I'm just an actor

Chapter 209 Basketball

Chapter 209 Basketball
The winter of 2009 was earlier than in previous years, and it was also extremely cold and deep. Although it was only the middle of November, it felt as if it had entered the twelfth lunar month.

"Mr. Xu, you seem to hate that Zhang Jian?"

After Wang Yaqin took up the job of the driver, Xiao Zhang finally enjoyed the treatment that a female second should have. He sat in the back row, hugged Xu Rong's arm, and asked doubtfully.

With Xu Rong's extensive contacts, she knows more and more people. In her eyes, Zhang Jian is just a small person. In the past, Teacher Xu didn't even hate such a person, let alone pay too much attention to them.

But at today's opening banquet, she was keenly aware of Teacher Xu's vigilance and vigilance towards Zhang Jian.

This was extremely rare in the past, even when he talked about the previous conflict with Zhang Jizhong, he just laughed it off.

Xu Rong hesitated for a while before asking: "Is there any?"

"Well, I think so."

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said, "Maybe, he has some characteristics similar to mine."

Zhang Jian entered the industry a few years earlier than him, but his past works did not cause much trouble.

The reason why they cooperated with "Snow Leopard" is mainly because Mango TV took the lead in investing in this drama.

But at the opening banquet just now, Xu Rong saw another side of Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian laughed along, asked his son to apologize to him, and then fined him three drinks.

Thinking in another way, Xu Rong can understand Zhang Jian's frustration.

If someone is bullying classmate Xiao Zhang like this right now, no matter who is right or wrong, he would rather resign than compromise.

He also did what Zhang Jian did a few years ago. He has a normal drinking capacity, but every time he goes to the wine table, he has to drink heavily, and then runs to the bathroom to vomit.

When you are not qualified to talk about dignity, don't talk about dignity.

But it was precisely because of this that he felt disgusted. In his judgment, Zhang Jian was a flexible person, and what he lacked might be just an opportunity.

Just like him back then.

Xiao Zhang didn't talk much about this topic, and Zhang Jian's resignation basically set the tone for the next three months' shooting schedule.

"Mr. Xu, did you notice that the director drinks a lot."

Xu Rong hesitated for a while before saying, "Not necessarily, he didn't actually drink much today."

Chen Haowei is an interesting person. During the kick-off banquet, apart from toasting to the table where the investor representatives were sitting, he didn't even touch a few glasses of wine.

Because he was toasting to everyone, he immediately poured a full glass with a "crack", and said, "Drinking in a small wine cup is boring, let's have a good time."

In view of this, those who originally planned to toast should not mention it again. With such a drinking method, it is estimated that they can find a corner to sit around after drinking.

After arriving home, Xu Rong did not drag Wang Yaqin to rehearse. During the preparation process of more than a month before, he had already rehearsed with Xiao Zhang countless times.

The role of Zhou Weiguo, no matter the role positioning or the relationship between the characters, is not a big challenge to him, and he also chatted with Chen Haowei and Du Yuming seven or eight times before.

In addition to being an interesting person, Chen Haowei is also a director who is willing to be serious professionally.

Because the script is an adaptation of a novel, the two didn't touch the plot, but the shot script, storyboard and even the camera map were prepared in great detail.

The goal is also extremely clear, surpassing "Bright Sword".

Whether it was Chen Haowei's inner thoughts, Xu Rong didn't know, because he also knew a producer named Luo Liping, who always shouted to be comparable to "Latent" when shooting spy wars, and shouted to be comparable to "Bright Sword" when shooting war films. ", I have learned [-]% of the standard speaking skills of directors in the industry, otherwise investors won't be able to stop burning money.

At nine o'clock the next morning, after the start-up ceremony was held on time, the crew officially started up.

Before the filming started, Xu Rong discovered something unusual about the "Snow Leopard" group.

Too quiet.

Whether it's the various crew members of the film crew or the actors, each of them is busy with their own affairs. Even if they talk, they are limited to work communication.

As usual, there are always one or two active roles in each crew, some are production directors, some are directors or assistant directors, and some are actors, but the current crews are afraid of talking too much and getting angry.

Although it was quiet, it was not depressing. It seemed that no one took the small incident at the opening banquet yesterday seriously.

Xu Rong understands that such an atmosphere is not a serious problem now, but when the filming enters the middle and later stages, when the weather becomes worse and the physical strength is exhausted, problems will inevitably arise.

