I'm just an actor

Chapter 206 Endorsement

Chapter 206 Endorsement
During a meal, Xu Rong discovered that Senior Brother Huang Xiaoming had really changed.

It's not because of Yang Ying, but because he doesn't seem to be as confident as before.

Although his words still haven't changed much from the past, most of the time, his left arm is always subconsciously stretched in front of him.

When he comes into contact with people, he has habitually paid attention to the subtlest body language of the other party, and these are the materials for his performances.

The two teachers came from the same school, and both were the head teacher, and Huang Xiaoming helped him in the early days when he had not yet gained a firm foothold, but he has no good way to deal with the current situation where this senior brother is being ridiculed by the crowd.

Rome was not built in a day, and the situation today may have been foreshadowed since the day he stepped into this industry.

After the class ended, Xiao Zhang drove slowly and asked a question that she only realized today and was quite puzzled: "Mr. Xu, why do you have such a good relationship with Huang Xiaoming? That is, you two are the most important thing. competitors?"

Before Xu Rong reached the top, Huang Xiaoming established his position as the number one niche player in the Mainland with "New Shanghai Beach", which was further consolidated in "The Deer and Ding Tale".

But in just one year, he was first pulled down from the altar by Du Zhun, and then Xu Rong came from behind.

Xu Rong smiled and said, "If my competitors are all like Brother Xiaoming, I'd be quite happy."

Seeing that classmate Xiao Zhang was a little puzzled, Xu Rong asked back: "Not to mention "Latent", do you think any of his works can stabilize "North Wind"?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated for a moment before saying: "Every drama he starred in seems to be quite controversial, especially in the past year, the Internet is full of scolding him, by the way, who is your competitor? "

Xu Rong pondered, and said: "Last year, you don't know how badly I lost at the Golden Eagle Festival. Not to mention Zhang Guoli and the team leader, even Wang Baoqiang, they all overwhelmed me. They are my biggest competition." opponent."

"Brother Xiao Ming is willing to deal with me, and he should have a similar idea. The scripts and characters he likes are generally what I hate, and I like them, but he will not pick them up, just like now even if he remakes "New "Shanghai Bund", I will still choose Ding Li instead of Xu Wenqiang, although it seems that there is a competitive relationship, in fact, we are destined not to compete from the beginning."

"And you've also noticed that no one calls his name on the Internet anymore. It's all making too much noise. This is not a good phenomenon."

Xiao Zhang said in surprise: "According to what you mean, he is going to die?"

"No, in fact, this point is just right now. He has a very high emotional intelligence and good luck. This journey has been very smooth. As long as he can survive this period and make a few suitable works, it is not a big deal to get a good reputation." question."

Sometimes Xu Rong is very envious of Huang Xiaoming. He is backed by the largest private film company in the mainland, has a godfather in Hong Kong, and has a group of friends who are prosperous in the Hong Kong circle. The way is quite wild.

In the past, he mainly relied on Hairun's support, but in the future, he may only rely on the organization's cultivation.

During the returning class, under Pu Cunxi's coercion and lure, he had already submitted an application to join the organization.

He had similar opportunities many times during college, but at that time he felt that his ideological awareness had not met the requirements and he needed to continue to improve, so he did not dare to apply rashly, so he put it on hold.

In fact, the main reason is that it feels useless.

He is a film and television actor, why join the organization?
But the Feitian Award reminded him that it was not only necessary, but also very necessary.

If it is not for the status of a human artist, it may still be unknown whether he will be able to enter the 27-man squad and win the Feitian trophy.

The biggest achievement of "North Wind" was not because the handsome red soldier won the Magnolia Award and the Feitian Award, but the chat with Gao Mantang.

And as time passed, he felt more and more the impact of the content of that chat on him.

Although there are various problems that need to be solved urgently in the entire social environment, overall, it is still developing for the better.

What impressed him the most was that the agricultural tax that exploited and enslaved Chinese farmers more than 2000 years ago was abolished, and he heard from his grandfather that there are still subsidies for farmers every year.

Until now, he still remembers clearly that every time he bought food, he had to pull a flatbed truck or take advantage of the neighbor's car to go to the commune to pay for the public food, and if he kept the food stored by himself, he couldn't sell it for much money.

