I'm just an actor

Chapter 201 Markets

Chapter 201 Markets
Regarding Xu Rong's "accidental" position at the Feitian Awards and the subsequent disruption to her plan, Jin Fangfang did not complain to herself or others. In her subconscious, she was mentally prepared for the situation at that time of.

She couldn't understand Xu Rong's decision to apply for Renyi. As his agent, the first job she did when she stepped into this industry was to analyze his character.

Without humility, she should be one of the people who knows him best in the world. Except for his concept of mate selection and aesthetics, which is always a bit uncertain, she can guess everything else.

Before Xu Rong decided to apply for Renyi, she went to Renyi to watch a drama.

Because she knew very well that Xu Rong would never apply for the exam just because of Wu Gang's invitation.

She doesn't understand acting, and like most actors, she can't keep looking up to Renyi. In her impression, Renyi is just a world-class theater, ordinary, nothing more.

But she knows how to watch plays.


This was the name of the play she went to see, a play that had caused a huge sensation in Europe and America.

After watching it, she had nothing to do, and looked for the Broadway version to take a second look.

Although the script is the same script, the plays are two very different plays.

She vaguely understood Xu Rong's thoughts.

The moment she felt that she had figured out his purpose, she suddenly felt that the image of Xu Rong in her heart was almost infinitely elevated.

But she knew better that if she guessed right, Xu Rong's idea would not be realized overnight, nor could it be realized in three to five years, it might take a lifetime of hard work.

She thought about how she could help him, but in the end, she found that she couldn't help him at all. She didn't know how to act at all, and she was slightly fat, and she didn't have the potential to be an actor, because once she entered the camera, she was very Maybe it will change from a little fat paper to a big fat paper.

She finally decided to escort him in the way she is good at. In the past, Xu Rong was not well-known and needed a lot of dramas to attract the attention of the audience, but now it is no longer necessary.

Regardless of the audience or the market, he is allowed to have one TV or movie masterpiece in two or even three years, instead of four or five bad movies a year.

After returning to work, Jin Fangfang felt that the fat on her newly grown belly began to burn crazily.

But she didn't make it right away.

She just ate a lot of snacks, and she wanted to wait until later, after the energy cycle was completed, to give herself a small surprise.

Many people in the company are talking behind her back that she is a workaholic. All she thinks about is work, work, work, but because of work, she can wear different clothes every day, and she is happy or unhappy. You can go and see where you want to go.

Loneliness would corrupt most women, but not her.

After returning to her field of expertise, she felt as if she had become a shark swimming in the deep sea.

Recently, especially after Xu Rong was crowned Feitian Shidi, she not only helped Xu Rong deal with various names and titles that came in, but also started to revise Xu Rong's development plan.

After careful analysis, she suddenly realized that perhaps, this is not a bad thing.

Based on past events, she keenly sensed that the perfect opportunity to get involved in the big screen had come.

A movie that may or may not be.

In fact, she also understands that even if she does nothing, Xu Rong, as the winner of the 60th Anniversary Outstanding Contribution Award in the TV drama field, and also an actor of Renyi, if the movie is really approved, he will definitely get a lot of roles in the end Role.

But "a lot of scenes" is not her goal.

She knew a little about Sun Li's winning of the Outstanding Contribution Award. Of course, several popular works were one aspect, but the company's contacts also played a key role.

She flipped through the address book, and finally found another strange name.

Thanks to the popularity of "Latent", in the past six months, her address book has added many people she needed to look up to in the past.

Celebrities have their own network resources, and as Xu Rong's manager, she represents Xu Rong to a certain extent, and she can also use these resources.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, she finally put down her phone.

She is going to pay a personal visit tomorrow.

Under the same night, Xu Rong rubbed his sleepy eyes, got up on the bed, and arrived home at noon today, he didn't do anything else, just fell asleep for a long time.

This time is a little tired.

After the Spring Festival this year, he hasn't had much rest.

Reciprocity between relatives and friends, celebrations, promotional activities for new products of related brands, some trifles involved in joining Renyi, learning, etc., all consume his already tense time, and usually, he has to prepare for shooting play, read the script.

He became more and more curious about how those actors who starred in four or five plays a year, and shot magazines, appeared on shows, and recorded commercials everywhere did it.

