I'm just an actor

Chapter 217 Dubbing

Chapter 217 Dubbing
After rehearsing the play and taking a bath at night, Xu Rong returned to the bedroom and saw that Xiao Zhang was writing something in a notebook in front of the dressing table, and asked, "Xiao Zhang, what are you writing?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang seemed to be fascinated by things. After waiting for a while, he suddenly said: "Didn't you say that you can't go back until the Chinese New Year is almost here? I'm going to wait for my film to finish. go home."

Holding the pen and leaning on her forehead, she turned her head slowly, frowning slightly, and said: "Tell me, if I go by alone, will grandpa not recognize me?"

Hearing what she said, Xu Rong was a little embarrassed, and said: "Why don't you know each other, you have been there twice, by the way, tell your parents, I will visit them after the Chinese New Year. "

"Well, that's fine." Xiao Zhang nodded, "Mr. Xu, you said that I will apply for the human arts next year, can I pass?"

"Sure, sure."

Xu Rongxian replied in this way, got on the bed, and looked at her suspiciously: "Why do you suddenly want to apply for Renyi again?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang closed the notebook and said: "It's not very sudden, I just feel that I can't learn anything in the group. You see, I have been in the group for a few months, and I have only been a guest host for a few times. Nothing else matters." I didn’t do it, I either read newspapers or newspapers every day.”

Xu Rong patted the bed and said, "Isn't that good? You don't have to work, and you can still get paid. How many people can't ask for it?"

"I thought so too at the beginning, but after a long time, it becomes very boring, and I feel like it's a waste of time." She smiled to herself, "When you make a movie in the future, I will follow you. If you act No, people must scold me."

Seeing that Xu Rong was about to speak, she immediately said: "Anyway, don't stop me, and don't say hello in advance. Once you do that, I won't be able to seriously review."


Subconsciously, Xu Rong felt that Xiao Zhang's style didn't match her talent, but it wasn't a big problem. Her foundation hadn't been solid yet, so it wasn't difficult to turn it around.

But he still didn't understand, if she didn't want to stay in the Art Troupe, she would just resign and film the show, so why did she have to go to Renyi?
"Why do you want to enter Renyi?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang said: "Mr. Pu Cunxi came to the house before, didn't he mention the Grotowski school, and then I checked this school when I was free, by the way, wait a minute, I will show you something " She said, seeming to remember something, and ran out of the door quickly.

When he came in again, he held the book in his hand, held it in front of him, and said, "Hey, then I bought this "Towards Poverty Drama" to learn about it, and I think this kind of performance is very suitable for me."


Xu Rong took it, but after turning two pages, he looked at Xiao Zhang with a dumbfounded look and asked, "Xiao Zhang, are you sure this method is really suitable for you?"

Just flipping through two pages, he knew that this thing was not suitable for him. Sishi emphasized control and design, while Gepai emphasized the loss of control under control, because Gepai believes that human energy is infinite. As long as you keep digging, you can always burst out It was an unexpected miracle, but there is one thing he thinks is worth learning from, that is, to throw away other auxiliary tools for performance as much as possible.

The loss of control under control means that this kind of performance must be learned by a person with a delicate heart and rich emotions.

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded and said, "Sure, let me give you an example, those actors in "Country Love". played in a certain way.”

"But it has nothing to do with your entering the arts, right? Besides, country love, you can't just want to act in comedy, can you?"

"Mr. Feng Yuanzheng learned this kind of acting method. He is a reintroduced disciple of Grotowski. Do you think he can only act in comedies?"

Now Xu Rong can no longer refute. The An Jiahe portrayed by Feng Yuanzheng, whether it is the subject matter or the performance, is an important stroke in the film and television. Even after so long, he can still think of An Jiahe standing behind Mei Xiangnan , Subtle changes in facial muscles.

If Xiao Zhang could reach that level, he felt that he was thinking too much. If Xiao Zhang had that level, she would be able to act as an actress under the age of 40 in the domestic film, television, and drama circles. Hammer.

For Xiao Zhang's positive thoughts, he naturally fully supported him, saying: "Then you should prepare well. After the new year, when I start to rehearse the play, I will take you there. You can also feel the performance style of Renyi. This is in the exam. Examiners pay special attention to it."

"I get it, realism."

