I'm just an actor

Chapter 215 What a pity

Chapter 215 What a pity
"Mr. Xu, hurry up and put on your clothes."

After Xu Rong's scene was filmed, Xiao Zhang immediately ran to him with his down jacket in his arms. The weather is getting colder and colder, and even in the shed, he can still see the water vapor between the conversations.

Affected by the cold snap, this year has been called the coldest winter in 50 years.

But when filming, for the needs of the plot, I still had to wear unlined clothes.

The only good thing is that the crew did not choose the Northeast as the shooting location.

The production director, Wang Yahui, had been waiting for a long time. When Xu Rong finished wrapping up his down jacket, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Xu, the team has prepared two heaters. You should sit there and warm up for a while."

"Thank you, Director Wang."

Wang Yahui's eyes were almost narrowed into a line, and he said, "Hey, Mr. Xu, you are too polite."

It’s no wonder that he acted on the wind, others thought that the director of the production was a fat job, but he didn’t know how expensive he was if he wasn’t in charge, not to mention the complex composition of the crew and the many hills, he had to serve the producers and directors, and even the big names So, originally, he was quite polite to Xu Rong, but now that he has added the title of producer, he has to be more careful.

Because it's not just the name that was added, but all the expenses of the crew, big and small, the finance side didn't see Xu Rong's signature, and they didn't give money at all. This is the most terrible thing.

Xu Rong didn't think it was too cold, he was wearing the thermal underwear that classmate Xiao Zhang specially bought a few days ago, and he could fully withstand the time of a scene.

After sitting down, Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang, who was tightly wrapped up, and said with a smile: "Now I know I regret it. I told you to rest at home, but you definitely didn't listen."

No announcement from her today.

Xiao Zhang moved the heater fan a little bit, pointed it at Xu Rong, and said, "It's okay, I'm not cold, I've already asked for leave, it's boring to be alone at home."

After Xu Rong took a sip of her saliva, she asked, "Mr. Xu, why were you laughing when you were acting just now? We obviously didn't have any during our rehearsal last night."

In the scene just now, Xiao Zhang really saw it, and Teacher Xu's way of presenting it was almost completely different from the rehearsal.

Xu Rong thought for a while before saying, "What do you think is the purpose of creating a character, or what is the highest state?"

Xiao Zhang's eyes widened suddenly, and she stared straight at him. She had an answer in her heart, but it was taught by the school teacher. She was not sure whether Teacher Xu's answer was consistent with what she knew.

Because many times in the past, what she thought was the correct answer was wrong to Mr. Xu, and he could always explain the root cause of what he thought and the practical proof with reason.

Xu Rong pinched her face with a smile, and said: "You don't like to write biographies, and I never forced you, because few film and television actors can write biographies, and the education we received in school in the past also believed that writing biographies The biography is not good."

"Oh, don't pinch my face, it's too cold." Xiao Zhang quickly shrank his neck, and at the same time pulled his hand over and put it in the pocket of his down jacket, "I'll warm you up first. .”

Not far away, Tao Feifei stared blankly at this scene, the scene in front of her was different from what she thought in the past.

Xiao Zhang didn't pay attention to Tao Feifei's strangeness, and asked: "That's right, the teachers in the school used to say, don't write a biography, don't write a biography, even if you do, just write a summary afterwards."

Xu Rong nodded, and said, "Well, the teacher is right, so do you think my smile just now was reasonable?"

"Hey, I feel like you're going crazy, otherwise you wouldn't have spoken so high in the end."

Xu Rong put the water glass on the ground, put the other hand into his pocket, and said: "The school always emphasizes not to write biographies. Stimulation, it is definitely different from when we rehearsed, and if you have never acted before, you will definitely have deviations after reading the script twice before writing a biography. Isn’t there a saying that character creation is to define the situation? Next, grow a tree slowly from a seed, instead of drawing a tree first, let the seeds grow according to the shape of the tree, this is the reason why the teacher objected to us writing a biography."

Xiao Zhang looked at him a little confused: "Then why do you have to write every time?"

Xu Rong grinned slightly and said, "That's why I asked you what the purpose of character creation is."

Seeing that Xiao Zhang was silent again, Xu Rong smiled and said, "It's vivid, it's fresh, but how vivid, how fresh?"

Tao Feifei vaguely heard the conversation between the two, and she pricked up her ears, but the voices of Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang were not loud enough for her to hear clearly.