After washing up, he walked slowly into the kitchen, and just walked to the refrigerator to see what else to eat, only to find a note on the door of the cabinet: Teacher Xu, I'm from Fei, I'll give you the food You bought it, remember to eat on time, don't miss me too much (smiley face).

Classmate Xiao Zhang took advantage of the October holiday and went home.

Since coming here at the beginning of the year, she hasn't gone back to visit her old father for more than half a year.

He smiled and tore off the note and put it in his pocket, guessing maliciously that classmate Xiao Zhang was definitely afraid that he would steal the snacks she had stored.

He just opened the refrigerator and looked at a cabinet full of vegetables, meat, eggs and other ingredients. He was a little dumbfounded. When did Xiao Zhang develop the habit of buying goods?
The freezer has double doors, can it really be done in one trip?
After dinner, Xu Rong came to the study and opened his notebook, but after sitting and thinking for a long time, he realized that there was not much to summarize.

In the process of shaping Liu Xinjie, although there were some new ideas, he did not break away from the original pattern, nor did he make a significant breakthrough in technology.

He has gone far enough in shaping the character of the spy war, and every small step forward becomes more difficult.

Sighing lightly, he closed the notebook and put it back on the bookshelf. Xu Rong walked out of the study with a water glass in his hand.

He originally wanted to sit on the terrace for a while, but when he walked to the stairs, he was suddenly a little uncomfortable in the huge empty house.

In the past, he was not afraid of being alone, and he was used to it, but now, he is surrounded by all kinds of people with smiling faces, chattering, bustling, and completely quiet all of a sudden, but he is not used to it up.

He took a sip of water, went back to the study, and walked out after a while, with a book in his armpit, went downstairs and entered the gym.

It's a good thing to be alone with someone who is mentally strong.

He can devote his energy to the things he loves.

In the evening, he asked Liu Yanming and Zhao Junkai to have dinner together.

At his current stage, what is needed is no longer just to hone his skills, but to meet different people and experience different things to lay a solid foundation for the "truth" of the performance.

Liu Yanming is a workaholic. He usually arrives at the company at [-]:[-] in the morning and gets off work at [-]:[-] in the evening. He has to read every script of Hairun carefully, and decides which one to shoot and which one not to shoot.

He seldom made mistakes in his judgment. Xu Rong had heard from him before that none of the plays produced by Hairun had lost money.

This is not easy in the TV drama market.

Because every year more than half of the dramas are not sold at all, and nearly half of the dramas that are sold do not get stars.

Although there is the blessing of Hairun's own reputation, but on the other hand, it is also due to Liu Yanming's precise judgment.

It's been like this for 20 years.

As a result, the entire group has formed a habit. Except for Liu Yanming, all the people can just execute. As for thinking and decision-making, there is the chairman.

Everyone is used to what the chairman points out.

Of course, there are more assertive ones, such as Chang Jihong.

But when Liu Yanming made a mistake in his judgment, or his vision couldn't keep up with the market, then the whole group fell into the current situation. Every movie was making money, but it was difficult to produce hits.

In addition to being a workaholic, Liu Yanming is also an alcoholic.

Every other day or two, he invites a few friends out to drink red wine. In his opinion, this is one of the few reasons why he can leave the office and go out to relax.

As soon as they met, Liu Yanming smiled and said: "Xu Rong, you really need a driver, okay, ask me out for dinner, let me treat you, and I have to send a car to pick you up."

"It's not worth it, and it's not like running around all day." Xu Rong also smiled, glanced at the restaurant and said, "Chairman, I thought you would take me to experience the capital club."

The place Liu Yan chose is an old western restaurant with a history of more than 30 years.

He had brought his classmate Xiao Zhang to this place before, and he could get enough food for 500 yuan per person.

"Haha, next time next time."

Zhao Junkai interjected, and said, "Old Liu, if you really go, don't forget to take me with you."


After sitting down, Liu Yanming said with emotion: "You really made a bad start."

Xu Rong looked at him in surprise, and asked, "What do you say?"

Zhao Junkai said: "It's not because of the broadcast of "Latent". Before, Dragon TV made a zero-point premiere in order to brush up the ratings records. Do you remember this?"

Xu Rong nodded and said, "I remember."

He was very impressed with this matter, and it was precisely because the four premiere TV stations tore up their faces that the looting of "Latent" by major domestic TV stations started.

