I'm just an actor

Chapter 216 Rejection

Chapter 216 Rejection
In the car.

Wang Jiawei turned his head, looked at the old man with a Chinese face who had not spoken since he arrived on the set, and asked in not-so-fluent Mandarin: "Master Wu, do you really think he knows Baji?"

The old man known as Master Wu nodded with great certainty, and said: "It's still the same sentence, if the person in that video is really him, he will definitely be, and to a certain extent, he is still a master of eight poles. .”

"A master?" Wang Jiawei was a little interested, and even spoke a lot faster, "How high?"

Master Wu nodded his chin lightly, pondered for a while, and said: "Let's put it this way, few people who practice Baji can beat him."

When Wang Jiawei heard the old man's words, the expression on his face froze for a moment, and he said uncertainly: "Master Wu, are you serious?"

The old man also smiled, and said: "Baji is different from other boxing techniques. It talks about hard punching and hard opening. Its strength lies in its fierceness. You saw it just now. He talks and does things without the slightest sloppiness." , This is very consistent with the principle of Baji boxing. It is more handy to practice this kind of boxing. I watched that video carefully no less than ten times. The basic skills are very solid. In terms of skill, it is definitely not as good as Wang Shiquan, but you let Wang Shiquan fight with him. , who do you think can withstand a punch from the other side?"

Wang Jiawei understood the meaning of the old man, and said: "Fist is afraid of the young?"

"Yes, that's the reason. Those who can fight better than him are not as good as him, and the skills are worse than him. They are all old men. They are half buried in the soil. After a few punches, maybe they have to prepare for the funeral. .”

Wang Jiawei nodded his head lightly, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and asked: "Master Wu, according to what you said, he must have a teacher's inheritance, right?"

Master Wu said "tsk tsk" twice, and said: "This is also what I don't understand. If that video is true, and it is really him, he has practiced eight for ten years, but I put it I have inquired about all those who practice Baji in China, those I know and those I don’t know, and I have never heard of anyone who he has learned art from.”

"Is it possible that it is some reclusive master?" Wang Jiawei frowned under the sunglasses, "It can't be born knowing it."

Master Wu also waved his hand with a smile, and said, "It's possible that the master lives in seclusion. There are many brothers and sisters of friends who did the business of killing people and stealing goods, and found a mountain village to hide their names. This is also normal."

"Then it's understandable that he doesn't want to admit it."

Wang Jiawei felt that he vaguely guessed the reason why Xu Rong did not admit that he knew Baji. His purpose of coming was to hope that Xu Rong could serve as the martial arts instructor of the crew after hearing what Master Wu said.

But after watching a scene by Xu Rong, he was tempted. Such an actor is simply perfect for his shooting style.

He hates actors who follow the script one by one. His ideal actor is that he can shine differently every time he shoots, so that he can choose carefully.

And Xu Rong is exactly this kind of actor.

He decided to try again. Xu Rong can withstand the temptation, but his agent may not be sure, right?

After all, he is the famous director Wang Jiawei!

The arrival of Wang Jiawei caused quite a disturbance in the crew.

When it comes to the most profitable director in Hong Kong, Wang Jiawei is not ranked at all, but when it comes to the most stylish director, this one can at least rank in the top three.

When Tao Feifei heard that Wang Jiawei personally went to the crew to invite him, but was rejected by Xu Rong without hesitation, she was stunned.

What a heart.

That's Wang Jiawei!

An excellent time to break into the Hong Kong and Taiwan film market!
When Xiao Zhang heard Tao Qiupu's words, she also didn't come back to her senses for a long time, but she didn't ask the reason, just like Teacher Xu always forced her to rehearse each of her scenes for more than a month before the start. Even though she was very tired, she always yelled "No row, no row, I'm almost exhausted!", but she never hesitated in her actions.

Teacher Xu must have Teacher Xu's thoughts!
As for the question of whether to write a biography, she didn't take it to heart at all. Perhaps Teacher Xu would remind herself when it was time to write.

Seeing that Tao Feifei seemed to have forgotten his previous doubts, Xu Rong was also happy to relax.

