I'm just an actor

Chapter 204 The Great Man

Chapter 204 The Great Man
After hearing the voice behind Zhu Xu's words, Xu Rong completely understood that Pu Cunxi planned to let himself continue writing Human Art Glory.

I really think highly of him, Mr. Xu.

He really doesn't think he is that material with such a big stomach and a big bowl of rice, and even if he wants to, he can't accomplish anything by himself.

Among the young and middle-aged actors who can play in the courtyard, Wu Gang, Feng Yuanzheng and others are better. I almost forgot where the gate of Renyi opened.

Regardless of how much other people expect of him, nothing can stop him from being a down-to-earth individual artist, and continue to write about the glory of human art. Let the arts committee in the courtyard have a headache.

Not in his place, not seeking his government.

In fact, in his view, if Renyi can improve the remuneration of actors, even if the problem of talent shortage cannot be easily solved, it can somewhat alleviate the urgent need.

In this industry, there is no shortage of people who are dedicated to creating, just like Zu Feng, who he has worked with before, but the threshold for talent and art is too high, and those with poor talent cannot get in, and actors with high talents will only let them go if they are stupid. He didn't make any money, and devoted his time and youth to the stage with all his heart.

Renyi is not short of money. This year's box office of "Wotou Guild Hall" alone has rushed to 500 million. It is estimated that the annual box office of 4000 to [-] million should not be a problem.

While Xu Rong was wandering around the museum with Zhu Xu, at some point, a young man about his age walked in, probably caught sight of the two of them, and hurried over to say hello.

"teacher Zhu."

Zhu Xu looked at the other party's polite appearance, and encouraged him: "You did a good job just now."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu, I will continue to work hard." The young man turned his head again and looked at Xu Rong, "Have you ever acted in a drama?"


Xu Rong narrowed his eyes a little, and looked at the other person carefully, because he found that this person was quite hostile to him, and he seemed to be holding back, disdainful.

He glanced at Zhu Xu, who was also stunned but speechless, shook his head and said, "I've acted, not many."

"Oh, I thought you guys from Nortel only made movies."

Zhu Xu frowned in displeasure, and reprimanded: "What nonsense, do you feel how good you are after acting in two scenes? Go and rehearse your scenes."

The young man nodded hurriedly and said in a low voice, "Okay."

When the young man turned to leave, Zhu Xu turned his head, looked at Xu Rong who had a normal face, and asked, "You are not angry when people look down on you?"


Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said, "There is nothing wrong with what he said. Our school is really good at making movies."

Zhu Xu was full of doubts, he had never seen someone as cowardly as Xu Rong, and said: "No, people almost pointed at your nose and scolded you, you, really don't take it to heart at all?"

"It's okay, I'll watch his play just now." Xu Rong glanced at Zhu Xu, and said with deep meaning, "Don't keep irritating me with words, say something a little crazy, I never doubt that you can't act In film and television, you will never doubt that I can't act in a drama, and if you doubt it, you still show it outright, either stupid or with ulterior motives."

The farce just now was too much of a coincidence, Xu Rong didn't know the other party, he only knew that the young man played Xiao Pengda in "Wotou Guild Hall", he was able to co-star with Pu Cunxi, He Yan, and Song Dandan, and he must have been in the theater for two years , There is no need to come to the museum at all, and it is definitely not stupid to be able to run up to him instead of secretly expressing contempt for him like a keyboard man on the Internet.

But he didn't want to guess whether the other party was out of pure jealousy or was instructed by others.

While feeling that some people in the courtyard valued him, he also noticed some very different emotions and attitudes, some who ignored him, and of course there was also disdain and dissatisfaction.

He has neither the will to prove someone's attitude wrong nor the incentive to fight back against slights.

Can't commit.

Maybe after he prepares carefully, if he plays a drama seriously, it will cause a huge response and the box office will explode. The result will naturally make some people put away their contempt and shut their mouths obediently.

It is commonly known as pretending to face.

But he really doesn't want to be serious with people who lack basic judgment, it will only make him feel as stupid as those people.

For such people, he is more inclined to ignore them. This is the consciousness that has gradually formed after he became popular in the past two years.

Looking at Lei Jia's back, Zhu Xu smirked, but seeing Xu Rong's indifferent appearance, he couldn't help but feel depressed. If he was at the same age, he would have to put on a good show for others to watch carefully. But this guy looks like he's okay, it's exactly what Li Xuejian said, if he doesn't want to do something, he can't be soft or hard.

Seeing that he didn't care at all, Xu Rong said: "Hey, I said uncle, the man just now was ordered by Puyuan, right?"

