Chapter 207
Xu Rong didn't know that while he was leisurely participating in the event, the Art Committee of the courtyard held a large-scale discussion.

The box office of "Wotou Clubhouse" reached the tens of millions mark!
Although the outside world is full of hustle and bustle, praises come and go.

But the art committee is not complacent because of the box office and the praise of the literary circle. As Zhu Xu said, only by maintaining prudence, humility and continuous improvement can a classic be achieved.

The Academy also took the opportunity to invite many unknown scholars and literary critics, such as Wang Bin, Mo Yan, etc., to the Human Art Institute, hoping to solicit constructive opinions and suggestions from all parties.

After the symposium was over, the door was closed, and the Art Committee held an internal meeting.

The dean Zhang Heping knocked on the table, looked around, and said: "Now that everyone is here, everyone, let's go back to the old question, which plays will be kept next year, which plays will be new, and which plays will be rearranged. Let's talk about your views."

The Arts Committee is a special organization within Human Arts, which is composed of the core forces and key elites in the arts of the Academy, and also represents the highest level of Human Arts.

Under normal circumstances, the director of the art committee is the dean, the deputy director is the deputy director, the captain of the actor team or the director of the art department, and all members are composed of directors, screenwriters and actors involved in artistic creation.

However, which dramas are created and rehearsed in the academy every year, work evaluation summary and annual awards, etc., are all decided by the art committee, and the art department is responsible for direct execution.

This system, which was established at the beginning of the establishment of the academy, has guaranteed to a certain extent that although Renyi is a public institution, it can always maintain its leading position in the drama industry.

Pu Cunxi fiddled with the pen, and when he heard the voice, he raised his head and said, "Actually, to put it bluntly, it's about rearranging the thunderstorm."

His tone was relaxed, but no one laughed in the meeting room. The thunderstorm staged by Renyi has five versions, namely version 54, version 79, version 89, version 97, and version 04, but it is just like the talent echelon of Renyi Generally speaking, Cao Yu and Shu Qingchun were the representatives of the screenwriters in the early days of Renyi, and the actors were Yu Zhi, Zheng Rong, Su Min and others. Nowadays, especially the younger generation, there are no outstanding figures.

"Rearrangement is no problem, but the key is, who will arrange it?"

Pu Cunxi looked around, saw no one said anything, coughed twice: "No, why didn't they say anything?"

Yang Lixin understood the reason. Xu Rong didn't act in a single scene. No one knew what level he was, and according to the rules, he should start with the tricks first, and now he was about to play the leading role. It was impossible to say that he had no idea. .

But in essence, people are looking forward to it.

He straightened up and said, "Let me say a few words. Wu Gang greeted me in private a while ago. If Xu Rong plays Zhou Ping, he will play Zhou Puyuan."

"Is this kid crazy?"


After the laughter, Pu Cunxi felt that the atmosphere had eased a lot, and said: "In fact, everyone doesn't know much about Xiao Xu's situation. Let me say a few words, everyone thinks that he is very popular now, but in fact his life is not as good as ours. He lost money in stocks. We have a lot of money and tens of millions of debts, we have to understand this."

Song Dandan's eyes widened slightly: "Yo, there's still this thing, but it's normal when you think about it, he's only been popular for two years, and he hasn't heard of getting a few endorsements, and it seems that his family conditions are not very good. I don’t think it’s really rich.”

Lan Tianye, as an advisor to the art committee, also sighed: "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. Children are not easy, so let's not force them too hard. We must not delay people's earning money and repaying debts. We must do ideological work well. Thing, if you don't like it in your heart, you can beat him with a whip, but it won't work."

After a few seconds of silence, Zheng Rong said, "Let's line up with Ren Ming. If Wu Gang comes, you can try."

"Hey, the old man is going out of the mountain."

Zhang Heping looked at Zheng Rong in surprise. Since he retired, although the old man often came to the courtyard, it was the first time he took the initiative to ask for work.

The older generation has the ideas of the older generation, so it’s okay to ask for guidance, but they will never do it for them.

But Xu Rong was mainly recruited by Zheng Rong and Pu Cunxi, so it was reasonable for him to take the initiative to take over this job.

Pu Cunxi glanced at Zheng Rong, and said: "Then count me in, I just happen to be in the ring with Lixin, let's see who of us ranks better."


"The next question is, since it's the youth version, how do you choose the actors? Wu Gang is involved, and Xiuqing is also here?"

Zheng Rong waved his hand and said: "She can't do it, what about the youth version, Xu Rong will stand with her, the audience will play, try to find young people, it's just a training session."

Zhang Heping pondered for a while, and said: "Teacher Zheng, Ren Ming, if this is the case, I think we should still perform in a row. You can choose Chinese opera and Chinese language. After you choose, give me the list, and I will borrow people."

"This idea is good, and the choice is wider."

Pu Cunxi suddenly thought of a question, and asked: "Everyone, wait a minute, there is something, is Xiao Xu's schedule full for next year?"

Zhang Heping patted his forehead suddenly, and said: "I remembered, I heard Lao Han mention it two days ago, that kid is going to star in a New Year's movie."

