I'm just an actor

Chapter 218 Standards

Chapter 218 Standards
After filming a scene, Flock looked at Xu Rong in surprise, and said in Mandarin with an accent: "Mr. Xu, do you speak German?"

Following Flock's question, most people turned their eyes around, and this is where they were curious.

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and said, "I know a few words."

Of course he doesn't speak German.

Don't speak German, even spoken English, he can't speak it.

He practiced the short 1-minute words just now for nearly a week, and in order to facilitate his memory, he marked them all in pinyin and forcibly memorized them.

It's not difficult, but it's not easy either.

But in contrast, he doesn't want voice actors to match his lines.

Although he is not a professional dubbing actor, he thinks to himself that his dubbing level is considered top among dubbing actors, even if he takes efficiency into account.

In the process of studying with Tong Zirong, he is quite aware of the current situation of voice actors.

For a role with more than 700 scenes, the voice actor can usually complete the work in a week.

Such a high efficiency, it is hard to imagine the level of investment.

This kind of phenomenon is not caused by individual people, but the result of the influence of the entire film and television environment. First of all, the dubbing industry, compared with film and television actors, does not make money at all, which leads to the fact that any dubbing actor with a decent image will try to cut it The pointed head moves closer to the film and television actors.

The second is that the scale of film and television production has increased suddenly in recent years. Some young actors, let alone acting, can't do it well, and the demand for dubbing has also greatly increased.

The sudden expansion of scale has also increased the demand for voice actors on another level, and they have gathered together for filming.

In Hengdian, the most common sight is that a film crew is filming Yujian Feixian, a fairy in ancient costume, while across the wall, they are filming war movies with "da da da" and "boom boom boom", and there is no sound at the scene. , and due to schedule and efficiency reasons, film and television actors generally do not dub in person in the later stage, which leads to an increase in the workload of dubbing actors.

This means that the vast majority of dubbing actors are actually piecework. Since they can take on more jobs, why do they have to work hard?

Few voice actors entered this industry with the idea of ​​dubbing at the beginning. Either their image is limited and it is really difficult to appear on the big and small screens, or they can't eat well, so they can only do dubbing.

And this year's announcement of Golden Horse Best Actor has given great encouragement to all the voice actors. The image does not limit the ceiling of voice actors.

In addition, considering that most of the scenes in the whole play are voiced in the same period, dubbing is done as soon as the foreign language part is reached, which makes it easy for the audience to play.

He Zhengjun looked at Xu Rong who was sitting back beside him, and didn't speak for a long time.

He finally understood why Xu Rong reached the height he is today in just five or six years. It is undeniable that luck and talent are involved, but he has put in more effort and effort than people with less luck and talent than him. cautious.

This is what makes colleagues despair.

An inexplicable strange thought rose in his heart, if Xu Rong's voice was as unfavorable as Tao Feifei's, I'm afraid his achievements would still be much higher than hers.

For a moment, he was full of emotion in his heart. Looking at Xu Rong, he always felt that he had wasted too much in the past.

"Drink tonight?"

Xu Rong squinted at him: "You want a treat?"

"I invited you last time."

Xu Rong laughed. If he and Zhang Weibei hadn't sneaked away before paying the bill last time, it would have been difficult to get the money from He Zhengjun's ribs.

"Turn back, wait until the filming of this scene is over."

"That's fine too."

Although the weather is getting colder, the progress has not dropped a bit. On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, after three months of filming, "Snow Leopard" officially wrapped up.

A frightening scene, from before the establishment of the project to the finale banquet, there was almost no peace.

At the finale banquet, Xu Rong breathed a sigh of relief quietly. After inviting the master to do it, there were two more accidents in the crew. Xiao Shizi raised the corners of an extra performer's eyebrows, but fortunately, no lives were in danger, which was a blessing in misfortune.

Unlike the kick-off banquet, as the male lead of the crew and also the director, Zhang Jian and Chen Haowei insisted on asking him to give a concluding speech before the meal.

Xu Rong didn't refuse, stood up, and seeing everyone's eyes looking over, he took the microphone and said: "Since neither Producer Zhang nor Director Chen wants to delay everyone's dinner, I will say something briefly with a shy face. In a word, first of all, I would like to thank all the film crew for their hard work and hard work, everyone has worked hard, and on behalf of the investors, production team, and director team, I would like to say thank you here.”

"Today is the wrap-up banquet of our "Snow Leopard", and it is also the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. In two days, it will be the New Year. I would like to wish you all a New Year in advance. I wish you all the best in the new year. I wish our "Snow Leopard" a rating of Changhong."

