I'm just an actor

Chapter 205 Wet Shoes

Chapter 205 Wet Shoes
"Do you think I look like a great man?"

Jin Fangfang couldn't help thinking of the huge portrait he saw every time he passed Shiliu Lane Street. After comparing it with Xu Rong's face in front of him, he lost his confidence and hesitated: "I think, since the other party said you can, you It should be, yes, yes, I heard from Huang Jianxin that it was in his youth."

Xu Rong shook his head. Whether his acting is good or not is another matter. In terms of image alone, he is far behind. When the filming comes out, he may be scolded by the audience.

Although the male lead is good, he is a hot potato.

He has read the teacher's biography, and it must have been modified to a certain extent for him to be able to see it. But even so, compared to his obedience and use of rules, the teacher has been a bold and reckless person who even broke the rules since he was a teenager. people.

If he doesn't act well and doesn't look like him, this male lead may become the laughing stock of the entire industry.

But this incident was too sudden. When he heard the news, Liu Yanming and Jin Fangfang had already taken care of it.

Seeing that Jin Fangfang still persisted, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll talk to Huang Jianxin later."

He didn't blame Jin Fangfang. Although it was very stressful for him to play a great man, Jin Fangfang and the company's actions were for his own good.

As one of the 60 people who have made outstanding contributions in the 27th anniversary of the Fei Tian Awards, and is the only young actor, among mainland actors, no one is more suitable for this role than him.

He asked again: "Didn't you just say that there are two things, what is the second thing?"

Jin Fangfang stood up, took out two stacks of A4 papers from the desk drawer, and said, "It's about endorsement. After our team's research, I have selected two brands, one is the watch brand Earl, and the other is the whiskey brand. , Jack Daniels."

"What about the endorsement fee?"

"The Earl earns 2000 million for two years, and Jack Daniels earns 1000 million for two years."


Xu Rong was startled, this quotation made him wonder if he heard it wrong.

My popularity has risen, but why has the endorsement fee dropped?
And Jack Daniels is even more ruthless. He frequently endorsed this wine in "Before Dawn", but in the end he only offered a price tag of 1000 million for two years.

Send beggars!

Jin Fangfang shook her head and said: "The reason why your endorsement fee was high before was because you didn't take over the endorsement after you became famous, and they are also optimistic about your future. These two are big international brands. In terms of popularity, it is not low."

"Chinese people have had a low self-esteem for too long and deeply. They always feel that those who can represent big foreign brands are all powerful stars. For example, giving you the title of global brand spokesperson or something will greatly improve your personal image."

Jin Fangfang looked at Xu Rong's complexion, she raised her eyebrows, and said, "Don't dislike what I said. Regarding foreign countries, what you see and hear is actually what I want you to see and hear. Yes, it's not as good as you imagined."

Xu Rong asked with a smile: "Co-authoring with us is the best place. In fact, foreign countries are in dire straits. Even if they look prosperous now, they will collapse at any time?"

"Look, you have gone to another extreme. Abroad, we are also in dire straits here. The common people don't even have enough to eat all day long. We have more than a billion people, and there are billions of people outside. No matter they are looking for good things, they are dedicated to reporting. Bad things can guarantee that you can’t finish watching them without sleeping 24 hours a day. What I’m talking about is just the current facts. Why many artists would rather lower their endorsement fees and sign contracts with big foreign brands? mentality."

"I don't accept it." As a pragmatist, Xu Rong said without hesitation, "Don't think about any big international brands that can increase my personal business value. Only you and my works can increase my value. It's one thousand and five, don't care about the big brands, just reject it."

When Jin Fangfang watched him speak, she pointed at herself, and raised the corners of her pursed lips slightly, and said, "Okay, then I will listen to you first, and there are not many mid-to-high-end brands with more sincere prices. I'll talk to you later when I get in touch."

Xu Rong was not in a hurry. When Baiqueling's last endorsement fee and Zhongning's second endorsement fee arrived, all his debts to the company would be paid off immediately.

The script agreed with Luo Liping at the "Before Dawn" wrap-up banquet has not yet been signed.

The film will be launched at the beginning of next year, and his contract with Hairun will expire at the end of next year, so it won't be too late to sign again.

What's more, in the outside media, news of Huayi's listing has been overwhelming. When the listing is successful and the cash is due, the plan he has been obsessed with to buy a place to stay in Shanghai will be realized immediately.

After this incident, he deeply realized that original stocks are indeed more profitable than stock trading, and they still make a lot of money.

But the more lucrative thing is to buy a home!

Xu Rong got up, went to get a glass of water by himself, and asked, "By the way, what do you think about Yu Zheng's matter?"

Jin Fangfang said: "How else can you look at it? In order to avoid embarrassing He Sheng, he dug a bigger hole for himself and handed us the shovel. If we don't bury him, we will be sorry for him."

"What about the others, such as Du Zhun, Li Chen, and Bao Jianfeng?"

Jin Fangfang said: "The brands that used to come into contact with them are now coming to us one after another. Do you know what this is equivalent to?"


