Chapter 210
Because it was the first scene, Wang Kuirong suggested: "Let's take a look first?"

"Okay then, let's take a look."

During the rehearsal of Xu Rong and Wang Kuirong, the three actresses in the crew, Xiao Zhang, Wang Ke and Tao Feifei, because they shared the coffee that Xiao Zhang brought from home, the three little brains unconsciously got together.

The hardest part for actors on the set is waiting. Sometimes they come at four or five o’clock in the morning, but the filming of the scene will not start until evening. And because they are not young, there is no nanny car for rest, so they often need to bring some refreshing items by themselves. When shooting, it is best to quickly adjust the state.

The topic ran aimlessly, but Tao Feifei soon discovered that Xiao Zhang and Wang Ke had completely opposite values ​​to her own.

Since she was a child, she lived in good conditions, versatile, and gentle. Although she didn't have a role that was too popular, but because the dramas she starred in were all big productions, they were mostly broadcast on CCTV. With her good looks and gentle temperament , was rated as an ideal lover by many netizens.

But in her heart, she does not agree with this statement, she is a woman of the new era.

What made her realize that the three of them had different values ​​was the topic of cooking just now.

It's a small thing, but it's an important part of life, especially after leaving the arms of your parents and living with another man.

Tao Feifei always thought that since she was raised by her parents like a princess, why should she cook and serve a man instead of the man cooking and serving her?
But Wang Ke, a northern girl, is just the opposite, and she firmly believes that the daily necessities cannot be managed by men, but by women, otherwise his mind will always be concerned with these trivial matters.

"Why? Why don't you cook for me when I cook for you? My parents didn't let me cook. "

Wang Ke looked at Tao Feifei, who was reacting fiercely, and said with a smile: "When two people are together, someone has to make a sacrifice. If Mr. Zhang is like you said, he will devote himself to his career and strive for everything. A place to rest, I can guarantee that within a year, I will definitely break up with Teacher Xu."

Seeing the two staring at him suspiciously, Wang Ke said: "Well, you should have heard how Guan Hu and Ma Yili broke up?"

Tao Feifei and Xiao Zhang's eyes suddenly lit up, discussing life, they are not that interested, because of the difference in values, there is no need to discuss at all, but if you want to gossip, you can save even coffee up.

Wang Ke lowered his voice slightly, and said: "I watched an interview a while ago, and Guan Hu said that he once wanted Ma Yili to act in a play, but Ma Yili refused without thinking. She said she had her own business plan."

Tao Feifei asked, "And then?"

"Then he invited Liang Jing, who is his current wife."

Wang Ke watched the two fall into deep thought one after another, and said: "In comparison, Guan Hu's character is not that strong. According to his wife, he just lacks the ability to take care of himself. In fact, most men are like this, but Mr. Xu It's completely different, he is very planning and planning about himself, he may appreciate a strong woman like Ma Yili, but he will never tolerate her becoming his other half."

Tao Feifei nodded, and concluded: "I think what you said is very reasonable. Men are just unreliable, and women have to rely on themselves!"

Wang Ke reluctantly showed a polite smile, and at the same time understood that each other's concepts are deeply rooted, even if the same thing, the conclusions drawn by each other are diametrically opposite poles, it is impossible for her to reverse the other's concept.

Xiao Zhang quietly listened to the argument between the two. As a party involved, even if Wang Ke didn't say anything, she knew about these things.

But she neither agrees with Tao Feifei's view of being a strong woman, nor does she agree with Wang Ke's "sacrifice".

It is true that what Wang Ke and Tao Feifei said had their own reasons. In the past, she also had self-contradictions.

She likes herself pursuing the future and goals, just like Yang Mi.

But in comparison, she prefers herself with Teacher Xu.

She has never been intoxicated in her current life, just like she neither minds nor is honored that others always call herself "Xu Rong's girlfriend", because this is an established fact.

What she knows better is that she is not outstanding in terms of appearance or acting talent. Although Teacher Xu always said how amazing she is, she still remembers that a few years ago, someone denied her appearance. And in a game like throwing a basketball, she couldn't catch the fourth throw from Teacher Xu.

