I'm just an actor

Chapter 221 Resignation

Chapter 221 Resignation
The old man sitting in the back seat of the car looked at Xu Rong who sat in the front co-pilot, who hadn't said a few words since typing "Xiyuanzi", and felt a little puzzled.

He didn't think the scene just now was much better, it was like two completely different styles of scenes that were forcibly stitched together, because some people were "singing" while others were acting on TV.

Is this the best talk theater in all of China?
Although the old man didn't say a word, he always felt that the country spent money to support such a bunch of wine bags and rice bags. Isn't that a waste of money? !

"If you want me to tell you, you'd better tell your Puyuan, don't rehearse, this kind of play is not worth watching." The old man gave advice in a timely manner, because after watching one scene, he always felt that it was really worthless. When spending that six dollars.

With that free time, it's not enough to take the dog for a few laps in the community.

Classmate Xiao Zhang said: "Grandpa, they didn't perform well this time. They are the best drama actors in all of China."

"Heh, if all the best drama actors in China can act like this, then this skill should really be perfect."

Xu Rong felt a little embarrassed when he heard what Grandpa Fang said was half joking and half serious.

The old man's thoughts also represent the evaluation of the most ordinary audience. Although the old man was born a little later and did not catch up with the background of "Thunderstorm", after all, he grew up before liberation and had read books for several years. If even the old man can't read Go on, let alone let other audiences, especially young audiences, watch it.

But his grandfather's words aroused even more dissatisfaction in his heart.

Unlike "Tea House", he actually doesn't quite know what "Thunderstorm" should look like.

At that time, it was too far away from him, and Mr. Cao Yu, the old dean, either commented on several editions of "Thunderstorm" as "not easy", or did not comment at all.

It's not easy. In Renyi, it is definitely not a compliment.

The old dean did not even tell the actors in the theater, because he is not only a playwright, but also the dean of humanities and arts, and a practitioner of the slogan "creating for the people and singing for the times".

Just like the "improved" "Teahouse" in the late 50s, when Mr. Lao She saw the scene in the third act, Mr. Chang Siye gave boiled water to the demonstrators, his face was so heavy that water dripped out.

Although he is a playwright and a person who grew up in that era, he can't say bad things, let alone offer any opinions. All he can do is keep silent.

The only time the old dean expressed a "good" evaluation of "Thunderstorm" performed by Renyi was in 89.

But at that time, due to physical reasons, the old dean had no energy to take care of the specific affairs of the hospital.

Every version of Thunderstorm has its shining points, but it also has its shortcomings. In the era when the overall level of actors is sufficient and they are familiar with the background of the times, the red line stipulates how actors should act.

And when the red line was released, when the thunderstorm was rearranged in 79, the teacher Xie Yanning who played Fanyi was already 50 years old, and the teacher Hu Zongwen who played Sifeng was already 57 years old.

The actors are not right, either at the wrong age or at the wrong level.

Today's era can accommodate "Thunderstorm".

It's just that the actor encountered the same confusion as his teacher Yu Zhizhi back then.

"So Zhi didn't have that kind of life experience, so he was filming "Thunderstorm", so he didn't know how to stand, and he couldn't walk. The more director Xia Chun asked, the more nervous he became."

These are the original words of Mr. Zheng Rong.

But today's "Thunderstorm" almost reproduces the "famous scene" of Teacher Yuzhi back then.

But their situation is different from that of Teacher Yuzhi. Although they have no corresponding life experience, they have learned to keep up with the video data!

N degrees of creation.

In the drama industry, playwrights create scripts based on their own life experiences, directors create scripts twice, actors create three times, and imitate video materials, four or even five or six times.

Even steamed buns soaked in honey should be tasteless after being chewed so many times by so many people.

When he got home, Grandpa didn't go to feed and water his pigeons as soon as he entered the door like a few days ago, but sat on the sofa, looked at Xu Rong who was slowly pouring water, and asked, "Why, what's the matter?" Are you still not happy watching a play?"

Xu Rong took a sip of her saliva and said, "I'm going to act in this scene later on, not to mention the co-actors, it's actually myself, and I don't have much confidence now."

"Then play well, don't learn from those on stage."

As the "third child" in the textbook, Xu Rong is no stranger to "Thunderstorm". Although he can't memorize every line, he can repeat the general content at any time, but after watching a scene, he suddenly I feel that if I go up, it may be better, but it will never be much better.

On the stage, it is almost impossible to see a complete "living person".

Zhou Puyuan forcibly shaped the feudal parents' "prestige", Fanyi's "innocence" when facing Zhou Ping, Zhou Ping's "Peking Opera", Zhou Chong's "childishness". Maybe these are caused by the unfriendly "feedback" in the theater. But it also shows from another level that the actors actually don't have much confidence in the characters they create in their hearts.

But these also caused him to think, how can he be sure that the characters he plays are real?

He has no one to talk to about these issues.

Faced with his grandfather's encouragement, Xu Rong shook his head lightly and said, "That scene was originally not like this."

