Chapter 194
On the second day after Huang Sanshi left, the film crew was officially divided into groups A and B for filming. One group was led by executive director Du Jun to Shanghai to shoot some exterior scenes, and the other group was left in Hengdian by Liu Jiang.

Xu Rong also came to Shanghai with Group B. According to the shooting plan, he will return to Hengdian after seven days of shooting here, and then decide the date of his next visit based on the actual progress.

He didn't take over "Palace Lock Heart Jade". Nowadays, court dramas are indeed showing a big trend, but after filming "Da Ming Dynasty", he feels that the scripts of similar court dramas and historical dramas are more or less close sincerity.

Due to the influx of capital, the current film and television market has formed a phenomenon that what themes are hot and what themes are profitable to shoot. Just like the explosion of "Latent" a while ago, the number of spy war dramas approved has suddenly increased.

These scripts are all improvised based on past classic spy wars, and some even only have an outline, writing and filming, filming and writing, the production cycle is extremely short, from project approval to film submission, maybe only a few months Kung fu is very similar to the industrialization of film and television, but its essence is completely opposite.

Xu Rong had received several spy war invitations before, and the pay was very tempting, but the script itself was an insult to the audience's IQ.

And the current "Palace Lock Heart Jade" is such a script, or in other words, it is just an idol drama dressed in the cloak of a court drama.

Two years ago, he filmed an idol drama dressed in the skin of a spy war, which achieved quite good ratings and consolidated his status as a first-line actor, but he knew that now was not the time to reward himself.

It's not that this kind of drama can't be accepted, it can be accepted, but it's not now, and it must not be the male lead. At least when he was scolded, he, Xu, was innocent and one of the victims.

Of course, the remuneration cannot be less than a dime.

He was not surprised that Huang Sanshi came to be a lobbyist. During this period of time, he encountered many similar things. The reason why he didn't refuse on the spot was because Liu Jiang and Huang Ke were present, and Huang Sanshi was still his. Teacher, you have to save him some face.

If the investment in the play Liu Heping prepared is in place, then he still has two TV dramas in his hand, and the filming period of these two plays will take him a year.

He is too far behind his peers, and he can no longer use his left foot to mix his right foot. After all, after graduating from the class of 05, many lucky ones of the same class have already entered the film market. It is still unknown whether he will become a hit.

The next thing he has to do is to wait for a good movie script as the contract period approaches.

He is not in a hurry, just like the Magnolia Awards speech, Yu Zecheng will become a representative figure of this kind of TV series in China.

With this work as a basis, he will not worry about the popularity in a short period of time, especially as "Latent" has become a milestone in the spy war. Blindly swarming with capital, it is already difficult to release blockbusters, and the status of "Latent" will only rise with time.

Furthermore, during the preparation of "Before Dawn", he was also thinking, why is "Latent" so popular?
It is undeniable that the fast pace and meticulousness of the script, as well as the business ability of the "Four King Kong", are very important, but from his own point of view, Yu Zecheng should be the pinnacle of his role creation since his career.

And the deep-seated reason is thanks to one person, Ji Shiguang.

The fugitive taught him how to play a lurker.

From "Latent" and from Ji Shiguang, he is deeply aware of the necessity of experiencing life on a deep level, at least when he performs it, the audience looks more like that.

Next, he will gradually reduce his production until he shoots one movie a year.

A good show.

This is his plan for the future.

In the dressing room of the Chedun film and television base in Shanghai, Xu Rong once again met Yuan Wei, the female lead whom he hand-picked for less than a hundred scenes.

"Morning, Teacher Xu."

"Hello, Teacher Yuan."

Xu Rong glanced at his ordinary self in the mirror, said "thank you" to He Qian, the leader of the makeup team and the stylist of the crew, and looked closely at Yuan Wei who was walking towards him. He can't compare to many actresses he has worked with, but in terms of professional ability, this one should be able to beat most of her peers except Song Jia.

The most commendable thing is that the quiet demeanor of the other party is in line with his imagination about Gu Yejia when he analyzed the script.

During the reading of the script, the two did not interact much, so they are not familiar with each other, but a certain degree of tacit understanding must be formed in the future, because in the next half month, they will focus on shooting Yuan Wei's scenes, in which he is the main co-star.

