I'm just an actor

Chapter 202 The Furnace

Chapter 202
"Xu Rong, you have to practice your drinking capacity. If you have time, go to my office and sit down. Let's continue talking."

"Haha, definitely."

Xu Rong stood at the gate of the community, looking at the two circles of red dots that were fading away in the dark night, and did not go back immediately.

Today, Liu Yanming not only described the good fortune of leading TV drama actors in the future, but also discussed a new point of view for judging the quality of scripts.

Different from Shi Lanya's opinion that "whatever the society needs, the relevant themes must be hot." Liu Yanming believes that no matter what the theme is, the core must be the story. As long as the story is attractive, then whether it is set in modern times, the Republic of China or The shells of ancient costumes can achieve good results.

That is to say, the script, the script, the foundation of a play.

According to Liu Yanming's thesis, after the old mother's [-]th birthday passes, costume dramas will inevitably rise again.

Because the policy has a wider range of standards for costume dramas, screenwriters can be bolder when writing stories.

Regardless of Shi Lanya's statement or Liu Yanming's conclusion, he did not believe it, nor did he fully believe it.

As for who is right and who is wrong, he will search for relevant data and facts to verify, and then accept it selectively.

The scariest thing about being a human being is that you accept everything you see and hear that seems to make sense, and you end up being brainwashed.

What is more frightening than that is to firmly hold on to one's inherent views in the past, insisting that one is always right, and that once other people's opinions disagree with one's own cognition, they are undoubtedly wrong.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Rong didn't talk about contract renewal with Liu Yanming, nor did he mention the movie, but from the attitudes of each other, he got the answer to the question.

The next morning, as soon as Xu Rong walked out, he saw the windows of a Volvo parked at the door down.

Wang Yaqin's mouth was swollen, she poked her head out of the car window, and waved at him vaguely: "Mr. Xu, this way, this way."

Xu Rong walked over and asked, "Why are you here?"

Wang Yaqin swallowed the breakfast in her mouth, and then said: "Sister Fangfang asked me to come here, saying that you are going to Renyi today, and let me pick you up."

Xu Rong said "Oh", probably it was Liu Yanming's arrangement, because when Jin Fangfang asked him last time, he told her that he didn't need a driver for the time being.

Even if he goes to the courtyard, it is only temporary. After he graduates from the "returning class", he will re-invest in the preparation of the new play.

The theater is quite tolerant of this, especially for actors who do not hold management positions, as long as they participate in the rehearsals and performances on time, generally no one will intervene.

After getting into the car, he looked at Wang Yaqin who was skilfully running around in front of him. He was quite curious and asked, "Yaqin, have you ever driven a car before?"

"I've driven it before. I can drive two-wheeled, three-wheeled, and four-wheeled cars. Although they are all owned by others, I really like driving. But the first time I drove it, it was a gift for someone. I accidentally smashed the rearview mirror of a new car in the company, haha." Her voice was much lighter than usual, "Mr. Xu, when you buy a sports car in the future, can you let me drive it too?" ?”

"Haha, okay, but you have to wait for me to earn the money to buy a sports car first."

While smiling, he planned to make a red envelope for Jin Fangfang and Wang Yaqin before the Chinese New Year this year.

The salaries of both of them are paid by the company, but after all, they are doing things for him. Both of them have a strong sense of responsibility, but the sense of responsibility cannot satisfy their hunger after all, and it is not more effective than the stimulation of subjective initiative.

During the filming, every once in a while, he would give Wang Yaqin some pocket money to buy some urgently needed supplies.

She would record every expense she made in her notebook, and when a play was finished, she would return the account and the remaining money to him.

Each time, he neither looked at the odd accounts nor took the money.

As for whether Wang Yaqin was out of sincerity or deliberate, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it.

He only judged the good and evil of her actions, not the words or motives.

Furthermore, the assistant's income is really not high, and she works day and night all day long. If she has no other interests, it is not guaranteed that she will leave one day or do something desperate.

He ate meat and had to make people drink a bowl of soup.

At the gate of the courtyard, before Xu Rong got out of the car, he held the car door and said, "Slow down on the road and pay attention to safety."


After getting out of the car, Xu Rong was wearing a black shirt, slacks, and carrying a brand new notebook, standing in front of the main gate of Renyi.