Jin Fangfang looked at him with a smile, and said slowly: "Let me use an analogy, if you are about to happily marry the fiancée of the Goddess Gao Leng, but suddenly find that she is another man's licking dog, what do you think? How would it feel?"

Xu Rong admitted that he was indeed disgusted by Jin Fangfang, and said: "That's impossible, there is no goddess in my values."

Jin Fangfang laughed loudly and said, "I'm just making an analogy. In this position, you have to get used to similar criticisms, endorsements, film appointments, interviews, top magazines, etc. You don't want these resources, but others do. , but your existence itself is the biggest obstacle for them to obtain these resources, and a lot of people in this world don’t think about how to create good works, but how to pull down people who are stronger than themselves.”

"Believe it or not, there are actually many people who wish you could die right now."

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

"It's more exaggerated than you think." Jin Fangfang rolled her eyes and said, "By the way, aren't they going to make a fuss, let's make it bigger and tear off their fig leaf by the way, Yu Zheng ran No, anyone else who takes the initiative to provoke trouble, don't even try to run away."

Seeing Jin Fangfang's sneer, Xu Rong knew that she must have taken the lead to make a complete plan, and asked, "Is there anything you need my cooperation for?"

Jin Fangfang looked at him and said, "You are an actor, why do you care about these things? But you have to always remember that you are the real victim. Why can Yu Zheng get sympathy from others, because he positions himself as a victim .”

Not long after Jin Fangfang's words fell, Nandu, the media in the area where Xu Rong's popularity is most stable, published a piece of news, which was very teasing on the grounds that "even from the perspective of a bystander, such vicious slander cannot be tolerated". While Fan Yu was attacking the reason for the "actor with the surname X", at the same time, he did not forget the "pink eye disease" of Du Zhun, Li Chen and Bao Jianfeng.

Jin Fangfang's actions forced the brokerage company behind them to quickly launch a counterattack, because once confirmed, it would be a devastating blow to their reputation.

The rhetoric of the counterattack is also the same as when it was first voiced: the healthy development of the industry requires a fair, just, open order and a good ecological environment. interests and trample on industry rules.

The media headed by Nandu is not so particular and reserved, and the words of counterattack are more sharp: Why do people led by Yu Zheng and Du Zhun attack the actor with the surname X? It is because of jealousy and the most direct interests!
The mainland entertainment industry has been in trouble for a year. Everyone thought that October would be a quiet month. As a result, Yu Zheng was the initiator and screenwriter, and Hairun and Huayi produced it. Xu Rong, Du Zhun, Li Chen, Bao The drama starring Jianfeng and others officially kicked off.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter of 09, Hairun Brokerage Company took on a big project and officially started a war of words with Yu Zheng, Du Zhun and others.

This is not the field that Hairun is good at, but it is what Jin Fangfang is good at.

The only strange thing is that from the beginning to the end, no one mentioned the word "Xu Rong" in a definite tone. Everyone knew that once the name was written, they might receive a court summons immediately.

Gradually, an extremely embarrassing situation formed. No matter Yu Zheng, or Du Zhun, Li Chen, Bao Jianfeng and others, they all ended up in person since the beginning, and now it was too late to run away, because His pants were grabbed by a bunch of annoying media, if he didn't care about it, he would have to show his ass.

On October 2009, 10, it is appropriate to open the business, break ground, and lay the foundation.

The crew of "Snow Leopard" held a press conference in Beijing.

At the beginning of the press conference, all the media focused their attention on Xu Rong.

Although Xu Rong and Hairun haven't spoken out in the past month, but right now Yu Zheng and the previously eccentric entertainers are a little bit out of control.

Because one party ended early, it was already difficult to withdraw, and had to be tough, while the other party, from beginning to end, only let relevant interest groups speak out on its behalf, as if the parties did not know about it at all.

It seems that the pure media has trouble with Yu Zheng and others.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think of Yu Zheng's scrambling for the endorsement of a male artist surnamed X?"

Xu Rong stretched out his hand, interrupted the first reporter who asked questions, frowned and said, "Wait a minute, can you tell me first, who is Yu Zheng?"

The press conference was quiet for a moment, and then there was an uproar. The young reporter who asked the question before quickly confirmed: "You really don't know who Yu Zheng is?"

Xu Rong shook his head first, and then asked back: "Is this person famous? I'm really sorry, I really don't know who Yu Zheng is. Of course, I don't mean to offend, but I really don't know, and I don't know." No one ever mentioned this man to me."

Whether Xu Rong knows Yu Zheng or not, after the press conference, no one has been inquiring, but "I really don't know who Yu Zheng is." In one fell swoop, he overwhelmed the previous month of bickering back and forth, and occupied the The headlines of the major entertainment media.

Xu Rong, as this year's Magnolia and Feitian double-starred actor, and a popular actor in the TV drama market, his remarks may be frank or intentional, but no matter what, they cannot conceal the insult.

