I'm just an actor

Chapter 211 Accident

Chapter 211 Accident
Wang Yaqin turned to the rearview mirror and looked at the hooligan who was flung in the dust and looked around in a daze. He grinned and said, "Haha, luckily I react quickly."

Classmate Xiao Zhang patted his chest, looked away, and said with lingering fear: "Mr. Xu, I see that many of them are holding knives. By the way, do you think they will come back tomorrow?"

Xu Rong closed the car window, and said, "Don't worry, the old fritters in our film crew must have encountered similar things more than once or twice, and it will probably be settled tonight."

If it is a poor country, you may have to spend some money to manage it, but right now the crew is at the feet of the emperor, and the employers are still various TV stations, so there must be a way to deal with it.

In fact, there are some things that Xu Rong can't say. Wang Yaqin has been with the crew, so he should understand the root cause behind the current situation, and Xiao Zhang is better protected by him, and he basically has no eyes for the dirty bottom of the film and television industry.

This is also the reason why he doesn't like filming in Beijing very much.

Compared with Hengdian, which has already formed a large scale and takes this as its main industry, Fengtai's base not only has fewer scenes, but also has a large gap in the scale and overall quality of group performances.

Different from Hengdian, the group performances in the capital are divided into courtyards. Of course, this courtyard is not the other courtyard, but a place to manage extras. Here, the group leader is also called the courtyard head.

It is also a special phenomenon that has only formed in the last two or three years.

In the early years, before the Beijing Film Studio moved out, group actors were looking for work, and most of them gathered at the gate of the Beijing Film Studio, waiting for the crew to issue an announcement and the actors and assistant directors to be selected.

When Xu Rong first came to the capital five years ago, he was also one of them.

However, there was an obvious difference between that time and now. At that time, group performances lacked management, which was equivalent to odd jobs.

But since the Huairou base was put into use, the era of hundreds of extra performers squatting at the gate of the Beijing Film Studio and waiting for their jobs is gone forever. Instead, there are extra performers with certain contacts in the capital or local local snakes. Became the identity of "yard head".

It also completely monopolizes the group performance of the crew.

With middlemen making the difference, some group performers simply switched careers or went elsewhere to make a living, because they received less money than before.

As a result, these group performers encountered an extremely embarrassing problem, there was work, but there were not enough people.

As long as there are interests to promote, there are always more ways than difficulties.

And because it belongs to the "blind spot" of supervision, these hospital heads have recruited new recruits in various names such as "a monthly salary of more than [-], professional training, and working with celebrities."

A young man with a dream of being a star came to the capital, and through various recruitment websites, without knowing it, was deceived by various names registered by the courtyard or the cooperative film and television company, and entered the compound inexplicably.

The star dream has a price. Before entering the job, you must first pay thousands or tens of thousands of training fees, introduction fees, intermediary fees, and deposits, and then seize your ID card in the name of the formalities.

At this point, these young people with dreams were caught off guard and pushed into the dark abyss under this glamorous industry that no one pays attention to.

They are human beings, but they don't get the treatment they deserve. They have to chop firewood and make a fire by themselves, and the place they live in may leak from rain in winter and wind in summer. As for wages, it doesn't matter at all.

Of course, what maintains this management model is naturally violence, and its actual nature is no different from that of some illegal organizations.

Because of the harsh living environment, Xu Rong heard that many people in the compound had more or less mental problems.

The three hooligans who obviously came to make trouble today are most likely not just hooligans, but Wang Hongwei, the actor and assistant director, who didn't distribute the work reasonably to the various courtyards when he was looking for someone.

Early the next morning, when Xu Rong arrived at the film and television base with Xiao Zhang and Wang Yaqin, the three of them stared at each other for a long time, as if hoping that one of them could explain the reason for the strange situation.

Because there is no half-figure of the crew on the set.

Xiao Zhang got out of the car, looked at the empty venue, and asked doubtfully, "Could it be that the production crew has changed the scene temporarily, and didn't have time to tell us?"

Wang Yaqin took out the notice in the taxi, glanced at it, and said: "No, the notice I received last night is still filming here. There are still two scenes in the scene yesterday. It is impossible to switch scenes so quickly, and even if the switch field, and it shouldn’t fail to inform us.”

Xu Rong looked around, feeling terribly quiet, and said, "Let's get in the car and wait, I'll call and ask about the situation."

He was worried that what happened yesterday wasn't handled well, and the large crew of the crew started working with him halfway.

