Chapter 200
Du Yuming was born as an actor. Due to his personal image problem, he has a very narrow play path. He often plays supporting roles in film and television dramas. Together with Ji Chunhua, he is known as the "cold-faced pair of heroes".

Changing careers as a director is also using another method to transform and broaden the filming path, because under normal circumstances, those who ask him to film are given villains.

But no matter from which career, he was not considered successful.

As an actor, he has never portrayed a classic villain, and in the director industry, he has no outstanding works.

He is the epitome of thousands of practitioners in this industry.

In the end, Xu Rong decided to help him.

Because this guy said: "Mr. Xu, I will follow your orders if I join the group in the future."

Of course, he couldn't help him keep the director's position. The main reason was that he was worried about this guy's previous sloppy style.

Who knows if he will turn his face and deny anyone if he really joins the group, he can't take this risk, anyway, Du Yuming was recruited by Zhang Jian after all.

The next filming of "Snow Leopard" pinned his hope of hitting the grand slam of TV drama awards!
Executive director.

This is his promise.

Changing an executive director is a completely different price than changing a director. Changing a director just before the battle will damage the play itself. Changing an executive director is equivalent to bringing money into the crew. For him, there is no need to find a reason.

If it wasn't for the producer Zhang Jian himself being a screenwriter, he would have urged Hua Ming and Zhou Yi to change producers.

But now, the creative environment is good enough. There is a new director escorting the filming, and the producer is protecting other things. It’s okay if Zhang Jian is honest.

This is the most special feature of big names compared to other professions in the film and television industry. They have their own network resources.

Even the bosses of film and television companies do not have this advantage. Before preparing to shoot a movie, they have to find people one by one, and they can't find people based on their reputation. For example, when making romance films, Lin Chaoxian, who is good at action films, must not be brought in to make up the number.

In the final analysis, the most essential difference is that big names make money for others, while film and television companies make money for others.

Xu Rong casually handed the gift box that Du Yuming had brought to Wang Yaqin. He really didn't have much research on the lamp, and he didn't usually drink tea, so he didn't need it at all.

He was going to take it home and bring it back to the old man to serve with pickles when he went back to celebrate the New Year.

Just the right size.

Returning to the set with the front foot, Xu Rong was called over by Liu Jiang on the back foot.

To add drama.

The reason for adding drama is to plan to add an old lady.

Xu Rong looked at Liu Jiang and Huang Ke suspiciously, and asked, "Why, suddenly there is another mother?"

It's not that he objected to adding a few more scenes, but he was curious about Liu Jiang's original intention to suddenly increase the plot.

When he signed "Before Dawn", he calculated his pay per episode, unlike now, where he pays for it at a one-off price.

Lin Yongjian didn't let Liu Jiang and Huang Ke take the blame, and said, "Xinjie, that's it. I thought that if there were more than one mother, the role of Tan Zhongshu would be more three-dimensional."

Xu Rong pondered for a while and asked: "The dilemma of loyalty and filial piety?"

"Well, there are also considerations in this regard." Lin Yongjian stared at Xu Rongdao, "The main thing is that I feel that the role of Tan Zhongshu is too thin. Is there really such a person who only thinks about the party and the country and throws his head and blood for the committee?"

"There must be, but it is definitely a minority. I think it is because of having an extra mother that we can make our brotherhood more fulfilling, rather than a few thin asides."

Huang Ke also smiled and said: "Didn't you say that Hu Hanan's secretary at that time was doing the same job as Liu Xinjie. Everyone in the party and country knew about it, but no one dared to touch him. I think Mr. Lin's This proposal is very similar to what you said."

"Everyone suspects that you are an undercover agent, but even if the evidence is solid, no one dares to touch you, because you and Tan Zhongshu are half brothers. As long as Tan Zhongshu doesn't move you, you are safe."

Seeing the three of them staring at him nervously, Xu Rong suddenly smiled, and said, "No, it's just adding a few more scenes, director Liu, director, screenwriter, why are you looking at me like that, I have no objection, It's a good proposal."

Liu Jiang smiled and said, "Then who made you the biggest player in our group?"

