I'm just an actor

Chapter 208 Apologize

Chapter 208 Apologize
If Pu Cunxi had come to him four or five years earlier to send him to study abroad, Xu Rong would have packed his luggage without hesitation, turned around and headed to Berlin.

Such a great thing, you can't find it even with a lantern.

He doesn't know much about the Grotowski school. He only knows that it is different from Stella's emphasis on absolute control. The core of the Ge school is the loss of control under control, which is suitable for dramatic performances. The film and television industry can also unleash unimaginable magic power.

It's just that Gepai and other schools different from Stellaris' system are collectively referred to as Expressionism by Stellaris.

Since entering this industry, although he didn't know the difference between the various systems at that time, from Li Youbin's precepts and deeds, he has accepted the training methods and skills of the Strike system.

Later, when he entered the school, he studied and trained mainly on the content of the Stuart system, supplemented by the method school. Even now, he is still a relatively loyal user of the Stuart system.

There are many theories about performance in the world, but very few of them can be named after systems and schools. It is not just that someone has created a set of theories, which can be called a system. The most basic symbol of a system is the guiding theory of science and Supporting training methods and practical results.

Guiding theories and training methods that have not been tested in practice cannot be called systems or schools of thought.

Moreover, as the most mainstream system, the Strike system is not a perfect system. In the process of internal construction, the Strike system has to go through a series of processes such as eliminating the self, retaining the role, feeling the prescribed situation, generating desire, and then completing the highest task. the process of.

In theory, this series of internal skills constitutes a complete closed loop without flaws, but in actual operation, it is not that easy in essence, especially the stage of eliminating self and retaining roles is a practical process the most difficult part.

For example, it is almost a completely impossible task for a strong boy of seventeen or eighteen to play an old man of seven or eighty.

The method provided by the Stuart system is the stimulation from the outside to the inside, such as imitating the rickety figure and staggering pace of the old man, and gradually finding the inner state that the old man of that age should have.

But this solution is not perfect.

Faced with such problems, most actors today are still more accustomed to method-style emotional memory.

Because it is simple and fast, although there will be certain deviations, if you don't observe carefully, the distinction is not very clear.

After Pu Cunxi left, classmate Xiao Zhang suddenly leaned over and said, "Mr. Xu, recently there is a website called Weibo. I heard that many artists are being invited to join. Have they contacted you?"

Xu Rong shook his head. Not to mention Weibo, it is a blog. He has never posted on it himself, and the company has always been running it.

He usually surfs the Internet just to read the news, and the biggest use of the computer he bought is to check information and show the function.

Four or five years of daily life, he himself did not find it boring, although this persistence did not bring about much material improvement, not to mention the remote house he lived in, there was no swimming pool like Li Youbin's house, and the sofa could only be used for ten hours. Lai Wan's set will be enough, but the sense of gaining knowledge and skills is far more refreshing than reading two posts or jokes on the Internet.

Xiao Zhang frowned, and asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"If you think I'm expensive, it's no different from an endorsement, but one is a tangible product, and the other is virtual, which are similar in nature."


She nodded, rolled her eyes twice, and suggested, "Mr. Xu, shall we go sing?"

Xu Rong slapped her face, pushed her aside, and said, "Honestly, what bad idea are you holding back?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang was lying on his hair, and couldn't get up at all. He raised his head and said with a smile: "I want to listen to your song "Snail and Oriole". Ha ha."

Being laughed at by classmate Xiao Zhang many times, Xu Rong didn't feel embarrassed at the moment. Anyway, this is his stunt. He used this golden song to pass the art test.

Because this song is simple enough!
He gave Xiao Zhang a sideways look, and said, "Then you should call Yang Mi over and ask her to sing "Nanniwan" again, she is really outrageous."

Classmate Xiao Zhang seemed to recall the situation of the art test a few years ago, and laughed "hahaha goose goose goose goose".

While she was smiling happily, Xu Rong suddenly asked: "By the way, have you finished the biography I asked you to write?"

"Goose, huh?"

Xiao Zhang seemed to be strangled by the neck, the smile on his face faded quickly visible to the naked eye, and after fluttering his eyelashes twice, he shyly said: "I wrote it."

"You bring it to me and have a look."

