I'm just an actor

Chapter 219 New Years

Chapter 219 New Years


After Xu Rong drew the last full stop, he stopped writing, carefully checked the creation summary of "Snow Leopard" that he had just written, and made sure that there were no omissions. With a "snap", he closed the notebook with great confidence, and got up to put it back on the bookshelf .

"Swan geese, in the sky, line up in pairs."

"The river is long, the autumn grass is yellow, and the sound of the piano on the grassland is sad"

Humming familiar music, when the notebook was stuffed halfway into the bookshelf, his voice and movements stopped at the same time, and his brows also slowly frowned.


He slowly took out his notebook, and carefully went through the summary he had written just now from beginning to end. In the end, he could only give a wry smile.

there is a problem.

In the summary of more than a thousand words, the word "Zhou Weiguo" did not appear even once. All the places where this name should appear, there is the No.1 name "I".

He thought back to the finale a few hours ago, the detail that he reached out to stop Zhang Ruoyun after he finished drinking the wine for apologizing.

Because of the constant hints before starting the film and three months of filming, subconsciously, he already regarded himself as Zhou Weiguo.

This is one of the reasons why the Strauss system can become the mainstream performance system, but it is also its drawback. Complete experience will form a kind of self-deception over time.

He also knows how to solve problems, socialize, go out, deal with familiar friends, whatever.

It is also the method commonly used by most actors.

The other is classmate Xiao Zhang, but now, classmate Xiao Zhang has gone home for the New Year.

The reason why he realized that there was a problem just now is also because when he sang "Swan Goose", classmate Xiao Zhang appeared in his mind.

Normally, he wouldn't take it too seriously, because with time, Zhou Weiguo's characteristics would gradually fade from him until they disappeared.

But time is too late.

According to Pu Cunxi's plan, a year later, the courtyard will start preparing for the desk work of "Thunderstorm", that is, all the actors gather to read the script, analyze the characters, and officially "go to the ground" one month later, that is, rehearsal.

If it can be arranged, tickets will be officially sold for the performance on the eve of the Youth Festival.

After all, it was the first time to rehearse a play, Xu Rong's requirements were not high, but they were not low either.

One round, ten rounds.

This is the goal he set for himself.

If he can perform ten shows and sell tickets, at least he won't be laughed at by his peers. No matter how many more, he doesn't dare to expect extravagant expectations. After all, it's a youth group, and ten shows is already considered a good result.

Putting the notebook back on the bookshelf, he didn't think too much about it, just take it one step at a time, anyway, after the Chinese New Year, he still had to go to Anshan.

There is only one thing that needs to be busy right now.

Go home for the New Year.

When he got home, Grandpa was in the kitchen wearing a gray apron to clean the oil. Xu Rong didn't bother to look at him. He threw his luggage into the main room, got into the kitchen, and sat on the small wooden pier in front of the stove.

In previous years, it was like this.

Grandpa had already received his call in the morning. Seeing him filling the stove with firewood, he said, "I'm back."

"I'm home."

The old man sighed abruptly: "This year is just our grandpa's Chinese New Year."

Xu Rong glanced at the old man, and said: "Listen to you, weren't we the two of you in the past?"

The old man fished out the big lion's head from the oil pan, and said: "I thought Xiaofei would stay home for the New Year, but he left at the end of the day."

"My parents are also looking forward to her going back."

"Open the window, the stove won't do the job well, I'll ask someone to weave another one after the new year." When Xu Rong opened the window, the smoke in the kitchen didn't dissipate much immediately, but a chill came over his face.

The old man didn't seem to notice it, and while putting the lion's head into the pot, he said: "Look at a person as big as you, the child will run away. I think that girl Xiaofei is pretty good, so get married quickly, that's okay." Let me embrace my great-grandson and great-granddaughter as soon as possible.”

"Master, these two years are very critical, and I really can't spare the time."

The old man knocked on the edge of the pot with a fence, and said: "When is it not important? It's not that I don't read the news. You have been running too fast these past few years. You need to rest, let the people in front take a breath, and let the people behind A little bit of hope, it’s not a bad thing, by the way, the news keeps saying that you’re about to wrap up that TV, what’s the matter?”

"Grand Slam?"

"Yes, Grand Slam, Grand Slam, I read the news that you won't be able to get it in a few years, and you will basically have enough food and drink in this life, and you will get married by then."

"not that simple."

Seeing that the fire in the stove was about to go out, Xu Rong hurriedly filled in another handful of wheat straw. In recent years, the earthen stove has not been fired several times a year, and it is still a bit rusty.

When the fire ignited again, Xu Rong remembered an important matter and asked, "Master, why did you hurt your leg back then?"