It's just for a while, and he can't think of a good way. What he wants to play is Zhou Weiguo who represents the intellectuals, not a handsome red soldier who is always talkative, and it is impossible to play the role of invigorating the atmosphere.

Hua Ming, one of the representatives of the investor, saw Xu Rong resting, walked over, handed him a cigarette, and asked, "One?"

Today, Hua Ming specially came over, but this time he will no longer be the producer, because he presided over the filming of "Latent", which has created huge benefits for the station, and his current position is further advanced, and he does not have as much time and energy as in the past on these specific matters.

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "It's not like you don't know, I don't smoke."

Hua Ming clicked on it, and said: "This scene is a war scene, and it will be very difficult to shoot. You have to be mentally prepared."

Of course Xu Rong could have expected it. It's not like he hasn't made war movies before. The original "Bright Sword" was filmed in the Taihang Mountains in winter.

However, he has long been used to the difficult shooting conditions. It is common to go to the Northeast to film in winter, which is not so bad now.

Different from other types of dramas, the most uncomfortable part of filming a war film is the ears, because sometimes it may take a long time or even a day to shoot a big scene, which means that at the end of the day, you have to endure "da da da" and "boom". "Boom" gunshots and cannons 360-degree three-dimensional devastation.

"It's okay. I heard that the film crew used to go to remote places for filming. A war film can be shot in the capital. It's much better."

"I didn't mean that." Hua Ming smiled, and glanced at Zhang Jian who was wearing sunglasses not far away, "I have to go back later, what's the matter, you can discuss it with Director Chen and a few producers .”

Xu Rong was stunned, and smiled and said: "Take it easy, our producer is a smart person, in fact, I feel that if you have to find someone who most hopes this movie can be made well, don't look at Lao Hua. You paid for it, but it definitely won’t be the first place, this person should be our producer.”

Hua Ming touched Xu Rong's words for a while, and said: "Haha, what you said is really true. There is a saying, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the middle-aged and poor."

"I hope he can straighten up and speak when facing other investors and actors in the future."

The two were chatting when the assistant director Zhang Hongwei came over and asked, "Mr. Xu, how are your preparations going? Let's start?"

"it is good."

It’s already 09:30 after the opening ceremony, and today we plan to shoot only two scenes, the first one is Xu Rong and Wang Kuirong, the second one is Wang Kuirong and the other two sons, that is, Pan Taiming who plays Liu Yuan and Liu Zhihui Zhang Ruoyun's role.

The scenes of famous actors are generally relatively compact. When the director team makes a shooting plan, they will try their best to gather the scenes of famous actors together. Just like right now, Wang Kuirong's scenes are the first to be filmed.

Xu Rong got up and said to Hua Ming: "I'll go get ready first, and I won't see you off when I leave."

"You are busy with your work, what to give, it's not as if you can't see him anymore."

Hua Ming shook Xu Rong twice with his cigarette in his hand, and walked slowly to the monitor. Since the last cooperation in "Latent", he hadn't watched Xu Rong act for a while.

He doesn't know the internal skills of acting, but he likes to watch actors with strong professional ability acting. Every time an actor portrays a role that is completely different from his own, he finds it very interesting.

Seeing Hua Ming approaching, the directors Chen Haowei, Du Yuming and photography director Han Fei sitting behind the monitor all nodded at him.

But before the meeting, the four of them were all dumbfounded.

After the big and tall assistant director Zhang Hongwei finished speaking, Xu Rong didn't immediately start to answer the words and act, but looked at Wang Kuirong.

At this time, Wang Kuirong had already closed his eyes, sitting on the chair, motionless.

"Please wait for a few minutes, I'm brewing up my emotions."

After a while, Wang Kuirong frowned, opened his eyes, and said to Xu Rong who was sitting across from him.

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "Mr. Wang, let's play a game first?"

Wang Kuirong was stunned for a moment, he believed that Xu Rong's proposal would definitely not be aimless, because his professional level was there, and there must be his own reasons for making such a proposal when he was trying to find his status.

Seeing that Wang Kuirong didn't answer himself immediately, Xu Rong continued: "How about throwing a basketball?"

Wang Kuirong looked at him in surprise, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling, and asked suspiciously, "Throwing a basketball?"

Xu Rong clasped both hands, as if holding a basketball in his hands, handed it over, and said: "Mr. Wang, this is a basketball, you can catch it."

Caught off guard, Wang Kuirong hesitated for a moment before remembering that he should reach out to catch it, but his reaction was a beat slow after all, and the non-existent "basketball" seemed to fall to the ground.