Afterwards, fueled by the internet trolls, "I really don't know who Yu Zheng is." was actually edited into various spooky videos and jokes, becoming one of the most popular internet memes of the year.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was that the Chinese Wikipedia deleted the entry for "Yu Zheng". The reason for the deletion was: the character's popularity was too low to be recorded, and he refused to include "Yu Zheng" as a character entry.

For a while, Yu Zheng completely became the laughing stock of internal entertainment.

Seeing that the situation was not good, several other artists immediately stopped their efforts.

Jin Fangfang did not chase after and beat her to death.

It's not because of her kindness, but because of this small mistake, the current situation has reached the limit of the power of public opinion.

Just like even if Xu Rong grabs the endorsement, it will not have a substantial impact on him, but this head cannot be opened. Once it is opened, it will be used to block guns, and the masses will only take it for granted.

After nearly a month of war of words, after it subsided completely, several artists and Yu Zheng found out that they had been arguing with a bunch of media for a month, not to mention Xu Rong, when they reviewed the incident. Even Hairun didn't make a sound, and completely carried out the style of speaking through works.

The most exasperating thing is that after talking for a month, it ended because of Xu Rong's "I really don't know who Yu Zheng is."

This incident seemed to be a complete farce, but Jin Fangfang sat in her office and did not expose this incident lightly because she was the winner. She carefully studied the materials. She just dug a hole for herself and gave her a big gift.

On the same day, Huayi Brothers went public successfully, with an issue price of 28.58 yuan per share. The 180 shares that Xu Rong bought for 60 million at the beginning directly doubled by nearly ten times.

The only pity is that he can't cash out before the expiration date.

After making a small fortune, Xu Rong did not forget the original well digger Huang Xiaoming, so he decided to invite this loyal senior brother to have a meal.

At the beginning, the two agreed that no matter which one was listed first, Hairun or Huayi, they would sell one-third of the original shares they could get to the other party.

As for whether he can still get the original shares of Hairun, Xu Rong is not sure now.

What he doesn't know is that Huang Xiaoming has become more and more suspicious of life recently.

Xu Rong is only half a step away from the Grand Slam!
He was nominated for Golden Eagle TV last year, and maybe in three to five years, he will reach the highest achievement of a TV actor.

Shidi Grand Slam.

The two reached similar heights in different ways, but now, Xu Rong is still moving forward and has already left him behind, and he has already vaguely judged from some gossip that his own In the future, maybe he really can't compare to this fellow apprentice who is ten years younger than him.

Xu Rong has already started to officially enter the big screen, and the start is a luxurious giant male lead.

"Long time no see, brother Ming."

Xu Rong's eyes turned to the face of the girl next to Huang Xiaoming, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't make a sound immediately, he forgot the name of the girl with big eyes.

It seems to be holding it down for something.

But it's been a few months, and he can't remember it at all.

However, he didn't show half of it on his face, and said with a smile: "Hello, sister-in-law."

The corners of Huang Xiaoming's mouth couldn't help but curl up, and he didn't refute his address. Instead, he looked at Xiao Zhang, who was next to him, and asked, "Would you like to introduce me?"

"This is my girlfriend, Zhang Xiaofei."

"Brother Xiaoming, sister-in-law, hello."

After sitting down, most of the time, Xu Rong and Huang Xiaoming were chatting, especially in the endorsement incident some time ago, when the yin and yang artists were all Huayi.

In the middle of the chat, Huang Xiaoming suddenly suggested: "I have an idea, there will be a suitable opportunity in the future, you take the baby, how about I take Xiaozhang to make a movie?"

"What's the matter, are you afraid people will say it?" Xu Rong glanced at him, he definitely couldn't agree to this proposal, "Yes, by the way, has sister-in-law ever filmed a movie?"

It's okay for him to help take Yang Ying, but it's better to let Huang Xiaoming take Xiao Zhang.

Huang Xiaoming nodded with great certainty, and said: "I have filmed, but there are not many, and it must be incomparable with you. It's not because I'm afraid people will say it, but sometimes I can't meet the right role."

Yang Ying looked at Xu Rong. Although Xu Rong called him sister-in-law, she really didn't dare to take the air of sister-in-law. She didn't ignore Xu Rong's momentary hesitation just now. She guessed that the other party might have forgotten her. In his cognition, there is no need to remember her name.

She wasn't angry because of it. It's normal for a big name like Xu Rong not to remember her. If it wasn't for Huang Xiaoming's reasons, she probably wouldn't have had the chance to sit at the same table with him for dinner.

She didn't even dare to ask in a joking tone as her sister-in-law. She still vividly remembered the scene where Xu Rong ran against Naying last time.

Therefore, she smiled at Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang and said, "Don't call me sister-in-law, just call me Yang Ying."

Although Xu Rong smiled, she couldn't help but looked at Yang Ying in surprise. This girl was really smart, and she might have realized that she didn't remember her name.

He feels that these two are really not like people who can get together, one is very smart and the other is smarter, but seeing Huang Xiaoming occasionally looking at the obsession in each other's eyes, his heart tightens a little.

Brother Huang Xiaoming, who always walks by the river, got his shoes wet.

(End of this chapter)

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