I'm just an actor

Chapter 213 Struggle

Chapter 213 Struggle
Wrapped in a long black down jacket, Xu Rong sat on the side of the set, looking at the middle-aged man in his fifties wearing a black Chinese tunic suit and holding a compass, and fell into deep thought.

He has always been in awe of metaphysics.

The level of awe is like the dark bowl of paper gray water that was like a nightmare in childhood.

Because the existence of the system itself cannot be explained by existing science.

As for the so-called master with a dignified face not far away, whether he really understands metaphysics, or only understands yin and yang, five elements and gossip, he can't make wild guesses, but as in various professions, especially the higher the level, the more cautious he is, the more important he is. There must be a reason for the existence of so many professions.

The master's fee is not cheap, he heard the production director Wang Yahui mutter, it cost a total of 20 to invite people over.

Seeing the master's strange steps, Xu Rong grinned, turned his attention back, and turned to Tao Qiupu who was standing aside.

I don't know what's going on, but since the action director of the film crew came here yesterday morning, he has suddenly warmed up to him a lot, even a little bit, a little bit deliberately to please him.

Especially when designing the action of being beaten by three Japanese samurai, after every sentence, he would look at himself, as if asking for his own opinion.

Seek yourself a hammer to use!
The martial arts action in film and television is good-looking first. If I use my experience of focusing on key points, it is not known whether it can be filmed, not to mention whether it is beautiful or not.

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and asked, "Director Tao, I'd like to ask you something. Is the hotel where our crew stayed in a bad condition?"

When he returned to work the morning before yesterday, he noticed that everyone in the crew was listless with dark circles under their eyes. He thought they were all worried about the crew's previous accident.

After all, once they disband in place, their follow-up remuneration will be lost.

But yesterday and today there is still no improvement. After most of the male staff arrived on the set, they still seemed to have not woken up.

Tao Qiupu frowned and looked at him, and asked in a low voice, "What does Teacher Xu mean?"

Xu Rong stretched out his hand and pointed casually, and said: "Why do they all look like they are not awake? Here, look at those field workers. They have not started work yet, and they are crooked in the corner and squinting."

If the filming is in the middle and late stages, he would not be surprised by the situation in front of him at all. After staying up one night after another, even a young and strong guy in his early twenties can't bear the high-intensity physical labor day and night.

But in real terms, it is only the fourth day of work now, and it was forced to rest for seven days in the middle, but depending on the situation, I don't know, I thought it was three months in a row.

A smile appeared on Tao Qiupu Xiaohei's face: "This, this, heh."

Xu Rong looked at him and asked uncertainly: "Yes, what happened again?"

In fact, he was also quite worried. Considering the sudden madness of the extras, the crew hadn't had a smooth ride since they turned on the camera.

Tao Qiupu looked around and saw that no one was near the two of them, so he said in a low voice, "Actually, it's not a big deal. Didn't we rest for seven days, and then someone bought a few mahjong stalls to kill time?" .”

"It didn't work out, everyone was addicted to playing. After work, I wished I didn't eat, so I wanted to play two shots first."

Xu Rong couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and said: "But depending on their state, they must call at least one or two o'clock in the morning?"

Tao Qiupu shook his head slowly, and said: "Not only that, I got up this morning, and when I passed the corridor, I heard the sound of beating and it was still lively."

Xu Rong's face gradually became serious, which is not a good sign.

Staying up late to play mahjong was considered a follow-up problem caused by the accident, but the consequences were even more serious. In the end, the accident only cost about [-] yuan.

His mentality at this time is quite optimistic. In the past, he was afraid of trouble, disliked trouble, and had a headache when he heard of trouble, but since he read the teacher's biography, his mentality has changed a lot unconsciously.

Fighting with people is a lot of fun.

If the road is smooth and you go straight to success, you will lose a lot of fun and opportunities for growth. Even if you succeed, you will always feel that something is missing.

As long as the troubles in the scriptures are rich enough and the problems to be solved are diverse enough, even if the sword is not out of its sheath, others can feel the bone-chilling chill.

And the reality does not allow him to stick his butt up, bury his head in the sand like an ostrich, and passively wait for difficulties to hit him in the face.