Without even thinking about it, Zhu Xu said: "Then just replace him!"

Zhang Heping smiled, but he didn't respond. As the chief planner, he could indeed replace Xu Rong, but it was easy. If someone is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han, and he is unwilling, then things will go wrong.

Liang Guanhua saw a few people chatting at this time, and he was about to decide the matter, and put forward his opinion, saying: "I don't quite agree with the proposal of the joint row, the main reason is that we have such a big The formation, what if it doesn’t line up and falls into your hands?”

If there are actors in the courtyard, they close the door and line up quietly, regardless of whether the line is good or not, they can cover it. It’s okay to say that the two families are in the same spirit, so they can be counted as one family. Brothers face to face, it's not a big deal if you don't arrange it, but it won't look good if you lose face.

Li Liuyi, who had a round head and round face, also objected: "I think what Guanhua said makes sense. The bigger the battle, the harder it will be to end the battle. It's not as good as this. The actors are still from our courtyard. It's really not good. Others If the group is crowded, if the attendance rate is low, please stop first."

Pu Cunxi thought about it, and felt that what the two of them said made sense, and said: "When you say this, I feel very upset. I recruited the person. If it doesn't work, I have to send it out later."

If you can't make it, it means that the style and talent are not in line with each other, and it doesn't make any sense to stay.

"It's not easy. It's said to the public that he is busy with announcements and resigned voluntarily."

"fair enough."

Finally, Zhang Heping turned his head and said to Pu Cunxi: "Old Pu, your burden is heavy."

Pu Cunxi was about to get up, when he heard Zhang Heping's words, he sat back and asked, "What do you mean?"

"He hasn't responded yet."

"What the hell?" Pu Cunxi looked at Zhang Heping with a smile on his face, "We've been here together for a long time, and the most important thing is still missing?"

Zhang Heping said with a smile: "Last time, I went to the crew one by one to bring people back to the production of "Wotou Guild Hall". Now Ren Ming is taking on the burden of director. You are the vice president, who else will you go to?"

"No, I, but"

Ren Ming immediately raised his hand and said, "I agree."

"I agree too."

"I agree too."


Pu Cunxi looked around, especially at the smiling expressions of a group of people, good guy, this is already planned and waiting for him.

"Okay, I'll go."

He picked up the book, got up, and when he reached the door, he turned around again and said, "But let's talk about it first, anyway, it's not my business alone, and I will retire in two years, Dean, when the time comes I am not the only one who is scolded."


After the meeting, Pu Cunxi sat in the office, lost in thought.

He went to Xu Rong's graduation performance. Although he is not familiar with the stage yet, in his opinion, after three to five years of hard work, he should be able to perform.

At that time, he happened to be retiring, so he had an explanation to both his seniors and his juniors.


But he could see that Xu Rong was like a loach, and his ideological awareness was not bad at all, but once he talked about the specific time of rehearsal, he immediately poured out bitter water.

Alas, Mr. Lan Tianye is right. Every family has its own hard-to-recite scriptures. Regardless of the beauty in front of others, who knows what will happen in the future?
After being bored in the office for a long time, he really came up with a trick.

Having made up his mind, he immediately picked up his cell phone and dialed Xu Rong without any hesitation.

"Hey, Xu Rong, it's me, Pu Cunxi, where are you?"

"Let's go to the set, so fast, doesn't it mean that it will take two days?"

"Oh, oh."

Pu Cunxi responded twice, remembering that Zhang Heping also went to the "Tangshan" crew to drag Xu Fan back, he asked casually: "Where are you filming?"

"Overseas? Traveling so far?" He sighed, "That's fine, we'll talk about it when you come back."

After hanging up the phone, Pu Cunxi immediately ran to the file room.

See the ghost abroad!

As an actor of Renyi, Xu Rong needs a certificate from his unit to go abroad!
This guy is avoiding him!

From Xu Rong's file, he found the address of his home, but found that this guy was also a thief. When filling in the address, he only filled in the building number, but did not write which unit or household.

Is this what he has been guarding against himself for a long time?

When he drove the car and arrived at the gate of the community, looking at the eaves hidden among the lush trees, his mouth couldn't help opening.

After repeated confirmation, I was sure that I hadn't gone to the wrong place.

But these f---ing small villas are the places where people who owe tens of millions of debts live?
No wonder there is no unit number and account number.

The security guard at the door saw him looking around for a long time in front of the door, came over and asked, "Hi, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Xu Rong."

The security guard looked at Pu Cunxi who was about to walk in after taking off his hat, pointed at him, and said in surprise: "You, you are not that, that."

"Pu Cunxi."

"Yes, yes, yes." The security guard smiled suddenly, but then, his face tensed, and he reached out to stop him, "You are not the owner of this community, so you cannot enter."

"I'm here to find Xu Rong, does he live here?"

"I don't know."

"No, I know Xu Rong, can I still lie to you?"

"I don't understand."

Pu Cunxi was amused, and said: "Well, you can call Xu Rong and tell him that I'm here to look for him and I'm at the door."

