I'm just an actor

Chapter 212 Leisure

Chapter 212 Leisure
"Mr. Xu, do you think this dress looks good?"

During the rehearsal break, Xu Rong caught sight of the mobile phone handed over by classmate Xiao Zhang, and only glanced at it. The water that had just entered almost missed the face of Wang Yaqin, who was half lying on the sofa next to him.

The "clothes" Xiao Zhang showed him were the girls' school uniforms worn by Tao Feifei on the first day of filming!

She murmured in a low voice, "I remember that it should be paired with those white stockings?"

Xu Rong turned his head slowly, and looked at Xiao Zhang, and after a while, he asked in doubt, "Why did you buy this style of clothes?"

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes and asked, "Don't you like watching it?"


"I do not have!"

"Even if I look at it, I still use a critical eye to examine unreasonable social phenomena, and then adhere to scientific, correct, and principled aesthetic concepts!"

Xiao Zhang looked at Teacher Xu who was overreacting, raised his eyebrows, but quickly lowered his eyebrows, and said solemnly: "Then you say whether to buy it or not?"


Wang Yaqin was concentrating on reading the script. She wanted to act for the two of them. Because she hadn't read the book for many years, it was a little difficult for her to memorize the lines. When she heard the conversation between Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang, she gradually She pricked up her ears and pulled her attention away from the script. She always felt that the tone of the two people on the opposite side was weird.

Seeing the serious appearance of the two, a series of question marks popped up in her mind: which style?Why do you like to watch?Criticize what?Why did you buy it?
"Mr. Xu, it's already the third day, and the crew hasn't solved it yet. Do you think it will be possible, and the filming won't work?"

Xu Rong shook his head, he understood the situation more concretely, and said: "No, it's probably coming soon, if it's delayed for a few more days, the crew will be forced to disband on the spot, and the families of the perpetrators won't be able to extort a penny."

On the ninth day after the filming started and the seventh day of the accident, the crew finally paid 36 yuan in compensation, which also ended the turmoil.

Fortunately, although Hairun's influence in the south is not enough, it is considered an old local snake in the north, especially in the capital. Although the accident was exposed by the media, during the reporting process, it was only under the name of "a certain crew" and did not He was not involved.

Turned on the machine again, and arrived at the set at noon, Xu Rong found that many people in the crew, especially the male staff in each group, had two dark circles under their eyes and looked listless.

He looked at Chen Haowei, and found that he was similar, thinking that it must be because of the accident in the past week that he didn't have a good rest, and said: "Director, you have worked hard."

Chen Haowei waved his hands, forced a smile, and said: "In two days, the invited master will come over, I hope nothing will happen in these two days."


Xu Rongying reconciled, remembering something Chen Haowei mentioned before starting the machine, and said in a low voice: "Director, when the firearms and pyrotechnics team is in place, you should communicate with them in advance, so that no accidents will happen."


Chen Haowei looked at Xu Rong suspiciously at first, and when he understood the meaning of his words, he couldn't help but gasped. The main reason why the crew filmed in the film and television base in Beijing was that they rented 120 real guns from Bayi Factory. gun.

"I understand, I understand." Chen Haowei nodded his chin twice. Although the firearms use unscrupulous real bullets, the pyrotechnic explosion scenes in war movies are the most prone to accidents. After all, there is a lesson from the past. A series of accidental casualties during the filming of "Long" caused an uproar in the public opinion, and at the same time, it was almost called off.

When Xu Rong went to prepare, Chen Haowei howled fiercely: "Director Wang!"

Today, Wang Yahui, the production director, was also in a bad mood, and he didn't hide his dark round face. Since the family of the perpetrator blocked the door, he thought he was free, but he didn't think so. From the next day, one of the crew's two full-time girls learned to play mahjong in two shifts 24 hours a day.

A few days ago, before negotiating with the family members, he turned a blind eye to this. A group of people were idle and didn't find something to do. God knows what kind of moths would come up.

Last night, considering that the filming would start today, he was worried about those bastards. In the middle of the night, he put on his coat and went out for a walk.

Good guy, there are four tables in full!

He couldn't be more angry, I have spent so much money and booked so many rooms so hard, how can I imagine that all the grandchildren don't sleep at night.

Angrily, he pinched his waist and cursed for half an hour in the corridor.

Hearing the director's urgent shout, Wang Yahui was shocked, trotted all the way to Chen Haowei, and asked with a smile: "Director, what happened again?"

Chen Haowei lowered his voice a little, and said, "The master you invited is here."

Wang Yahui's face turned bitter, and he said, "Director, the master told me that he wants to come over on a good and auspicious day."