"Okay, that's all I have to say, everyone, eat well and drink well."

"Wow wow wow."

After a period of silence, there was thunderous applause in the hotel hall, not because of how wonderful his speech was, but because it ended quickly enough.

Xu Rong has participated in such occasions many times. Usually, he plays the role of the audience, and he also understands what other people are thinking at this moment. No matter how much he talks, it is all nonsense. Let alone start the table early, eat quickly It is true to go home for the New Year with a full stomach.

It's the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and those whose home is far away from the capital, if they don't start their journey, it will be the next year.

When it came time to toast, Xu Rong didn't drink much, no matter who came to toast, he just took a symbolic sip.

Anyway, the reputation that he can't drink has already spread in the circle.

While Xu Rong was discussing with Chen Haowei about the post-production time, Zhang Ruoyun, who was blushing, walked over with a wine bottle at some point.

Seeing his movements, Zhang Jian and Chen Haowei around Xu Rong were stunned for a moment, Zhang Jian hurriedly said: "Ruoyun, have you drunk too much?"

Zhang Ruoyun filled up the wine glass in his hand, and said, "Uncle Xu, I was the one who made a mistake the day the machine was turned on. Today is the finale, so I will apologize to you."

As he spoke, he was about to pour the wine glass into his mouth. When he finished drinking, Xu Rong stretched out his hand to stop him, and said with a smile, "Drink as long as you drink, and you don't have to apologize for anything."

"this is necessary."

Zhang Ruoyun immediately poured a second cup, seeing Zhang Jian winking at himself, said: "Don't stare at me, I didn't drink too much."

He turned his head and continued: "This second cup, Uncle Xu, you are not two years older than me. In terms of age, I am not convinced by this uncle, but I am convinced by others."

Xu Rong watched his face become more and more rosy, and said with a smile: "Drink less, when you visit after the Chinese New Year, there will be plenty of wine for you to drink."


He filled up half a glass of wine in front of Xu Rong, and said, "Uncle Xu, to be honest, I really can't compare with you in business ability, but you are the producer, but you never feel that you are so awesome. , Uncle Xu, I have to respect you."

Xu Rong listened to him talking about Uncle Xu, and always felt that something was wrong, because in the past three months, he always called himself "Mr. Xu", but he still picked up the wine glass and touched him , he reckoned, if he didn't drink this wine, with this guy's current state, it wouldn't be surprising for him to do anything on the spot.

"This, this third one."

Zhang Jian raised his face and said, "Ruoyun, it's fine, what do you want to get Teacher Xu drunk?"

Zhang Ruoyun didn't pay attention to him at all, and gave Xu Rong and himself full respectively, saying: "This is the third one, Uncle Xu, thank you for your care in the past three months, thank you."

He knew very well that during the filming process, Xu Rong did not deliberately target him. Although his attitude was not as friendly to Pan Taiming, during the rehearsal process, he would always guide himself intentionally or unintentionally instead of deliberately suppressing him.

This kind of mind, he asked himself, was incomparable.

After the show ended, Wang Yaqin looked at Xu Rong, who was not at all drunk, and asked, "Mr. Xu, that Zhang Ruoyun is so funny, he looks like a child, haha."

Xu Rong also smiled, and said: "In the first place, Zhang Jian is a bastard, and that guy is far worse than his father."

Wang Yaqin curled her lips silently, you are only one year older than others.

Back home, after taking a shower, Xu Rong called to Wang Yaqin, who was helping him pack his luggage, handed her a bulging handbag, and said, "Yaqin, you have worked hard for a year, and I went back to buy some good things for my family." Eat, and buy new clothes."

Wang Yaqin took it subconsciously, opened it, opened her mouth involuntarily, and said, "Xu, Teacher Xu, this is too much, me, me."

She just glanced at it roughly, and estimated that there should be one hundred thousand in it.

"What about me? This is the year-end award. You can take it if you give it to you." Xu Rong said with a smile, "You have worked hard all day and night this year, and your salary is not high. The family still depends on you. It’s not like I don’t know that I don’t know how to feed my family and send money home when I live frugally all day long.”

"Take it, I will drive my car to the bank later, deposit the money in the card and go home, you are not safe as a girl with such a large bundle of money."

Wang Yaqin's salary is not high, only 3000 yuan a month. He has never seen her buy cosmetics, and the clothes on her body are only a few pieces a year. The money she saves is basically used to support her younger siblings to go to school.

