I'm just an actor

Chapter 199 The Director

Chapter 199 The Director
After returning to the seat, Xu Rong handed the trophy to Xiao Zhang, who immediately hugged it into his arms without hesitation, as if afraid of losing it.

And the camera at the scene immediately captured this scene, and it was accompanied by good-natured laughter.

There is a part of it as a show, but more of it is sincere, because of the existence of Xiao Zhang, he has enough life experience to be presented in front of the camera, and because of her existence, he can continue three films in a year. You don't have to worry about the state of the previous character affecting the shooting of the next scene.

The trophy should have her half.

As for what happened to the Feitian judging group, causing Feitian Shidi, who had nothing to do with him, to run into his arms.

He didn't have the desire to explore these inside stories, anyway, he got the trophy.

The outstanding actresses were finally selected by Sarina in "Crossing the Guandong" and Yan Ni in "The North Wind Blows".

Xu Rong also gradually discovered a characteristic. This year's Feitian Awards are all eggs with double or even triple yolks.

Although there is an element that this year is a big year for TV dramas, it is still a bit regrettable for him, an award winner.

That's right, a few minutes ago, he was looking forward to winning the prize, no matter how many people won it together, as long as he was there, but after getting the trophy, he wanted to monopolize it all by himself.

Just like Magnolia before.

Just when he was thinking about it, classmate Xiao Zhang gave him a slight push and said, "Mr. Xu, come to the stage to accept the award."

"Oh, I forgot about that when I got excited."

The 60-year Outstanding Contribution Award is going to be presented now. As a representative actor in the field of spy war dramas, Xu Rong consciously does not count among them.

It's just that when he heard that Sun Li was also selected, he couldn't help but feel astonished. Although this award is nominally aimed at all domestic actors, it is actually aimed at major art troupes, theater troupes, and art college teachers, such as Tang Yuqiang, Chen Baoguo, Li Xuejian, Chen Daoming, Li Youbin, Li Baotian, Zhang Guoli, Jiao Yu, Chen Jianbin, Pu Cunxi, Cheng Yu, Du Yulu, Hou Yong, and Xu Rong, among the 27 winners, 26 of them have employment units, only Sun Li A motley crew.

How did Sun Li get in here?

No one answered his doubts. After the awards were presented, Li Xuejian spoke as an actor representative.

Listening to Li Xuejian's speech, Xu Rong was inexplicably a little nervous.

It's time to show off his talents!

After Li Xuejian's speech, Li Yongdao: "First of all, please return to the auditorium. At the same time, this year is the [-]th anniversary of the motherland. For [-] years of ups and downs, we have grown and progressed together with the motherland. Next, please invite Yan Weiwen, Yin Xiumei, at the same time, invite all the winners of today to come on stage and sing "My Motherland and Me" together."

"Xu Rong, this, this, this."

Yan Ni waved at Xu Rong, as tonight's Shidi Shihou, they should stand behind the two lead singers and at the front of everyone.

Xu Rong smiled, pointed to the seat specially reserved for him between Yan Weiwen and Yin Xiumei in front of him, and said, "My seat is there."

The smile on Yan Ni's face froze, especially when she saw Xu Rong standing over, the director team and the two lead singers responded as usual, her mouth opened involuntarily.

At the same time, when Xu Rong was found holding the microphone and standing between Yan Weiwen and Yin Xiumei, acting as the third lead singer, the auditorium fell into a strange tranquility.

Due to the particularity of the sponsor, the Feitian Award has very strict considerations for standing and seating.

The position of Xu Rongzhan is definitely not something that the director team can decide.

But these did not affect the progress of the chorus. After everyone stood up, the music sounded, and Yan Weiwen took the lead in singing: "My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment."

"Wherever I go, a hymn flows out."

Xu Rong also showed the peak vocal level in his life: "I sing every mountain, I sing every river."

Each of the three lead singers sang only two lines of lyrics, followed by a chorus, but Xu Rong, who is a film and television actor, was one of the lead singers, and there were two single lines of lyrics strangely, not only the audience was stunned Forced, the award winners standing behind him were also quite puzzled.

The organizer of the award ceremony is the direct management department of CCTV!
At this time, they remembered some inconspicuous news some time ago: Xu Rong took the talent examination.

They suddenly realized that Xu Rong was different from most of his peers. He was just popular and had strong professional ability. More importantly, although he was wearing a suit today, he was no different from the actors from the art troupe in military uniform. .

But today, the significance of arranging him to stand between Yan Weiwen and Yin Xiumei is extremely obvious.

Correspondingly, Li Xuejian is the representative of the older generation, while Xu Rong is the representative of the younger generation.

It also means that as long as he doesn't risk his life to death in the future, he will be an actor who will have no major problems in his life.