Grandpa smiled, and said: "You want to act in this play, then when you act in the future, I will also go and have a look to see what it is like."

"I know it's definitely not easy, but because it's not easy, if you succeed, it will appear that you have real things in your hand, such as poetry, how many of us can compare with Li Taibai's for thousands of years?" ? But those are also written under the rules.”

Xu Rong smiled wryly, he understood the truth, but acting is a technical job after all, and knowing the truth is not enough.

In Mr. Zheng's notes, he recorded his creative experience, but in the final analysis, he was born in 87, and Mr. Zheng was born in 24.

For that era and for the feudal family, he had no eyesight at all, but Mr. Zheng, who was born in a family of officials, was relatively familiar with him.

After sitting for a while, he got up suddenly and said to his grandfather, "I'm going out for a walk."

When Xu Rong changed his shoes and went out, classmate Xiao Zhang came out with a fruit plate and a sliced ​​apple with only a little flesh left in his mouth. , Teacher Xu went upstairs?"

"He said he was going out for a trip."

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes and asked, "Go out, why did you go?"

But immediately afterwards, she vaguely guessed the answer. Teacher Xu didn't fully answer Pu Cunxin's question today. He just said, "Let's take a look."

After going out, Xu Rong didn't know what he was going to do.

Before, because of his success in the field of film and television, he thought that after entering Renyi, even if he could not catch up with the achievements of Yu Yu and others, the leadership generation would be fine.

But today, he realized that what he thought in the past was too simple. The performances of Yang Lixin and Gong Lijun are good compared with the actors on the same stage, but if they are compared with Zheng Rong, who has learned to laugh after 79 years, and Mr. , it was more than 54:01.

And that was still a performance below the red line, and it didn't fully highlight the inner world of the characters.

And the other actors, especially Sifeng's sentence "No, if you force me, I will die in front of you." simply made the best comment for this scene.

When she said the word "no", the ending sound was very long, and when it came to the word "death", her voice was high and long, like an old lady's foot wrap.

This is the most common form of performance in Peking Opera.

At this moment, he understood why Mr. Jiao Juyin and Teacher Yuzhi opposed actors learning Peking Opera.

Performing a drama in the way of performing Peking Opera, you can spit out the overnight meal, and you can't blame the audience for laughing.

At this moment, he only felt that "Thunderstorm" was like a hedgehog, with no place to talk. Facts have proved that blindly imitating it will not work.

The so-called classic version has already been created for the third time, and today's performance has also proved that if you concentrate on learning, you will only learn four different things.

However, as a literary work, "Thunderstorm" has always been prosperous, which is enough to prove that the problem is not the script itself, but the deviation in the creation process of the actors.

"Drip drip."

"Teacher Xu, where are you going?"

Xu Rong looked at the butler Zhang Yang in the car window, hesitated for a while, and said, "Are you busy now?"

"not busy."

"Then please send me to the Guohua Family Hospital."


When he came over the first two days, he had already gone to his teacher's house to pay New Year's greetings, and when he learned that his grandfather had come to the capital, Li Xuejian brought Li Gen over here specially.

"Hehe, brother, how rare, I didn't bring anything here today." Li Gen looked at Xu Rong standing outside the door, and joked with a smile.

Xu Rong stepped into the door and said, "Li Cha, the Spring Festival is over, why are you still at home and haven't received any work?"

Since Li Gen became popular with "Yangcheng" in 07, he gradually had the idea of ​​becoming a director. He heard from the teacher that he even worked as a director's assistant, but he didn't know much about this industry. He became a tea worker.

Li Gen was choked for a long time and didn't answer. He just moved away and said, "Alright, you're awesome, you're awesome."

After entering the door, Li Xuejian was sitting on the sofa, as if he was reading a script. Seeing him coming in, he took off his glasses and said, "Here we come."

Xu Rong moved a chair and sat down by himself. Li Gen didn't go into the room this time. He sat on the side, poured himself a glass of water, and brought it to his mouth. He seemed to remember something, and asked, "Are you thirsty?" ?”

After getting in touch with this industry, he gradually realized how awesome his father was, and even more so, how crazy this young man who was not a year older than himself was.

Bai Yulan and Feitian Shidi, who are less than 24 years old, may be achievements that he will never catch up with in his life.

No, not maybe.

Otherwise, if Xu Rong called him "Li Cha" a few years ago, he would have choked back.

Xu Rong ignored him, poured himself a cup, and said, "Don't bother Li Cha."

Li Xuejian looked at the joke between the two with a smile, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Today is neither the new year's day nor his or his wife's birthday. If Xu Rong is fine, even if he comes over, he will say hello in advance and ask if there is anyone at home.

Xu Rong didn't delay, and said, "Teacher, I'm going to perform "Thunderstorm" now."

Li Xuejian smacked his lips. As a classic work that established Cao Yu's status as a master of drama, this play has been rehearsed by various theater troupes across the country since its inception, but none of them are well-received.

Xu Rong continued: "Today, Yang Lixin and Gong Lijun had a performance, and the audience burst into laughter. Afterwards, it almost became a word that one person is waiting for another person."