Zhao Junkai sighed and said: "Actually speaking, it has nothing to do with you. Dragon TV's doing this has completely disrupted the entire TV drama market. Originally, although there is no agreement in black and white between TV stations on how to broadcast, they are all heartfelt. Unspoken unspoken rules, what are unspoken rules for? They are used to be followed, not to be broken.”

Liu Yanming handed him the menu and asked, "Look at what you want to eat, and order whatever you want."

Xu Rong took it, and said: "When I came, I told Assistant Zhang that the chairman's dinner today must be slaughtered, this good guy, even if he eats his belly, he won't be able to eat a thousand. "

"Haha, you can't eat, you can drink more, wine is much more expensive than food."

Xu Rong ordered two dishes, handed the menu to Zhao Junkai, and asked, "Is the impact of this matter serious?"

Liu Yanming smiled wryly, and said: "The impact is much more serious than you think. In the past, TV stations were purchased in the form of pre-orders based on the previous production level of the production company. Each TV station will also be based on its own characteristics. To pre-order different types of films, it was basically the same last year, which belongs to a relatively healthy market ecology.”

"But these rules are not followed now, and the selling price is getting higher and higher, but the general quality of TV dramas is uneven, which makes TV stations distrust pre-orders."

Seeing that Xu Rong was puzzled, Liu Yanming explained: "Because every producer must have picked it up before shooting. On the other hand, the increase in production costs also led to an increase in the selling price. As a result, the TV station spent a lot of money to get it. When it arrived, I saw it was different from what I thought, and I couldn’t say no, I had to say yes, otherwise, wouldn’t I be a fool if I bought a bad movie at a sky-high price?”

"So, now many TV stations have given up pre-ordering, just sit and watch, which movie is good, and the swarm will go up." Liu Yanming looked at him and asked, "Do you think this is not serious?"

Xu Rong couldn't help but gasp when he heard this. According to Liu Yan, when the market was "healthy" last year, half of the TV dramas produced in China were not sold, so according to the current "sick" form, then How much?
Sixty percent, or even more?
This kind of situation will only form a vicious circle. The producers desperately reduce costs and keep up with hot spots. For example, an old mother’s [-]th birthday will make an anti-Japanese war film to death, and the cost reduction will inevitably bring about a decline in quality. If you buy one, you can earn back all that you can't sell.

The famous general Liu Yan poured Xu Rong the wine, and said: "Actually, the random broadcast of "Latent" is just an inducement. The root cause of the problem is the entry of quick money, which has led to a comprehensive decline in the overall production level of TV dramas."

"But the results of this phenomenon have to be viewed from two sides. It is not beneficial to the production company or the TV station, because when you find a good film, others will also find it. If you buy it at that time, the price will be sky-high."

"But on the other hand, there are also some companies that choose the best book and focus on one play a year. Once the funds are in place and the film is produced, there will be no problem at all for three to five years, just like you did before. Dongyang that we have worked with.”

Seeing Xu Rong nodded, Liu Yanming continued: "This kind of phenomenon is extremely unfriendly to artists, especially those who are not well-known. For an actor like you who stands at the top of the industry pyramid, it will form an extreme accumulation of resources, because your business level and popularity can guarantee the quality of the finished film."

"Actually, to put it bluntly, the 27 of you who won the Feitian Award for Outstanding Contribution will monopolize nearly half of the industry's resources."

At this point, Xu Rong fully understood the purpose of Liu Yanming's words, and asked, "If you say so, shouldn't I give up the TV drama market?"

"That's right, we have to experiment with movies, and the TV drama market can't be released either. This kind of chaos will definitely not be resolved in a short while. Many funds are now focusing on our industry. It can be said that this market, as long as If there is no policy rectification, in fact it cannot be rectified, let’s put it this way, as long as the separation of production and broadcasting still exists, the TV drama industry will only become more and more friendly to you.”

Xu Rong nodded. He didn't doubt Liu Yanming's words, but he still needed to investigate and collect some of the data.

From the feeling, he believed that Liu Yanming would not fool him with such an easily exposed lie.

After going around in a big circle, the topic has never left the conflict of interests between the two parties. Since he can't give up the TV drama industry and also has to take into account the movie market, the scope of his next move will be much narrowed.

As the leader in the TV drama market, Hairun, who has started to make efforts in the film market, must become one of his alternatives.

I have to say that ginger is still old and spicy.

(End of this chapter)

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