Whether Xiao Zhang can pass the exam, Xu Rong actually has no idea in his heart, but even if he doesn't pass the exam, he is acquainted with Feng Yuanzheng once, and he can trouble him when he becomes acquainted with Feng Yuanzheng later.

If it didn't work, he went to ask Feng Yuanzheng for advice, and when he was done as a setter, he would teach it to classmate Xiao Zhang.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "There is one more thing. When you are free later, you call that Liu Wei and Jia Ling to come home for dinner."


"A friend asked if there was any suitable actor candidate. Didn't you say that he looks like an artist from the Bangzi Kingdom? I recommended him. There are not many roles. I will let him try later."

Xu Rong's original plan was to ask Jin Fangfang to sign Liu Wei, but after contacting him, he found out that he had already signed with a brokerage company, so he had to give up.

For the help of others, he is never stingy in return.

If Liu Wei is really suitable to be an actor, he will bring it with him when he is filming in the future.

"Okay, I'll ask when they both have time later."

Seeing Xiao Zhang taking off her shoes and about to crawl on the bed, Xu Rong pressed her head: "You haven't taken a shower yet, have you?"


Classmate Xiao Zhang stretched out his hand and smelled his arm, and said, "I just washed it yesterday. It smells good and is not dirty. If you don't believe me, smell it."

"That's okay, anyway, I have to wash later."

Xiao Zhang has already formed an instinctive reaction, and the crawling movement immediately stopped, staring at him with a vigilant expression, stretching out five fingers, frowning and slightly flexing and stretching, as if calculating something, for a while, suddenly and firmly Authentic: "No, I checked on the Internet, and it can only be three times a week, any more will hurt the body."

Xu Rong turned off the light, got into the bed, only showed his head, and said: "What are you thinking, I have to get up early to go to the studio tomorrow."



"Then sleep!"


About ten minutes after touching the rustling, in the darkness, Xiao Zhang's coquettish voice resounded: "Teacher Xu, it's all your fault!"

"It has nothing to do with me, you insisted on coming up."


Early the next morning, when Xiao Zhang was beaten on the bed by Xu Rong and dragged up, he felt a little dazed.

It was already ten o'clock last night after rehearsal, and it was almost eleven o'clock when I packed up and climbed into bed.

In her plan, sleepiness was brewing for a while, and she just fell asleep at eleven o'clock, the perfect time for work and rest!

But in the end, she didn't fall asleep in a daze until one o'clock.

As soon as Xu Rong let go, he watched classmate Xiao Zhang crooked again, and said, "You don't have a show today, why don't you rest at home today?"

Xiao Zhang rubbed his eyes and shook his head with loose hair: "No."

When she was in school, if she didn't want to worry about something, she could sleep on the bed, but after graduation, it seemed that her sleep would not go well all of a sudden, so she had to start brewing for a while.

If Teacher Xu was around, it would take longer, because with Teacher Xu we always get together less often, and every time we sleep on the same bed, it is inevitable to use pillows.

After putting the pillow back where it was supposed to be, she had to take a shower. When she came back, Teacher Xu had already fallen asleep and passed out.

And she has just finished a set of exercises, and she is so excited, how can she fall asleep?

After getting into the car, Xiao Zhang yawned several times and said, "Mr. Xu, I'll go back to the cage."

After all, he took the hood of the down jacket and wrapped his head around, and continued to sleep again.

Xu Rong glanced at her with a smile, took off the earphones on her ears, and whispered to Wang Yaqin in front: "Slow down."


When the speed of the car calmed down, Xu Rong put the earphones into his ears again, and focused on the script in his hand.

When they arrived at the set, Xu Rong and Wang Yaqin got out of the car lightly. In order not to suffocate Xiao Zhang, he deliberately left a slit for the window.

"Let's go."

Wang Yaqin picked up the starter box, picked up Xu Rong's script on the car with a strange expression, and glanced at the fufu classmate Xiao Zhang, closed the car door lightly, and followed Xu Rong's figure.

In the past few days, she discovered a strange thing. Xu Rong started to read the script on the set and in the car.

This has hardly happened a few times in the past, because he has already prepared quite well for the scenes to be filmed every day one day in advance, and even the tone of every sentence, as well as the corresponding eyes and body movements, he has to ponder for a long time before he can make it. set.

"Morning, Teacher Xu."


"Morning, Teacher Xu."


Although the East is only a little pale, but a new day has already begun.