Xu Rong naturally understands the meaning of standing. Maybe after a while, he will start to have the title of "a first-level and second-level actor" on his head.

After the awards ceremony, Xu Rong first participated in a 10-minute interview. When the interview was over, he wanted to say congratulations to Li Youbin in person. After all, Li Youbin was nominated for the Feitian Award again with "Crossing Guandong". Since it is quite difficult, congratulations should also be made.

I just searched for a long time, but I didn't find half a person.

Helpless, he had no choice but to take Lin Yongjian, who had greeted him early in order to save dozens of dollars in taxi fares, and let Xiao Zhang send him to the airport.

At the airport, Xiao Zhang looked at Teacher Xu's back in a hurry, and she vaguely understood why Teacher Xu didn't suggest that she go out to accept the show.

In the past, at school, although there were fewer gatherings and more separations, if she wanted to see Teacher Xu, she could immediately ask for leave or skip class to visit the class.

But now gathering less and leaving more has become a life, and she also has her own job. Although she is free, she can no longer be like the past. Here, the time they spend together is not too much.

It is foreseeable that Ms. Xu may be even busier in the future than she is now. If she takes on the show alone and leaves home for two or three months, it is very unlikely that the schedule of the two will coincidentally. Also can't see a few times.

"Teacher Xu"

Xu Rong turned his head inadvertently. He seemed to have heard Xiao Zhang’s voice just now, but he didn’t seem to hear it, but he still turned his head and looked at Xiao Zhang, who was standing pretty in the distance with his mouth pouted, and smiled. He nodded, pointed to his left chest, and nodded slightly.

He reckoned that classmate Xiao Zhang just wanted to ask Lin Yongjian if he would miss her because Lin Yongjian was standing by.

After Xiao Zhang saw his movements, he suddenly squinted his eyes and smiled, stretched out his hand and waved at him, and then tapped his left chest as well.

Compared with Xiao Zhang's reluctance, Jin Fangfang, who is Xu Rong's manager, is heartbroken at this time. When she saw Xu Rong standing between Yan Weiwen and Yin Xiumei earlier, she had forgotten to put the potato chips in her hand. Importing.

The strategic plan that she had just reformulated before was about to be completely overturned.

Being elected as a representative of the younger generation is a great honor and advantage, but from another perspective, it is also a shackle.

Starting today, she can no longer intentionally create controversy related to Xu Rong that does not conform to the main theme and core values.

Moreover, she can already imagine that Xu Rong will become one of the regular customers of customized films and gift films in the future.

Some of this kind of play can be rejected, and some must be accepted.

Just like the Fei Tian Awards Ceremony, no matter whether you have any hope of winning or not, you must be there.

On the plane, Lin Yongjian sighed and said, "This time I'm running with you again."

A few months ago, Bai Yulan was defeated by Xu Rong. He didn't expect to open the Feitian Award for double yolk eggs a few months later, and he would run with her again.

"Don't be discouraged, the nomination is also an honor."

"If I win the prize, I can comfort you like this." Lin Yongjian said with a smile, "Actually, you don't need to persuade me. I was mentally prepared before I came. This time Feitian, you, Zhang Guoli, Li Youbin, and Wang Baoqiang I hope it is the greatest, and it won't run out of the hands of a few of you."

Xu Rong nodded, thanks to the fact that Li Youbin won the award last year, otherwise this time, the seniority should be Li Youbin and Zhang Guoli.

Lin Yongjian suddenly remembered something: "Hey, are you about to get a grand slam?"

"Hey, it's early, it's early."

Xu Rong waved his hands. The last thing he wants now is for others to notice this, especially the judges of the next Golden Eagle Awards.

The judges of the three awards seem to have reached a tacit agreement on this point. Once someone is about to get a grand slam, the difficulty of the remaining award will immediately rise in a straight line.

Unless ratings and word-of-mouth gain an overwhelming advantage.

The 24-year-old Grand Slam actor must be carefully considered by the Golden Eagle judges.

Xu Rong suddenly thought of one thing. This year, he still has a mango investment scene to film. If he catches up, can he be able to submit for the Golden Eagle Award next year?

With the popularity and reputation of "Latent" and "North Wind", it shouldn't be a big problem to be shortlisted, but "Night" and "Paper Drunken Gold" were kicked out by Magnolia and Feitian respectively, which made him a little confused, so he only took two The risk is still too high to hit the Grand Slam with just one play.

At least three bases are required!
We must not only defeat our competitors in quality, but also crush our competitors in quantity!

This is the experience he gained from the Magnolia and Feitian awards.

As for the "not talking about art and morality" jokes in the media and the Internet, as long as you win the Grand Slam, you can make up for the face you lost.

Back on the set, the two of them accepted another congratulations. Although Lin Yongjian only got one nomination, it was not easy, because nomination itself is a kind of recognition.