He also gradually realized that Xu Rong has not changed much from the past even though Feitian and Bai Yulan are the emperor, so he joked as usual, saying: "The big shop bullies the customers, and the big customers bully the shop. To be honest, ever since "Latent" became popular, I have been afraid of what you think, after all, when I signed the contract, I didn't consider that you would be popular to the point where you are now, good guy, Shuangke Shidi in his twenties."

Xu Rong also smiled, and said, "Director, I didn't have any idea at first, but now that you said it, I have an idea. To be honest, if you add zero to my salary now, I might not even accept it."


Liu Jiang handed him a cigarette with a smile, looked down at his watch, and said, "In about half an hour, an actress I invited will come over to play Lu Yijun as a guest. At that time, Teacher Xu, you and I Go to greet me?"

"Who, with such a big score, Xinjie has to meet it?"

Liu Jiang didn't reveal it, but pretended to be mysterious and said: "You will know later."

When Xu Rong saw the person coming, the expression on his face changed for a while, and he thought, can't he?

As soon as Liu Jiang saw Xu Qing getting off the car, he hurriedly greeted him: "Teacher Xu, is the journey going well?"

Although several years have passed, time does not seem to have left the slightest trace on Aunt Xu's body. She is still dressed like that, with wavy curly hair and big black sunglasses. She is as slender as ever, and the dimples on her face are as sweet as ever: "It's okay .”

Xu Rong understood the meaning of Liu Jiang asking him to come out to greet her, and also took two steps forward, and said with a smile: "Sister, long time no see."

Since Aunt Xu went to the other side of the ocean the year before last, they had less contact. Even after returning last year, both of them were busy with their own affairs, and they didn't even have ordinary walking around.

It's not that he was swollen. After learning that Aunt Xu was back, he took the initiative to ask her out several times, but she refused on the grounds that she was busy with work.

Whether he was really busy or fake busy, he didn't know.

I can only sigh occasionally in my spare time, some people get busy while walking.

Aunt Xu's eyes were bent into crescent moons, she turned her head to look at him, and said, "Hello."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Xu followed Liu Jiang to the set, and said to Liu Jiang: "Director Liu, how poor is our crew? pay."


In between laughs, Liu Jiang quietly turned his head and looked at Xu Rong suspiciously. Xu Qing was invited by him with a straight face, but Liu Jiang knew very well that the reason why she agreed to be a cameo was largely because of her In the face of Xu Rong, the male number one, he just doesn't know what's going on today, why does it seem like he doesn't know Xu Rong?

He heard that Xu Qing was one of Xu Rong's nobles, and when he was in his infancy, he was taken care of by Xu Qing, which made him achieve what he is today.

When they arrived at the set, Xu Rong looked at Aunt Xu's back, moved closer to Liu Jiang, and said, "Director Liu, do you know what's going on?"

Liu Jiang scratched his head and asked in surprise: "Before she came, you didn't contact me? At that time, I said you were the male lead, so she agreed to act. Otherwise, you really think I have so much face?"

"No, I just found out that she is going to play a cameo."

Xu Rong frowned and shook his head lightly twice. He reckoned that Aunt Xu must be angry.

Because he still vaguely remembered that a few years ago, when she was angry, she looked like she was now, with a smile on her face, but the words on her mouth were neither close nor cold.

He just wanted to break his head, and he didn't figure out why. When and where did he offend her?
But for this beautiful but no longer young aunt who helped him, he still maintained the utmost patience, walked up to her, sat down, and asked, "Sister, what have you been up to lately?"

Aunt Xu didn't take off her sunglasses, she just tilted her head slightly, and said, "I'm preparing for a new movie, it's quite annoying, I have a big wrist, I said yes, I'm resigning, I don't know if I can still do it." Made it."

Hearing the dissatisfaction in her tone, Xu Rong immediately said: "This person's character is too bad, don't talk about wrists and wrists, he promised well, how can he just resign?!"

He knew that when a woman expresses her dissatisfaction with someone or something, what they need is not a rational analysis of who is right and who is wrong, or weak comfort, but hope that the listener can stand on the same side as her. In one camp, violently attack and criticize the other party verbally.

"It's really bad." Aunt Xu suddenly had two dimples on her face, as if she remembered something, she casually said, "By the way, the name of that movie is "Book with My Wife."