Always waiting passively, one day the oncoming troubles are beyond his ability.

That being the case, it is better to face up to the problem with a positive attitude and solve the disaster before it happens. No matter whether the treatment is successful or not, you can learn from it and learn from it. And taking the initiative to attack means that there is still a way out, rather than being forced After reaching a dead end, he broke the boat and broke the boat.

Perhaps this is the mentality that a person with a strong heart should possess.

Tao Qiupu hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Mr. Xu, have you ever studied martial arts?"

Xu Rong shook his head first, then nodded his head again, and said: "I learned it when I was in college. Isn't there a video on the Internet, and I practiced two routines."

"Internet, Internet?" Tao Qiupu was stunned. The day before yesterday, Xu Rong put down the video of the middle-aged ensemble performer. He and Qiao Pengyue had gone through frame by frame. In an instant, Xu Rong first gave a violent impact, which directly caused the middle-aged group performer to lose his balance.

What confuses him the most is Xu Rong's almost instinctive and fierce rhythm, which does not give ordinary people room to react.

He reckoned that even if Qiao Peng, who had practiced martial arts since childhood, went up to help him, he might not be able to train against him.

Tao Qiupu looked at Xu Rong's serious face, not joking at all, and said, "No, what I mean is, Mr. Xu seems to be very skilled."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I'm not proficient. I have practiced the two routines for three or four years. I play them every morning during the morning exercises. By the way, I will strengthen my body. In fact, it is because he punches. If I kick, I will follow you." Say, I have to make a fool of myself this time."

"That's right, then Teacher Xu, do you still remember which master's teaching video it was?"

"Master?" Xu Rong was stunned, then smiled and said, "It was taught by a young man in his twenties. I forgot the exact name."

Tao Qiupu nodded suspiciously, and said, "Is that so."

After Xu Rong expressed his affirmation, he turned his attention to Chen Haowei. At this time, what he cared about was another matter. The crew played mahjong all night.

The team was basically pulled up by Zhang Jian, except for the director team and a few brought by Chen Haowei, most of them were his people. Until then, Xu Rong finally understood why Zhang Jian won the award for even a decent work after so many years. not coming out.

With such a loose management, it's crazy to be able to produce good works.

He didn't say anything immediately, and when the master finished the dharma, he waved to Chen Haowei, and then the two chatted about the script with an excuse, and walked aside.

Xu Rong didn't go around in circles, and asked straight to the point: "Director, do you know about the crew playing mahjong all night?"

Chen Haowei lit a cigarette and said, "I know."

"You don't care?"

Chen Haowei puffed smoke from his nostrils, and said, "Zhang Jian took the head."

Seeing that Xu Rong was puzzled, Chen Haowei continued: "I quarreled with him about this the night before yesterday. He said that he didn't want to ask a single word about the matter on the set. What happened outside the set? It's someone else's private time, and he doesn't care about it."

Xu Rong sneered, Zhang Jian usually doesn't come to the set when he has nothing to do, and he really doesn't care about the set, but the problems outside the set affect the normal shooting, so it's not a matter of private time.

Furthermore, how can the domestic crew have private time?

"Catch the two leaders." Xu Rong stopped talking halfway through his words. The leader must be Zhang Jian.

He thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll settle this matter."

Seeing that he turned his head and left, Chen Haowei grabbed him and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Xu Rongdao: "Director Zhou must not let his own money go to waste."

In the evening, Du Yuming suddenly received a phone call from Zhou Yu directly.

After hanging up the phone, Du Yuming immediately called a driver and went straight to the airport.

"Director Du, why are you going?"

Du Yuming's sunken eye sockets deepened, and he said, "Go to the airport to pick up a friend."

In the middle of the night, when Zhou Xun rushed to the hotel aggressively and led Chen Haowei, Du Yuming and the director team to check from room to room, he found that the rest of the crew were all quietly nestled in their rooms. Getting ready for tomorrow's shoot.

Zhou Yu immediately realized that something was wrong, and did not let people search again, because since no one went to play mahjong, even if he found ten mahjong stalls, it would be meaningless.

Seeing that Zhang Jian was also leading a group of people to look at him with a smile, Zhou Xie's round face immediately turned his head, and scolded Du Yuming all over his face.