Actually speaking, today is the beginning of his career as an actor.

This is the birthplace of realistic performances. In the past, it was a sanctuary for domestic actors, and there are active artists who are regarded as myths in the industry.

Looking at the eight large characters on the stone tablet at the door, Xu Rong couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness. Following the death of Mr. Ouyang, Mr. Lin Liankun, who was known as the "spirit of human art and drama", also passed away a month ago.

As the older generation drifted away, the glory of human art faded away.

It is undeniable that film and television have had a huge impact on the dialogue drama industry with its low prices and cheap methods. Many people have never watched a complete drama in their entire lives.

Dramas and movies have a certain similarity, except that one is on the stage and the other is presented on the screen, but in essence, they both tell stories in specific scenes, but one takes one shot to the end, and the other is edited one by one made.

"Why don't you go in?"

When Xu Rong was feeling emotional, Pu Cunxi, who was wearing a black baseball cap, came to him, saw him standing at the door but didn't go in, and asked curiously.

Xu Rong turned his head slightly, raised his chin towards the engraved stone tablet at the door, and said with a smile: "Looking at this stone tablet, I feel a little stressed."

When Pu Cunxi heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and the smile became more and more intense. At the end, he stretched out his hand and patted Xu Rong's shoulder twice, saying: "It's okay to be under pressure. Let's go. I will come more often in the future. If you want to see it, don't worry about it now."


With the sound of a shutter, Xu Rong hurriedly turned his head, only to see Xu Fan smiling and waving the phone in his hand.

Song Dandan, who was standing next to her, looked at Xu Rong who was stunned, and joked, "Oh, isn't this Mr. Xu, it's not easy to see you once."

"Teacher Song is joking." Xu Rong smiled wryly. He joined the job in July. Although he said he had been here a few times before, it was only today that he officially clocked in for work.

After speaking, he looked at Xu Fan again and asked, "Mr. Xu, who were you just now?"

"Look at your chat and leave a group photo for you."

Xu Rong nodded lightly. He doesn't like Xu Fan very much, not because she is Feng Xiaogang's wife, but because she has grown up at the bottom of his aesthetics, especially her whiny voice.

There is no reason, purely inexplicable dislike.

"Let's go, let's talk first."

While walking, Pu Cunxi said: "You were delayed a while ago, but you still have to go to the reheating class. Due to some special reasons, Teacher Zhu Xu and Teacher Zheng Rong will take turns taking you."

Xu Rong turned his head in astonishment, and asked uncertainly: "Teacher Zhu and Teacher Zheng, take me one of them?"

"Well, are you honored?"

Xu Rong originally thought that Zhu Xu should be the one to take care of him, because of Mr. Li Xuejian, Zhu Xu is the most suitable old man to take him.

But what happened to Mr. Zheng?

It's a popular science class, isn't it?
Renyi has the style and tradition of Renyi. For example, after a newcomer is admitted to the hospital, he will first be guided by the old gentleman to learn about the history of the academy, the style of the repertoire, the style of performance, etc., and then start from watching the play, playing the role, playing supporting roles, and playing the leading role.

This is a very important process, because the performance of Renyi itself has its own system, and the students of Chinese opera can get familiar with it relatively quickly after they come in, because half of the Chinese opera today is based on Renyi.

This involves two old incidents. One is that the Chinese Opera Repertory Troupe was merged into Renyi more than 50 years ago. The second is that in the past, Chinese opera studies and research were all foreign drama systems. As a result, people questioned: Among you Drama is the study of Western drama, so are there any nationalized, our own things?

After this incident, Renyi formally entered into a marriage with China Opera.

Although his treatment today is not as good as that of Vice President Ren Ming, it is not far behind.

After Ren Ming graduated from Chinese Opera, the brotherly units of Chinese Opera and Renyi almost tore their skins apart in order to grab Ren Ming, a future star.

The Chinese Opera wanted Ren Ming to stay at the school to teach, saying that he would not let him go, Lin Liankun, the deputy dean of arts and arts, had no choice but to run over to ask for the files in person.

But even though he gave up his face and brought the file over, he was detained by Zhongxi.

For this reason, Yu Zhi, the vice president at the time, had no choice but to write a personal letter to the director of the Chinese Opera, and only then did he get him.