"Ahem." Xu Rong shook his neck and coughed a few times to cover up his sudden embarrassment.

The person who made the resignation was none other than Xu.

Movies are invested by the film industry.

"Hey, sister, actually, this matter, it's more complicated, isn't my contract expired?"

"Beep beep."

"Beep beep."

Aunt Xu answered the phone, her voice became softer immediately, and she said, "Hey, mom is here, are you obedient at home?"

Xu Rong looked at the radiance overflowing from Aunt Xu's face for a moment, and her expression gradually became weird, mother?
In the past two years, Aunt Xu got married secretly and gave birth to a baby?
However, considering her age, she immediately felt relieved. She was born with the life of a princess, and she also suffers from princess disease. It is a good thing to have a good home.

He once heard a statement from a female artist with a relatively pure image: At my age, if you say that you have never been in a relationship, would you believe it?

He knew a little bit about her emotional experience, which was quite bumpy, but in his opinion, in the final analysis, it was created by her personality.

After hanging up the phone, looking at Xu Rong's puzzled eyes, Aunt Xu said: "My adopted child always felt alone during the time he was abroad."

"Don't talk about me, let's talk about you, you have changed a lot in the past two years." Aunt Xu paused, and said with emotion, "I never thought about that kid who looked so stupid back then. , will come to where it is today.”

"Huh?" Xu Rong looked at her and asked uncertainly, "Small, kid?"

"Didn't you call me aunt before?"

"Hey, I admitted the wrong person that time."

Aunt Xu took off her glasses, pointed at him, and said, "It's more than one time. In the filming of "Forgiveness", you also yelled when you drank too much."

"Impossible!" Xu Rong was not sure if what she said was true or if she was simply deceiving him, but she still said without hesitation, "I never thought about it that way."

"Ha ha."

Before October [-]st, after nearly three months of filming, the crew of "Before Dawn" officially wrapped up.

At the wrap-up banquet, the producer Luo Liping put his arms around Xu Rong's shoulders, and said earnestly: "Brother, really, can you just ask me to return your favor?"

Xu Rong smiled wryly, although after the Chinese New Year, he only had one drama in his hands that was short of an investment of [-] million yuan, but he had to leave enough time for himself.

Because next year, his contract will expire, so as long as he chooses to be affiliated, he won't have to worry about not receiving big-budget movies.

He picked up the wine glass and said: "Brother, dear brother, you have urged me eight times. This book is really a good book, and I like it very much, but"

"Excuse me, I'll take a call."

When Xu Rong came back from the bathroom with his mobile phone, Luo Liping said: "Brother, think again, really, this drama, let me tell you, is definitely comparable to "Bright Sword"."

Xu Rong picked up the wine glass, touched it, and asked, "When will it be turned on?"

Luo Liping was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and asked, "Next year?"

He knew that since Xu Rong asked when to turn on the machine, he must have the intention to continue, and he couldn't talk to death.

He wasn't curious why it was just a phone call, Xu Rong immediately changed his attitude, but it didn't matter, as long as Xu Rong answered.

With Xu Rong's current small screen appeal, once the project is approved, he estimates that he will be able to sign an agreement with the TV station immediately.

"That's it." Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "If it starts up at the beginning of next year, I will take it."

Without even thinking about it, Luo Liping said: "Yes, the beginning of the next year will be the beginning of the next year!"

"You are familiar with Lao Liu, and you let Lao Liu come."

Liu Jiang was watching happily, and when he heard Luo Liping's words, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and asked, "Really?"

The current Xu Rong is completely different from when he was looking for it two years ago. At that time, Xu Rong was just a new front-line worker. Now, he is a gold stone in the TV drama industry. With Xu Rong as the background, even if the filmed It's really bad, and the ratings are not too bad.

"Come on, take one."

The wine entered his throat, but Xu Rong's heart was full of bitterness. The reason why he took it was nothing else. China Television sent an invitation for a spy war drama.

For other types of dramas that must be broadcast on CCTV, he must read the book first, but now, there is absolutely no second word about spy wars.

But it’s not easy to refuse explicitly, not to mention that his dream of a grand slam has not yet come true, he is only in his twenties, and he will grow up in the future.
Schedule is the best reason for rejection.

(End of this chapter)

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