He bent down hastily, picked up the "basketball" from the ground, and hugged it with both hands like Xu Rong before.

Wang Kuirong looked down at the "basketball" in his hand. After a while, he raised his head and asked, "This method is interesting. Where did you learn it?"

He does not think that this method was invented by Xu Rong himself. The game looks simple, but it contains a lot of training content. The person who invented this game must have a high-level understanding and cognition of performance theory and practice.

"A small technique taught by a senior, under normal circumstances, it takes ten to 15 minutes, but we might as well do it for three to five minutes, and start shooting when we are in the best state." Xu Rong said with a smile. In fact, this method of adjusting the state is just an additional The effect, the most important effect, is the effect on potential development formed after long-term practice so that "tired".

Wang Kuirong nodded lightly, pushed the basketball out of his hand suddenly, and said, "Then you can catch it."

Seeing the speed and angle of his attack, Xu Rong hurriedly stood up, jumped up slightly, and flung both hands in the air.

Wang Kuirong looked at Xu Rong's reaction, frowned, shook his head gently, and said, "There are many ways to do this game. The first thing is to concentrate and form a subconscious reaction. Otherwise, when you throw it over, I may not be able to." You can catch the ball, and every time you catch the ball, you must use your imagination to feel and remember the strength and touch of the ball, including its speed, arc and speed of rotation, which integrates attention, imagination, perception and reaction. , physical coordination and intangible objects, all aspects must have performance judgments, without certain skills and training, it is impossible to play this game.”

"Although it is catching a basketball, every time it is catching, it is equivalent to catching an impromptu play, and it is based on substantive movements. Once there is a deviation, you can immediately notice it. The effect of finding the state is very good, except that the threshold is a bit Other than high, there are almost no other defects, and the person who invented this method is really powerful."

Holding the "basketball" in one hand, Xu Rong gave a thumbs up in the other hand, and said, "Mr. Wang is amazing, he can see so many tricks at a glance."

Wang Kuirong looked at the smiling Xu Rong, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Xu Rong didn't hide from him, and said: "Yes, this game is very tiring to play well, but when you are tired, it is the golden development stage of acting."

From the previous judgments, Xu Rong knew that if Wang Kuirong played a few more times, he would definitely be able to figure out the ultimate purpose of the game.

This is an important skill in the human art drama system, but as Wang Kuirong said, the threshold is high, and every catch and throw is essentially equivalent to an improvisation.

While Xu Rong and Wang Kuirong were looking for their status, the whole set stared blankly at the two of them, as if they were insane, throwing them back and forth in a cloud of air.

"What are these two teachers doing?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, the two teachers must have deep intentions."

The outsiders watch the excitement, the insiders watch the doorway, after Xu Rong and Wang Kuirong tossed back and forth three times, all the actors who came to the crew today became quiet.

They couldn't figure out the meaning behind the game as quickly as Wang Kuirong, but the two of them jumped back and forth as if they had a real basketball in their hands, and when it fell into their eyes, it produced a strange sense of beauty.

And in this process, both of them will deliberately create difficulties for each other.

During the warm-up process, Wang Ke, who played Cao Ying, blinked her big eyes, touched Xiao Zhang with her arm, and asked, "Mr. Zhang, do you know what Mr. Xu is doing?"

Wang Ke is a female artist brought by Guo Si, and one of the few professional actresses in war films.

Although they belong to the same company, she really doesn't have much contact with Xu Rong. She is very clear about her role as a young actress.

She also has her own ideas. It is definitely impossible to hug Xu Rong's thigh, let alone use him to hype, otherwise the company will not let her go.

But she can use a more tactful way to get closer to Xu Rong, such as playing with his girlfriend as a best friend.

Classmate Xiao Zhang said: "It's just pretending to catch and throw a basketball. It's for looking for status. I practiced with Teacher Xu before, and it was very difficult."

Pan Taiming, who played Liu Yuan, heard the conversation between the two, turned his head to look at Zhang Ruoyun, and said, "Let's try?"

Zhang Ruoyun pouted, and said, "It's just a small game, what else can I try?"

But despite what he said, when he saw the "basketball" thrown by Liu Yuan, he still reached out to catch it.

"Your hand, shouldn't there be a sinking movement after being stressed?"

After a back and forth, Pan Taiming and Zhang Ruoyun looked at each other, paused, turned their heads in unison, and looked at Xu Rong who had once again leaned down to catch the "basketball". goosebumps.

Until this moment, they were deeply aware of the gap between each other.

(End of this chapter)

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