I'm just an actor

Chapter 214 Opinions

Chapter 214 Opinions
When the "Snow Leopard" Crew Correction Meeting was in full swing, in a certain room of the hotel, the QQ group on a computer called "International Famous Martial Arts Director Exchange Group" was also not calm.

Tao Qiupu: Brothers, are you all asleep? Let me tell you something. I recently met a strange man, a young guy who knocked down a 1.8-meter-high man in less than a second.

Tao Qiupu:?

Tao Qiupu: What about people, are they all asleep?
Zhao Jian: There is no picture to say a ****!

Kou Zhanwen: Lao Tao, you can’t be talking about yourself, right? It’s boring to do it like this. Tomorrow, believe it or not, I’ll show you a video of you punching through a whole street? !

Tao Qiupu: Video, right?You wait for me, I will make a mosaic first and then send it to you.

Zhao Jian: Mosaic?

Kou Zhanwen: Mosaic? +1 (watch out for formation in the back).

He Jun: Hammer’s formation, old Tao, why are you playing mosaic? That looks so boring. It’s high-definition, not bad for that traffic.

Wu Gang: Playing mosaics?Lao Tao won't go to an island country to develop, will he?
Zhao Jian: I'll go, exciting, exciting, Lao Tao, is there a shortage of actors, just take care of the round-trip fare, let's make a blockbuster movie that is comparable to "Titanic"?

Guo Jianyong: Lao Tao, I have just established a group for three days. Don’t post things randomly. These gangsters don’t do business every day. Instead of looking at color pictures, they just hold a keyboard to direct the country’s political construction, but Lao Tao you also Don't be too thick, as long as you have that meaning, art, truth is the most important thing.

Zhao Changjun:
Tao Qiupu: Can you think of something clean in your fucking mind?I'm talking about a serious and strange person, but this person is too famous, and I can't send it to you directly without asking for his own consent.

Tao Qiupu: Here comes the video!

Tao Qiupu: Stranger! "

Tao Qiupu: Brothers palm eye, this person said he watched a teaching video of a young guy in his twenties on the Internet and learned it for three or four years.

Zhao Jian: Two men?You just let me watch this?It's boring, it's boring, sleep and sleep.

Tao Qiupu: Are you lame?
Tao Qiupu: The foreman called for a meeting. When I get back, I’ll give you a frame-by-frame analysis. Mad’s gang are mentally retarded.

The group chat interface was still for about two to three minutes.

Kou Zhanwen: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

Zhao Jian: I just lay down, and there was a "beep beep" sound, and I was not allowed to sleep. What's the fuss about?

Kou Zhanwen: Look carefully at the video that Lao Tao posted just now, it’s so awesome.

Zhao Jian: It’s a typical posed shot with fast forwarding added. I can take a hundred of this kind of video a day without any heavy samples. Lao Tao is fishing. You really believe it, sleep and sleep.

The group chat interface was still for another 3 minutes.

Zhao Jian: Damn, this is so fucking true!

Zhao Jian: What did Tao say just now, did you learn it online?If you learn how to play hammer, you can't practice it in just seven or eight years.

Kou Zhanwen: What do you think people are doing under the table?Look at his bunting skills, the explosive power in such a small space is simply unbelievable, anyway, it's awesome.

He Jun: A bunch of illiterates plus martial illiterates. This is the true Baji. What the hell, people used iron mountain leaning and rubbing and kicking, and they still leave this shit. I usually advise you to read more This book, now you know, besides shouting shit, can you talk about anything else?

Zhao Changjun: So scary?
Zhao Jian: Ah, this word, this word, really, really, it’s awesome.

Zhao Changjun:
Wu Gang: Wait, online learning?

Zhao Jian: Wait, online learning? +1
Kou Zhanwen: Wait, online learning? +1
Guo Jianyong: Wait, online learning? +1
Zhao Changjun:
Wu Gang: It's not Lao Zhao, what do you mean when you always send a little bit?

Zhao Changjun: I definitely can’t learn it online, it’s taught by a famous teacher, but I see this person’s figure is a bit familiar, as if I’ve seen it somewhere.

Zhao Jian: Hey, it's true that you said that. This person looks familiar to me.

Kou Zhanwen: familiar +1
Guo Jianyong: familiar +1
Zhao Changjun: I don’t think I’m very old, maybe around 30 years old. There are not many people who can reach this level. I’ll ask my friends to see who their disciples are.

Zhao Jian: Old Zhao, don't you really want to lure people into your martial arts association to make money?It's a bad conscience.

Zhao Changjun:
At the same time, in the large conference room on the first floor, Zhang Jian's already dark complexion turned purple.

He just finished his review in front of everyone on the set.

