Chapter 222

Xu Rong turned a new page.

On the right side of the book, there is a brand new notebook, which is used to record key information in historical materials.

He is not aiming at a certain character, like Zhou Puyuan, Lu Shiping, and Lu Gui. They were born in the late nineteenth century. The overall social environment in which they grew up, their own class, and family atmosphere formed their different personalities and values. idea.

And one after another, they became the "family atmosphere" of Zhou Ping, Zhou Chong, Sifeng, Lu Gui and others.

He needs to understand that Zhou Puyuan, as an intellectual who has been abroad, maintains the style of feudal patriarchs, and the superficial reasons why Fan Yi and Zhou Ping always feel "bored". He is not a sociologist, and those are not subjects he needs to study.


Renyi, the door of the conference room was gently pushed open, and Dean Zhang Heping came in with Vice President Pu Cunxi and Ren Ming who had just arrived.

In the conference room, the actors and creators of the "Thunderstorm" crew, as well as the stage and sound staff, have all arrived.

Zhang Heping felt the oppressive atmosphere in the meeting room where needles could be heard, two sparse brows raised, and said: "What's the matter, everyone is like a defeated cricket, it's okay to smash a show, the important thing is, you have to know Why did it fail, and how to improve it."

He said, looking at one of the people sitting there, and said, "Xiao Feng, play the video again."

"Good dean."

Unlike everyone present, Zhang Heping did not grow up as a human artist. He was a screenwriter and was mainly engaged in the film and television industry in the past. He is quite familiar with the pulse and laws of the film and television market. For example, he proposed and verified the feasibility of the concept of "New Year's Movies" sex.

And the reason why he came to Renyi to be the dean was also at his own request.

He is a person who loves to watch dramas. In recent years, he watched Renyi go downhill all the way, and he was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Two years ago, seeing that he was only a few years away from retirement, after many efforts, he finally came to Renyi as he wished.

The drama has not declined, and it can be seen from the box office that has been rising all the way in the past few years that the drama has regained its vitality after the millennium.

It is only human art that has declined.

In order to recast the glory of Renyi, after he took office, he personally invited Lin Zhaohua, an angry young director who had already left Renyi, to arrange "Wotou Clubhouse".

Last year, "Wotou Guild Hall" was a big success at the box office, and it also gained a pretty good reputation in the literary world.

In normal times, he is proud and proud of it.

He is not an artist born and bred in Renyi, but he firmly believes that Renyi will definitely be developed again in his own hands.

Before coming to Renyi, he had already settled on two ideas. Facts have proved that the idea of ​​attracting big-name film and television stars in Mandarin is not advisable. Fame can bring short-term box office, but it cannot retain audiences, let alone win word-of-mouth.

His two ideas, one is to bring the classic plays of Renyi to the stage again, such as "Tea House", "Thunderstorm", "Longxugou", "BJ People", etc., because compared with other theaters, Renyi With natural advantages, the authors of these classic literary works have left their creative experience in Renyi.

Moreover, there are artists of the older generation headed by Zheng Rong. With them, these classics should be able to reproduce their brilliance.

Second, there are new plays, "Teahouse" and "Thunderstorm" are classics, but Renyi cannot rely on a few old plays for a lifetime. In addition to looking for things from history, he also visited many real talents in the Writers Association. A practical friend.

Such as Mo Yan, Yu Hua and others.

His requirements are not high, one person will help him write a play, and he will pick out three or five. If he can perform one or two classics, it will not be in vain.

But today's performance gave him a blow in the head.

During the performance of "Thunderstorm", it was ridiculed by the audience.

He didn't understand why this happened?
Yang Lixin is the captain of the cast, the mainstay in the theater, Gong Lijun has been acting in Fanyi for 20 years, and with the support of the older generation such as Zheng Rong, is this not enough?
He doesn't know the art of acting, let alone Jiao Juyin's level of making a curtain comparable to a camera, but as a loyal drama lover, he understands drama.

After the first act was performed for 3 minutes, his brows frowned slightly.

After more than two hours, when the curtain ended, he only felt his hands and feet were cold.