Li Xuejian looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Thunderstorm" rearranged by Renyi has not been a joke for a day or two, but it has never happened as serious as Xu Rong said.

"Because they acted differently?" Xu Rong asked uncertainly.

Li Xuejian asked again: "Who said it wasn't like? Who stipulated that it wasn't like? If not, what should the real Zhou Puyuan and Fanyi, Zhou Ping, Zhou Chong, Lu Gui, Lu Shiping, and Sifeng be like?"

Li Gen and Xu Rong looked at each other, then Qi Qi rolled his eyes at Li Xuejian, you are talking nonsense!

I know what it should look like and can I ask you?

Li Xuejian looked into the eyes of the two and said, "Actually, I don't recommend you to act, it doesn't make much sense."


"You can't act."

"I, can't act?" Xu Rong couldn't help raising his voice, he felt that the teacher was too arbitrary.

Li Xuejian smiled and said: "Why, not convinced? Have you seen that era? Have you seen that class? Have you seen such a family? Have you seen such a group of people?"

Li Gen patted his thigh, and said, "That's definitely not there, that one."

Xu Rong glared at Li Gen, who was laughing straight after finishing speaking: "Are you just waiting to sing the oboe with me?!"

Li Xuejian looked at his son's gags with a smile, and said: "That's why I said you can't act well, let alone you can't act well, this play, I'm going to do it, and I feel guilty."

"Didn't you pick up a movie in the middle of the year? Listen to me. You should prepare the movie honestly. When you have time, spare two or three years to touch this movie. Otherwise, it will be ready-made when you go on stage. embarrassing."

"I'll think about it again."

It was the first time that Xu Rong didn't stay at the teacher's house, and Li Xuejian advised him not to act in a play.

When Xu Rong went out, Li Gen looked at his father and said, "Dad, what you said just now, will it hurt him?"

Li Xuejian put on his glasses again, and closed the door with his gaze. Li Gen sneered, and said, "Shock? Hehe, he's not as fragile as you think, especially in acting."

"Then you really don't recommend him acting?"

"Of course, but since he came here to ask me, he has actually made up his mind to arrange it."

Li Gen looked at his father puzzled: "Then you still pay?"

"He always looked down on dramas in the past. He felt that there was no money to be made, and he was not willing to put his mind on it. If I didn't say harsh words, he might just muddle through. The water is deep in this business." Li Xuejian She slobbered with her fingers, and opened the script, "The first three sentences, if you can't make the audience feel that what you are doing is real, the audience will slap their ass and leave on the spot."

Xu Rong went out, looked at the busy traffic on the street, and fell into deep thought.

Before coming, he was actually not very firm, but now, he is firm in his thinking, this "Thunderstorm", he will arrange.

If you can’t make it this year, then you can make it next year, if you can’t make it in the next year, you can make it the next year.

If you still can't make it in the next year, you will resign from Renyi.

He couldn't make a play for three years, which means that he really has no fate with drama.

With that in mind, he reached out to hail a taxi.

"Brother, where are you going?"

"Xinhua Bookstore."

At noon, in the courtyard of the house, grandpa was carefully feeding several pigeons, and at the same time said to Xiao Zhang, who was playing with a puppy slightly bigger than a palm: "After a while, you can put the pigeons on the ground." The cages are opened, the nests are built, if they want to come back, they come, if they don't want to come, then let them go."


"Master, thank you."

Outside the courtyard, Xu Rong's voice came.

Xiao Zhang hurriedly got up, opened the door, looked at Xu Rongjiao's two cardboard boxes, and asked strangely: "Mr. Xu, what's in the box?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Good stuff."

After Xu Rong moved the box into the yard and took it apart, Xiao Zhang saw the contents of the cardboard box clearly.

"Outline of National History"

"History of the Republic of China"

The Complete Works of Cao Yu

"Cao Yu's Self-narration"

"Camel Xiangzi"


Xu Rong didn't know whether the teacher did it on purpose or unintentionally mentioned it, but that question did open a door for him.

It's just too time consuming.

He reckoned that in terms of the time and effort it would take to prepare, he could thoroughly understand the scripts of the three TV dramas.

He also thought about going to the courtyard to find the materials and creation notes left by the old dean during his lifetime, but in fact, from the various versions of "Thunderstorm", he actually understood that those things were not comprehensive.

Otherwise, today's "Thunderstorm" would not be played like that.

His plan is to first piece together concepts and impressions of the various classes and characters of that era through various historiography and literary works, and then start with "Thunderstorm" and the notes and materials of the old dean.

The formation of a person's personality is inseparable from his growth environment. Although every literary and historical work cannot be summarized completely, as long as there are enough types and pieced together, he will definitely be able to glimpse a corner of that era.

Then, proceed to analyze, establish, and experience the characters.

If not, resign directly.

 It is strongly recommended that readers and friends can take a look at each edition of "Thunderstorm", the drama is really good to watch!
(End of this chapter)

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