Hua Ming set the nature of the matter quite seriously. He didn't say how about playing mahjong all night, but directly characterized it as defrauding investors of funds. He couldn't afford this title.

What's more terrible is that yesterday's deceitful plan completely offended Zhou Xun. If he couldn't hand in a satisfactory answer, he knew that Zhou Xun would definitely put all the blame on himself.

Zhou Xie is already the deputy director of the editor-in-chief's office, but he is only in his thirties. No one knows where he will go in the future. A film and television practitioner without a deep background and excellent works is stared at by such a promising person. On the surface, it has already indicated that there is almost no way out.

Hua Ming tapped on the table, and said, "Everyone, the same sentence, I have no objection to playing mahjong. I have also stayed in the film crew. I know that our filming work is hard and stressful, and we need to resolve it. There is nothing wrong with having some fun, but if it affects Normal shooting, I firmly disagree, and absolutely not allowed."

"In addition, I have another thing to announce. From today, Mr. Xu Rongxu will be the producer of "Snow Leopard."

Hua Ming's sharp eyes swept across the conference room, and asked slowly: "Everyone, do you have any comments?"

Hearing Hua Ming's words, everyone had a doubt in their hearts. In the future, should they listen to Zhang Jian or Xu Rong?

Among the mainland TV drama crews, producer and producer are two posts with unclear division of responsibilities. Strong producers and producers can both take the director off the shelf. In fact, except for very rare cases, they are The producer is in the lead, and most of the producers are only responsible for artistic guidance to prevent the director from shooting as he pleases.

Probably also felt that what he said was not clear enough, Hua Ming continued: "And fully represent the investors."


After Hua Ming's voice fell, there was a gasp in the meeting room, and the second half of his sentence gave Xu Rong, the "producer", unparalleled power.

That is to say, he can intervene in all matters inside and outside the crew. Although he is not a producer, he is above the producer, especially Snow Leopard's management, which is a number of TV stations.

Xu Rong was also buzzing. This point was not mentioned in the previous discussion between the two, because he didn't think he could do a good job as a producer and director.

But at this time, he also understood that Huaming's platform cannot be dismantled.

Seeing that no one objected, Hua Ming said, "Okay, that's it, everyone, go ahead and end the meeting."

Although he was slapped severely, Hua Ming, as the head of the local station's editor-in-chief, Zhang Jian still had to send him downstairs with a smile.

"Director Hua, Teacher Xu, please."

Zhang Ruoyun stood at the entrance of the elevator with the others, watched his father laughing with him, blocked the elevator door with his hand, and acted to invite Hua Ming and Xu Rong to enter the elevator, he felt that his outlook on life had changed greatly.

He has been in a film crew before, but at that time, there was no clear concept of class, and he believed that everyone was equal.

It doesn't matter who you are, at worst, I won't eat your bowl of rice, and you will never let me bow my head!

Before, he also felt that it was wrong for his father to ignore the crew and play mahjong all night, but after persuading him to no avail, he only wanted to stop filming his movies in the future, because he also understood that even if he was his own son, it was impossible for him to turn his father around. idea.

But today, while feeling aggrieved, I also realized the reason why I couldn't reverse it.

He is just a son, not a father.

Hua Ming had to rush back overnight. As the head of the editor-in-chief, he had too many things to worry about. He had been delayed for a day, and he handed over the supervisory power to Xu Rong, so there was no need to stay long.

Before getting into the car, Xu Rong, Hua Ming, Zhang Jian, and Chen Haowei suddenly felt a little embarrassed. The car was a seven-seater Volvo, with the driver and co-pilot in the front, two in the middle, and three in the back.

After Huaming occupied the middle seat, Zhang Jian and Chen Haowei looked at each other, grabbed Xu Rong who was about to go straight to the back row, and said: "Mr. Xu, Director Xu, you sit in the middle, talk to Director Hua Together."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and after noticing Zhang Jian's address, he smiled, but did not refuse.

"Let's go, take Lao Hua to the airport."

After sending Huaming away, Xu Rong didn't go home immediately.


Hua Ming was also in a bad mood, so he put his hat on his head, but he ran away.

Only three people attended the meeting, he, Zhang Jian, and Chen Haowei.

The core of the discussion is only one point, how to finish filming this movie years ago.

There is no way, Party A's request before leaving is just like this, the three of them, as the No. [-], [-] and [-] heads of the crew, must complete it.

Xu Rong really didn't want to delay until the end of the year, he was still waiting to be submitted to the jury for the Golden Eagle Award sooner.

Listening to Zhang Jian and Chen Haowei's discussion, Xu Rong felt a lot of pressure in his heart. He had a hunch that this movie might have to be filmed in the twelfth twelfth lunar month.