This policy, in any previous era, can be called a greater feat than the expansion of territory, and it will surely be remembered in history.

Now, as a public figure with certain influence, his words and deeds will be imitated by many young people. In addition to making money, Xu Rong has gradually developed a sense of social responsibility. He does not deny the existence of problems, but like The problem of agricultural tax will always be and will be solved gradually, and this process requires the joint efforts of most people.

In the past, when he was unable to influence and change, he would occasionally, like most people, hold negative thoughts and criticize all kinds of criticisms, but in essence, he still hoped that this land would be better .

Now, no matter whether he is in front or behind the scenes, he no longer makes any negative remarks, because he may be recorded again at any time, which will not only be detrimental to himself, but also serve as a bad example.

Early the next morning, Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang had just started having breakfast when Jin Fangfang rang the doorbell.

Following classmate Xiao Zhang into the door, Jin Fangfang looked at the bread on the dining table that had just been bitten, and asked in surprise: "You guys, just got up?"

It was already 08:30. According to the normal situation, as actors, Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang should get up early for morning exercises.

Xiao Zhang's face was slightly red, and he didn't answer her words at all. Instead, he pointed to the dining table and asked, "Sister Fangfang, have you had breakfast, do you want to have some together?"

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Jin Fangfang knew in her heart, but she shook her head slightly as if she didn't know anything, and said: "I have already eaten on the way here, you eat first, there are two things , Xu Rong, you have to make up your mind quickly."

Xu Rong took a sip of milk, raised his chin towards the chair next to Xiao Zhang, and said, "Don't worry, sit down and talk."

After Jin Fangfang sat down, she took out two documents from her briefcase and said, "I received two invitations yesterday, and I think you have to accept them all."

Xu Rong said nothing, one endorsement a year, this is what the two of them discussed in the past, since Jin Fangfang proposed to take the two together, there must be her reasons.

"The first one is from the watch brand Tissot, 4000 million in two years, are you satisfied now?"

Xu Rong grinned, but immediately put it away again, and said indifferently: "This offer is fair, what about the other one?"

Although it did not break Jay Chou's record, tying it is also a pioneering feat.

Dream come true!
"Two years, thirty thousand."

"What?" The water glass that Xu Rong handed to his mouth froze in mid-empty, "Are you sure it's 3000 instead of [-] million?"

Jin Fangfang smiled, pushed the second material in front of him, and said: "The producer is a newly established company, here, this is it."

"Yes, you should have said it earlier." Xu Rong glanced at Jin Fangfang, "[-] is too much, please reply to them, it's free."

The producer is indeed a newly established company, China Television.

The entrusting party is CCTV.

It is a public service advertisement caring for the elderly.

When it comes to recruiting actors, CCTV is saving to the extreme, just like the Spring Festival Gala, since its broadcast, the total remuneration budget has never increased by a dime.

He stuffed the last bite of bread into his mouth, and said, "In half a month, Xiao Zhang and I will go to the production set. It's best to shoot these two commercials before we go or after we come back."

There is still half a month before the official launch of "Snow Leopard". In terms of preparation, he feels that he has sufficient enough, and the role of Zhou Weiguo is not a big challenge for him.

"Okay, no problem, I will communicate this point, by the way, Tissot is a joint endorsement."

Xu Rong turned to look at her and asked, "With whom?"

"Liu Yifei."

Xu Rong said "Oh", the name was too familiar to him, and it was a mess before he debuted.

Originally, he was quite puzzled, but now it is not surprising at all.

Judging whether a popular artist has a strong background may be difficult from a positive point of view, but from a negative point of view, it couldn't be easier.

The less negative news a popular artist has in formal media, the stronger his background is.

He is backed by Hairun, and he is still a talented actor. He can't stop a group of people from coming up to talk about porcelain. This draft has never been broken. It should have aroused the audience's disgust, but there are really not many negative news, even if If there is, the manuscript will be withdrawn quickly.

Fortunately, it's not a co-production, he's here to make money, it doesn't matter who he co-endorses with.

On November 11, Beijing Financial Street International Conference Center.

Xu Rong got out of the car and looked at the dark circle of men in black that were surging toward the conference center not far away. He turned his head and looked at Jin Fangfang: "In the future, when we attend such events, shall we also I have to hire a few bodyguards temporarily, why do I look like a security guard in this suit?"