She has a habit. Whenever she encounters a decision about whether she should do something or not, she will choose rationally without hesitation.

She got up, pretended to be a little cold, and approached a little closer. This is a question she has always been curious about. Old-school actors, especially old-school drama actors, pay special attention to biography, but today, whether it is the three major colleges or the major drama theaters, They all clearly emphasized not to make a biography before the official performance.

Out of the corner of Xu Rong's eyes, he noticed Tao Feifei's small movements, but he didn't deliberately avoid it. He just lowered his voice and said: "A character can leave a deep impression on the audience, it must be a certain moment The vivid performance makes the audience feel that this character is too touching at that moment, rather than that this character is flesh and blood and has a distinctive personality. These are the credits of the screenwriter and have nothing to do with the actors. A moment, but this is impossible, even if you play yourself, you can't do it."

"This is the purpose of my biography, because I have established a relatively complete mental image and the stress response under the specified situation, and this process is mutual. The biography will further improve the mental image, which in turn will feed back the biography, but the purpose It is still to fill every performance moment with vividness as much as possible, but most of the time, when the external stimulation is not enough, this kind of vividness cannot be presented, which leads to the difference between rehearsal and real shooting."

Xiao Zhang was a little confused, and after a long time, he asked, "You mean, before you plant the seeds, you know how the tree will grow?"

"It's not that I know how a tree should grow, but I've seen forests grown from the same seeds, and I know how to grow the most beautiful and reasonable way. The smile just now is actually equivalent to a gust of wind blowing over, and the tree should shake its branches and leaves. "

Tao Feifei couldn't bear it any longer, she took three steps in parallel, walked up to her, and asked, "Then which one is right?"

Xu Rong glanced at her sideways, and said: "There is no right or wrong, the premise is the experience, the mental image, and the prescribed situation. This is why many actors always talk to the director about the script before each filming."

"That's why there is a very classic saying by Si Shi, once you take action, you will have everything."

Tao Feifei understood what he meant, it sounded very simple, she acted, but she had to find the person who asked her to imitate the action.

She was about to refute instinctively, but then she closed her mouth again, because Xu Rong didn't just speak out of nothing. She also participated in the second part of the scene just now. Xu Rong used the results to prove that he was right. of.

Classmate Xiao Zhang pursed his lips and said, "That's good."

She knew that after going around in a circle, she would definitely go back to the basics, the most difficult point of the Strike system. Of course, she also understood the importance of talking about role positioning and character relationships with directors and screenwriters, but after the chat, what? The construction of mental image and how to design reasonable external actions to guide internal emotional experience are beyond her reach.

Hmph, it's just beating around the bush and saying that people's basic skills are not solid!

Xu Rong thought for a while and said in a low voice: "You are fine now, you can observe people more, observe their expressions, movements, eyes, etc."

When he got the script of "Snow Leopard", after opening it, two people immediately appeared in his mind.

Li Gen and Zhu Yawen.

The two of them each possess some of Zhou Wen's characteristics, and also have some differences.

And what he did was to combine the two parts, and then process it himself, choosing a presentation method that suits him.

"I observed it."

"Who did you observe?"

"You, I watch you every day!"

Xu Rong rolled her eyes and said, "Why, are you going to play me back?"


Tao Feifei was still a little puzzled, and asked, "Mr. Xu, how can you be [-]% sure that your actions are correct?"

"Mr. Xu, someone is visiting the class."

Just as Xu Rong was about to speak, Qiao Pengyue ran all the way over and said, but he looked at him a little strangely.

"Oh, thank you." Xu Rong said thanks, because such things are supposed to be notifications from the field management.

Following Qiao Pengyue to a corner of the set, Xu Rong looked at the four people waiting for him, and hesitated for a moment. He naturally knew Tao Qiupu, the action director, the nominal action director, and he was originally a member of the director team.

But the tall middle-aged man wearing sunglasses in the middle was beyond his expectation. Although the other person was wearing sunglasses, he could still tell his identity from the exposed face.

Because he had never seen this man without his sunglasses.

Hong Kong famous director Wang Jiawei.

He hesitated for a while, walked over, stretched out his hand, and said, "Director Wang, hello."

Wang Jiawei spoke slowly, stretched out his hand, and said, "Hello."

His eyes were full of curiosity as he looked at Xu Rong. The purpose of his visit was not to find an actor, but to visit a real master of martial arts.