After entering the hospital, Ren Ming was carried and escorted by a group of old seniors. In order to let him stay with peace of mind, as soon as he entered the hospital, Lin Liankun played the leading role in the play he directed.

For a newcomer director, this is simply a great compliment.

But this was just the beginning. Then, Ren Ming was nominated as a member of the art committee after one year of employment, and was promoted to be the vice president of human arts four years later.

And Ren Ming also lived up to the expectations of the seniors, maintaining the reputation of Renyi with dozens of works with different styles.

"Honour, honor." Xu Rong smiled shyly, but in his heart, he was really not honored at all.

There is even an urge to turn around and walk away, this is too much pressure.

In the field of actors, there is a saying that a good drama actor may not be able to act well in film and television dramas, but if a film and television actor has no training on the stage of drama, he will definitely not be able to act in drama.

Xu Rong does not deny this, because in theaters, especially small theaters, the distance between the audience and the actors is only a few meters or even one meter, and every subtle expression and movement of the actors will fall on the audience exactly in the eyes.

And it’s not just three or five minutes to finish the performance, but more than two hours in a row, the memorization of thousands of words of lines is just the foundation of the foundation, and the words must be said and acted well, which requires extremely solid skills. Basic skills and strong psychological quality.

He doesn't have much stage experience, so he can act, but it's basically impossible to say that he can act well.

Most importantly, he has no time.

It was Zhu Xu who taught him on the first day. The old man is much kinder today, but his face is quite long, with big bags under his eyes. When he is not smiling, even if he is kind, his kindness is limited. When the old man saw him coming, She pursed her lips and said, "Go, go to the rehearsal hall, we two will talk as we walk."

Glancing at the notebook and pen in Xu Rong's hand, the old man nodded his forehead and said, "Don't write it down in the notebook, but keep it in your mind."

"it is good."

The old man walked slowly, pointing to the photos and stills in the corridor, and said: "Our theater used to be a comprehensive theater troupe. Later, after merging with the Chinese Opera and Repertory Troupe, the old director proposed to build an international theater like the Moscow Art Theater." First-class drama theater, we have achieved it, but we have not achieved it."

"We have established our own drama system and created classics. By the way, what do you think is a classic?" Zhu Xu said, turning his head suddenly and asked.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said, "Is the audience willing to spend money to watch it?"

"Wrong, audiences can still remember 30 or 50 years later." Zhu Xu shook his head, pointing to the stills of "Wotou Guild Hall" on the wall, "No matter how many tickets are sold or how much the audience likes it now, they can't It's called a classic."


"Since it has become a classic, there is no need to improve it. Since there is no improvement or improvement, is there room for improvement?" Zhu Xu spoke slowly, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to remember, "So, no matter when, Don’t regard your plays as classics, and don’t believe what other people say about your plays as classics, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a drama or a film and television drama.”

Xu Rong nodded, and said: "I understand, co-authoring is the second before I kick my legs, can I tell myself that my play is classic?"

Zhu Xu turned his head in astonishment, stared at him scorchingly, and said, "Has Xue Jian ever whipped you?"

"Hi." Xu Rong laughed twice, "I'll just say it casually, just say it casually."

In front of the rehearsal hall, Zhu Xu pushed open the door. The most eye-catching thing was not the dozens of people inside, standing or sitting, eating steamed buns and fried dough sticks with soy milk, but the four big characters on the wall that read "The drama is bigger than the sky" .

Zhu Xu pointed to the words on the wall and asked, "Here, what do you think of these four words?"

Xu Rong really wanted to say "see with your eyes", but he knew that if he said that, Zhu Xu might not be able to scold him half of the court.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "Treat with the most rigorous attitude."

Zhu Xu shook his head first, then nodded again, and said: "The reason why these four words are written inside the door, but not outside the door, is to tell everyone the artist, not to say that the play is really better than The sky is big, but you have entered this place, this rehearsal hall, you are an actor and one of the creators, so you have to treat the show as a big thing."

Xu Rong nodded his head a few times, pointed with a pen to the people who were still having breakfast in the rehearsal hall, and asked in a low voice, "Master, are these all from our theater?"

Zhu Xu's mouth squirmed twice, but in the end, he only let out a long sigh: "How can there be such old people in our courtyard?"

(End of this chapter)

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