As soon as Chen Haowei listened to his voice, he knew that the master was not satisfied with the price, and scolded: "Grandma Wan, these grandchildren, all of them are getting into the eyes of money. Director Wang, I will give you a deadline. Three days, within three days, if the master doesn't come, you can pack up and leave."

Both Wang Yahui and Wang Yahui narrowed their small eyes. At first they wanted to justify a few words, but when they saw Chen Haowei's majestic mustache, they had to grit their teeth and say, "Well, then, I'll go and urge you."

He is Zhang Jian's person, but now he has seen the situation clearly, Zhang Jian is a top tanker.

On the other side, the assistant director Zhang Hongwei was not idle either. Xu Ronglin came over at noon and was about to shoot his part.

"All the extras are here, all the extras are here, let me tell you how to take the positions, and prepare for the show."

After the group performance went through twice, Xu Rong, who had already finished her makeup, followed Tao Feifei without letting Zhang Hongwei shout.

The scene to be filmed is the scene where Tao Feifei chases after being captured by three Japanese samurai deliberately causing trouble. In his opinion, this plot does not fit Zhou Wen's role setting, but considering that it is the first broadcast on Mango Channel , the plot is reasonable but it is difficult to obtain high ratings.

"Let's go first."

"ready, go."

Hearing the sound, Xu Rong immediately started running. In order to reflect the urgency of the situation, the extras would deliberately block his running route when arranging their positions, and what he needed to do was to push away the group performers who were blocking the way .

When he ran to the first group performer who was blocking the route, Xu Rong only pushed lightly, and the other party staggered aside, letting him run past the route.

The second one is a tall, middle-aged man in a hat and a trench coat.

Xu Rong ran across to him, stretched out his hand and pushed gently, but the guy's feet didn't move at all, as if they were rooted.

"No bro, you're kidding me"

Before he finished speaking, who knew that the tall, middle-aged ensemble actor opened his eyes like copper bells, stared at him, and growled in a low voice: "You pushed me? Why are you pushing me?"

While roaring, he raised his foot and kicked towards Xu Rong.

Xu Rong's staggering steps suddenly stopped, sideways dodged, looked at this group performer who didn't know what kind of nerve he had committed, and said, "What are you doing?"

"You pushed me? How dare you push me?"

The middle-aged group performer saw Xu Rong dodge his kick, his face flushed instantly, and at the same time he was rambling, he waved his fist vigorously and greeted Xu Rong's face.

Xu Rong pushed a step subconsciously and said, "Brother, calm down, this is filming!"

"I let you push me."

A group performer who was closest saw that the situation was not right, so he rushed over and wanted to hug the middle-aged group performer's waist, but the small thin body board was not hugged tightly, and was knocked to the ground by the middle-aged group performer's elbow.

"Hey, Da Zhuang, don't go crazy, you are going to die, come quickly, come quickly, Da Zhuang is crazy again!"

"Quick protection"

Xu Rong watched the middle-aged group performer knock over the thin group performer who was blocking him, and then punched himself again. When the middle-aged group stepped up and punched himself again, he took a step forward with his left foot and turned sideways at the same time, Use your right elbow to push aside the opponent's exhausted straight punch.

At the moment when the middle-aged man's center of gravity was unstable, Xu Rong pushed his left elbow horizontally, suppressing the space for the opponent's right hand to make a shot. With his right hand, he clenched his fist and smashed the opponent's ribs, and at the same time, he raised his right foot and stepped heavily on the middle-aged man's body. above the instep.


The middle-aged group performer's muscular body hit the ground heavily, kicking up a cloud of dust.

". Hu Xu" Zhang Hongwei, who first realized that the situation was wrong, shouted more than halfway. Looking at the situation in front of him, he opened his mouth wide in astonishment, and his voice was inaudible, "Teacher."

"Ah, you, you." Although the middle-aged group performer's brains were not very sharp, the pain in his ribs clearly told him that he could no longer scold the person in front of him.

The surrounding extras and the crew who rushed over like crazy were stunned when they saw the middle-aged extras who were thrown to the ground by Xu Rong in an instant.

The two are about the same height, but in terms of physical strength, the middle-aged group performers are at least half as tall as Xu Rong, but they were thrown to the ground by Xu Rong almost instantly, and seeing him clutching his ribs in pain, It seemed that at that moment, he was still suffering.

Chen Haowei growled: "What are you doing in a daze, hold him down, hold him down."

"Wang Yahui!"

After shouting, Chen Haowei quickly turned his head, looked at Xu Rong, and asked, "Mr. Xu, are you alright?"

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile. Until then, he finally understood the power of the system's traits.

During the more than a month of rest before, he thoroughly studied the instincts instilled in him by the system in his own gym. some instincts.

Because the ways of instilling traits are almost omnipotent, every move and every move is aimed at the vital points of the human body, but he understands that he can't do that, otherwise it may be another accident.

