I'm just an actor

Chapter 203 Glory

Chapter 203 Glory
Hearing Zhu Xu's sigh, Xu Rong thought for a while, and vaguely guessed some reasons.

Someone who is not a human artist, but able to enter the rehearsal hall to watch the rehearsal must have come here through various relationships.

If Xiao Zhang didn't come home, maybe he would bring her here today.

He turned his head, looked at the old man, and asked, "What's in line today?"

"Wotou Clubhouse."

"Oh." Xu Rong suddenly realized that this is a tribute play just launched in the theater. Its premiere more than a month ago caused quite a stir in the industry.

In order to continue to produce classics, Renyi has always been particularly strict about the script, and because the drama itself can use less technology and is highly dependent on scripts and actors, it has also formed a feature that the status of screenwriters is much higher than that of film and television screenwriters.

"Yo, Teacher Zhu, Xiao Xu, where are you?"

Pu Cunxi pushed open the door and saw Zhu Xu standing in the rehearsal hall with Xu Rong, he was stunned and asked.

Zhu Xu turned his head, glanced at Xu Rong, saw the look of hope on his face, and asked, "Let's not turn around now, take a look?"

Of course Xu Rong would not refuse, and said, "Okay."

Zhu Xu was happy, and said meaningfully to Pu Cunxi who was about to come in: "Xiao Pu, you can arrange it well."

Pu Cunxi nodded with a smile and said, "Naturally."

As he spoke, his feet stopped, as if he remembered something, he said: "You wait here first, I'll see if everyone is here."

Then, without looking back, he walked back, reached the door, and closed the door behind him.

After the door was closed tightly, Pu Cunxi immediately trotted all the way, blocked Xu Fan and Song Dandan who were coming towards him in the corridor, and said, "Mr. Zhu wants to take Xu Rong to watch the rehearsal. Come on, I have to show my real skills."

Xu Fan's eyes widened slightly, and he joked, "Really capable? How real? Then let's go to the theater."

"Success, your suggestion is good." Pu Cunxi thought for a while, took off his hat, and said in a ball, "I'll call and see if I can call everyone over."

Now is the holiday period, and the staff of other departments are on vacation.

"Then you will have to pay overtime pay later."

"I know."

When Pu Cunxi strode away, Xu Fan turned his head and glanced in the direction of the rehearsal hall, he couldn't help but laugh: "Hey, no, I was just joking, and he took it seriously. Hey, you said, is it worth it?"

Song Dandan spread his hands and said, "I'm going to retire next year. He's three years younger than me, and that's what's in front of me. Do you think he can take it easy?"

The two of them walked back while they were talking. Since they were performing in a theater, they had to change their clothes and make up. Song Dandan sighed as he walked, "We shouted all day long, 'Adhering to the tradition of human art and continuing to write new glory. ’, the tradition has been carried on, but the new glory has not seen much, we are better this time, go on, look, on stage, there is not even a show.”

Xu Fan blinked his eyes and asked, "If it doesn't work out, wouldn't it be a big joke?"

"Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Anyway, these old gentlemen in our hospital are now treating him as a life-saving straw. You don't know. A while ago, in order to fight over who took Xu Rong, Mr. Zheng and Mr. Zhu, Those who yelled, if it wasn't for Ren Yuan's agreement, they would have to roll up their sleeves and fight."

In just half an hour, all the staff from various departments in the courtyard were assembled, but not all of them were arts and crafts, some of them were borrowed by Pu Cunxi speaking Mandarin.

Anyway, I have done similar things in the past, not to mention technical personnel such as lighting, sound, and stage design. Even actors, they often borrow from other companies.

Xu Rong waited in the rehearsal hall for a long time, but he didn't see half of the crew of "Wotou Guild Hall", so he couldn't help asking: "Master, I have always wondered about one thing, that is, why doesn't the academy increase the income of the actors? , so that everyone doesn’t have to shoot TV or movies?”

Zhu Xu looked at him in surprise, and said, "Aren't you a film and television actor? Why do I hear what you mean? You seem to have a prejudice against your own industry?"

"No, you're just spitting blood. Why should I be prejudiced against myself?" Xu Rong maintained respect for Zhu Xu, but he was not polite when speaking.

He realized early on that people might not like it if they were always respectful to these old seniors. In terms of seniority, he belonged to the third generation, but because of the relationship between Li Xuejian and Zhu Xu, there was no way to talk about it that way. Otherwise, the courtyard would not have arranged for Zhu Xu to take him.