"Mr. Xu, thank you."

Seeing that her eye circles were red, Xu Rong smiled and said, "You don't want to cry when it's New Year's Eve."

The eye sockets of Wang Yaqin and Wang Yaqin were moistened quickly, but they grinned, showing an expression that they didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Well, I, I don't cry."

The reason why Xu Rong gave her a year-end bonus of [-] was due to another consideration. For Xu Xing, he didn't need a single point, because what she wanted was not a year-end bonus of [-] at all.

But Wang Yaqin was different. He didn't intend to let her debut, so there must be other compensations.

Otherwise, she has no need to follow him at all.

Even if you enter a factory to work, you should be able to earn more than 3000 yuan a month.

Xu Rong patted her on the shoulder and went upstairs. He would have to catch a flight home tomorrow morning.

Since I came out in 04, this year is a relatively late year to go back. It was 29 in the afternoon when I got home. Fortunately, Xiao Zhang had already taken a borrowed three-wheeled motorcycle and brought his grandfather into the city twice. All the New Year's goods that should be purchased are fully prepared.

Xiao Zhang can also ride a motorcycle, which he did not expect.

But before going back, Xu Rong had to finish one important thing.

He went upstairs, walked into the study, and took out a half-worn black notebook from the bookshelf. After opening it, he closed his eyes and thought for a long time before picking up the pen and slowly writing down:

Summary of "Snow Leopard".

[-]. Resolving conflicts within the film crew is more important than acting well.

Contradictions within the film crew will inevitably turn into flaws in the play, because the play is ultimately created by the entire film crew, not a specific person.

To a certain extent, the success of "Latent" cannot but be attributed to the poor crew. Because of poverty, the conditions in all aspects are relatively poor, so everyone feels that this good script should be produced.

Second, the importance of life.

An actor, when shaping a character, should let the character "live" and do what he wants and should do, instead of following the script in a regular manner.

For example, after Xiao Ya committed suicide, Fang Shengli sacrificed himself to cover the injured me retreating. Later, when Xu Hu was running away with my back on his back, I told Xu Hu to abandon me and escape alone in order not to drag Xu Hu down.

As I spoke, I closed my eyes.

At that moment, I actually didn't want him to abandon me. I was very afraid of dying so silently, because I hadn't avenged Xiao Ya yet, and my hatred for the Japanese was never as deep as that moment.

The process of creation is a very interesting process. When it is difficult, it is like encountering a ghost hitting a wall. When it is smooth, it is like a ball of threads in the mind is cleared up in an instant, and even draws inferences.

The moment I closed my eyes, it reminded me of an interesting scene I had been in for a few months.

The Feitian Awards Ceremony.

At that time, I knew very well that it was impossible for me to win an award, so I was quite relaxed at that time, but Zhang Guoli, who was sitting next to me, was smiling, and Lin Yongjian, Duan Yihong, and Cheng Yu were also laughing.

But in fact, among all the candidates, I was the first to be eliminated, so I was not in the ranks of being "judged", but I didn't force a smile, because I didn't expect it myself, but I had already started Considering the drama in hand, is there any chance of winning the next Feitian Awards?

If not, what kind of drama should I pick up to win that trophy.

So, under Xu Hu's "judgment", after closing my eyes, I smiled again to conceal the tension in my heart.

This is completely different from the pre-designed "sincerity", because at that moment, I was particularly unwilling.

This series of body movements has increased my belief in the role. In addition, I also feel from the bottom of my heart that an actor must love life, care about life, and have the keenness of "sensing time, splashing tears, and hating goodbye birds". , It can even be more utilitarian, thinking that the details of life can greatly help me make the character come alive.

Three, about the implicit nature of the performance.

Control is the foundation of performance, and subtlety is the inherent nature of performance.

The performance must be able to stimulate the imagination of the audience and stimulate their imagination of life, because the drama is short, and a person's life may only be performed in [-] episodes, so the performance itself must be highly generalized and contain The half exposed is the best way to arouse the audience's imagination, just like in "The Ming Dynasty", Jiajing's dying smile played by Chen Baoguo left a huge space for the audience's imagination no matter from the perspective of the emperor or his father. .

Renyi has a rather weird standard for judging whether a play is good or not. Now it seems that it is a standard for judging implicitness, whether it can stimulate the audience's imagination of life reality. This kind of standard is not the audience's applause, Crying, laughing, let alone attendance, but
(End of this chapter)

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