Xiao Zhang hesitated for a moment, then sat up slowly, put on the slippers very slowly, got up slowly, and moved upstairs with steps that were not as light as before.

And until it got dark, Xu Rong didn't wait for Xiao Zhang to come again.

On November 11th, "Snow Leopard" held a kick-off banquet.

Xu Rong didn't plan to stay in the crew's hotel this time. According to the filming plan, except for some exterior scenes, they were all filmed in the Bayi Film and Television Base.

Moreover, he had chatted with director Chen Haowei, and he did not plan to read the script at night.

On the 14th, he asked Wang Yaqin to move in at home, because when the filming officially started, getting up early and staying late was simply commonplace.

Wang Yaqin is currently living in the company's dormitory, and if he runs to the city every day, there will be no time left for rest.

In addition, I want to make my family more popular.

Since Aunt Wang returned to her hometown in Anshan, Xu Rong always felt that the house was empty, and it was fine when Xiao Zhang was there. Once there was only one person left, he usually would not stay in the living room on the first floor or the living room on the second floor.

Even if the lights are fully turned on, the huge space cannot be filled.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Rong took Xiao Zhang to the hotel where the opening banquet was held on time.

From the perspective of laymen, practitioners in the film and television industry are often tall and well-educated, but if a group of migrant workers are pulled over to sit in one pile, and the crew sits in another pile, it may be really hard to tell the difference.

Judging from the skin color, they are all the same black. As for the speech and behavior, it is difficult to say which is better.

In the lobby on the second floor of the hotel, there are a total of seven NO.80 people sitting around more than a dozen large round tables. Regardless of men and women, the clothes are mostly simple. Come here, or it is the first time to contact this industry, or you are just blindly paying attention.

Xu Rong has participated in many start-up banquets, but every time the management representative finishes his speech, he has a sense of sight when the sound of "open!"

When he came to the front right table, Xu Rong took a look around. Except for the female one, he more or less knew or looked familiar with the others.

For example, Wang Kuirong, who played his father Zhou Jiguang, once starred in "Crossing the Guandong", Liu Liwei, who played Qiu Ming, once played the role of Chen Hong in "The Ming Dynasty".

Only the female one, he didn't have the slightest impression.

Previously, he also wanted to win the female lead for classmate Xiao Zhang, that is, the role of Chen Yi, that classmate Xu Xing, no matter what his name is, he could be the female lead in a mango play, and Xiao Zhang has no problem at all.

But in the end, it still failed to win.

He heard Hua Ming mention that the first female Tao Feifei has a strong background and her brother-in-law is very powerful.

But if you really want to insert someone casually, neither he nor Zhou Xie will definitely agree. After all, this drama places their different hopes on each other.

Tao Feifei is from the Acting Department of Chinese Opera, and she is also a teacher of the Academy of Chinese Opera. She should have no problem with her professional skills, but she is a little older, but the age of an actress can't be seen from her face.

As soon as Xu Rong came over, the people sitting around the table stood up, and Xu Rong greeted Liu Liwei and Wang Kuirong, saying: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, long time no see."

Wang Kuirong obviously remembered him, and said with a smile: "It's been a while, I haven't seen you for two years, you have changed a lot."

But Liu Liwei on the side was a little confused, he knew Xu Rong, after all Xu Rong was the most popular actor in the mainland this year, it was impossible for him not to know him, but he couldn't remember when he had an intersection with Xu Rong at all.

Seeing that Liu Liwei also responded with a smile, Xu Rong called out "Mr. Xu, long time no see". He guessed that he might have forgotten himself. After all, it has been more than four years since the last collaboration, and he was only a member of the crew at that time. Little transparent, so he said: "Mr. Liu, you are too polite. When you were filming "The Ming Dynasty" in the first few years, you read the script back and forth, but you were the fastest."

"Hahaha." Liu Liwei smiled, and his heart suddenly became clear. He not only remembered where he met Xu Rong, but also understood the reason why he was able to climb to the top at a young age.

It is not an easy task not to embarrass people when dealing with people. If there are interests, it is natural to focus on interests, but if there are no interest disputes, it is natural to choose the comfort of getting along with each other.

Xu Rong glanced around and found a table of seven people, regardless of whether it was the producer Zhang Jian who was at odds with him, or the two directors, they all stood up.