Zhang Jian said with a smile: "Director Zhou, this way, please stop scolding. Director Du is probably too tired and talked nonsense during this time. I will give you a room and you can rest first."

Zhou Yu gave him a meaningful look, and said, "No need, I have something to do tomorrow, so I have to go back."

Early the next morning, Xu Rong and Chen Haowei, who had already heard the news, looked at each other, speechless.

Du Yuming hurriedly ran to Xu Rong's side, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I messed up things."

Xu Rong patted his arm, and didn't show any intention of blaming him, but asked, "How did you leak the news?"

"I thought, it was the driver who reported the letter when I wasn't paying attention, but I didn't reveal a word to him before I went. After receiving the person, I asked for his mobile phone directly. It shouldn't be what."

Xu Rong frowned, didn't think about what was going on, and said, "It's okay, you can go to your own business first."

Du Yuming scratched his bald head in embarrassment, and asked, "Mr. Xu, what should we do now?"

"It's okay." Xu Rong waved his hand, feeling more and more interesting, "Go and tell the director, don't shoot too late today, call it a day."


In the middle of the afternoon, after work, the staff in each group played more boldly.

Zhou Xie made a trip in person, wasted no time, and almost lost himself.

In order to prevent him from killing the carbine, Zhang Jian not only sent someone to send him into the arena, but also specially made people squat there for three to five days.

As a producer, he has already let go of the shooting, so what else is he thinking?

"Twenty thousand!"


"Ten thousand!"


"Pengpengpeng, can you f--- let me draw a card?"




At this moment, the door of the room was gently pushed open from the outside, and Li Bing, the head of the props team, looked at everyone with a thin and thin face, only looking at himself, picked up the cigarette case at hand, and slapped "啪啪" on the table. With a crackling sound, he said, "What's the matter, what's the use of losing? What's the use of me? I'd like to bet and admit defeat. Hurry up and pay the money to change shifts."

"Fuck, are you stupid to lose or what? Give me money!"

"you shut up."

Zhang Jian at the other table stood up silently, laughed with him, looked at Hua Ming who was standing at the door holding his room card and Chen Haowei behind him, and said, "Director Hua, what brought you here? Why don't you say hello in advance, so I can send someone to pick you up."

After rushing to nothing last night, Zhou Xie immediately understood that the news had leaked out, because he believed that Xu Rong would never use this matter to deceive him.

However, he did not show the slightest attitude of strict investigation, instead he gave Du Yuming a severe reprimand for "liing about the military situation".

After arriving at the airport yesterday, he immediately called Xu Rong.

He boarded the return plane, and Hua Ming boarded the flight to the capital almost at the same time.

And today I have been observing in Xu Rong's nanny car all day.

Hua Ming pointed to Li Bing, the leader of the props team who was still bluffing just now, and said calmly: "The financial department will settle the account for him."

Then he glanced at Zhang Jian, who was hesitant to speak, and said, "Everyone go to the meeting room on the first floor for a meeting, and call the main creators over."


Xu Rong was resting in the car, when Wang Yaqin's cell phone rang, he opened his eyes.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yaqin turned around and said, "Mr. Xu, Director Zhang told us to go to the conference room on the first floor."

Xu Rong nodded and said, "Don't worry, just wait for a while."

He has already chatted with Huaming. Next, what awaits Zhang Jian is not to make a major event into a trivial one. Either he will conduct a review in front of the entire crew, or the employer will directly withdraw the capital, followed by a number of companies led by Mango Channel The joint banning of TV stations.

Xu Rong has already experienced the tricks of Huaming, an old Jianghu. He is not tall and has a kind face, but his ability to judge people's hearts is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

He also thought of the Deputy Director Zhou who had bald at a young age. When he was running out of time yesterday, Zhou Yu's brain was buzzing, but he didn't mess up on the spot, but chose to stabilize first. Zhang Jian.

After calling him and explaining the situation, Xu Rong immediately called out the name of one of the two major investors.

Although the filming crew hadn't been shooting for a short time, they hadn't filmed a few scenes in total, and it was time to sort out the problems early and get on the right track as soon as possible.

Fighting with people is a lot of fun.

(End of this chapter)

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