Afterwards, when Xu Rong saw it, Lin Yongjian really took a breath in his heart.

In the past, after filming, Lin Yongjian liked to call out to a few people and drink a few sips of wine to relieve fatigue.

But since he came back from the Fei Tian Awards Ceremony, although he was still happy and cheerful, he got off work and never mentioned drinking again.

Even if others called him, he never went again.

I don't know what to do in the room.

When he lost to Magnolia, Lin Yongjian had the Golden Eagle Award as a base, so he still had a bit of face, but now, Xu Rong is about to win the Grand Slam, especially the Magnolia and Feitian Awards, which are highly recognized professionally.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was the loss of the 60th Anniversary Outstanding Contribution Award. This is a great honor for any actor. Moreover, the first step is behind, and the next 70 and 80 anniversary will be outstanding. I am afraid it will be difficult to keep up with the contribution award.

When people are alive, they always have to fight for their breath.

"Director, I think Xinjie and I need a mother."

On the third day after returning to the crew, Lin Yongjian found Liu Jiang early in the morning with a serious face.

He is very aware of his problem. The role setting itself is templated and the way of handling it is not comprehensive enough. He didn't realize this at first, but during the reading of the script, he has already noticed it through comparison with Xu Rong, so Later, Xu Rong's brown glasses were snatched, and the three-dimensional sense of the character was enriched through external decoration.

Hearing Li Yongjian's proposal, Liu Jiang went numb, scratched his head, and said with a wry smile, "I just found you a wife, and you want a mother again. This, isn't it just a problem for me."

Lin Yongjian was a little anxious, and spoke a little faster, and said: "Director, this role is too flat. In such a big environment where everyone is thinking about how to make money, it is a little strange that he is devoted to the party and the country. To be honest, I feel that if you add filial piety, the whole character will rise immediately."

Liu Jiang looked at Huang Ke and asked, "What do you think?"

Huang Ke also rubbed his forehead with a wry smile, and said: "I think Teacher Lin's suggestion is good. I watched "Latent" again in the past two days. Its success is not only due to Yu Zecheng alone, Wu Jingzhong is greedy and annoying to his wife. The three-dimensional image of nagging, greedy for life and fear of death also played a big role."

Liu Jiang spread out his hands and said, "Okay, I just finished screaming, and I have to show my face to ask for help."

Tan Zhongshu's wife Lu Yijun doesn't have many roles. According to Liu Jiang's original statement, there is no need to spend money to find another actor, so he originally planned to let his wife Wang Tong take the top role.

But later Wang Tong became pregnant, and Lu Yijun's candidate has not been decided yet.

Because Liu Jiang didn't want to spend money.

It is impossible to be a white wolf with empty hands, you can only ask for face or favor.

When Liu Jiang was scratching his head again for Lin Yongjian's suggestion, an acquaintance of Xu Rong came to the crew.

"Mr. Xu, someone is visiting the class."

"Okay, here we come."

Xu Rong got up and came outside the studio. When he saw someone coming, he immediately smiled and said, "Director Du, what brought you here?"

The person who came to visit the set was none other than the director of the next play, Du Yuming.

Xu Rong's impression of him is neither friendly nor disgusting, because at the beginning, he was not as resistant as the producer Zhang Jian, nor as enthusiastic as the investors Zhou Bin and Hua Ming. .

But today, Du Yuming's attitude was as if he saw a relative. When he saw him coming out, he almost jogged. When he came to him, he said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Xu, congratulations."

"Thank you Director Du." Although Xu Rong was smiling, his heart was full of doubts. Today, Du Yuming's attitude was too abnormal, and his enthusiasm made him extremely uncomfortable.

Du Yuming pushed the gift box in his hand into his hand, and said: "I don't know if Teacher Xu likes a cup bought by a friend, so let's congratulate Teacher Xu for being honored by Feitian Shidi."

Xu Rong didn't pick it up, he didn't have much contact with Du Yuming, and he was a director, he was just an actor, so even if he gave a gift, it should be the other way around.

On his mouth, he still smiled and said: "Director Du, if you have anything to do, you may as well just say it. If I can help, I will try my best."

Du Yuming showed a grateful expression on his ferocious face, and said, "Then I won't waste your time, Mr. Xu. To make a long story short, the investor has appointed a new director."

He didn't say anything more, but the meaning was understood by both parties.

Xu Rong understood what was going on.

He did not get along with the producer Zhang Jian. Both Hua Ming and Zhou Xie knew this, but Du Yuming was a complete fool. Changing the director on his side would be of great help to his living environment in the crew. There will be major accidents such as resignation midway.

Xu Rong wanted to understand the cause and effect, so naturally he would not reject the kindness of Hua Ming and Zhou Yan, so he shook his head without hesitation and said, "Director Du, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to help this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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