again, before confirming in a low voice: "Yes, It's steel, but it's not as thick as you think, it's just a very thin layer."


In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Zhang, as a complete newcomer, did not have many performances scheduled in the troupe at the moment, let alone the opportunity to go on stage or join the team, so he could only sit in the courtyard with a glass of water, bored Flipping through the newspaper, although the time is only 08:30, she is already looking forward to returning home from work.

She is no longer so eager for the movie star she once yearned for in the past, because beside her, there is a familiar person who can no longer be familiar with, showing her the hard work after becoming popular, and there is hardly much rest time every day , even though most of the announcements were rejected, besides filming and preparing scripts, there are still too many welcomes that cannot be rejected.

And the endless troubles and disputes that come with it are like a gangrene.

This is not the life she wants.

She just wants to be a salted fish that goes with the situation, and occasionally filming movies, saving money to buy gold!

It's just that after she turned to today's news, she couldn't sit still.

Teacher Xu was injured.

She immediately took out her mobile phone, but she called and rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Without even thinking about it, she grabbed the bag next to the table and went to find the leader of the regiment.

She wants to ask for leave to go and have a look.

On the way, I happened to meet Jia Ling who just came over with breakfast. Xiao Zhang just said hello and hurried to ask for leave.

"Xiaofei, have you had breakfast yet?" Jia Ling looked at Xiao Zhang's flustered appearance and asked suspiciously, "Why are you going?"

"Sister Ling, my family is in a hurry and I have to ask for two days off."

Jia Ling went up and grabbed her, and said, "I'll go with you. If you ask for leave not long after you come here, it will leave a bad impression on people."

Xiao Zhang thought for a while, then nodded, and said, "Well, thank you, Miss Ling."

After asking for leave, the two left the gate of the art troupe. Jia Ling was about to stop the car at the side of the road, but was dragged by classmate Xiao Zhang to the parking lot next to her, saying, "I have a car."

"Do you have a car?" Jia Ling was stunned when she heard the words, "Could it be a bicycle?"

Jia Ling dazedly followed Xiao Zhang into the car, and then dazedly arrived at Xiao Zhang's house in the "outskirts".

"Xiaofei, did we go wrong?"

Before she could say anything, she saw that the access control of the community was released, and she watched Xiao Zhang driving the car all the way to a single-family villa in the middle.

"Ding ding ding."

"Ding ding ding."

"Hey, Teacher Xu, are you okay?"

"I was going to see you."

"That can't be done, I've asked for leave."

After hanging up the phone, classmate Xiao Zhang turned his head, looked at Jia Ling who was stunned for a while, and smiled embarrassedly: "Sister Ling? Let's get out of the car first?"

Jia Ling got out of the car, took the unfinished breakfast, raised her head, blinked her eyes, and looked at the small villa in front of her. She always felt that although Zhang Xiaofei was a little thinner than herself, the two were roughly equal in circumstances. In the end, it didn't work out. That's what they meant by living in a remote place.

Jia Ling followed classmate Zhang into the door, and asked curiously, "Xiaofei, what do you do at home?"

"Just an ordinary family."

Jia Ling looked at the huge living room with her head poking around, and asked, "Is this normal?"

"Oh, my boyfriend bought it."

Jia Ling turned her head, looked Xiao Zhang up and down carefully, and wondered, "Is your boyfriend really old?"

"Oh, what are you thinking? He's my classmate. Anyway, let's take a leave of absence. Let's go to the set together and treat it as a trip."

Classmate Xiao Zhang was not in a hurry at this time, and poured Jia Ling a bottle of Coke that she had hidden in the farthest corner of the refrigerator, and said in a low voice, "Come on, I'll give you a taste, there's only the last bottle left. I usually only drink a few caps each time."

When Jia Ling followed Xiao Zhang to Hengdian Film and Television City, she was completely dumbfounded when she met Xiao Zhang's so-called childhood sweetheart boyfriend.

She looked at Xu Rong in front of her, looking quite cautious, and said, "Xu, Teacher Xu?"

