I'm just an actor

Chapter 198 Rehearsal

Chapter 198 Rehearsal
"The winner of this year's Fei Tian Award for Outstanding Actor is Xu Rong."


In the sound of the music, Xu Rong stood up, stretched out his arms to Zhang Guoli, who was laughing loudly beside him, and said, "Mr. Zhang, I have already won an award. Why don't you get up and congratulate me?"

Zhang Guoli smiled, stood up, hugged him, and said, "Congratulations, Feitian Shidi."

Xu Rong turned around and gave Song Jia a symbolic hug next to her. Then she straightened her clothes and walked up to the podium where Yan Ni and Cheng Yu temporarily acted as award presenters. Then, she walked towards the stage in three directions. Bow, wave.

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

In the Water Cube, everyone who participated in the rehearsal and the six hosts were laughing like crazy. Xu Rong took the trophy and the microphone and said, "Everyone, every teacher, next is my acceptance speech. First of all, although it is just a rehearsal , but teachers, can you let me truly feel the feeling of Feitian Shidi for a few minutes? Really, I am very excited today. I can win the highest honor of the TV series Feitian Award. Laugh again."


"The second thing I need to thank is."

Li Yong looked at the time and said, "That's great, let me once again give warm applause to send off our Fei Tian Award Outstanding Actor winner, Xu Rong, back to the auditorium!"

Xu Rong listened to what Li Yong yelled out like a DJ, laughed and gave him a thumbs up, handed back the trophy to Yan Ni, walked back to the auditorium with a smile, and waited for the next award to continue play.

During the rehearsal process, all he needs to play is the role of one award recipient after another.

The rehearsal will eventually go through three rounds, and the last one will be tomorrow afternoon, before the awards ceremony begins.

And according to the director's request, in order to accurately control the time, every detail has to be calculated, which means that every time he goes on stage, he has to talk a lot of nonsense, which is roughly equivalent to the speeches of the winners.

Just now, surrounded by music and lights, for a moment, Xu Rongduo expected what happened in front of him to be reality.

But it's not, and it can't be.

He had already privately probed the tone of teacher Hou Keming, the school professor who served as the judge, but Teacher Hou encouraged him to continue to work hard.

He was a bit unwilling to give up, and visited Gao Xixi secretly last night. As soon as he entered the door, Gao Xixi comforted him, advising him to be young and not to lose heart because of one or two gains and losses.

The answers of the two are similar, the nomination is certain, and they still need to work hard if they want to win the award.

After stepping off the stage, Song Jia looked at Xu Rong and said, "Is what you said true this morning?"


Song Jia rolled his eyes at him and said, "It's you who told the media that it doesn't matter whether you win the award or not, it's an honor to participate in Feitian."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Of course."

After saying this, he stopped chatting with her, and sat quietly aside, waiting for the final rehearsal.

Song Jia has had too many gossips recently, and I don't know if it's because of the popularity of "Latent", she was photographed many times by the media going back to the hotel or home late at night with male artists other than Zhang Li.

What made him feel uncomfortable the most was that Song Jia and Zhang Li still often went out in pairs.

I don't know why Uncle Li has such a big heart.

With Zhang Li's resources and Song Jia's current reputation, she has absolutely no need to pass the scandal.

Contrary to his initial impression, an actress like Song Jia with an obvious literary style can cooperate and be friends, and has a good professional ability and righteousness, but there must be no other intersections.

Song Jia was keenly aware of the subtle difference between his attitude and the past, paused for a while, and then said softly: "You know, I'm very scared."

Xu Rong turned his face sideways, showing an appearance of listening carefully: "Huh?"

"I'm afraid that everything I have now will be lost suddenly. I never thought that I would become popular so quickly, so, and easily."

She paused, then said, "Thank you."

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with me, you deserve it, even without me, you can still be popular, as long as you don't hate me for scolding you."

"Haha, I already forgot."

She covered her mouth and smiled, as if she was recalling that time, but after a while, she found that Xu Rong hadn't said anything, turned her head, and saw Xu Rong's palms beating in mid-air, and her mouth was slightly opening and closing, she knew What he sang, I couldn't help but envy him.

"You, do you despise me in your heart?"

Xu Rong turned his head in surprise, looked at her carefully, neither nodded nor shook his head, and said: "Everyone has their own pursuits, how should I put it, the people who always criticize you are not always For your own good, maybe because you can't get it, you will be jealous and crazy, and those who always praise you are not out of good intentions, they just want to watch you do it and die in it."

Song Jia thought for a while before whispering, "Thank you."

Xu Rong smiled and said nothing, he himself didn't know what he was talking about, because of the difference in values, he couldn't understand her behavior, but he couldn't expressly look down on her, so he could only prevaricate a sentence from a certain script.

Unexpectedly, Song Jia really made up something in his brain. As for the specific content of the brainstorming, he didn't care about it.

From the perspective of the outside world, celebrities and entertainers are a distinctive group, standing under the spotlight all day long, and their every move is followed by the media.