The reason why he found Xu Rong was because of a friend's introduction, saying that the other party was one of the targets he was looking for.

For more than a year, in order to prepare for the new film, he traveled almost all over the country, visiting all the masters he could.

Among these people, the vast majority are swindlers and charlatans, but there are also some who do have real talents and real learning.

He was a little unbelievable. Although he didn't look too old from his face, he knew very well that the other party's real age was only 23 years old.

The moment he shook hands with Xu Rong, he almost immediately judged that the personality of the other party was completely different from his own.

In the past, when young actors from the mainland saw me, they would always have a smile on their faces and a slight bend in their waists, but the young people in front of them only had curiosity in their eyes, and seemed to turn a blind eye to his identity as a famous director.

Xu Rong also looked at Wang Jiawei, judging from the strength of the opponent's palm, he should be a relatively introverted person.

He withdrew his hand and asked, "Director Wang, do you need me for something?"

Wang Jiawei cut to the chase and said, "Do you know Baji?"

Xu Rong said without hesitation: "No."

Wang Jiawei grinned, and said, "I'm preparing a play, and there is a role that suits you very well, if you know Baji."

Regarding Wang Jiawei's words, Xu Rong is quite strange. He has also received many movie appointments, but all of them are for his current appeal in mainland China.

Wang Jiawei was the first one who expected him to come here.

Is it possible that Wang Jiawei will also go to the mainland to shoot commercial films?

Although puzzled, he still smiled and said, "I really don't know how to do it. If Director Wang is willing for me to act, I can learn."

"In another month, it will be turned on. I'm afraid it will be too late."

"That's a pity."

Wang Jiawei stretched out his hand again and said, "Nice to meet you, we will cooperate again when we have the opportunity."

"It's also a pleasure to meet Director Wang, and we will have the opportunity to cooperate again."

Wang Jiawei's arrival was sudden, and his departure was equally elusive.

Xu Rong frowned and looked at Wang Jiawei's back, shook his head, and went back to the heater fan. After a while, there will be another scene between him and Wang Kuirong, Pan Taiming and Zhang Ruoyun.

After Tao Qiupu sent Wang Jiawei away, he ran up to Xu Rong in a hurry, and said in a very puzzled way: "Mr. Xu, that is the famous director Wang Jiawei, why are you refusing it like that?"

Xu Rong smiled, Wang Jiawei is indeed very good, but the current film will be filmed until the Chinese New Year, and he really doesn't have time.

Moreover, his impression of his counterparts in Hong Kong is not too good.

There are some rumors in mainland circles that Hong Kong directors, actors, and singers always feel superior to others when they treat their mainland counterparts and audiences.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's fake, he has never experienced it personally, but from Wang Jiawei's attitude just now, he didn't feel it, which is why he said "there is a chance to cooperate again".

But everyone speaks louder, and I think such a thing did happen, and it happened more than once or twice, otherwise it would not lead to the general impression of them in the mainland counterparts.

Sometimes he actually wonders where their pride comes from.

developed economy?

Advanced film industry system?
Or the superiority of the system?
However, the economic take-off of the Mainland, the rapid development of the film and television industry, and the decline of Hong Kong films have become established facts. Over the years, a large number of film and television practitioners have collectively gone north to make money, which is also a fact.

We are a family, and the blood flowing in the body is also of the same origin. There is no need to look down on anyone, but since you eat the food of the mainland audience, you should always maintain a certain degree of respect for the mainland audience.

This is the most basic professional ethics.

And now, he is not as enthusiastic about the so-called famous directors in Hong Kong as he was in the past. Since the Feitian Award, he has realized that as long as he does not risk his life, and honestly clings to the golden thigh of Renyi, future resources will not be lost. Where will it go.

Seeing Xu Rongguang smiling, Tao Qiupu was stunned for a while when he didn't respond, another face suddenly appeared in his mind.

Wang Zhiwen in "The Way of Heaven".

He seemed to understand the reason. Indeed, in his own eyes, Wang Jiawei is a great director, but the one in front of him is the number one young student who overwhelms the new generation in the mainland, the winner of the Feitian Award and the Magnolia Award for Shidi, and is the most rare What's more, the young man in front of him has a network of connections extending in all directions. As an actor, he also serves as the producer of a drama jointly invested by six TV stations.

As far as the film and television industry is concerned, there is really no need for a representative figure of a new era to flatter the veterans of the old era.

(End of this chapter)

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