"Ms. Xu, she is the sister Ling I told you about." Although Xiao Zhang felt a little regretful for not being able to pretend to be a big pussy, that's all. Jia Ling asked for leave for her.

Xu Rong asked Wang Yaqin to move a chair for Jia Ling, and said with a smile: "Mr. Jia, hello, I heard Xiao Zhang mentioning you on the phone two days ago, so I will trouble you more in the future."

Jia Ling hurriedly waved her hands and said, "Ah, no need, Teacher Xu can just call me by my name."

She acted as if she hadn't woken up, and she didn't come back to her senses, because no matter what, she didn't dare to associate Xu Rong and Zhang Xiaofei together. One is the hottest actor in the Mainland, only 23 years old Bai Yulan Shidi, and the other one, is just a little transparent who just joined the art troupe.

Why are these two people still together?

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at his right hand, which was fixed with a brace, and asked, "Mr. Xu, what's wrong with your hand?"

"I accidentally bumped into it while filming, it's not a big problem, it will be fine after a while."

The injury was not serious, just a slight bone fracture, but the shooting plan had to be adjusted accordingly, and all the scenes that needed to be used were adjusted later.

After this incident, Xu Rong also vaguely understood the meaning of the so-called "skills that are too high to use" at the beginning. He had not undergone corresponding systematic training at all, and he reluctantly used it with all his strength, which was very likely to damage his body.

When Xu Rong started filming again, Jia Ling looked at Xu Rong who had already entered the scene, and then looked at Zhang Xiaofei, who was not astonishing, and always felt unreal. After a long while, she asked: "My dear, Xiaofei, Xu Is the teacher really your boyfriend?"


"Hey, how did you two get together? He's so popular."

"Why don't I tell you, we got together earlier, oops, it has nothing to do with whether I'm popular or not. If I become popular, I don't want Mr. Xu?"

Jia Ling smiled awkwardly, and said, "But Xu Rong is so rich, why do you still work? If I were you, I would just sit at home and count the money."

“We are really poor”

The two of them didn't have a meeting, Xiao Zhang got up, and she saw an acquaintance coming over.

Jin Fangfang.

"Hong Kong director?"

Xu Rong looked at Jin Fangfang in surprise, he understood what she meant.

Hairun Films is seeking to cooperate with many commercial film directors in Hong Kong. This is an opportunity for Hairun, an opportunity for Hong Kong directors, and an opportunity for him.

Hairun has been unable to get started in the film market for a long time, and the listing plan is therefore far away. Cooperating with Hong Kong directors is a good breakthrough.

As for Hong Kong directors, the film market in the mainland has just begun to emerge, especially its huge potential. Compared with Hong Kong, it is simply a cloud and mud. It has long been a foregone conclusion for artists and directors to go north.

But whether it is his chance or not is still unknown. The mainland film and television circles know that the director of Hong Kong commercial films is a favorite. No one is sure whether Hairun will win in the end. Even if he wins, will it fall to him? In the hand, it is also an unknown.

Seeing that Xu Rong had flipped through the financial report of the film industry, Jin Fangfang put it aside, and said: "I mean, let's push the movie script in hand now, and I will keep an eye on the progress over there. If there is any movement, I will fight for it immediately.”

Xu Rong smiled and said: "You can't treat people as fools, don't worry, when the filming of this movie is over, I will meet Liu Yanming."

Jin Fangfang froze for a moment and asked, "Are you sure?"


Xu Rong thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I think our thinking in the past was quite problematic. Although there is a high probability that we will part ways in the future, we are still Hairun people now, and we want to treat the company as a family. Don't be so polite, just mention some things. The request is also reasonable."

This is the insight he got from the role of Liu Xinjie. Even if he is really an undercover agent, on the surface, he is still the director of the general affairs department, and he still has to sweat for the eighth round. Compared with Hairun, it is the same reason , His contract has not expired for a day, and he is Hairun's first brother for a day. He is creating value for Hairun and has the right to fight for the corresponding rights and interests.

(End of this chapter)

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