But in his view, no matter actors, singers, hosts or entertainment bastards, they are just professions. Before these professions, he is also an ordinary person. , does not make any difference.

But the strange thing is that not only the outside world has misunderstood this, but many practitioners also think that there is a difference.

As a result, the way of behavior is different from ordinary people everywhere, some are intentional, some are purely unintentional self-indulgence, and are covered up with "art", and finally fall into the ground.

After returning home in the evening, Xu Rong took classmate Xiao Zhang to the singing room that hadn't been used a few times since he moved in, and clicked on "My Motherland and Me", an endless loop of singles.

Xiao Zhang asked very puzzled: "Mr. Xu, what's wrong with you these days, why do you sing this song every day?"

"The motherland's [-]th birthday, this song is very necessary to practice!"

Xu Rong smiled and didn't explain too much.

After four rounds of rehearsals, the Feitian Awards Ceremony officially kicked off.

The part of entering the venue made Xu Rong very busy, because he had to bring the crews of "Latent", "The North Wind Blows" and "Harbin Under the Night" into the venue respectively, and took a group photo with them.

Zhao Baogang and Xu Rong walked side by side, muttering in a low voice: "How is it, is there any gossip?"

Xu Rong greeted the media with a smile and said, "A bit, let's keep working hard."

"Oh, what a pity." Zhao Baogang patted Xu Rong's arm lightly, not knowing whether it was a pity for himself or for Xu Rong.

After the opening leader's speech and the fixed "Flying Apsaras" program, Xu Rong walked onto the stage from the backstage, performing poems and reciting "Chinese Picture".

If possible, the director team wanted to let everyone sing, but the people on stage were all actors, not singers, and they didn't sing in a chorus, so there was no risk.

The stage has three steps. In the first row, on the left are Tang Yuqiang and Song Chunli representing the older generation, in the middle are Xu Rong and Song Jia representing the new generation, and on the right are Li Youbin and Sarina representing the Mesozoic.

Compared with the six people in the first row, the second row is completely mixed and matched. On the left are Cheng Yu and Wang Luodan, in the middle are Zhang Guoli and Yan Ni, and on the right are Lin Yongjian and Liu Jia.

There are twelve actors in total, divided into three generations: old, middle-aged and young. The only two actors who are not in the series are Song Jia and Wang Luodan.

Twelve people also represent almost all the hit TV series in two years.

It also shows from another level that under the prosperous situation of the entire TV drama industry, there are only a dozen or so people standing at the top of the pyramid.

Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Rong back to his side and said, "Mr. Xu, you were so handsome just now."

Zhang Guoli, who was sitting on the other side of Xu Rong, laughed when he heard the words, and said, "Xiao Xu looks pretty good today."

Xu Rong's release today is based on Liu Xinjie's order. Considering that he will act in a drama in the future, during the filming of "Before Dawn", he and He Qian learned a little bit of makeup skills, which will definitely come in handy in the future. Today The reason why he wore a suit and matched it with a stylish look was mainly to lose people and not lose the scene.

And he has a grand finale.

Xiao Zhang nodded to Zhang Guoli with a smile, and then lowered his voice: "Mr. Xu, why are you not nervous today?"

Xu Rong didn't tell her that she had learned the inside information. Although she won't win the award this year, considering the program schedule, today's trip is worthwhile.

After Song Zuying and Mao Ahmin sang successively, the awards ceremony officially began.

Unsurprisingly, Jiang Wei won the best screenwriter award alongside "Crossing the Guandong" and "Soldier Assault", while the outstanding director was won by "Soldier Assault" and "Golden Wedding". "Blowing" was also awarded the first and second prizes for feature-length TV dramas respectively.

After Chen Guokun sang "Youth Strong", the finale of this year's Feitian Awards officially kicked off.

Li Yong said slowly: "No one can succeed casually. In the past two years, many excellent actors have appeared on TV screens. They are mature, confident, have their pursuit, and their utilitarianism. What I want to say is that this year's Fei Tian Award is very competitive, and there are as many as ten nominees for this year's Fei Tian Award for Outstanding Actors."

"they are."

"Hiding, the north wind blowing, Xu Rong in Harbin under the night."

Amidst the applause, there was a chuckle in the audience at the same time. After Bai Yulan, some media commented that Xu Rong "doesn't talk about art and virtue", and normal people compare each one. Under the leadership of "Latent", Leng Shi was also shortlisted for two other plays.

It's the same again today.

"Zhang Guoli in the Golden Wedding."

"Life is Beautiful, Taiwan-Taiwan 1895, Li Xuejian in high latitude trembling."

"Li Youbin from Guandongzhong."


Xu Rong listened to the finalists one by one, and when he got to Duan Yihong, he was inexplicably startled. Duan Yihong was not shortlisted because of "My Commander, My Regiment", but because of "Soldier Assault".

"Leader" won the ratings, but lost everything.

"Please invite the guests of the lottery, the famous film and television actors Chen Baoguo and Chen Jin."