"Haha, I reckon it's the same. Xiaolei is not a person who likes to fight with others." Zhu Xu saw that Xu Rong didn't like this at all, so he didn't hide it from him, "You understand it, don't you?"

Of course Xu Rong understands, especially as the circle of contacts gets higher and higher, pure fools are almost pitiful, even if they really don't like you, they will smile when they face you.

Those who tear up their skin and become dirty, and even roll up their sleeves to fight if they don't agree with each other, are because there are only those methods to attack the opponent.

When Xu Rong participated in the reheating class, as 09 entered the last quarter, the three major types of domestic businesses took action one after another.

The first category is sports product merchants, and the second category is alcohol. In the tidbits of "Before Dawn", Xu Rong always drinks frequently. When this spy war is broadcast in the future, it will definitely drive some sales.

The third category is the watch manufacturer, because most of Xu Rong's characters wear watches, and asking him to act as the spokesperson can save even the cost of placing advertisements.

Although neither Xu Rong himself nor Jin Fangfang has ever publicly expressed such remarks, it has become a tacit consensus from giving reasons for rejection.

Xu Rong only accepts one endorsement a year.

This is also the reason why his endorsement fees can always lead the mainland artists. Rare things are more expensive, and merchants don’t need to add clauses in the contract that they are not allowed to endorse similar products, because according to the frequency of endorsements he receives, the endorsements in his hand are at most Never more than three.

In terms of his popularity, it is simply rare.

With the high popularity, Xu Rong's 10-year endorsement has also been dubbed the "annual golden advertising resource position" in the industry.

This incident was originally quiet and only circulated in small circles, but after Yu Zheng wrote a small essay on Weibo, and some people fueled the flames, it turned into "Xu Rong's endorsement incident".

The cause of the incident was Yu Zheng's own mess. A certain watch brand has been in contact with the popular artist He Shengming under Yu Zheng's studio since the middle of the year. During the contact between the two parties, Yu Zheng used this to go back and forth. It has been hyped several times. After all, being able to endorse such a high-end brand can also improve the overall image of the artist.

Only recently, after Jin Fangfang began to formally contact various merchants, the brand immediately abandoned He Shengming and started chasing Xu Rong instead.

For Yu Zheng and He Shengming, this was really a slap in the face. They had been propagandizing for a long time, but they suddenly ran away at the end.

In order to avoid Xu Rong's embarrassing situation after signing the contract, Yu Zheng took the lead in finding a fig leaf for himself.

Xu Rong grabbed the endorsement.

He dared to do this, so he naturally had considerations for doing so. Once Xu Rong signed the contract, He Shengming's reputation would be damaged and his popularity would plummet.

There are far more than one or two watch brands who have made the same choice as this watch brand. Although Xu Rong's endorsement fee is expensive, the effect of increasing sales is really amazing. This year, Baiqueling has increased by a full 17 production line.

Facing the blindness of the merchants, many artists gritted their teeth and secretly rejoiced that they didn't publicize in advance like Yu Zheng, otherwise they would either wait to be ashamed, or they would have to choose to offend Xu Rong.

It's just cutting off people's wealth, like killing their parents.

Although Xu Rong didn't do anything, he unknowingly forged blood feuds with many of his colleagues.

Classmate Xiao Zhang was lying on one side of the sofa. She just came back yesterday, because she was going to play the second female role next, and besides being watched by Teacher Xu, she had to pretend to read the script.

But she didn't read seriously. In the boring time of the past half a year, the script was almost ruined by her!
Therefore, she covered her mobile phone with the script, and swiped the web aimlessly and silently. She didn't know what she was going to watch, but she felt that playing with the mobile phone was strangely happier than reading the script.

At a certain moment, she sat up suddenly, put the script aside, climbed up to Xu Rong who was half lying on the other side, and said, "Mr. Xu, do you think this person is scolding you? X is a popular actor, you seem to be the only one who fits the bill, right?"

Xu Rong stared at the mobile phone held by classmate Xiao Zhang, but didn't pay attention to her words, and asked, "Aren't you reading the script, why are you playing with your mobile phone?"

"Ah, I just got tired of reading, so I just glanced at it." Xiao Zhang stumbled, and immediately changed the subject, "This Yu Zheng is really too bad. He was talking about you, but he didn't say so."

Xu Rong glanced at it. Since "Night" became popular last year, Pengci's peers are too numerous to enumerate. Just like those classmates before, they put all their photos with him on the homepage of social networking sites.

Regarding these, if it does not harm his interests, he usually turns a blind eye and closes his eyes, pretending not to see it. Because of him, it is a good thing that others can have more opportunities.

But Yu Zheng has gone a little too far.

Although he had never met Yu Zheng, the two of them had dealt with each other a lot. This was the one who asked Huang Jiake to intercede.

