I'm just an actor

Chapter 225 Promoting "Monet's World" Leader and Adding Changes

Chapter 225 Promoting "Monet's World" Leader and Adding Changes

The small-faced Zhu Xiaopeng stood on one side, and when he saw him enter the door, he shouted with joy in his voice: "Brother."

"Brother, you are here."

The ending sound of the word "er" was only half pronounced by him, and it tended to disappear, because he had already seen Fanyi sitting on the sofa with his back to him.

Mother in name, lover in reality.

His steps stopped, and after a moment's pause, he turned around and was about to walk to the study on the side.

As early as when he entered the door, Yu Mingjia stopped the round fan in his hand. Hearing his footsteps about to leave again, he stopped fanning again, and said very gently: "Ping."

Xu Rong's body stopped lightly, turned around slowly, lowered his head to avoid meeting her gaze, and said, "Oh, you, you are here too."

"Ring bell bell."

Mr. Zheng Rong said: "Zhou Chong, you must first find that feeling. You have many longings for society, family, and even love. This should be a character living in soap bubbles, living in a dream. The characters are shown to be innocent, not deliberately stupid."

He turned his head, looked at Yu Mingjia again, and said: "Don't imitate others, you can only learn four different things, your actions just now were too mechanical, your tone was too simple, and your actions didn't Show that you love him, that you don't think of him as your hope at all."

Mr. Zheng paused, and then said: "You often act in TV, don't you, you have to know that if you perform well in this play, with Xu Rong's appeal, he can lead you to the position of a first-line actress. "

Yu Mingjia looked at Zheng Rong in embarrassment, but at the same time, he glanced at Xu Rong quietly.

She found that she had fallen into a certain misunderstanding before. Xu Rong is not only an actor in Renyi, but also the hottest top-tier male star today.

And the actresses who have worked with him seem to be popular.

Xu Rong listened to Mr. Zheng's words expressionlessly. In his heart, he didn't like Mr. Zheng's way of guiding Ming Jia very much. It wasn't that he disliked using him as a tool, but this typical way of acting instead of emotion.

If the starting point is wrong, there will inevitably be deviations in action.

But in fact, I also understand in my heart that this may be just a helpless solution, because he is not familiar with Yu Mingjia at all, and Yu Mingjia cannot be expected to regard him as her all hope.

Then, Zheng Rong looked at Xu Rong again, and after a long while, he said in an inexplicable tone: "It's not easy."

Xu Rong was already ready to accept criticism, but when he heard the words, he was a little confused, old man, which part of my acting is good and which point is not good, can you give me an accurate statement?

It's not easy, this evaluation sounds like a compliment, but in the courtyard, it is neither a good evaluation nor a bad evaluation.

How to experience it, no one can tell except the person involved.

Zheng Rong originally wanted Yu Mingjia and Zhu Xiaopeng to go down and look for the situation carefully, but after thinking of one thing, he stopped the thought and turned to Pu Cunxi: "Xiao Pu, you go up, I don't need to remind you which one to come from." where to start?"

"Need not."

Pu Cunxi walked halfway, but he heard Zheng Rong ask very abruptly: "Where's the record?"

Pu Cunxi hurriedly turned his head and said, "Well, Mr. Zheng, I didn't plan to rehearse today, so I didn't make it a point to remember."

"Call one over."

Pu Cunxi agreed, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. He called the recorder over, who should be remembered?

The scene recorder of the drama is mainly responsible for the director's arrangements during the rehearsal period, including the performance of the actors, lighting, props, etc., and is also the text recorder during the rehearsal process.

But today, almost no one can say a whole sentence, so why do you need a record?

When he caught a glimpse of the figure standing on the stage from the corner of his eye, he suddenly understood, Xu Rong.

Because among the actors who came on stage just now, he was the only one who was not criticized by the old man.

At this time, he vaguely understood the meaning of Mr. Zheng's phrase "it's not easy". He performed well, but he couldn't boast.

In all honesty, he felt that Zhang Wankun's performance just now was not bad, but he didn't realize that he didn't catch the old man's eyes at all.