It was only at this time that he deeply realized the gap between people. He still remembered the feeling of watching "Thunderstorm" in the past. When Mr. Zheng was on the court, he would laugh, lie down, and do all kinds of things. Such a posture that he thought was comfortable, but never lost the majesty that a feudal parent should have, and in this majesty that surrounds him all the time, people can feel his love for his family.

Yes, he thought that Zhou Puyuan loved his family, but his way was not accepted by his family, and these old men Zheng also acted out.

But Yang Lixin seldom laughed so much that people could only see his majesty, but not the kindness he should have as a father and husband.

In his opinion, this is not actually the most essential difference between the two. He has watched Master Zheng's "Thunderstorm" many times. Let the emotions of the co-actors be in a reasonable position.

But Yang Lixin obviously doesn't have such a strong foundation. When the other actors' rhythms are chaotic, he can't hold back or hold back, but can only let himself be submerged by the turbulent waves like a rootless duckweed.

As the picture freezes, the meeting room falls into dead silence.

Zhang Heping suddenly felt helpless. He was not Cao Yu, so he could not be the dean for life. Maybe in a year or two, he would have to retire.

Perhaps, the reappearance of the glory of the classics must be handed over to the next generation. No, there is no next generation.

But he is not completely discouraged, he still has "Wotou Guild Hall".

He silently made up his mind that when he looks back, he must invite more writers and screenwriter friends who are familiar with that era to help "Wotou Guild Hall" feel the pulse and perfect it into a classic. The most incompetent dean ever.

Pu Cunxi closed his eyes, he was about to retire.

Whether Yang Lixin's acting is good or not is not within the scope of his attention. He has acted together for decades, and he has a rough estimate in his heart of their respective standards.

He was desperate for something else.

Before Zhang Heping came, during the four-year vacancy of the dean after Liu Jinyun retired, he presided over the daily work of the courtyard.

He thought that his plan was thorough enough. After he retired, there were Feng Yuanzheng, Liang Guanhua, He Yan, Wu Gang and others, and after that, Wang Ban and Xu Rong carried the flag.

He has explained to the organization, to the people, to the predecessors, and to the younger generations.

But today, suddenly, he had a little self-doubt about the way he used to train his juniors.

When the previous generation of teachers trained them, they were always strict. Many times, he was scolded so much that he almost had the idea of ​​leaving here.

These experiences have had a profound impact on him. After he took office, he never scolded young actors. Even if his performances were not good, he mainly encouraged them.

At this time, what he doubted was that young actors should not be encouraged, but should be criticized mercilessly as the previous generation trained him.
After Ren Ming stared at the video, Dean Zhang Heping stared blankly at the ceiling, Executive Vice President Pu Cunxi closed his eyes and wandered around the sky, and the main creators of the "Thunderstorm" crew all lowered their heads, Like a schoolboy who made a mistake.

He kind of sits on wax.

Why is this, each of them is dying or living?
He stretched out his hand to support the wide metal frame on the bridge of his nose, and said: "Everyone, it's not a good idea for us to sit here, why don't we all talk about our own opinions, good experiences, we have to sum up, bad lessons, We also have to conclude, as the old saying goes, you learn a lot from a pit.”

Seeing that no one spoke for a long time, Yang Lixin raised his head and said, "I think the reason why the show was so bad today is that the audience's image of the stage is too big. They are all young people, and they are used to going to movie theaters and concerts. I am used to the hustle and bustle, but I don't know it, keeping quiet is the respect for stage actors!"

The bags under his eyes are more prominent, showing his inner dissatisfaction and indignation.

The meeting room fell silent again.

Gong Lijun quietly glanced at Yang Lixin, and lowered her head a little deeper.

In the 58 years of development of Renyi, it is not that the performance scene has not encountered unexpected situations. In 89, the capital flu, she and Zheng Rong performed "Thunderstorm" together. trouble.

Director Gu Wei scratched his gray hair, felt the deepening silence in the meeting room, and said: "The main reason for today's performance, the way it was performed, is me. I am here to review with the academy and the arts committee. I will lead all the actors to study the manuscript of the old dean, rehearse, and never let this kind of incident happen again."

Seeing that Gu Wei shouldered all the responsibility, Zhang Heping couldn't be more harsh, and said: "Then Director Gu, you've worked hard, everyone, is there anything else you want to say?"