Then send her away!

"Mr. He, please."

"What's the trouble, hehe, it's the first time I've met a hero and heroine who are as polite as you and Mr. Xu, always trouble, thank you, this is what I should do."

Xu Rong stood upright, facing the mirror, quietly arranging his clothes, listening to the conversation between Yuan Wei and He Qian behind him, he didn't turn his head, but smiled and said: "Sister He, what you said is wrong, we It’s not like we haven’t worked together before.”

"Haha, the second time, the second time, okay?!"


Xu Rong took the trouble to untie the belt and put it on again. Perhaps in the eyes of others, his behavior was quite boring and meaningless, but to him, it meant a lot.

What will be filmed later is a scene where he is dating Gu Yejia, and it is also the scene where he is dating Gu Yejia for the first time.

While arranging his neckline, Xu Rong suddenly found a thread about three centimeters from the cuff of his sleeve. He turned his head, looked at the chubby He Qian, and asked, "Sister He, where are the scissors?"

He Qian was putting makeup on Yuan Wei and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I have a thread on my sleeve, cut it off." He said, pointing to his cuff.

"Oh, in that red box next to you."

Xu Rong took out the scissors from the box, cut off the thread ends, threw them into the trash can at He Qian's feet, and then put the scissors back into the box.

This is what Jin Fangfang reminded him before. After the filming, the director has to be asked to clean up the scene, and the crew can't leave the place with dirty things.

Because of the media and the audience, they don't know the director Liu Jiang, nor the name of the production director. They just remember that this is Xu Rong's crew, and they will acquiesce that this kind of unqualified behavior is his responsibility.

"Aqin, start the workbox."

"Okay, Teacher Xu."

Xu Rong took the start-up box that Wang Yaqin trotted all the way, took out the mouth spray in it, and sprayed it three times into his mouth.

He had just brushed his teeth an hour and a half ago, and there was no kissing scene today.

Seeing how seriously he was preparing, He Qian joked, "Mr. Xu, I don't know, I really thought you were going on a date."

"Oh, no."

Xu Rong smiled and didn't explain the reason. A few years ago, when he met Xiao Zhang, he also did similar things to prepare for the date.

Looking at his strange behavior through the mirror, Yuan Wei didn't feel surprised, because she knew exactly what Xu Rong's motives were for these behaviors, but when she saw what he did in an orderly manner, she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled in her heart. This young man was a little different from what she had heard in the past.

In the rumors she heard in the past, both her boyfriend Xia Yu and her classmate Liu Ye had bad comments on Xu Rong, while her senior Li Xuejian and her friend Chen Shu in the courtyard were completely opposite, and they simply praised him to the sky. go.

She doesn't wonder why a person has such polarized evaluations, because maybe what they see may not be the truest side.

Today, she discovered through her own eyes that no matter what his professional ability and moral character are, at least he is a person who takes life very seriously, and being serious makes her a little ashamed.

In the past, she was also such a person who took life seriously, but not long ago, due to some accidents, one thing she had always taken seriously was completely messed up, forcing her to learn to live with it , learn not to be so serious.

Stop taking everything so seriously, stop taking yourself so seriously.

She is very clear about the meaning of Xu Rong's series of actions just now, and through the externally similar preparations, she can further experience the emotion of "dating".

The most rare thing is that he noticed an inconspicuous thread. Even if many men really went on a date, they only ensured that the surface was clean and tidy, and they often didn't pay much attention to the details.

She was not curious about what he thought, because she knew very well that it was not a good thing for her.

When Liu Jiang invited her, she was quite puzzled, because there was really no need to invite her because of the few dozens of scenes.

Her pay is not low.

Liu Jiang finally revealed the reason, Xu Rong wanted her to play the role.

She wanted to refuse, but after reading the script, she decided to continue, even if Gu Yejia's role as the so-called female lead was pitifully small.

Personal experience has made her realize that in life, no one can be completely relied on, her parents will leave eventually, and her beloved may disappear without a trace one day.

seeing is believing.

She looked at Xu Rong's leaving back, and her impression of him changed a lot. She didn't think such a person would be as unbearable as many people said.

