I'm just an actor

Chapter 224 Rehearsal

Chapter 224 Rehearsal
Zhou Ping is the most difficult to act. His behavior will not win the sympathy of the general audience, and his personality is very complicated.

Playing him, be careful not to be monotonous, but try to flesh out his character in such a way that we get a sense of reality.

Also, if possible, I hope to remove a cloud of cloud over his personality, and give him a few simple lines at the beginning, draw a clear outline first, and then slowly trace it in detail, so that Well-organized, although complex and simple, the audience will not fall into the fog.

The person who plays him must try to find sympathy for him (just like the one who played Fanyi), otherwise it will run aground in the last scene and it won't work.

——Cao Yu in the 25th year of the Republic of China

Listening to Mr. Zheng Rong's analysis, Xu Rong smiled lightly when he occasionally met Yu Zhen's eyes.

They had only worked together years ago, and Yu Zhen played the role of Chen Zhenglun in "Snow Leopard".

It's just that he found that Yu Zhenxiao was a bit reluctant, but he didn't pay much attention.

At this time, Mr. Zheng was talking about a few words about "Thunderstorm" when the old dean was alive.

Based on experience, Mr. Zheng and Pu Cunxi should be the actors who have the most say in "Thunderstorm" among the actors in Renyi. Mr. Zheng has played Zhou Puyuan for decades, and Pu Cunxi, who inherited his father's career, has played the role of Zhou Ping. A key role.

After Mr. Zheng finished speaking, Pu Cunxi said: "Mr. Zheng has finished speaking, and you all talk about your views on the characters. It happens that Mr. Zheng is also there. If there is something inappropriate, you can ask Mr. Zheng to help you correct it."

As he spoke, he pointed to Xu Rong who was wearing a long gown and sitting upright, and said, "Xu Rong, you start first."

Xu Rong put down the pen in his hand, thought for a while, and then said: "For more than a month, I have been thinking about a question, if, I mean if, there are not so many coincidences, and Zhou Ping didn't shoot herself. , and the environment of the times has not changed much, what kind of person will Zhou Ping become in the end?"

The question Xu Rong came up to posed caught everyone off guard.

Because Zhou Ping really died, and the environment of the times really changed drastically, no one would think about what would happen if he lived.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "I think it is very likely that he will become another Zhou Puyuan. Maybe, as Zhou Chong grows older, he will gradually become Zhou Ping, and eventually he will also look like Zhou Puyuan. It’s not just what they themselves can decide, but ethics and living environment have made them that way.”

Zheng Rong listened quietly, seeing that he stopped suddenly, and said, "Continue."

Xu Rong spread out his hands and said, "It's gone."


Everyone in the conference room had the same question as Zheng Rong. Pu Cunxi asked him to talk about Zhou Ping, but he only predicted a future that didn't exist, and then disappeared.

"Yes, it's gone."

"Why is it gone?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, shook his head slightly, and said, "It's not convenient to say."

Seeing his embarrassed look, Zheng Rong smiled abruptly, and after a while, said: "Then the next one."

Pu Cunxi and Zhang Wankun stared blankly at Zheng Rong, giggling and passing it off, Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Old man, what do you mean, next-generation relatives can't be so blatant, right?

Didn't you pass the test so easily when you rehearsed for us?
While the others looked relaxed, they were a little disdainful in their hearts.

Relaxed, because looking at the situation, Mr. Zheng is in a good mood today. Xu Rong prevaricates it by saying "it's not convenient to say". criticize.

Disdain is even simpler. Since Mr. Ouyang passed away, Mr. Yu was unable to intervene in the affairs of the courtyard due to physical reasons. Mr. Zheng has become the oldest veteran in the courtyard. "Brother".

For such a good opportunity to perform, Xu Rong chose not to say anything, probably because he hadn't made any preparations and dared not speak nonsense, for fear that what he said was too outrageous and would be reprimanded by Mr. Zheng.

When Yu Mingjia arrived, she hurriedly closed the notebook in front of her, and said: "I think Fanyi is a poor miserable person, a victim of the times. She was born in a scholarly family, with the elegant temperament and weak appearance of an old Chinese woman. , she longs for freedom and equality, but also has a gloomy, melancholy, and cold side. Her personality is complex, and the reason for this complex personality is that she is a victim of "the order of her parents and the words of a matchmaker."

After Ming Jia finished speaking, Zheng Rong asked directly: "Do you think she is pitiful?"

Seeing Zheng Rong's serious look, Yu Mingjia swallowed lightly, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

Zheng Rong didn't say anything in response to her speech, but looked at Xu Rong and asked, "Do you sympathize with Zhou Ping?"

Xu Rong hardly hesitated, and immediately shook his head.