Of course he knew the reason, but what he wanted to talk about was not this matter.

The old man smiled and said: "Didn't I tell you once before that when I went down to the well, another detonator in the waist of a worker blew up. A few days ago, my eyelids twitched, and I always felt that something was going to happen." , Those few days have been careful, only to get back half of life, otherwise, if we don't keep everything together, we will both die."

"Yeah." Xu Rong nodded, "The steel nails haven't been taken out yet, have they?"

The old man glanced at him and said: "No, it should have been removed by surgery a long time ago. It's not that it's too troublesome, so it's procrastinating."

"Master, I heard that if you don't take that thing out all the time, it will be bad for your health. I have already consulted the doctor at the Beijing University Hospital, and they said that you should still be able to take it out at your age."

The old man hesitated and asked, "Is it really bad for your health?"

"Really." Xu Rong nodded heavily, "Well, I have already made an appointment with the doctor. After the Chinese New Year, let's go for an examination first. If we can perform an operation, let's take out the steel nails?"

The old man turned his head, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Well, after the Chinese New Year, I will go into the city with you."

Xu Rong smiled. He had already planned everything after the old man went to the capital.

The old man likes to listen to operas, and he is going to take him to the garden to listen to operas after the operation is finished. Whether it is drama or Beijing opera, as long as the old man is willing to stay under his eyes, he will try his best to satisfy it.

The old man was getting old, even though he called every now and then, he was still worried.

The creases on the old man's face were also printed a little deeper, and while he was busy, he said: "In my life, speaking of it, I have a good life. I haven't suffered much since I was a child. I still remember that your fourth master is here with me. When I was young, I went to the market with a donkey on its back."

Xu Rong knew that the "Four Masters" in his grandfather's mouth was not his fourth uncle, but the long-term worker in the family.

"Later, the Republic of China failed. Seeing that the momentum was not right, I quickly ran to become a soldier. Otherwise, sooner or later I would not be able to escape the guillotine."

Xu Rong has always had strong doubts about this old incident, and asked, "Is it really that cruel?"

"Hey, your second grandfather was beheaded at the entrance of the main street. Your second grandfather is also a cunning man. He ran fast when he saw the opportunity."

"Later, after I changed jobs, I was assigned to be a worker in a mine. I was lucky. I only injured my leg and got out of illness. I thought I would live like this for the rest of my life, but I never thought I would pick you up again."

Xu Rong paid special attention to these details at this time, and asked, "After you picked me up, no one said anything?"

The old man laughed, and said: "Why not? Those of us surnamed Xu back then, heh, it was like you killed their parents. When I picked you up, how could those who were crying? Agreed, at first I tried to persuade them, but later I couldn’t persuade them. They come here every day to cry and make trouble, insisting on making me lose you. I know what they think. How can I let them do what they want?!"

"But, in this world, people's hearts are the most unpredictable. Guess what happened?"

"What's the matter?"

"You were obedient back then. You were a few months old. You didn't cry or make a fuss. You could lie on the bed for a long time. Once I went to work in the field early in the morning and left you at home alone until I arrived at the door. , I saw that the door had been pried, and I knew something was wrong, so I hurriedly opened the door, and after entering the room, there was no sign of you on the bed."

Xu Rong smiled, as if listening to a story, and asked: "Then how did you find out?"

The old man smiled and said: "I knew what they did as soon as I guessed it. They were fired at that time. They ran straight to your Uncle Gen's house with a gun. He is the boss. He must know what happened, and I didn't talk nonsense to him." , put a gun directly on his forehead, and said to him: If you don’t bring the child back to me, I’ll kill you with a single shot.”

The gun was made by my grandfather. It usually kills quail and rabbits, and it is also very lethal to people. However, when the gun was collected a few years ago, it has responded to the call and handed it over to the country.

"Your Uncle Gen knew that I was messing around when I was young, and he was afraid that I would really shoot, so he was paralyzed from fright, and took me to find you again."

"Then if he doesn't pay back, will you shoot?"

The old man hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's hard to say."

When the old man sighed, Xu Rong asked abruptly: "Master, when you picked me up, did you have any vision?"

The old man turned his head and looked at him puzzled: "Vision"

"For example, there are five colors falling from the sky, and there are strange beasts protecting you?"

The old man let out a "huh" and said: "You said that, I really remembered it, it is indeed a bit."


"You think, my legs and feet are inconvenient, so I have to go out when it is dark to go to the market? How can I see it? I was halfway there, and I heard a dog barking on the side of the road, so I followed the sound and looked. When I walked to the side of the road, I found you in a cloth bag."

"Perhaps there are dogs guarding it."


Xu Rongqian laughed twice, it seems that the system appeared a little earlier.