Zhu Xu said: "I think you have some misunderstandings. There is no enmity between drama and film and television, and there is no enmity between drama actors and film and television actors. No one will take another's job. And there is no harm in trying different ways of acting."

"I very much agree with the decision of the courtyard. 365 days a year, it is best to spend half of it in the courtyard and the other half to shoot movies or TV dramas."

Zhu Xu said, pointing to the upstairs, and said: "Let's go, go to the fourth floor, and go to the museum. I'll tell you about the play in our theater, and tell you about the past along the way."

Xu Rong asked: "Didn't you watch the rehearsal?"

Zhu Xu smiled and said, "Don't worry, if you haven't come here yet, then you won't be here for a while. I reckon that we can go to the theater and see them later."

While walking, Zhu Xu asked indifferently: "Xiao Xu, does your school usually rehearse a lot?"

"It's okay." Xu Rong also thought it was just an ordinary chat. "When I was in school, I was usually busy. I didn't participate in the performances organized by the school. I played a role with a lot of roles in the graduation performance."

Xu Rong knew very well that in terms of performances in Chinese opera, he always looked down on his own school, counting forward to Kaikai, among the art schools in the capital, his own school is a younger brother.

As the source of Chinese opera theory and practice, Renyi is even more so.

Zhu Xu said slowly: "Your acting style is very interesting."


Zhu Xu turned his head and glanced at him, and asked, "Do you know why all of us who could come came on the day of your exam?"

"Actually, I'm also curious about this point. Your style is very similar to human art, and it is more artistic than those from the co-organized class." Zhu Xu smiled, "It's like "Bright Sword", your Wei Wei The monk is very talented."

Xu Rong understood what he meant, and the co-organized class refers to the co-organized class of Renyi and Chinese Opera in 04. The Chinese Opera will enroll students in the college entrance examination, and the Chinese Opera and Renyi will teach jointly. art.

Looking back at the original decision now, I am an idiot.

It's just that when he thought about the old man's words carefully, he tasted something wrong. Renyi's style is realism, which requires the actors' performance to be close to the living reality.

The Monk Wei played by someone has a taste for art. No matter how you listen to it, it doesn't sound like a good word. The co-author is clearly saying that he was either a master of technology at that time, or he was just stupid.

But he couldn't tell the truth, and said: "I have watched your plays since I was a child, and it may have a greater impact."

Zhu Xu didn't ask the question, because he knew that if he asked, Xu Rong would be able to roughly reenact the content of some classic plays he performed.

"I heard from Xuejian that your real character is not like this?"

"It's influenced by the atmosphere. To be honest, I've seen quite a few people at Xiaopu's level, but it's the first one who's as unassuming as him."

"Xiao Pu?" Zhu Xu laughed twice, "You really dare to shout, I think you are not far from death."

"What our grandfather said can still be given to outsiders"

Xu Rong's voice gradually fell, because Zhu Xu glared at him again with big bags under his eyes.

"Wotou Guild Hall" tells the story of several families struggling at the bottom of society in a small courtyard named "Wotou Guild Hall" one year before the liberation of Peking.

This was the most serious rehearsal that Xu Rong had ever seen. The actors were all in makeup, and the stage was also a stage for performances. The props and lighting that should be there were all there.

If it weren't for him, Zhu Xu, and director Lin Zhaohua in the audience, it would be almost the same as a serious performance.

In his heart, Xu Rong didn't think that his skills were much worse than He Yan, Pu Cunxi, Yang Lixin, Song Dandan and Xu Fan on stage, so when watching, he was quite relaxed.

During this period of time, he mainly came to "return to the furnace", as for other things, he was purely watching the excitement.

He has already made up his mind, and in a short time, he will be an entertainer with peace of mind.

What changed his impression was the second act, a scene of a quarrel between Tian Cuilan played by Song Dandan and Jin Murong played by Xu Fan.

The two of them sat on the stage with their legs crossed, and He Yan, who played the head of the court, stood between the two of them to persuade them to make peace.

After the previous scenes, Xu Rong already had a clear judgment on Song Dandan and Xu Fan's professional ability. Song Dandan's level was higher than Xu Fan's.

She plays a lot.