The cooperation failed, holding a grudge, and deliberately retaliating?

Or are you using him to gain popularity and create momentum for the new drama?

He didn't quite understand what was wrong with Yu Zheng's mind, and he insisted on attacking himself.

Xu Rong confiscated Xiao Zhang's mobile phone, frowned and said, "If you can't see you, do something else. Sit here and read the script for me."

Classmate Xiao Zhang watched Xu Rong pat his own thigh, his head immediately shook like a rattle, and said: "No, it hasn't disappeared yet."

Seeing that Xu Rong no longer insisted, Xiao Zhang smiled and nestled back to the other end of the sofa, saying: "Mr. He also plausibly said that I tease you, hum!"

Xu Rong didn't feel embarrassed at all, as long as he didn't admit it, it would be Xiao Zhang who was embarrassed, and said, "You just said that I took the initiative once?"

"Then you are always rubbing against each other, how can you blame me?"

"You did it first, and I told you no."

"You, you are like that, people can't stand it at all, you did it on purpose, hum!"

Xu Rong suddenly smiled, and wrinkled her nose, imitating Xiao Zhang's tone at a certain moment this morning, and said, "Teacher Xu, come in quickly~"

Student Xiao Zhang suddenly opened his eyes wide, his face turned red in an instant, and he threw the script on the table beside him: "Xu, I will fight with you!"

After making a fuss for a while, student Xiao Zhang adjusted his messy hair and asked, "Mr. Xu, how do you deal with this matter?"

Xu Rong carefully flipped through some righteous words, but the colleague with obvious emotional tendencies said: "Let's talk about it, once I talk to him, he will get his way instead."

Xu Rong didn't pay too much attention to the turmoil from the outside world. According to his plan, the endorsement for next year should be negotiated before the start of the next drama.

He currently doesn't have many endorsements, only two, and the fees are sky-high.

Considering that his popularity has risen to a higher level, the endorsement fee must increase to a certain extent, and Jin Fangfang has to worry about it for him.

He has only one thing in mind right now, preparing for a new play, "Snow Leopard".

Then go all out to hit the grand slam of the three TV drama awards.

Before this incident, even in the film market, he could let it go. Liu Yanming's statement is reasonable. The chaotic production and broadcasting market of TV dramas is indeed causing the salaries of first-line actors to go up.

And the three awards are an important milestone for him to be the top leader in the TV drama field. Once he achieves the grand slam, let alone all the TV people of the same generation in the mainland, there are only a handful of them who can be tied with him in honor.

After chatting with Liu Yanming, coupled with a series of data analysis from Jin Fangfang, he no longer has such a strong obsession with the film market.

The more impatient he was, the more he couldn't eat hot tofu. He couldn't bear the name of box office poison.

Although he didn't care about it in front of Xiao Zhang, Xu Rong ran to the company early the next morning. He believed that Jin Fangfang could handle this matter well, but what he cared more about was how to avoid such incidents in the future.

This kind of flirting, if he signed, it would be confirmed that he would grab the endorsement. If he didn't sign, the other party would definitely say that he was guilty and dared not sign, no matter what, he would inevitably cause a show.

Moreover, Yu Zheng's essay was obviously intentional. If he was referring to his name, he would not argue with him at all. He would sue him first, but this statement of "a popular actor with the surname X" is very disgusting.

"A bunch of self-defeating clowns, there's no need to take it to heart, I'll tell you two other things first." Jin Fangfang raised two fair fingers, as if to her, the accusations of Yu Zheng and several actors, It's not a big deal at all, "I've already talked with director Huang Jianxin, and when the actor selection officially starts, you can go over and help with the show."

Of course Xu Rong knew Huang Jianxin. He also starred in "The Founding of a Nation" before. Although he didn't have many roles, he had acquaintances after all. But recently, he hadn't heard that Huang Jianxin was preparing a new play, and asked, "What theme?"

Jin Fangfang rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said, "The year after next will be my father's [-]th birthday, don't you think we should make a birthday celebration film?"

Xu Rong looked at Jin Fangfang in surprise. To be honest, he really didn't expect this. The most important thing is that Jin Fangfang actually talked quietly.

After all, the results of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" are there, and coupled with the compulsory viewing of various administrative institutions across the country, the results cannot be so bad.

"What about the role, how about the scene?"

Jin Fangfang said: "Male No. [-], because of you, the film industry of this movie is also one of the main investors."

"Wait, the founding of the party, male number one, you said, you can't be a great man, right?" Xu Rong saw her nodding slightly, looked at her strangely, and pointed to his face, "Do you think I look like Great man?"

(End of this chapter)

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