She recognizes the excellence of others, but she will not bury herself in the soil just because others are much better than herself.

She chose the life she has now, not just as a pendant for Teacher Xu, nor like Yang Mi, who is desperately trying to get ahead.

Do what you are willing to do with peace of mind. As for the result, just leave it to the future.

Seeing the two people looking at him, Xiao Zhang hesitated for a while, and said with a smile: "I think it's good to have something you like to do and someone to accompany you, even if it doesn't necessarily attract the attention of many people. "

Tao Feifei and Wang Ke were stunned by her answer, and after a while, Tao Feifei said, "That's right, everyone's experience is different, and their thoughts must be different."

Wang Ke looked at her curiously and asked, "Then what do you like to do?"

"Make a movie."

Xiao Zhang paused, and then continued: "I used to always want to be a movie star, but after being with Mr. Xu, I realized that was not what I expected. Now, I just want to be a movie star." Actors, not movie stars, work hard to make life better, not worse."

Seeing that the two were puzzled, she smiled and said, "It doesn't sound like salty fish, but it's very salty when you think about it, doesn't it?"


After Xu Rong finished walking, when he was discussing with Wang Kuirong, he heard the chattering laughter of the three people, and turned his head to glance.

He gradually discovered a strange trait in Xiao Zhang. She always easily became friends with other people. Some of them may be because of him, but some people, like Jia Ling who always stays with her recently. I didn't even know he existed at first.

Maybe it's due to her not fighting or grabbing, and only such a person is a good person in everyone's eyes.

Wang Kuirong looked at Xu Rong, and said with a smile: "Go through it like this again, let alone, your method is really useful, it's a pity."

It is a pity that this method is too narrow in scope, otherwise, if it is promoted, it should be able to achieve quite good results.

"It's no pity, let's take a real shot."

"it is good."

The decree lines on both sides of Wang Kuirong's nose immediately became deeper. From the warm-up game and walk-through just now, he already had a fairly clear judgment on Xu Rong's professional level.

Three days after farewell, when he was impressed, when he filmed "Crossing the Guandong" two years ago, although he didn't have many roles, Xu Rong had already left a deep impression on him. It is not easy to come and go under pressure.

In contrast, Zhu Kui, who was two years older than Xu Rong, stood in front of Li Youbin, let alone talking back and forth, it was not easy to speak in unison.

But today, he discovered that this little guy's external technology has improved to a higher level, and there are almost no clues in the handling. He really deserves the No. 80 name of the 1th generation.

"The audience is quiet."

"The audience is quiet."


The scene to be filmed is that Zhou Wen was beaten up by the Japanese samurai in order to prevent his female classmate Chen Yi from being bullied by the opponent. In a fit of anger, he went home and stole the pistol of his father Zhou Jixian, who was a veteran of the League, and killed the Japanese samurai who beat him.

He planned to hide the pistol quietly, but he was caught by his father Zhou Jixian who had been waiting for a long time.

After hitting the board, Xu Rongmo counted to four, and then hurriedly pushed the door into the arena. At this moment, he realized that he had caused trouble, entered the inner room, and the moment he saw his father, his body suddenly stopped, Her lips trembled: "Daddy."

The first sentence of "Father", his voice is a little low, not completely bald, his emotion at this time is a combination of multiple panics. Fear, in the current situation where the Japanese side is doing everything possible to find a reason to start the war, killing a Japanese samurai is simply impossible. It was the handle that was handed over to others.

In addition, there is also the little embarrassment of being caught stealing a gun.

"Where did you go?"

The play between the two was very stable, a typical feudal patriarch, a typical son of an aristocratic family, but when Xu Rong's next line came out, Chen Haowei suddenly raised his hand, but he didn't say it out.

Xu Rong's gaze was firm, and his voice was sonorous and powerful: "No matter when, you can't allow Little Japan to be so arrogant in our China!"

After saying this, because of Zhou Jixian's gaze, he moved away subconsciously.


After a scene was filmed, Chen Haowei squinted his eyes, lit a cigarette, and played through the replay carefully.

As a director, he clearly has the outline of the filming results in his mind. The first half of Xu Rong's performance just now is very in line with his vision, which was also communicated before.