Jin Fangfang stood on tiptoe and took a look, then pursed her lips and said with a smile: "What you said makes sense, next time I have an event, I will arrange it in advance."

Before she finished speaking, seven people greeted her, five of them were yellow-skinned and black-haired, and a man and a woman were foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Mr. Xu, hello."

Listening to the other party's poor Chinese, Xu Rong smiled and said, "Hello."

"I'll introduce myself, My name is"

Xu Rong was stunned, his English test scores were not bad, but it was really difficult to communicate normally, and the other party spoke too quickly, some of the words in it sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't remember them for a while What the hell do you mean.

Jin Fangfang immediately came over and said in a low voice: "He said his name is Tianbao, and he is now the global president of Tissot, and welcomes you on behalf of Tissot."

Xu Rong smiled, shook hands with the other party, and said, "When you greeted me just now, I thought you could speak Chinese."


"He said that Mr. Xu is really humorous."

But at this time, Liu Yifei, who was accompanied by Vice President Fei Xi, stopped in front of the gate, turned around, and looked at Xu Rong who had just got off the car.

"Miss Liu?"

Hearing Fei Xi's doubtful voice, Liu Yifei smiled lightly and said, "Let's go in first."

Xu Rong, as a popular actor this year, has heard of her many times even though he is an alumnus, but today is the first time he has met her face to face.

Before entering the Houtian lounge, she glanced at the theme of "Rong Fei's Future" on the big screen. She was stunned for a moment, then relieved.

She has participated in similar activities too many times, and over time, she has formed a habit. Although she is smiling, in essence, she is just an emotional mascot.

When Xu Rong came in accompanied by Tianbao, she just nodded her head lightly, and then continued to get emotional, waiting for the event to end before going home to play games.

Xu Rong sat down and looked curiously at this peer who was dubbed "Heavenly" on the Internet.

Probably noticing his gaze, Liu Yifei suddenly turned his head and smiled Zhanyan: "Hello."

"Hello." Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and then replied, he suddenly felt that she was not so fairy.

"Mr Xu"

When Xu Rong heard Tianbao's voice next to him, he turned his head away. While the other party was talking, he clicked his chin twice, but then, he didn't hear Jin Fangfang's translation, so he hurriedly turned his head, only to find that Jin Fangfang was talking to their translator. Discussing something in the distance.


Jin Fangfang used to urge him to learn English a lot in the past, but he had a deep resistance to this, because in his opinion, if the national power is not strong, it doesn't make much sense to learn it, and if the national power is strong, it doesn't make any sense, because when it comes to At that time, foreigners should consider learning Chinese.

"He said that after the press conference, he will present a watch as a gift, and then you should remember to wear it when you attend various events in the future." Liu Yifei probably saw his embarrassment, and glanced at his empty wrist , explained in a low voice.

"Oh, thanks."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, thanked him hurriedly, then turned his head to Tianbao and said, "I was planning to buy one myself later."

He hadn't thought about this at all, because he had heard about something before, when Huayi's actress, Bingbing, was an endorsement for a certain luxury product, she asked the brand for a product, but was rejected on the spot.

After finishing speaking, he realized one thing. Mr. Tianbao didn't understand Chinese. He turned his head slowly again, looked at Liu Yifei, and showed a bright smile: "Teacher Liu, why don't you help me translate?"


"Mr. Tianbao, in fact, I have been wondering one thing this week. Why did you choose me as your brand spokesperson?"


"He said it would be easier for you to enter Hollywood in the future."


Seeing Xu Rong's questioning gaze again, Liu Yifei couldn't lose her feelings at this time, because she found out that after Xu Rong chatted with Tianbao, she actually regarded her as an interpreter! ! !
But she was also quite curious about Tianbao's words.

"Mr. Xu said he was curious, why do you think so?"

Xu Rong looked at Liu Yifei strangely, he could understand the English she spoke, and so could Tianbao!
But the opponent's machine-gun-like English, he could only distinguish a few words.

"Mr. Tianbao said that you look a lot like a former Chinese star."

"Oh, I'm not going to Hollywood then."

Liu Yifei blinked, pointed at Tianbao, and said uncertainly: "Are you sure you want me to tell him this sentence?"

"of course."

(End of this chapter)

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