I'm just an actor

Chapter 223 Trivia

Chapter 223 Trivia
After half a month of unexpected late spring cold, the winter in the northern country is getting farther and farther away.

Liu Wei stood a little cautiously in the living room of Xu Rong's house, quietly looking at everything around him.

He also wanted to own a big house like this.

But he knew that even if someone really gave him a flat for nothing, he couldn't afford to live in it. The property fee alone was a big expense for him every year.

He already knew through Jia Ling that his former classmate turned out to be Xu Rong's girlfriend!
But to this day, he still finds it unbelievable.

Years ago, according to the information Zhang Xiaofei sent him, he went to a crew for an interview.

He originally wanted to ask about the crew's situation, but Zhang Xiaofei didn't know anything, and just asked him to try, with an ambiguous tone.

No way, he can only ask a friend to inquire.

After asking a few friends, I learned that the investment in this drama is not small, and there are big names starring in it.

Now he took it seriously.

In order to seize this hard-won opportunity, he specially adjusted his outfit and a very handsome hairstyle.

He didn't come from a major, and he didn't have any acting experience to show off. Such an opportunity was hard-won.

It's just that after arriving, people only asked his name, and didn't say anything else.

Then, give him a contract.

No one asked him what plays he had acted in or which school he graduated from, but they just inquired about his relationship with Xu Rong without any trace.

He looked at the director's curious eyes before he finally understood that everything was actually arranged.

This very important opportunity for me, Yu Xurong just mentioned it casually, even the details are not worth paying attention to.

But he was not discouraged because of this, good people are rewarded, he is so sure.

It's just because of this, Xu Rong, a young man who is only one year younger than himself, feels a little apprehensive.

Classmate Xiao Zhang took out three bottles of Coke from the refrigerator, rushed to the living room like a gust of wind, and said, "I specially left it for you, how about it, is it interesting?!"

Seeing Liu Weiguang looking around but not sitting down, he couldn't help wondering: "Liu Wei, why don't you sit down?"

Only then did Liu Wei sit down and said, "Xiaofei, your house is so big, how much does it cost to buy this house?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated for a while before saying, "Ah, I can't remember this one either. Teacher Xu bought it."

It was not the first time Jia Ling came here, but today was different from the last time. She knew that Xu Rong was at home.

After Liu Wei sat next to her, she asked in a low voice, "Xiao Fei, where is Teacher Xu?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang handed them a bottle, unscrewed it by himself, and said "ton ton ton" several times before saying: "It's upstairs, don't worry, he won't come down until the meal time."

Seeing that the two were puzzled, she explained: "He's preparing for a new play, and he hasn't gone out for a month. I usually do the shopping. Well, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to drink this, haha."

She and Mr. Xu planned to invite the two of them to dinner at home when they were free years ago, but Jia Ling and Liu Wei couldn't get together, and it took until today to make the trip.

Artists who are popular are busy, and those who are half popular are even busier, but the difference is that they need to spend more time to earn less money.

Liu Wei and Jia Ling looked at each other when they heard the words.

Ready to play?
Not going out for a month?
Is it because the wine is not good to drink, or is it that Di is not good at dancing?

"It's better not to see him now."


"You'll know when it's time to eat."

When it was time for dinner, the old man came back from a walk with the dog, and when he saw the two sitting at home, he said kindly, "Come and play?"

Since the Chinese New Year, there have been wave after wave of guests who come to visit at home. At first, the old man was quite novel, because many of them were only seen on TV, but the more he watched, the more he saw. It's fresh, and his grandson is still brought up by him.

Speaking of which, the old man has been quite busy recently.

In addition to walking the dog, feeding the pigeons, and taking care of the flowers and plants in the yard, the old man also met a few new friends of the same age who live in the same community. Playing chess with some friends in the pavilion by the lake.

As for the dog, when he got there, someone would naturally walk him, and he was still playing chess.

But there is only one thing, the old man is not satisfied.

Although they are all grandparents, they are surrounded by grandchildren and grandchildren, each of them hugging their calves and shouting, "Grandpa is long and grandma is short". He looked at it with joy, but looking back, no matter how much he liked it , that is also someone else's grandson.

After returning home, the old man couldn't show his troubles at all. The grandson is a man of his own mind, and he will arrange everything well in his heart. Others' persuasion is useless.

Granddaughter-in-law has never seen the world at all, and she is happy all day long, except for eating, drinking, sleeping, and clocking in at work, she doesn't worry about anything else. , and I was afraid that I would cause trouble for my grandson for nothing.

Grandson's daughter-in-law, the old man already thinks so, the two children have lived together for such a long time, and the difference is nothing more than a ceremony.

Xiao Zhang had already put Kuo Le away, and introduced him, "This is my grandfather."

"Grandpa, they are my classmates and good friends."