The old man paused for a while, and then said: "I read the news, you made it out, right?!"

"What news?"

"About your parents."

Xu Rong was silent for a moment, and said: "I have no choice. I gave the 100 million last year willingly. Without them, there would be no me, but people's desires are unlimited. If you get 100 million for nothing, you will still want 1000." If it’s ten million, it’s a bottomless pit, even if I fill it with my life, it won’t be enough.”

What the old man said was that after this year, the media suddenly reported some news about his life experience, including how he was abandoned, how he was brought up by a kind old man, and how he went to work on the construction site to earn tuition fees. , How to repay the parents who abandoned him at the beginning.

An extremely provocative draft pushed him to the commanding heights of morality in this helpless and sad growth history.

Sun Li's career was also affected to a certain extent because of her father-daughter relationship in the past few years, which Jin Fangfang wanted to avoid.

On the whole, the addition to his image is far better than buying a 100 million draft, because everything is based on facts.

At the same time, it can also avoid subsequent problems.

If his parents and brothers stand up again in the future, what they will get will not be sympathy, but shame and disdain.

This is Jin Fangfang's consistent philosophy. The meaning of public relations is not to deal with crises, but to kill crises in the cradle in advance.

It is roughly the same as his current philosophy. Avoiding any problems will not solve any problems, but will only lead to more undesirable consequences.

With the sound of firecrackers a year old, the spring breeze sent warmth to Tusu.

After the new year, Xu Rong got busy again. According to the usual practice in previous years, he first went to the second grandfather's house to pay New Year's greetings.

Then he went back to Anshan directly to visit Xiao Zhang's parents. He hadn't thought of this before, but after Xiao Zhang reminded him, he realized that what he had done in the past was not proper.

He doesn't have the ambition to govern the country and the world, but if the family affairs are not handled well, he can't expect to make great achievements in the future.

In the past, he was not very happy to do short-term contacts with his parents, but now he is very happy.

As Mr. Zhu Xu said, why are the older actors in Renyi so good?

Because during the ten years, they have engaged in a variety of jobs that an actor should not do according to common sense, such as farming, entering factories, mining, etc. These jobs have given them a wealth of life experience.

He is an actor, and the nature of his job is to shape all kinds of people. The premise must be to see all kinds of people and their reactions under different events.

As soon as she entered the door of Xiao Zhang's house, a middle-aged woman with an oval face about 50 years old sitting in the living room got up and said with a smile: "Oh, Xu Rong is here, you are a good thief."

Xu Rong nodded with a smile, but he was in a daze. He had been here several times, but he really didn't remember many of Xiao Zhang's relatives.

Seeing his appearance, Uncle Zhang immediately sensed his embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Your Aunt Zhang has been talking about you for a long time, saying that you introduced a job to Liu Wei, and she insisted on thanking you in person. I said no, son Our business is all about the children's friendship, and she doesn't like it, so she will come here every now and then to ask you when you came here."

Xu Rong immediately said: "Hello, Aunt Zhang, you really don't have to thank me, it's all a matter of little effort."

Aunt Zhang said: "Hey, what a small effort, you don't know, our Liu Wei is busy every day, and has nothing to do."

Xu Rong responded casually, while changing shoes, at the same time glanced at the classmate Xiao Zhang next to him, his father was too shrewd, why didn't his daughter inherit the corresponding genes.

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at him, and when he found his caring eyes, he was suddenly unhappy, and stared at him, "What are you looking at?"

Xu Rong turned her head, pointed at Xiao Zhang who was staring at her with one hand, and said to Uncle Zhang: "Uncle Zhang, Aunt Wang, Xiao Zhang is fierce to me, look, look, her fists are clenched, and she wants to beat people !"

"Ruirui, Xiao Xu just came here, so you can't be polite to him!"

"That's right, with your temper, you have to blame Xiao Xu, otherwise you won't be able to get married!"

"I, I, I didn't."

Xiao Zhang looked at his father blankly, then turned his head to look at the grinning Teacher Xu, his fists loosened quickly, and then slowly clenched, if not in front of her parents, she would have swung her righteous fists. iron fist.


Xu Rong smiled, paid New Year's greetings to the two elders, and chatted about the family's troubles again.

He didn't plan to stay in Anshan any longer. After two days, on the seventh day of the lunar new year, he had to fly to Shanghai to participate in the new product launch event of Pequeling and the shooting of the new advertisement.

In addition, during this trip, he planned to buy a hardcover small apartment in Shanghai as a place to stay.

Then turn around the ancient city of Xi'an and visit a senior.

Then go back to my hometown and take my grandfather to the capital.

The new year begins.

(End of this chapter)

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