"Teacher Xu, please rest for a while." Chen Haowei asked Du Yuming to accompany Xu Rong to rest, and turned his head to scold her.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Wang Yahui waited for the group leader to escort the middle-aged group performer away, and immediately shouted: "Zhang Hongwei, Zhang Hongwei, where the hell did you go?"

"Did you carry a dog's head on your shoulders?"

When Wang Yahui was satisfied with cursing, Zhang Hongwei turned his head, grabbed the head of the group performer and cursed again.

Chen Haowei stared sullenly at the scolded Zhang Hongwei and the group leaders. After a while, he said, "Who can tell me what's going on?"

Zhang Hongwei ran over in a hurry, and explained with a smile: "Director, Mr. Xu, that person just now has a problem with his mind."

"No, if there is a problem, would you arrange for me to join the group?"

"Well, it's a pitiful person to say the least. He is from Jin City. He was picked up by the group leaders on the street. He used to wander around in the street. He was mentally ill, and he didn't know how to ask others for money and food. Some kind people stuttered. Eat whatever you want, pick up food on the street if no one is there to eat, and sleep at the entrance of the bank or under the bridge at night.

The head of the group had a good plan at first, and came to such a great master, filming to fill up the number of people, and there is no need to pay money, as long as you have a stutter, but who would have thought that it is easy to ask the gods, but it is difficult to send the gods away, this big brother will do it after he comes If you can't do anything, if you don't have anything to eat, you will cause trouble on the set, and you can't get rid of it.

Teacher Xu, director, think about it, compared to him wandering on the street, the compound is simply heaven, with food and drink, and shelter from the wind and rain to sleep. Although the food and environment are a bit poor, but for him Enough said.The group leader wanted to drive him away a few times and locked the door. At night, he climbed over the wall and came in. Sometimes he would smash the door all night and asked him if he had any family members, and he would not say anything if he wanted to send him home.

There is no way, the director can only keep him temporarily, this is not the end, others go out to filming without taking him, and if they don't let him go, they will curse at the street. "

Chen Haowei laughed angrily: "As long as we use this group leader, we must use this group performer as long as you agree to co-author?"

Zhang Hongwei scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "Beatings happen in the compound from time to time, and the head of the courtyard once tried to beat him up and make him obedient. Normally, two or three people beating a normal person is no problem, but Facing a mental illness is hard to say, this eldest brother is nearly 1.8 meters tall, and he is quite strong. He never leaves his hand with a cigarette pipe and pot every day. If he goes crazy, two or three people are really not easy to get close to. If you are mentally ill, he will make you out of good or bad, and he will be fine, but if you make him out of good or bad, then something will happen."

At the end, Zhang Hongwei did not forget to compliment him: "It's still Mr. Xu who is amazing, and he put people on the ground in the blink of an eye."

Xu Rong glanced at him, and said: "I hope next time someone won't take out a bright knife from his waist and slash at me."

Zhang Hongwei turned pale, and said: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, I was wrong. Don't worry, there will never be a next time."

Tao Qiupu, the martial arts director of the crew, and Qiao Pengyue, who played Xu Hu, looked at Xu Rong in the distance, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Tao Qiupu took Qiao Pengyue with his elbow, and said, "Little Qiao, didn't you stay in the provincial Wushu team? Look at what happened just now, is there something wrong?"

Qiao Pengyue nodded affirmatively at first, and said: "But it doesn't look like he came from a martial arts school. Just now, when he pressed the opponent's elbow, it gave me the feeling that the palm of his hand was obviously going towards the opponent's eyes, but later It only touched the opponent's arm, and then stepped forward with the kick, which seemed to be ready to flirt, but in the end it stopped abruptly, and only stomped the opponent's foot. If these two kicks come true, then That level of strength can basically pull the hospital directly.”

"Martial arts schools generally don't dare to teach like this."

Tao Qiupu was not a professional martial arts athlete, so he didn't look that carefully, but he also observed something, and said: "Yes, there is also that punch. Normal people fight, and they usually don't attack the key points, but after he leans in, he directly hits the punch. Aim at the ribs of those actors."

"And the movement of the lower body is particularly coordinated with the movements of his upper body. When he stepped forward, there was a small rotation of his feet, which just ensured that he could sideways get away from the strength of the straight punch, and then use his strength to quickly step forward."

Qiao Pengyue asked another question: "But normally, the moment he leaned forward, the middle-aged should have a chance to fight back, but it gave me the feeling that I was completely scared out of my wits."

Tao Qiupu thought for a while, but couldn't figure out what was going on, so he shook his head and said, "I want a copy of the material from that article just now at night, let's study it carefully."

(End of this chapter)

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