Zheng Rong then turned his head and looked at Yu Mingjia: "You have your own feelings for the character, which is very good, it proves that you really put your heart into this role, but I have one thing to ask you, do you sympathize with yourself?"

"You said her character is complicated? Do you think yours is complicated?"

Yu Mingjia looked at Zheng Rong's completely different attitude towards Xu Rong before, and was a little at a loss. How did it come to him that not only the standards became strict, but also the attitude?

Seeing that Yu Mingjia lowered his head and said nothing, Zheng Rong cast a displeased glance at Pu Cunxi. Needless to say, this generation, he just asked two questions in a pleasant manner, as if he had been wronged so much. This guy is used to it.

He also quickly realized another part of the reason, maybe it was the contrast between before and after, which was too obvious, which caused dissatisfaction among the young people sitting here, so he said: "You may think that I am too tolerant of Xu Rong, And for Ming Jia, it is too harsh, in fact, it is not, what Xu Rong said, there are already a lot, have you forgotten that he will only tell his close brother when he is drunk, that he fell in love with a A woman who shouldn't be loved, but that's all."

"It can be said that he has already said everything he can say. For the rest, if he gets to the bottom of it, he will definitely show his impulsive and repressed side."

Seeing the young people sitting with their heads down, not convinced, Zheng Rong smiled, no longer simply preaching, and said: "Let's go, let's go to the theater and walk around."

"it is good."

Xu Rong didn't care about Mr. Zheng's impromptu decision. He prepared everything that should be prepared. Although the time was short and he was a little hasty, the rest had to be honed in rehearsals over and over again.

In the past seven days, every line, even a single "Who?", he has said over and over again at least a dozen times, and the tone, demeanor, and body behavior to be expressed have been designed and thought over and over again. .

Fortunately, although the details are a little too late due to time, in general, Mr. Zheng has already helped him palm the eyes, saving him a lot of detours.

When we arrived at the theater, Mr. Zheng Rong sat behind the table in front of him, and there was a bell on the table.

Together with the others, Xu Rong stood beside the improvised crude stage, waiting to go on stage.

Many people quietly glanced at Xu Rong.

This is the first time he has appeared on the stage of Renyi. Although it is not a live performance, the standard of the audience is much higher than that of ordinary audiences.

Many film and television actors can't act in dramas, the difference is in basic skills. First of all, actors must at least be able to hear clear and full voices for audiences in the corners of theaters that accommodate nearly a thousand people. The premise of all this is breath, voice, and words. It is the solid foundation of breathing, vocalization, and enunciation. Without systematic and rigorous training, it is impossible to achieve this alone.

Actors in Renyi are not allowed to use microphones during performances.

In the drama industry, there is an old saying: the voice is talented, but the mouth needs talent.

As for breath, sound, and characters, in Renyi, they are only the foundation of stage performances. If the basic skills are solid, they are only qualified to play tricks.

Except for Yu Zhen and Shi Lanya, no one thought "Why?", they all thought "Why?".

Everyone came here from a trick, so why do you come from Nortel and come up as a corner?
This is not reasonable!

Mr. Zheng Rong looked at the people standing on the stage, put the bell to his hand, and said, "Let's start."

The first to play are Zhang Wankun who played Lu Gui and Xin Yue who played Sifeng.

Because the scene is simple, the two are basically without real objects.

Xu Rong looked at Zhang Wankun and Xin Yue who walked to the middle of the stage as usual, and couldn't help feeling that if the actors had such confidence and corresponding skills in the previous filming of "Snow Leopard", the effect would probably be greatly improved.



"Ring bell bell."

Just as Zhang Wankun opened his mouth to say a few words, the bell beside Zheng Rong's hand rang. This is the old rule of Renyi, when rehearsing, listen to the bell.

When the bell rang, it meant that the director had something to say, and he had to be quiet immediately.

Although Pu Cunxi is the director, but today Mr. Zheng came over, he is not qualified to ring the bell at all.

Zheng Rong said with a sullen face: "It's too deliberate, think about how you yell at the child who is watching TV when you are doing housework at home, before you have strong emotions, you will definitely not stare at her and yell with your head. "

Although Zhang Wankun felt a little uncomfortable being scolded directly in front of a crowd of juniors, but in the past, he had long been used to it, and he nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, Teacher Zheng."

But in his heart, he had made up his mind, and he really had to think it over carefully when he went back. It would be too embarrassing for this group of juniors to be trained like this.

The old man didn't stop, then turned his head slightly, and said to Xinyue: "The first time Lu Gui called you, you pretended not to hear, not really, you have to give this 'pretend' a specific Respond, otherwise you should not say 'drink, it's hot' in the next sentence, but say 'Yo, did you call me?'."

Xin Yue crossed her hands in front of her body, and nodded very obediently: "Good teacher Zheng."

"Come again."