"Beep beep."

"Beep beep."


It's just that both Du Yuming's and Chen Haowei's calls are busy.

While Xu Rong was on the phone, Wang Yaqin was also on the phone with deputy director Zhang Hongwei and production director Wang Yahui.

"Teacher Xu, I've got through here."

"Hey, Director Zhang, I'm Wang Yaqin, what, you won't be filming today?"

After hanging up, Wang Yaqin turned her head and said, "Mr. Xu, Director Zhang said that something happened to the production crew at the hotel. I guess we can't shoot today?"

"what's up?"

Wang Yaqin shook her head and said, "It's noisy over there, and Director Zhang is also in a hurry to speak, so I'll talk about it later."

Xu Rong nodded and said, "Come on, let's go to the hotel to check the situation."

The three of them were driving, and before they arrived at the hotel, they saw the roadside outside the main entrance of the hotel from a distance, pulled up a cordon, and there were several law enforcement officers in uniform around them.

When Wang Yaqin drove the car closer, Xu Rong's eyes couldn't help but narrowed. Within the cordon, the small half of the front of a black car was almost completely smashed into a white bus.

On the ground, there was a pool of dark red spots.

That white bus belongs to the crew.

Zhang Jian and Chen Haowei stood outside the cordon, smoking a cigarette with their heads bowed. They probably saw his car. Chen Haowei hurriedly took two steps forward, gesticulating wildly at the car, signaling them not to stop and keep going. Walk.

"Teacher Xu, do you want to stop?"

Looking at the dark red mark on the ground, Xu Rong had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Don't stop, just drive over and go home."

If he didn't get out of the car, he might not necessarily attract the attention of the media. Once he got out of the car, with his popularity, he might be stabbed to the media within half an hour.

And at present, he still doesn't know the whole story.

But in his heart, he reckoned that it wasn't the gang of ruffians who did it. The crew of "Snow Leopard" was not a small crew, and the management of the base would be the first to spare them if they did such a thing of revenge and smashed the signboard of the base.

The three of Xu Rong returned home, waited for a long time, and at noon, Chen Haowei finally sent a letter.

It's true that it has nothing to do with the extras, but the problem is more serious.

In the early hours of this morning, a drunk drove a car at a speed of more than [-] mph and ran headlong into the bus parked by the crew on the side of the road.

Killed on the spot.

Xu Rong paused and asked, "What should we do now?"

Chen Haowei sighed, and said: "I originally planned to pay some money to settle the matter, but the family members of the deceased asked for 1000 million in compensation."

"Whose responsibility?"

"We have no responsibility at all. We parked in a parking space approved by the traffic police team and the city appearance management department. He crashed into it after drinking too much."

Xu Rong paused and asked, "What's the plan for Producer Zhang?"

Anyway, Zhang Jian is the producer after all, nominally the leader of the entire crew, and as a producer, if he doesn't step up at this time, he can't let the director Chen Haowei or him, the leading man, step up.

"Zhang Jian said that he is determined not to pay, and the worst is to go through legal procedures."

Chen Haowei sighed again, and said: "Don't worry, continue filming tomorrow, let Zhang Jian go talk to them."


Seeing that Xu Rong hung up the phone, Xiao Zhang shouted, "Mr. Xu, it's time to eat."

When Xu Rong sat down, she handed the chopsticks to him and Wang Yaqin respectively, untied the apron around her waist and put it on the chair next to her, and asked, "Mr. Xu, what did the crew say?"

Xu Rong rubbed his brows, the production crew was fully turned on in less than two days, and was almost blocked by a group of hooligans yesterday, and today it was even worse, directly causing death.

Although he has no responsibility for the crew, from the outside world, he is at least half of the responsibility in this crew.

Logically, he agrees with Zhang Jian's opinion, but there are too many unreasonable things.

In fact, he knew that Chen Haowei's way of spending money to buy peace might be the right way.

It's just that the other party asked for too much. If it was 50 million, he would give it if he gave it. 1000 million is simply extortion.

On the third day, before Xu Rong set off, he received another urgent call from Zhang Hongwei: "Mr. Xu, don't go over there, we're stuck in the hotel and can't get out."

"Stuck in the hotel?"

"The family of the deceased asked for 1000 million yuan in compensation. If we don't pay, we won't let our car move halfway. We found dozens of old people and children, and they sat in front of our car. They said that if we don't give money, we have to pay for it. Pass."