"If not."

Pu Cunxi suddenly opened his eyes, interrupted what Zhang Heping was about to finish, and said, "Dean, I want to say a few words."

Zhang Heping nodded and said, "Say it."

Pu Cunxi looked around for a week, and said: "That's it, Director Gu, Lixin, and colleagues, next, I will personally lead another group of actors to perform "Thunderstorm". There are still more than two months to go before and after the release, so let’s make a bet that we will perform alternately at that time, with a limit of 2 performances, whose group will be canceled if the attendance rate is less than 23.”

"How about it?"

Hearing Pu Cunxi's words, everyone in the conference room was stunned for a moment. In everyone's impression, Pu Cunxi was always a talkative person, so much so that most of the time, he would forget his identity as the executive vice president.

Ren Ming saw that the expressions of Gu Wei, Yang Lixin and others were not quite right, and said, "Brother Pu, what if they are not over 95?"

Pu Cunxi said without hesitation: "Then all will be withdrawn, and continue to line up. When the line is ready, go on."

Ren Ming's face gradually became serious: "Then what if the lineup can't be made?"

"Then never act!"


Now Zhang Heping was also confused, why did Pu Cunxi take the wrong medicine today?

So angry?
Looking at the incomprehensible eyes of everyone, Pu Cunxi said slowly: "This standard is indeed a bit harsh, but we can't destroy the classics and the brand of human art. If we can't act well, then we won't act, admit that we are It’s better to be incompetent than to tarnish the reputation that the predecessors earned so hard.”

"I'm done talking."

Zhang Heping hurriedly persuaded: "Cunxi, don't be so angry. If you don't act, how do you know if your acting is good? Which play doesn't gradually improve through performing over and over again?!"

Gu Wei looked at Pu Cunxi unexpectedly, and was silent for a while, and when Zhang Heping looked over, he said, "I'll take this bet."

Zhang Heping stopped persuading him, he gave Pu Cunxi a sideways glance, and suddenly felt that maybe this bet was not a bad thing.

"Then the meeting is over, everyone, you have worked hard."

After returning to his office, Pu Cunxi no longer had the calmness and confidence in the meeting room. He threw himself into the chair behind the desk and pulled the landline to him, but he didn't pick up the microphone immediately.

What I said just now was just to put some pressure on the actors of the "Thunderstorm" crew.

Acting like this today, he really can't say even half a word of encouragement anymore.

As for whether the plays he rehearsed can surpass the crew of "Thunderstorm", he actually has no expectations at all. "Thunderstorm" is performed every year, and he doesn't think that he can surpass others' years of hard work in two months.

However, being in the same courtyard, he still had to put some pressure on them with practical actions.

Holding the microphone, he thought of actors one after another in the courtyard.

Who rehearsed the play and who didn't, he knew clearly in his mind.

Although what he said in the meeting room just now was very loud, but who will play the role, until now, except for Xu Rong who plays Zhou Ping, he has not found anyone else.

However, before contacting other actors, he had to confirm Xu Rong's attitude. His ambiguous answer in the morning made him a little uneasy.

"Hey, Xiao Xu, hey, it's Xiao Zhang."

"Yes, yes, it's me, where is Xiao Xu?"

"Retreat? What kind of retreat?"

"How long? A month!"

Pu Cunxi hung up the phone and didn't come back for a long time. According to Xu Rong's girlfriend, Xu Rong canceled all the announcement arrangements for the next month. Not only did he not plan to go out, but he didn't even answer the phone. .

Said to be preparing for "Thunderstorm".

But my ancestor, you are preparing for "Thunderstorm", so you can't come to the theater to see the performance experience of the seniors and the manuscript of the old dean. If you keep yourself at home, what can you do? !
Pu Cunxi pressed the phone and hesitated for a while.

Now I can't say that I have to lift a rock to shoot myself in the foot!

It's just that since he has boasted so much, there is no room for repentance. Even in order for Yang Lixin and the others to rehearse the play well, he has to pull this group up first.

After a while, he dialed a number with the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor: "Wan Kun, I, Pu Cunxi, just made a bet with Director Gu."


In the study, Xu Rong turned another page.

(End of this chapter)

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