As soon as the two came to the stage, it was a loss. Chen Jin took the lead and said to Chen Baoguo: "You must not be the recipient of the award today, otherwise you will definitely not stand on the podium."

"I guess you have nothing to do this year."

"First of all, congratulations to all the nominees and winners, then I will stop talking nonsense and draw the prize now."

Chen Baoguo slowly opened the script in his hand, raised his head, glanced in the direction of Xu Rong and Zhang Guoli, and said: "This kid is lurking in various parts of the organization, fighting wits and courage with enemies from all over the world, and secretly talking A sister-brother relationship finally surfaced in the Water Cube today."

As soon as Chen Baoguo said the words, the expression on Xu Rong's face was extremely exciting for a moment, and the inside information turned out to be false!

It's just that before the astonishment on his face turned into a smile, he was kissed "baji" by the classmate Xiao Zhang next to him.

After winning Magnolia and Feitian, Xu Rong is only half a step away from the highest honor in the TV drama field, Shidi Grand Slam.

Last year, he already received a Golden Eagle nomination.

After the applause fell, Chen Baoguo continued to read: "This kid has a lot of good fortune. He has been competing with a woman for a lifetime, and he has lived happily for decades."

"They are, Xu Rong."

"Zhang Guoli."

"The outstanding actor who won the 27th Feitian Award interpreted confidence, loyalty, courage and responsibility, and showed us every fold and imprint of the male spiritual world. Xu Rong is lurking, with nuanced performances, and accurate grasp The characters' thoughts, emotional changes and the most charming characteristics of the characters, enthusiasm and sincerity let us experience the power of faith, in the blowing of the north wind."

Even if it was a surprise, Xu Rong was no longer as excited as Bai Yulan was a few months ago, so much so that she even forgot her acceptance speech.



Regarding Xu Rong's award, the scene was silent for a moment, and then applause suddenly broke out. Although it was unexpected, it seemed reasonable.

Magnolia's judges took the lead in affirming "Latent" and Xu Rong's art, coupled with the continuous popularity of "Night", "North Wind", "Golden Love", "Latent" and Xu Rong's own identity, It is not a surprise to win Shidi.

But the audience at the scene and in front of the TV didn't know that the real shock had just begun.

Although he was the first in the lottery, when it came time to deliver the acceptance speech, Xu Rong naturally would not compete for the first place. After all, Zhang Guoli is a senior.

The main reason is that he didn't prepare his acceptance speech and needed to prepare it for a while.

Zhang Guoli was also unprepared, because over the years, he had come to the award ceremony of the Feitian Award countless times, and returned empty-handed countless times.

But after all, he is a person who has turned into a capital and is used to seeing strong winds and waves. Holding the trophy, Zhang Guoli said slowly: "I am very envious of Xu Rong. He has not been lurking for as long as I have. I have been filming TV dramas since the first year. It has been 29 years, and this is the first time I have won this award. First of all, I would like to thank this great era, this era of emancipating our minds, which has allowed us TV talents to have the glory we have today. Just now Li Yong said that every nominated male Actors are all mature and confident, I am mature, but not confident enough."


"But starting today, I will be a little more confident. Thank you for this era, thank you for this business, thank you for the Golden Wedding Team, thank you for my family, thank you here and all the audience in front of the TV."

Li Yong said at this time: "Okay, thank you Zhang Guoli, please Xu Rong give an acceptance speech."

Xu Rong didn't panic now, it's not easy to copy the composition.

Xu Rong took the microphone and said slowly: "I am also very envious of Teacher Zhang Guoli. It has been 29 years of ups and downs, and we have been together for [-] years. It has been six years since I made a TV series in the first year. This is also the first time I have won this award."


The auditorium sounded a bit wrong at first, but I didn't think why it was wrong, but when I got here, I completely understood, good guy, one is made up and the other is copied.

Xu Rong didn't care about the laughter in the audience at all, and continued: "I also especially agree with Mr. Zhang Guoli's words, thank you for this great era, let us TV people have today's glory, what Mr. Li Yong said just now."


This time, not only the auditorium, Xu Rong obviously saw that the leaders sitting in front were already laughing.

After the applause fell, Xu Rongcai continued: "Mr. Li Yong said just now that every actor nominated is mature and confident. I may not be mature, but I am not too confident, but I won this award today." , I will also have some confidence."


"First of all, I would like to thank the thousands of great martyrs like Yu Zecheng who brought us a better life today. Without their bloody battles, there would be no great era like ours today."

"Wow wow wow."

Many people thought that Xu Rong would copy all the way down, but they didn't expect to turn a corner suddenly. While corresponding to Zhang Guoli's "great era", he rose to the height of the main theme.

"Secondly, I would like to thank you for this business, thank you to all the members of the Lurking Group, the Beifeng Group, and the Erbin Group under the night, thank you to my family, thank you here and all the audience in front of the TV."

"In addition, I would also like to thank Mr. Zhang Guoli for his acceptance speech."


"Wow wow wow."

(End of this chapter)

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