As for after Xu Rong's scene, he was even more determined that his original decision was correct.

Today is Xu Rong's first time on the stage of Renyi!

After a few years of training, maybe he will be able to lead a group of people to the stage.

When he saw Xu Rong in the conference room in the morning, he had a premonition that if the play was not well performed, it probably had nothing to do with Xu Rong.

Because of this, Wu Gang was crossed out, and he was pushed up.

For the two housekeeping plays in the courtyard, "Tea House" is supported by almost all the strength of the courtyard, while the effect of each performance of "Thunderstorm" is not ideal, and the performance always stops and stops. .

He still wants to bring this play back and make it a serious repertoire in the courtyard, instead of just staying in his mouth and memory.

But looking at the young people on the field, he felt a little regretful, because the performance of the other people just now could not support the title of "reserved repertoire". The performance of Shan Xurong, him, and Zhang Wankun is meaningless , "Thunderstorm" by Gu Wei is now in such a predicament.

For a good-looking drama, every word and every action of every actor must not let the audience play.

This is also the reason why the outside world always evaluates that Renyi's actors who can mix lines in classic plays are all actors.

When Xinyue went to call out the scene notes, Xu Rong came to Zheng Rong's side and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Zheng, what do you think I did well just now, and what needs to be corrected?"

Zheng Rong looked at him with an unprecedented gentle gaze, and said, "You can't patronize yourself, you have to suppress the rhythm of the co-actors, just now Fanyi took half a beat, you know? You have to suppress her, for example When you walk towards the study, you can slow down a bit, so that she won't be able to beat the rhythm."


"What about the good place?"

"Hehe." Zheng Rong laughed, but only shook his head and said nothing.

After waiting for a while, Zheng Rong seemed to think of something, and said: "By the way, when you are not rehearsing, you go to my place. I will go through every line and every action carefully for you. Xiao Pu can't do it. His It’s still far away.”

Xu Rong glanced sideways and pretended not to hear anything, pinched his waist, walked to the side to comfort Pu Cunxi, a young actor who was criticized by Zheng Rong for being depressed, smiled dryly, and said softly: "Okay."

When the recording came, Zheng Rong sat aside and continued, "Let's get started."

Pu Cunxi walked slowly from the edge of the stage to him and Zhu Xiaopeng, and gently straightened his collar with both hands.

Xu Rong and Zhu Xiaopeng shouted at the same time: "Dad."

Zhu Xiaopeng bent slightly and asked, "The guest left?"


After Pu Cunxi responded, he turned his head to look at Yu Mingjia, and walked to the middle of the stage a few steps at the same time: "Why did you come downstairs today, are you fully recovered?"

"The disease is not serious. Are you in good health when you come back?"

"It's okay, you should go upstairs to rest again." Pu Cunxi turned his head, "Chong'er, how does your mother look like before?"

"Ring bell bell."

Zheng Rong shook his head and said, "Majesty comes naturally and cannot be manipulated by force. You have to learn to laugh. You must know that they are your dearest family members, not servants under your rule."

Although Mr. Zheng didn't mention his name, everyone knew who he was talking about.

Everyone present, including Xu Rong, tried their best to keep their faces serious.

The person being trained now is, after all, the vice president of field affairs who is about to retire.

It's just that Pu Cunxi acted as if nothing had happened. Mr. Zheng today is relatively concerned about his face. Otherwise, decades ago, he would have slapped the table and pointed at his nose.

As Zheng Rong said, he got up, walked to the edge of the stage, and said, "I'll take two steps and you have a look."

"let's start."

Xu Rong looked at Zheng Rong's slowly walking figure, straightened his sleeves without any trace, and said softly, "Dad."

Zheng Rong chuckled with a "hehe" to express his response.

Zheng Rong's pace was not fast, so Zhu Xiaopeng didn't ask until he was in front of him, "The guest left?"


Zheng Rong replied vaguely, with a smile mixed in. He straightened his collar, saw Yu Mingjia who had already got up, raised his arm slightly, and pointed at her: "Why did you come downstairs today? It's completely fine." Is it gone?"