Jia Ling and Liu Wei had already heard from classmate Xiao Zhang that Xu Rong had brought his grandfather over from his hometown, and they hurriedly said to the old man in the old Chinese tunic suit, "Grandpa is good."

"Well, hello."

After the old man finished speaking, he turned his head to look upstairs, with a little worry on his face, he turned his head and said to Jia Ling and the others: "This kid is also in his twenties. I knew I was busy, so many relatives and friends came to the house, some of them were his elders, and I didn’t know how to come down to say hello, it was really rude.”

What he said was not really blaming his grandson, but telling the two of them why the grandson didn't come down.

After all, when people arrive at home, if their grandson doesn't show up, even if they don't say anything, they will inevitably mind.

He doesn't know what the two kids in front of him do, but no matter what they do or how much they have achieved, they may not be able to help their grandson achieve something, but if something bad happens, sometimes it's just a matter of lip service and lip service. Kung Fu.

Jia Ling and the two stood aside, it was difficult to say "no" to refute the old man, and it was difficult to agree with the old man's words, so they could only smile and wave their hands: "It's okay, it's okay."

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu, let's go downstairs for dinner."

After classmate Xiao Zhang shouted, he said, "Grandpa, Liu Wei, sister Ling, let's eat first, and he will be down in a while."

Even though she said so, after Jia Ling and Liu Wei sat down, they didn't move their chopsticks.

The old man looked at Liu Wei's cautious appearance, and said: "When you get home, don't be polite, young man, young lady, I see that you are not very old, right?"

"Well, grandpa, I was born in 86."

After a few seconds, the two caught a glimpse of Xin Chang's figure walking unhurriedly from the living room, Qi Qi paused, and hurriedly got up, the chair under his buttocks rubbed against the floor.

"Teacher Xu."

"Mr. Xu, you can count it down." Xiao Zhang pointed to the prepared bowls and chopsticks next to him and said, "Liu Wei and Sister Ling have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xu Rong looked at the two with a smile, and said, "I'm really sorry, I've been busy preparing for a new play recently, and time is tight."

Xu Rong didn't need to explain, Liu Wei and the two had already seen the clues from his weird attire. Xu Rong was wearing a blue gown and a pair of leather shoes on his feet. His back was originally straight, but now, It doesn't seem so straight anymore.

Xu Rong walked to the chair, first picked up the back of the long gown, and after sitting down, rolled up the inconvenient sleeves a little, then picked up the chopsticks, and said at the same time: "You don't have to be so polite, just call me Xu Rong Cheng, eat first, and chat while eating."

The old man looked at the series of movements made by Xu Rong, and said in amazement, "It's kind of like that."

When Xu Rong heard this, a little joy appeared on his face.

In the past month, he has been reading the previously prepared materials.

In the past two days, I felt that I had a rough prototype in my mind, and then I started to explore the characters.

During this process, he encountered many difficulties, some of which he overcame. For example, the outfit on his body was custom-made by Xiao Zhang early in the morning.

But some, have not overcome yet.

But he is not in a hurry, after dinner, he will go to the courtyard first, type out a copy of the old dean's past manuscripts, and then go to visit Mr. Zheng.

Mr. Zheng is from that era, and he grew up in a similar family. He needs to prove something and ask for advice.

This time is about a week.

On April 4st, rehearsals officially began.

At another dinner table under the same sky, Shi Lanya seemed to have thought of something, and said, "By the way, don't go out around the Youth Day, and get your head together at that time."

Li Youbin smiled and said, "Are you serious?"

"Of course, don't tell people about it. Pu Cunxi said that, for the sake of fairness, no one can mobilize their fans to cheat."

Li Youbin took out a piece of paper, wiped his mouth, and said: "If you want me to tell you, you are just messing around. How many years have Yang Lixin and Gong Lijun been acting? If the monk doesn't mobilize fans, you will have to lose your lord this time, but I Let me tell you first, if you perform well, then I will not miss a single game, and I will give you free publicity; if you perform poorly, don't force me to suffer."

The big bet between Pu Cunxi and Gu Wei was already spread in the courtyard on the second day after it was established.

But then, Pu Cunxi changed his previous style, summoned all the staff of Renyi, and issued a gag order.

Xu Rong's appeal is too strong, if the outside media really gets the news, I'm afraid Gu Wei is doomed to lose before they can compete.

And this bet, no matter who loses, is not a glorious thing.

But Yu Renyi is a business that is sure to make money without losing money. During the recent rehearsal, Gu Wei almost scolded several young actors in the group for being stupid.

Thanks to Mrs. Gong Li being there to comfort her, otherwise, my mentality would have been shattered.

Early in the morning of April Fool's Day, Xu Rong came to the theater.

It's time to start desk work.

Although he was wearing a long gown, neither the security guards at the entrance of the courtyard nor the staff in the courtyard showed the slightest strange look.

In the courtyard, no matter what kind of dress you wear, no one will be surprised, because maybe they will be rehearsing for a play soon.