When the words of the two reached a certain point, Xu Fan, who had been crossing her arms and crossed her right leg over her left, suddenly stood up. At the same time as she got up, she stepped heavily on the stage with her right foot, Then he turned around cleanly, swung his arms angrily, and strode back to the east wing.

"Ha ha."

Xu Rong suddenly chuckled.

Lin Zhaohua and Zhu Xu sat on both sides of him, and when they heard his inexplicable laughter, they turned their heads and looked at him in surprise.

When performing, this place is not a joke.

"Jin Murong is quite cute." He tried to lower his voice and explained.


After finishing speaking, Xu Rong immediately felt that something was wrong. Jin Murong was played by Xu Fan, and he would make a judgment that she was "cute"?

Although he never showed it on the surface, in his heart, he really didn't like her.

Looking at Xu Fan in the field, he suddenly had an extremely weird and ridiculous feeling. Xu Fan, who had the lowest professional ability among the leading actors on the stage, actually concealed his feelings for her through a performance of more than half an hour. inherent impression.

At this moment, Xu Rong fully understood why drama tickets were more expensive than concert tickets, and so many people came to see it.

The audience's sense of participation in the performance is indeed unmatched by film and television, just like dramas cannot use the technology of shooting and editing.

Seeing Song Dandan sitting on the stool, pointing at the Jesus on the door frame of Jin Murong's house, he bluffed and said: "If you want to smash (xiē) by the door frame to find me, there is no door!"

As she said, she slapped her thighs with both hands, stood up, and walked angrily to the front of her house, pointed to the Maitreya Buddha on the door frame, and said to He Yan: "You are almost quiet, ah, ah, it's all exposed!" Well, his is full of bones, our bare belly can cover his whole body."

"Wonderful!" Seeing Tian Cuilan's series of actions, Xu Rong cried out inwardly.

After she got up, she raised her right hand, pointed at the door frame of her own house, rushed to the eaves with small steps, and said "Come closer, hey", when the second "hey" fell, she had already turned around Facing the auditorium.

And before the first word of "he is full of bones", she put down her right hand pointing at the door frame of her own house, raised her left hand, and pointed to Jesus on the door frame of Jin Murong's house, and at the same time, she pointed at Jin Murong's door frame. The direction of Murong's house moved a small step sideways, showing great confidence.

Immediately afterwards, "we" and "he" in "Our bare belly is enough to cover his whole body", raised their left and right hands to point at the object respectively, and when the word came to an end, she pinched it with both hands. Waist, ended this mid-spirited counterattack.

After Xu Rong finished reading this paragraph, a very strong urge suddenly arose in his heart, and he wanted to go up and try.

Watching the performance of an actor is a kind of enjoyment, but for him who has been holding back for a while, it is also a kind of torture.

He is no stranger to Song Dandan's acting style, and Wu Gang and Li Guangfu are also similar. However, the cooperation with Wu Gang is for a TV series, but now it is a drama, and its unique form of performance is even more prominent.

After the curtain call, the actors did not leave the stage. Pu Cunxi looked at Xu Rong who had stood up and applauded, and asked, "Xiao Xu, how are you doing?"

Xu Rong thought for a while before saying, "It's a bit regrettable."

Lin Zhaohua next to him asked, "Oh, what do you say?"

Xu Rong smiled bitterly and said: "It's late, I don't have my share, Mr. Lin, I will direct other plays in the future, don't forget that I am also an actor in the theater."


Coming to the fourth floor again, listening to Zhu Xu telling the story of the 52 hours before the establishment of the hospital in 48, during the intermittent time, Xu Rong finally asked the doubts in his heart.

"Uncle, how do I feel, their attitude towards me is a bit strange?"

At first, when he saw that everyone was being polite to him, he thought it was because of his fame and connections that if he walked out of the academy, the age and seniority gaps between him and Pu Cunxi and He Yan would be smoothed out, or even drawn out. drop.

But Pu Cunxi has already faded out of the film and television industry, and he is still the vice president, so there is no need or reason to be so polite to him.

Zhu Xu looked at the manuscripts from that year in the glass cabinet, turned his head, and said, "It's strange, what's so strange? When we snatched Ren Ming back then, the battle was much bigger than it is now. You were not in the rehearsal hall just now. I didn’t see it, inheriting the tradition of human art, continuing to write new glory, continuing to write glory, it’s not just a good show, a good play, and no successors are cultivated, so what kind of glory is continued?”

(End of this chapter)

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