Xu Rong was not surprised by Zhang Hongwei's words. From a legal point of view, the production team was not at fault, but human life is at stake. Now that he is dead, there is a huge reason.

"Didn't you contact law enforcement?"

"I reported it to the police earlier, but I haven't seen a single person until now. The director said that there is no hope at all. Mr. Xu, the producer shouted, let's do this first, and I will notify you when I have a letter."

"Okay, you go first."

Xu Rong hung up the phone, and said to Xiao Zhang who had packed up, "Don't go, we can't shoot today."

After explaining the specific situation to the two of them, Xu Rong was about to change clothes when he suddenly turned his head and said, "Xiao Zhang, until this matter is over, don't answer any strange calls, and don't go out."

"Okay." Xiao Zhang's face was tense, but then, she remembered a very important thing, "Mr. Xu, but there is no food at home."

"It's a small thing, just ask the housekeeper to help you buy it."

Xu Rong thought for a while, but felt that it was not appropriate, turned his head to Wang Yaqin and said: "Yaqin, I will ask the housekeeper to drive you out later, and you can drive back to the company. I guess my car will be very busy once I go out." It may be blocked by the media."

"it is good."

After Xu Rong put down his phone, he returned to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Classmate Xiao Zhang followed with the script and said, "Mr. Xu, shall we rehearse the play?"

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang in surprise, and said, "In the current situation, it's not certain whether this film can continue to be filmed. If it's really 1000 million, let alone anything else, the crew will be disbanded on the spot."

Classmate Xiao Zhang frowned and said: "But it is also possible to solve it tomorrow, even if it can't be solved tomorrow, if it is solved in half a month, we will be idle at home every day, which will affect the state. Since we can't deal with the accident, Then at least we can do the preparations we should do, can't we?"

"What you said makes sense."

What Xu Rong considered was not just the issue of compensation, even if the crew did not shoot, the cost of basic necessities of life, food, drink, and machine rental would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a day.

If it is really delayed for half a month, it will have to be covered by other expenses, such as publicity.

I chatted with Liu Yanming a few times before, and he already has a little understanding of the current TV station's habit of buying movies.

Buy whichever play is highly controversial.

Once the publicity and distribution expenses are misappropriated, individual investors are likely to withdraw their capital directly if their future expectations are lower.

The consequences of "Latent" disrupting the market are not only borne by others, but he, as the beneficiary, is also unavoidable.

And in the hotel where the crew stayed, Zhang Jian, Chen Haowei, Du Yuming and the two producers who were stationed in the crew held a small meeting after being blocked back.

Chen Haowei looked around and saw the two producers sitting upright like mud bodhisattvas. Knowing that only Zhang Jianhe himself was really responsible for the accident, he knocked on the table and said, "Producer Zhang, I think we should talk to his family members again. , as long as it can be negotiated within 100 million, we will pay the money. After a day off, the 8 yuan will be gone. If it is blocked like this for a week, it will be 60 to [-]."

He didn't say anything about the rest of the story. If there is a gap in funds, it must be moved from other places, but the budget is made early in the morning, no matter which one is moved, no one will be happy.

"Also, don't forget that even if we can afford it, Mr. Xu can't afford it. Once the schedule is missed and he resigns, the management won't be able to explain anything else."

Zhang Jian pushed the cigarette he had just smoked twice into the ashtray, twisted it twice, and said in a low voice, "I'll go talk."

Walking to the door, Zhang Jian seemed to think of something again, and looked at the people in the room: "You, who knows the master with profound skills?"

Everyone in the room was stunned for a moment, but they quickly understood what Zhang Jian meant. The production crew had started up for three days, and none of them went smoothly. It was really necessary to find a master to come and take a look.

Du Yuming opened his mouth and said, "I heard that Mr. Xu is more sensitive."

Zhang Jian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Haowei, the meaning was self-evident.

Chen Haowei slowly turned his head suspiciously, and looked at Du Yuming: "What else is there?"

Du Yuming smiled embarrassingly, and said, "I, I don't know, but a lot of people spread it like this."

Xu Rong will definitely not do this kind of thing again. Since he submitted the application, he has become a person of faith, especially as a public figure, his every move will be watched by the outside world.

There can be no metaphysics in his beliefs.

So when Chen Haowei called, he refused without hesitation, not to mention that he didn't know it, even if he really knew it, he couldn't show it.

(End of this chapter)

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