Today he has a total of five scenes. If there is no accident, he should not be able to go back before eight o'clock.

The staff of the crew were setting the scene and adjusting the equipment. He said hello and went straight to the temporary dressing room.

As Wang Yaqin, she was also not idle. Even though she knew that she could not eat according to the order and get off work on time, she still had to ask the crew about the specific arrangements, and asked the director to get off work on time as much as possible.

"Aqin, the water glass."


After Zhang Hongwei finished speaking, Xu Rong looked at the explosion point under his feet, turned his head again, looked at the young guy in the fireworks team, and asked, "Teacher, are you sure there is no problem?"

Teacher Yanhuo smiled and said, "No problem, don't worry."

The scene that will be filmed later is during the graduation exercise of the military academy. After the decline of the Eastern Army to which he belonged, the deputy captain Zhou Weiguo kidnapped the captain Sun Xinpu who did not obey orders, and then led a team to raid the command post of the Western Army.

After rushing in with a gun, it was discovered that the command post of the Western Army was actually a group of officers above the general level and the chairman of the highest German military adviser, General von Seeckert.

And after he rushed into the temporary command post, the guards in the command post would shoot at his feet.

The corresponding explosion point will also explode under his feet.

Xu Rong was still a little worried. Although the whole team had been careful during this period of time and there were no major accidents, after all, there are many bumps and bumps in war movies. He didn't want to delay the shooting because of a momentary negligence.

During the process of Mr. Pyrotechnics burying the explosion point, he stared at it the whole time, nodding his head occasionally, pretending that he knew it well.

He got up before dawn, he was really afraid that the other party hadn't woken up, put too much medicine or the direction of the explosion was wrong, after all, this thing was going to explode at his feet later.

If you stare at yourself, at least the other party will be more cautious.

The leader of the pyrotechnics team probably also saw his concerns, and walked over with a cigarette in his mouth: "Mr. Xu, good morning."


The two chatted one after another, and within a few minutes, when the bomb site was buried, Xu Rong put his foot on the mark, and he was slightly relieved when he saw the two nodding their heads.

War films have casualty indicators. Not only does he not want to use them for himself, but he also does not want other actors or group performers in the same group to consume them. Although their responsibilities and incomes are different, they are all children of parents, husbands of wives, and fathers of children. No matter who is hurt, it is inevitable that someone will be frightened.

Because the sky is not yet fully bright, the lighting team has turned on the headlights, forming a daytime scene.

When Xu Rong took his place, he glanced at the two extras behind him, then turned to look at Chen Haowei: "Director, it's just the three of us, isn't it too shabby to go to the command post?"

"That's easy to handle, two more, after you rush in, just stand behind Teacher Xu."

"All quiet, all quiet."

"Attention all departments."


"Preparation, action."

One person lifted the curtain, and Xu Rong rushed in with the three of them. With a gun in his hand, he pointed at the eight people standing in the command post, and shouted: "Don't move, we are the Eastern Army Commando, you have now announced killed."

"Da da da da da."

The explosive point on the ground exploded, just like what the pyrotechnic teacher described, just a little dust.

The two extras standing next to him took two steps back at the same time under his leadership.

"No one is allowed to move, report your number."

Xu Rong looked at the explosive spot on the ground and shouted: "This is a drill, how can we use real bullets?"


After a general-level officer reprimanded him for violating the drill regulations, and Xu Rong rebutted according to the regulations, Flock, who played von Seekert, said: "Fühlen Sie sich sehr nicht überzeugt? (German)"

A group performer who performed the translation immediately said: "Are you unconvinced?"

Xu Rong immediately replied: "Ich nicht (I don't have one)."

Hearing Xu Rong's answer, everyone was stunned, not only the group performers of the crew, but even the foreign actor Flock, who has been in the domestic film and television industry for many years, was stunned before he realized: "Soldiers from all over the world It is their bounden duty to obey orders, and the people standing in front of you, in terms of military rank, are all your commanders, and you should accept and obey the commander’s instructions (German) as a matter of course.”

Xu Rong looked at him and said, "Aber das bedeutet nicht"

Not only were the actors playing against Xu Rong dumbfounded, but even Chen Haowei, who was sitting behind the monitor, had a big question mark on his face?
Teacher Xu, can you speak German?
According to his original plan, Xu Rong only needs to open his mouth and express the corresponding emotions on his face. The real lines will be processed later.

(End of this chapter)

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