Biography is not a big problem in performances. Representative actors of the old school, especially those who were active before the opening, such as Mr. Yu Zhi, Mr. Zheng Rong, etc., regard the biography as very important, and think that it is to portray the characters vividly, Fresh shortcuts.

But after the opening up, theaters and colleges represented by Renyi and Chinese Opera have denied this shortcut.

Since the opening up, Chinese people have abandoned dogmatism and advocated practicality.

This trend of thought has also affected the entire system of performance theory, training, and practice. From the original adherence to the Stuart system that originated in the Soviet Union, it gradually began to absorb the strengths of Methodism and Expressionism and integrate it into the localized performance system.

In the Stellaris system, in the process of shaping a character, the actor should not have the actor's own emotions, but only the character, cry with the emotion of the character, laugh with the emotion of the character, and live with the emotion of the character.

But when it comes to reality, what should an actor do if he can't cry when his beloved dies?
Yes, my beloved is obviously not dead, so I really can't cry!
Not being able to cry is just an appearance. The most fundamental problem is that the actors have not experienced the changes in the characters' emotions and inner world.

Experience is the core of the Strike system, and it is also the most criticized point. Although in the 30s, Strike perfected this, which is the external behavior guidance that Xu Rong often uses now, but this technique is very important for the talent of actors. The requirements are ridiculously high.

The method school gave a relatively simple solution, emotional memory and emotional replacement.

If your lover has never died, you should have experienced the sadness of the death of a loved one or a beloved pet. If you have not experienced it, you have always experienced such sad things as failing exams or debts, then take it over and replace it.

The introduction of emotional memory and emotional replacement will make character creation easier, but at the same time, it will lose the precision it should have.

So far, the domestic performance system has deviated to a certain extent from the core of the Stuart system, experience.

But emotional memory and emotional replacement are really easy to use. This technique greatly lowers the threshold of acting and becomes a career that most people can engage in.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Without the basis of experience, it is impossible to talk about sketches and experience life. When it is difficult to figure out the inner world of characters, the biography will inevitably have deviations.

Xu Rong usually does not use emotion substitution, but only used it once during "Golden Love", because the death of a loved one and the death of a relative, even if they are both sad and crying, the details are bound to be different.

This is also the reason why he would rather let people wait for him than force him to shoot when he was filming "Latent".

During the busy shooting, November passed quietly, some people left and some people came.

He Zhengjun looked at Xu Rong wearing earphones, staring at the script, muttering something, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Xu Rong took off the earphones, closed the script, and asked, "Finished?"

"No, the assistant director is helping the group performers find emotions."

He Zhengjun lit a cigarette, sat next to him, waved his hand in the direction of the set, and asked, "By the way, do you know that Wu Xiubo?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "I don't know, which role did you play?"

"It's the actor who played Xu Bowen. His temperament is very interesting." Seeing Xu Rong nodding, He Zhengjun couldn't help feeling emotional.

He, Zhang Weibei, and Xu Rong often gather together, and he is the one who watched Xu Rong come to this day step by step.

At the wine table or at home, there are only three people, and there is nothing wrong with it, but when he comes to the set, seeing the director, producer and others of the crew are polite to Xu Rong, he always feels uncomfortable. real feeling.

He couldn't have imagined that the young man who followed his ass five years ago had grown to the present stage in just a blink of an eye.

He Zhengjun smiled and said, "Hey, I was just wondering, why did you film so many scenes with Li Youbin, but you never became popular, and it didn't take long for you to go out on your own, and you became popular right away?"

After "Bright Sword", Xu Rong was taken by Li Youbin to film the hit dramas "Stepfather" and "Crossing Guandong". Not much of an improvement.

After the explosion of "Crossing Guandong", Li Youbin's status as a top-tier actor was only established, and the others could at best be regarded as a mouthful of soup.

Xu Rong smiled, and said: "Aren't you the one who doesn't open the pot and lifts the pot? His style is that you can't suppress him, no matter how many scenes you have, you will be suppressed by him."


"Hey, when you talk about style, let me remind you that Tao Feifei's voice doesn't match the style of this play very well."

Xu Rong frowned slowly, which he hadn't noticed before. Tao Feifei was seven or eight years older than him, but if he heard the voice, he might be 20 years older than him.