Zhang Wankun got busy again, and when he was cleaning the table, he inadvertently shouted: "Sifeng!"

This time his voice was not heavy, and after shouting, he immediately looked up.

"Ring bell bell."

Mr. Zheng Rong said again: "I'm too anxious. You can't tell immediately that she didn't respond to you. You have to have time to react. Try again."

Xu Rong was originally standing on the edge of the stage, but when he saw this posture, he simply sat on the floor. According to the old man's current standards, the first scene of Lu Gui and Sifeng's scene alone would not last three days.


"Ring bell bell."

Zheng Rong looked at Zhang Wankun, frowned, stared at him firmly, and said, "Did you forget something? You are going to ask your daughter for money, not to say hello. Before that, didn't you say anything?" A precursor to your actions? I thought I told you twice earlier, you should understand this, but your current performance is not as good as 20 years ago, 20 years ago, you would still think before going on stage."

Seeing that Zhang Wankun was so scolded that even his smile became unnatural, Zheng Rong waved his hand and said, "Zhang Wankun, go down first, think carefully before coming up."

Zhang Wankun and Xin Yue looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Xinyue was even more nervous. Before she could say a word of her lines, Zhang Wankun, who was in the same row, was kicked off the stage.

Zheng Rong pointed at Yu Zhen who was standing next to Xu Rong, and said, "Yu Zhen, you go."

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

Yu Zhenli was on the stage, extremely embarrassed, he regretted taking over "Thunderstorm" now, knowing that Mr. Zheng was a consultant, he felt uncomfortable with himself!

He was even worse than Zhang Wankun. He only pushed the door three times, and was called to stop without even showing his face.

The reason why he was cast in "Thunderstorm" was because he was close to home so he could take care of his pregnant wife, and secondly, it was to keep himself busy so as not to quarrel with his wife from morning till night.

Mr. Zheng looked at Yu Zhen and asked, "What's the first sentence of the script?"

Yu Zhen was stunned for a moment, the first sentence was to explain the background, he had read these, but it was not a line, no one asked for the background.

"One summer morning." When he was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, he heard Xinyue's whispered reminder next to him, and he hurriedly replied.

Mr. Zheng's eyes, like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed, softened a little, and said: "On a sultry summer morning, you stood outside waiting for so long, aren't you in a hurry, aren't you hot?"

"When you go on stage, you have to bring out all the things behind you, instead of coming up to someone. After you read the words, it's over. Do you understand?"

Yu Zhen also nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Zheng."

Mr. Zheng waved his hands and said, "You two go down, think carefully, and plan your own actions. Fanyi, Zhou Ping, and Zhou Chong will come on stage."

Pu Cunxi looked at Zheng Rong, the ease on his face gradually faded, and he suddenly felt like returning to the years when he was dominated by a bunch of uncles decades ago.

According to Mr. Zheng's current standards, this play may not be completed in a year, let alone a month.

When Xu Rong heard her name was called, she got up and took two breaths gently.

"It started when Zhou Ping entered the door."

Zhu Xiaopeng, who played Zhou Chong, was sitting on the sofa, and seemed to hear footsteps outside the door, and said abruptly, "Hey, brother is here."

Xu Rong pretended to gently push the door open with one hand, and entered the door, with one hand drooping by his side, his face was not very energetic, his head was slightly tilted, and he yawned at the end.

This is an extremely simple action, but its internal processing is quite complicated.

Zhou Ping's present is different from the past. In the past, he hated his father and this family.

But now, he still hates this family, but the reasons are slightly different. He hates the mistakes he made in the past, and envies all those who have no scruples and dare to do any bad things, because if he is that kind of person, he doesn't have to Live in regret all day.

At the same time, he envied those who can do a good job, envied those who follow the morals of the upper class and act as model citizens and parents. Therefore, he admired his father. In his eyes, his father was a flawless man. Even stubbornness and ruthlessness are what he likes, and these two points are exactly what he thinks he doesn't have.

He is not willing to deceive his father anymore, he wants to save himself, the way he chooses is a new love, trying to save himself from the old, unethical love.

And the young and lively Sifeng has exactly what he needs, youth, enthusiasm and beauty.

But Sifeng is just a girl after all, without any education or schooling, she can't understand his distress, and it's even more difficult to empathize with him. He can't help drinking, seeking pleasure, gambling, and immersing himself in new thrills. among.

Therefore, his back is not very straight and his steps are not fast, because he has no internal support, he yawns, but he tries his best to hide it, because in fact he just lay down in the garden, and Lu Dahai said, "Just now I I saw a young man lying in the garden with a pale face, as if he was about to die." Therefore, when he opened the door and came in, he couldn't be full of energy and spirits, but he was afraid that Zhou Puyuan would see him like this But he was not happy, so when he entered the door, he left a yawning tail again.

(End of this chapter)

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