The plan that the three of them finally discussed was to shoot in groups, one group traveled around to shoot exterior scenes, and the other group stayed in the base to shoot indoor scenes.

This is also the only way to meet the deadline while ensuring the quality of the shooting.

Although it was discussed by the three of them, in essence, Xu Rong just listened in and did not express any opinions, because he had no experience in overall planning, but after the two discussed the results, he nodded and said agree.

This was the purpose of the two of them dragging him over.

Two days later.

Seeing the new scene on the set, Xu Rong felt more and more deeply moved by Huaming's brilliance. There were always problems with the production crew. The dispute at the opening banquet was just a small conflict, but playing mahjong became a flashpoint.

All problems, in the final analysis, are still human problems. Before the production team was finalized, he had a premonition that if the internal conflicts were not resolved, the quality of this play would definitely drop a lot, because the director team and the production team did not urinate at all. into a jug.

The matter of playing mahjong made him keenly sense the opportunity, and at the same time remembered the experience he learned from Hua Ming during the filming of "Latent".

Sure enough, after solving the human problem, the remaining problems are only relatively easy technical problems.

"Teacher Xu, we are ready to shoot."


What is going to be filmed is the scene before Zhou Wen was executed by shooting for forcibly killing a Japanese samurai.

"All quiet, all quiet."

"Preparation, action."

Xu Rong was escorted by two police officers, and arrived in front of a crowd of extras.

A group performer immediately read: "Zhou Wen, you have no law in your eyes. You killed the Japanese nationals and undermined the overall situation of the peace talks. Now you are sentenced to death."


Chen Haowei's voice came immediately, and said: "All of you, where are you looking? You are going to kill him soon. Didn't he point a gun at your forehead? Murderous, murderous, do you understand?"

The group performer who read the words timidly gave Xu Rong a sideways glance, but did not dare to speak. Under the gloomy light, Xu Rong suddenly turned his head and stared into his eyes, which made him panic.

Although he also understands that everyone has two shoulders and one head, but the other party is a big name after all, a person who can't even say a word, and judging from the shooting of the past few days, this person seems to be the highest decision-maker of the crew .

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, just speak louder."

When he was arrested and imprisoned, although Zhou Wen knew that he had killed the Japanese and caused trouble, he always thought that he was on the side of justice. In addition, relying on the influence of his father's party and country elders, at best he would suffer a little, not at all. Thought he would be shot.

Therefore, when Xu Rong heard the word "death penalty", while being astonished, he was more angry. Coupled with the special design of the lighting teacher, it was inevitable that the group of actors would be nervous.

"Come again."

"Preparation, action."

"Zhou Wen, you have no law of the country. You killed the Japanese nationals and broke the peace talks. Now you are sentenced to death. You will be executed immediately."

When Xu Rong heard the word death penalty, his indifferent expression instantly froze. His eyes were fixed on the police officer who pronounced the sentence. After a while, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Death penalty?"

He slowly turned his gaze, looked at the mayor, the consul of the Japanese consulate, the Japanese samurai and a group of police officers standing in front of him, nodded slowly twice, gritted his teeth, and smiled: "Okay, okay, okay, You bastards, give me a good life, after 20 years, I will definitely kill you."

He didn't use too complicated external techniques for this sentence. In the first half of the sentence, he just controlled the pitch and suppressed the volume to form a slight bullying under the bass, and then created a depressive atmosphere. At the beginning of the last sentence "Lao Tzu", he immediately used the oral cavity , The resonance of the head cavity instantly raises the pitch without increasing the volume.

The skill of lines, since he learned from Tong Zirong, is his strongest point among many modules, and of course he will not be stingy with using it.

But in contrast, he is now more accustomed to performing relatively "real" performances with internally constructed emotions, because he has gradually discovered that this kind of performance has stronger empathy than using complicated external techniques. efficient.

The four of them stood in a row at the side of the set, looking at the situation in the set. When Chen Haowei's "click" sound fell, the middle-aged tall middle-aged man wearing sunglasses turned his head slightly, but his gaze was still fixed on the distance Xu Rong asked in Cantonese, "How do you feel?"

Tao Qiupu didn't comment immediately, but looked at the other two, because he felt that the other two didn't seem to ask for the opinion of his "internationally renowned martial arts director".

A small middle-aged man who was also wearing sunglasses shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like Lian Jiazi."

"I'm not talking about kung fu, but acting?"

"Acting? What do you mean?" The little middle-aged man seemed to understand something, "Are you kidding me?"

The tall, middle-aged man said ambiguously: "Let's take it as it is."

(End of this chapter)

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