Going up to the third floor and pushing open the door of the small conference room, Xu Rong saw that there was only a middle-aged man in his 50s sitting in his [-]s, with his head down, as if he was reading a script.

After thinking about it, he asked uncertainly, "Teacher Zhang Wankun?"

He has been employed for nearly a year, but he didn't stay in the courtyard most of the time, and the others are similar. Except for a few actors in the courtyard, he is not particularly familiar with them.

Zhang Wankun was crossing Erlang's legs, frowning, thinking about the deep meaning of the old dean's "Pay attention to temperance" to Teacher Zhu Lin, when he heard the voice, he looked up, stood up hurriedly, and opened his mouth several times , and finally said: "Come on."

Seeing his subconscious movements, Xu Rong grinned and said, "Lu Gui?"

Zhang Wankun nodded his head twice with a smile on his face: "Lu Gui!"

Zhang Wankun watched Xu Rong walk across to sit down, and there was a little turmoil in his calm heart. The reason why he hesitated the moment he raised his eyes just now was not because he didn't recognize Xu Rong.

In the courtyard, Xu Rong was a newcomer, but after leaving the courtyard, he was a top name in the film and television industry.

But he didn't look at Xu Rong Beidian because of his background, nor did he give Gao a second look because of his popularity, but he just regarded him as an ordinary colleague who was famous and couldn't act in dramas. Not one or two.

For more than a month, he has put in enough effort, and the show will stop if the attendance rate is less than 95%.

He was not willing to accept this kind of thing of smashing signs, but he couldn't bear it and Pu Cunxi ran home time after time.

He really had no choice but to accept it. Anyway, after ten rounds of performances, there is no need to perform again!

But since he picked it up, he won't be fooled, just like "Wotou Guild Hall", who puts his heart into it and who doesn't, the audience's eyes are discerning.

Although he really didn't think he could beat Yang Lixin and Gong Lijun with a group of young people, but he was still preparing seriously.

This is a habit formed over the years.

The moment Xu Rong entered the door just now, his eyes couldn't help being in a daze. The feeling Xu Rong gave him was different from the past few editions.

But true enough.

Until now, he finally understood why Pu Cunxi insisted on recruiting Xu Rong into the courtyard.

With his style, he was born to act in Renyi.

"Hey, you guys are already here. Come on, one per person. These are some of the past experiences of the old dean that I have recently sorted out. You should read them first. They should be of certain reference value." Pu Cunxi held a stack of materials and pushed Opened the door and walked in.

"it is good."

Although Xu Rong and Zhang Wankun said the same word, but in completely different ways, Pu Cunxi was taken aback.

Xu Rong's voice and expression were quite peaceful, and he said: "Okay." Very crisply.

And Zhang Wankun's "Okay." It was a bit of a smile and a compliment.

He turned his eyes back and forth on the two of them, seeing their sitting posture and demeanor, he suddenly felt goose bumps all over his body.

These two people may have become.

After the actresses arrived, the conference room was quickly filled with various scents.

Pu Cunxi sent a copy of the materials to everyone, and said in a high-pitched voice: "Everyone, basically everyone is here, so let me introduce the members of our team. The director of this rearrangement of "Thunderstorm" is Pu Cunxi."

After a moment of silence in the conference room, they all came back to their senses and looked at him with smiles.

"Consultant Zheng Rong, choreographer Chen Yongxiang, lighting teacher Song Yin, sound teacher Feng Qin."

"Wow wow wow."

Then, Pu Cunxi looked at the notebook in his hand, hesitated for a moment, then suddenly smiled, crossed out the name of "Wu Gang" with a pen, and read: "Next, let me introduce the actor, Zhou Puyuan, played by Pu Cunxi, Fan Fan Yi is played by Ming Jia, Zhou Ping is played by Xu Rong, Zhou Chong is played by Zhu Xiaopeng, Lu Gui is played by Zhang Wankun, Lu Shiping is played by Shi Lanya, Lu Dahai is played by Yin Zhen, and Sifeng is played by Xinyue."

After he finished reading, he said, "Do you have any other opinions?"


Only Zheng Rong looked at him with a smile. In the original plan, Wu Gang played the role of Zhou Puyuan. As for the reason for the sudden and temporary change, he was not quite clear, but he was getting older, so he didn't want to be serious. .

Pu Cunxi looked around again, feeling a little pity in his heart. Yu Mingjia, Zhu Xiaopeng, Shi Lanya, Yu Zhen and Xin Yue, who were the core characters, didn't show any condition at all.

But at this moment, his heart was a little more stable. With him, Xu Rong, and Zhang Wankun around, even if he lost, it shouldn't be too ugly.

But Xu Rong's "OK" just now made him firm in his mind to keep him in the courtyard.

"Let's read the words first, and then Mr. Zheng Rong will analyze and analyze the relationship between the characters for everyone."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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