In his imagination, Zhou Wen was a cynical son of a rich family, but in the father-son conversation between Zhou Wen and Zhou Jixian just now, what he paid attention to was not the submissiveness most of the time, but the passionate patriotic youth image highlighted by that line.

He originally planned to do it all over again, but after raising his hand, he suppressed this thought in a strange way. It was not because of Xu Rong's fame and status, but a pure emotional impulse.

Without a specific rational analysis, seeing Zhou Wen's sonorous and forceful speech, he only felt a heat in his chest being ignited.

Super empathy and contagion.

Perhaps rationally, this play is not qualified, but emotionally, he is really reluctant to use it.

He turned his head to look at Du Yuming: "I also keep the one I took just now, as a backup."

He planned to press this scene first, and then decided which one to use after seeing the effect when editing.

Du Yuming froze for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

He thought it was going to be a reshoot, because he had clearly seen Chen Haowei raised his hand just now.

Chen Haowei took a deep puff of his cigarette, and said with emotion: "Teacher Xu will really give us problems."


Zhang Jian didn't intend to speak at first, but when he saw Chen Haowei hesitated, he pondered for a while and said, "I think the second one is better. The moment that sentence was blurted out, I felt that this character stood up immediately. What a man."

Several people turned their heads to look at him at the same time, their eyes were slightly mixed with surprise, Zhang Jian smiled, but did not explain any more.

"Next, next."

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?"

Xu Rong heard the voice of the production director Wang Yahui, turned his head, only to find that at the edge of the set, the four crew members and three young men with colorful hair had already started working, and two of them were still hugging each other, rolling on the ground .

Before Xu Rong could react, the recording teacher who had been standing next to him grabbed an iron pipe of the lighting bracket, rushed up, and finally yelled cursingly: "What the hell, it's upside down, hit me!" Someone called the crew."

There are not a few people who do the same behavior as the recording teacher.

Xu Rong watched this scene from a distance, neither making a sound to stop him nor booing.

In the past few years, the voice of the Internet has become louder and louder, and all crews will pay attention to it. But in the early years, especially before the new millennium, physical communication between the crew and the outside world was simply commonplace.

Especially in the past when film crews were filming locations, they liked to go to poor villages. The folk customs in these places are simple, but they are also tough. If there is a disagreement, the boat of friendship will be overturned. Brawl.

The battle ended quickly, because there were only three gangsters who came to make trouble, and it wasn't actually trouble, but the three of them wanted to see what was going on with the star's filming on the set.

But it's impossible for the field staff to agree. Once they come and go, the verbal communication becomes a physical collision.

After the three gangsters were beaten up and ran away, Xu Rong looked at the people who had returned to work, laughing and talking about the incident just now, as if for this group of people, the communication just now was like smoking a root As insignificant as smoke.

Wang Kuirong looked at his curious look, and explained with a smile: "It's nothing unusual. In the 90s, a crew, you may not be able to film, but you must not be able to fight, because if you don't know how to fight, you will definitely not be able to make a film. In addition, you can’t just roll up your sleeves with people regardless of your bruised nose and swollen face, and you have to learn to judge the situation.”

In the evening, after the crew finished filming the scene and loaded the equipment into the car, they left the base, and when they turned a corner, the leading car stopped immediately.

At the intersection about 200 meters away, there were seven young men sitting with no.

The three colorful people who were beaten in the afternoon looked around, as if confirming their identities.

Xu Rong didn't get out of the car, but straightened up, frowning and watching.

Once this matter is not handled well, I am afraid that it may lead to a collective incident.

Wang Yaqin took a look and asked nervously, "Mr. Xu, what should I do?"

Xu Rong rolled down the car window, but heard Chen Haowei's energetic voice coming out of the loudspeaker: "Brothers, copy guys!"

He hesitated for a while, but still didn't get out of the car, but took out his mobile phone.

But then, he realized something was wrong. Not only did the crew's convoy not get on and off, but the car behind turned into the car in front. Before the group of gangsters could react, they ran away without a trace.

Xu Rong stared at this scene dumbfounded, he finally knew what Wang Kuirong meant in the afternoon when he said "we have to judge the situation".

(End of this chapter)

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