However, the style of "Snow Leopard" has always been very clear. It is completely different from "Bright Sword" represented by grassroots. It is a patriotic military crowd drama represented by intellectuals.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "This should be no problem, isn't Brother Xun's voice still able to play?"

He Zhengjun immediately retorted: "But you have to look at the audience. This show will be shown on Mango Channel, and the audience is young audiences. Do you think girls and boys aged [-] or [-] will be older than my mother when they hear their voices?" Still big, do you still have empathy?"

"You are the chief executive, this matter must be within your consideration."

Xu Rong scratched his brows and asked, "Do you know a suitable voice actor?"

"I don't know, Zhang Weibei does, but why worry, you are the director of production, this job can't be done by the producer, that's what they do."

Xu Rong has learned dubbing from Tong Zirong, and knows the difference between a dubbing actor and an actor. Comprehensive expressiveness is an actor's strength, but when it comes to dubbing in a studio, professional dubbing actors can make them feel ashamed. , people are professional, and the recording can be finished in four or five days.

Of course, compared with the recordings in the same period, the performance of most voice actors is greatly reduced.

He thought about it for a while, but he had no plans to go abroad for trial anyway, so he nodded, and decided to talk back to Zhang Jianti, trying to find a voice actor with a sweet voice.

Looking at Tao Feifei, he said with a little regret: "Her comprehensive expressiveness is not bad, if she has a good voice, with her background, she would have been so popular and purple."

He Zhengjun asked curiously, "Her background is tough?"

"I heard from a friend that with her brother-in-law's wealth, the Wang brothers are not even worthy of carrying shoes."

"Then why are you still an actor?" He Zhengjun blurted out, "Not to mention those who suffer from staying up all night and have no winter or summer, just talk about how many people in our line of work have no stomach problems."


He Zhengjun laughed, and said: "You have only been in the industry for a short time, and you will become popular quickly. Otherwise, if you were a young actor, you would have already fallen for yourself."

Xu Rong smiled, and he also understood that He Zhengjun was telling the truth. When it was time for dinner, if a scene was not finished shooting, he couldn't get off work and eat immediately. But sometimes, it would be two hours after a delay, and once or twice was nothing. In this way, stomach problems are a matter of time.

He Zhengjun followed his gaze, looked at Tao Feifei as well, and sighed: "Sometimes, God doesn't let you eat this bowl of rice, even if you try to eat it, you will be supported."

While Xu Rong was busy filming, Jin Fangfang fell into confusion looking at a newly received invitation.

"The Great Master", Wang Jiawei.

The shooting period is two years.

This deadline does not mean that you must stay on the set for two years, but that you must be on call within two years.

She didn't know how Xu Rong got on Wang Jiawei's line, but this invitation was a hooligan no matter how you looked at it.

Because there is no description of the role positioning, no script, and no mention of the postponed salary, it is almost empty talk.

In Xu Rong's development plan, Wang Jiawei is not in her consideration at all. After readjustment, she has determined two paths for the future of movies. Gift films are the first, and commercial films are the second. Of course, if there are good She doesn't recommend missing out on scripts that can impact awards.

After hesitating, she still decided to send a message to Xu Rong to ask, Wang Jiawei's movies have always won awards.

However, Wang Jiawei's shortcomings are also obvious. Maybe the male lead set before the filming started will become the male supporting role, and the second male lead with more scenes during the filming process may only have one or two shots when it is released.

She got a quick answer.


From the simple reply, the doubts in her heart were immediately dispelled. Xu Rong didn't ask the ins and outs, so Wang Jiawei must have contacted him, but he refused.

Xu Rong closed the phone and handed it to Wang Yaqin. His goal for the next few years is very clear. The first thing is to train Xiao Zhang and teach her to act, and the second is to improve himself in all aspects.

After this film is finished, and another film is filmed, the comprehensive evaluation should be able to reach an "A" in an all-round way. After that, in a short period of time, he no longer thinks too much about it.

It's not that he didn't pursue it, but that the experience is too difficult to come by. The long-term plan he has set is to reach S- in comprehensive evaluation before the age of 30.

(End of this chapter)

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