When the filming started, although she had expected Xu Rong's professional ability, the first sentence he opened his mouth still surprised her.

"You are very beautiful today." Xu Rong looked at her eyes under the airy bangs, her tone followed the habit since she turned on the phone, and did not reveal too much surprise, but his eyes clearly conveyed intoxication.

This is a sentence that is completely absent from the lines.

"Ah, is that so?" The smile that had just risen on her face paused for a moment before she enlarged, "Thank you."

The director, Du Jun, was also a little confused. He was the director, but the one who could really call the shots was in Hengdian.

But he is not in a hurry. Liu Jiang shoots more material than he does. Sometimes when he is shooting, he will give a rough outline for the actors to play on the spot, and he will also shoot seriously. down.

Who knows if it will come in handy.

This is a director who is superstitious about the magic of editing. He is not afraid of too much material, but afraid of not enough material.

Fortunately, Xu Rong immediately returned to the topic. After sitting down, he straightened his body and looked at her gently: "Sorry, I'm late."

Ever since Xu Rong appeared in her sight, Yuan Wei's eyes have been fixed on him. She was not curious about what kind of person Xu Rong was, but Gu Yejia was particularly curious about Liu Xinjie's inner world.

She has worked with many actors of the same age. Strictly speaking, Xu Rong is a few years younger than her, but her professional level is the highest among her peers.

He abandoned most of the external expression skills and only used emotions to shape the characters.

Thanks to the teachings of many teachers in the theater, she deeply understands that this kind of performance requires solid internal technical support.

Especially in the face-to-face scene, she finally understood why he was so popular at such a young age.


Du Jun watched the replay and said, "Teachers, you are very good."

Xu Rong smiled and nodded at Yuan Wei, Yuan Wei is not like Song Jia, he doesn't have the kind of stubbornness that if you punch me, I will be suffocated to death if I don't return, but every time he plays, she can handle it It is just right, and it also fits Gu Yejia's "gentle" role setting.

A very special way of acting.

After resting for nearly an hour, Du Jun asked: "Mr. Xu, are you ready? Let's practice driving."


Xu Rong also stood up with a smile, because the crew was still the original cast of "Daughter-in-law", and the fact that he didn't take the driver's license test had already spread throughout the crew.

But the driving skills are not the slightest problem.

Because in the past filming process, he had too many opportunities to practice driving. After a scene is filmed, it can be as short as 10 minutes or as long as two or three hours.

For such a harmless joke, he is also willing to laugh at himself along with others.

The life of the production crew is closed, depressive, with distinct classes and hilltops. With just a group of people dangling around all day long, various contradictions will inevitably arise. Some of these contradictions will erupt, and some will only hide in the Under the smiling face, it is necessary to find some fun to resolve.

And what's interesting is that in a crew, there are always a few people who will make a few jokes that everyone can enjoy on the right occasion and to the right person. As for those who don't know how to choose the occasion or the right person Yes, they have all been kicked out.

On the seventh day of filming in Shanghai, a group of media arrived as scheduled when filming the location scene.

The person was recruited by Luo Liping, the focus was naturally Xu Rong, and the target was "Daughter-in-law".

With the finalization of "Daughter-in-law", the publicity has also kept up with the schedule, but Xu Rong, the lead actor, is still filming on the set, so he can only spend some money to invite people over.

The topic revolves around Xu Rong and Yuan Wei. Of course, it is conceivable that the media will inevitably bring Xia Yu when reporting.

What is going to be filmed is Yuan Huang's last scene in Shanghai, where Liu Xinjie sent her away, and her parting from life and death after being shot. The scene is over.

After Du Jun finished speaking, he looked at Xu Rong and Yuan Wei, and asked, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Yuan, do you need to brew for a while?"

Xu Rong glanced at Yuan Wei who was standing next to her, saw her shaking her head, and said, "No, just go."

Because although this scene is between him and Yuan Wei, he is the one who needs an emotional outburst. He believes that Yuan Wei is fine.

This is the most worry-free actress he has worked with so far since his career. Although the two of them don't communicate much, they cooperate quite tacitly.

Just like what a famous director predicted in the past: if she is not popular, there is no reason.

"Preparation, action."

(End of this chapter)

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