There was only one young man, who was looking at his age, who kept his head down and played with his mobile phone from the beginning to the end.

He acted as if he hadn’t seen anything, and said, “Let’s stop standing, it’s not time to toast yet, sit down and chat, save a little energy now, in the next few months, there will be hard work time."


As soon as he sat down, Du Yuming whispered in his ear and said, "Mr. Xu, that's the son of Producer Zhang."

Xu Rong nodded twice, patted his arm lightly, and asked, "Old Du, I heard before that Mr. He Zhengjun is also going to play a role. Why haven't you seen him today?"

A while ago, he took Zhang Weibei and He Zhengjun out for a meal, in the name of congratulating him on winning the Magnolia Award and the Feitian Award.

After it was over, he dragged Zhang Guangbei and the two of them away quietly.

It is estimated that when He Zhengjun paid the bill, his heart was bleeding.

Zhang Jian looked at Du Yuming as if he was catching up, but when Xu Rong came over, he was so enthusiastic that he couldn't help but thump.

Before, he always felt that as long as he and Du Yuming were around, no matter how big Xu Rong's wrists were, even a dragon would have to coil up, and a tiger would have to lie down, but now, he suddenly realized that he had become A bright commander.

"He went out to film, and he won't be back until two days later, don't worry, it won't delay our filming."


Chen Haowei had a long thin face and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Although Xu Rong wanted to suppress the scene just now, it was undoubtedly a bad sign for him.

He took out a piece of blue mirror cloth from his pocket, took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, let out a few breaths, then put them on again, and fired the first shot of the internal struggle of the crew, saying: "The age It’s too old, this eyesight is not easy to use, this young man, Producer Zhang, your son?”

His voice was not high, but his voice fell behind. The surrounding table, which was barely maintaining harmony, immediately shut their mouths tightly. Like, motionless.

Mountain tops are the most common thing in every crew, because the scale of investment in film and television nowadays is getting bigger and bigger. In order to spread risks, it is often multi-party joint investment, coupled with producers, directors, and big names, resulting in There are many hills inside the crew.

As for a newcomer actor who has no one to rely on and is purely lucky, if he joins the group, he must first recognize the situation. people and even nephews of investors.

Zhang Jian glanced at the old and comfortable director Chen Haowei. Although the other party's tone seemed to be joking, he knew very well that it was aimed at him.

He knew in his heart that because of some angry words he had said in private earlier, his son was feeling uncomfortable and wanted to vent his anger on himself.

But it's in the wrong place, my ancestors.

Fortunately, he was here today. If he hadn't been here, maybe his son would have been replaced before Xu Rong sat down just now.

He had already seen the situation clearly at this time, and he really wanted to fight. He might not be able to eat a meal today, so he hurriedly smiled and said to Xu Rong: "Brother, don't mind, I just came out of school and I don't know what to do. Don't take it to heart."

Xu Rong smiled, but said nothing, who just came out of school.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't make a statement, Zhang Jian immediately turned his head and scolded: "Ruoyun, hurry up and apologize to Uncle Xu."

Zhang Ruoyun was stunned when he heard his father's words, then slowly raised his head, staring at Xu Rong who had robbed him of his male lead and was looking at him with a smile, his complexion was cloudy for a while.

Xu Rong also looked at him to see how he would choose. He also took this step and could understand the feelings of this peer named Zhang Ruoyun, and he didn't have the evil intention of forcing others to bow their heads.

When he came over, the other party didn't stand up, it was just a trivial matter, if Chen Haowei had nothing to say, he wouldn't bother with him, but since he brought it up, he couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb anymore.

Today is the first day of the crew's assembly, and it's also the time to set the tone. If he is fooled by Zhang Jian, Chen Haowei, who stands behind him and speaks for him, will immediately fall into an embarrassing situation.

Since Chen Haowei made the start, he had no choice but to support him, otherwise he would definitely not be able to get the support of Chen Haowei and Du Yuming in the future.

At the current point, it's not that he doesn't want to make things difficult, so he doesn't have to. Chen Haowei needs the leading power to ensure that he, as the director, also has the right to speak as the biggest player in the crew.

(End of this chapter)

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