"Okay, wait a moment."

With the door blocked, Xu Rong couldn't hide anymore. He could somewhat guess Pu Cunxi's intentions. Before he entered the courtyard in the middle of the year, Wu Gang had mentioned to him that "Thunderstorm" would be rearranged in the courtyard next year. .

But I was too anxious to catch up, there is still more than a month left in 09.

Pu Cunxi entered the door, looked at the small villa, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Xu, have you returned from abroad?"

"Hehe, there's something wrong, but it didn't work out." Xu Rong smiled dryly and invited Pu Cunxi into the room.

For those in the film and television circles and drama circles, no matter how big their wrists are, when they come to the house, Xiao Zhang has already seen the strangeness, and shouted "Teacher Pu", then hurriedly poured a glass of water, and handed it to him: "You drink water."

"Thank you, who is this?"

Xu Rong introduced: "My girlfriend, Zhang Xiaofei, really likes to watch plays in our theater."

"That's easy to say, I'll say hello later, free tickets when you go there."

As soon as Pu Cunxi's butt touched the sofa, he couldn't help but clicked twice, and said: "Before I came to your house, I was very guilty. You said that you lost money investing in stocks and owed tens of millions of debts to the company, okay? Just this sofa, you can’t get it for four or fifty thousand, right?”

"Hey, what I said is true. I really lost money investing in stocks, and I really owed debts. You can know about this Puyuan by reading the news. These are all bought with 200 yuan in the second-hand market." Xu Rong smiled and said, he really lost a lot in stocks.

5000 yuan was invested, and I lost dozens of dollars.

The company's debts have only just been paid off, but this is a family scandal, so it's not easy to publicize it.

"You are young, okay, you live in a place with mountains and rivers, are you going to retire or something?"

"Hey, the housing prices in the city are too expensive, there is no way, I can't afford it, so I can only make do on the outskirts of the city." Xu Rong laughed and changed the subject, "Puyuan is here, what's the matter?"

Pu Cunxi's expression immediately became more serious, and he said: "It is true that something has happened, but it is a good thing. I came here today to talk to you on behalf of the academy. This morning, the art committee held a meeting and decided to list you as a young actor in our academy. Focusing on training objects, and decided to send you to Berlin University of the Arts for three years at public expense, their research and practice of the Grotowski School are among the top in the world."

After finishing speaking, Pu Cunxi patted his thigh with a smile, and said, "What a great opportunity, I'm happy for you."

The smile on Xu Rong's face became difficult to maintain when he was halfway through his words. He knew a long time ago that if he entered Renyi, he would not be able to escape this fate sooner or later.

He can know the top, but the key point is that he really doesn't want to go.

After a while, he finally confirmed, "Puyuan, are you kidding me?"

"What is there to joke about? This is the decision of the art committee in the courtyard. It is a great thing. Let me tell you, I will nominate you to the art committee in two years after you come back. When it's time, take my class."

Xu Rong thought for a while, his face gradually became heavy, and said: "Puyuan, to tell you the truth, I am really happy to hear the decision of the courtyard, and I am especially grateful for the cultivation of the courtyard and you, but Puyuan, you should Knowing the situation, my grandfather is getting old, and he has left his hometown, and he is really worried after leaving for a few months."

Suddenly, Pu Cunxi frowned, and said: "Oh, I forgot about this, but this is the decision of the art committee, and the dean also made the decision."

Xu Rong asked tentatively: "Is there really no room for change?"

"This is difficult." Seeing that Xu Rong was in a hurry, he reached out and patted his thigh gently, "Don't worry, let me think about it, let me think about it."

Pu Cunxi scratched his head a few times, and in the end, he seemed to have made up his mind, and said: "First of all, you write an explanation of your situation, and you must be sincere. I will go and talk to the dean. It's not that you don't want to go. It’s because the actual situation doesn’t allow it, we’ll talk about it after the family settles down.”

"Xiao Xu, don't think about it anymore. This opportunity is really rare. It's the top art school in the world. No matter how crowded you are, you won't be able to get in."

Xu Rongqian laughed and said, "I will definitely write down the situation statement seriously."

"Well, what a pity." Pu Cunxi sighed and got up and said, "I have to go back quickly, the efficiency in the other courtyard is too high, so I signed up for you."

When Xu Rong came to his lips, he forcibly swallowed the words of leaving him to eat at home, then stood up and said, "Thank you, Pu Yuan, I will see you off."

"Thank you." Pu Cunxi shook his head, pouted, with a look of deep embarrassment, "But don't have too much hope, this matter is really difficult."

Before going out, Pu Cunxi seemed to have thought of something, turned his head and said, "Xiao Xu, I don't think it's enough to just explain the situation, let's do it, I'll just tell the dean that there is another role that suits you, If you can’t leave, let’s talk about going to study two years later, so the reason is more sufficient, what do you think?”

"Hey, thank you Puyuan."

"Thank you, it's all from my family, that is, what a great opportunity, what a pity."

(End of this chapter)

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