Because of Zheng Rong's slow speaking speed and gentle tone, Yu Mingjia not only spoke his lines a little slower, but also softened his attitude inexplicably, and said, "The illness is not serious. Are you feeling well when you come back?"

While speaking, Zheng Rong took eight unhurried steps, with a concerned tone, and walked to the middle of the stage, "It's okay, you should go upstairs to rest again." His footsteps fell , stepped on the word "rest", and at the same time, his raised hand fell on his waist in an unhurried manner, and his body, which was slightly bent because of concern, gradually straightened.

Xu Rong grinned and looked at Zheng Rong who slowly walked behind the table and sat down again. This was the first time he watched the old man's acting up close.

At this moment, he understood how Mr. Zheng's natural majesty was shaped.

It only took eight steps, and the image of a majestic but caring feudal parent emerged.

After Mr. Zheng sat down, he looked at the actors standing on the stage with their hands down, and said, "Don't think that I've scolded you to make you lose face and lose face. Let me tell you, what is it to lose face? If the audience blows off the stage, that's a big loss of face, not only losing face, but also losing face!"


Xu Rong followed the crowd and said, "Remember."


Xu Rong suddenly heard a crisp humming in his ears, and a doubt flashed in his heart.

what's the situation?
He is quite familiar with similar feelings. This is a phenomenon that only appears when the system evaluation is upgraded.

Just because he was still on stage, he couldn't check it right away.

After waiting for a while, he left the stage, and after Shi Lanya entered the stage, he tuned up the system while keeping his eyes on the stage.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A
Experience Points: 63/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Grandmaster (unmounted) Baji Introduction Baji Mastery (Analysis progress: 51%)

At first glance, he almost thought he was wrong.

The comprehensive evaluation turned into an "A"?
Obviously when I watched it a while ago, it was still "A-".

He carefully browsed through the various sub-items, only to find that the item of "limbs" has changed from "B" to "A" unconsciously.

The most weird thing is that the experience value is not lost at all.

He thought for a while before recalling a similar scene a few years ago.

During the filming of "The Great Qing Dynasty", he also encountered the same situation once. At that time, his comprehensive evaluation was still "D-", and his "expression", "lines", "body" and "eyes" all improved On the second day after reaching "D", the "rhythm" will automatically increase from "E" to "D".

At that time, he guessed that his own accumulation should have reached a certain level, and a qualitative change had occurred, which forcibly raised the evaluation of the system.

Looking at the experience points of 63 points, Xu Rong was quite excited. With another 37 points of experience points, his comprehensive evaluation would be raised to "A+".

Perhaps there is only one "constant peak" quality missing from smashing Li Youbin.

If the situation is like the one just now, it will happen three or five times, and when I turn back to cooperate with Chen Baoguo, hey, I dare not think about it.

But he still thought about it for a while, and it was not important to think about it carefully, and his heart suddenly became cold.

Only then did he realize that his "body" had been rated "B" for four years.

In the past four years, he has filmed ten TV series, guest-starred in two movies and several TV series, plus the graduation show "Tea House" and the current rehearsal of "Thunderstorm".

During this period, I exchanged and learned from various seniors and peers, and finally improved my "body" from "B" to "A". If I want to improve myself again, the time span may take ten years as a unit.

From past experience, he has already discovered that with the improvement of the comprehensive evaluation, it becomes more and more difficult to obtain experience points.

During the filming of "Daughter-in-law", he got a total of 26 experience points, while "Before Dawn" only got 24 points. As for "Snow Leopard", which is positioned as an idol drama, he only got a very pitiful 13 points in total.

Now that the comprehensive evaluation has been raised to "A", he reckons that 13 o'clock is not much to watch now, and he can look back. Maybe it is the one that has gained more experience points among the TV series he has filmed since today. .

Now, Xu Rong has figured out the law of experience value.

Master skills you haven't mastered in the past.

From another perspective, he has a relatively comprehensive background. He comes from a serious academic school, and he also studied under Li Xuejian, who was a drama actor, and Tong Zirong, who was a voice actor.

With the internal and external techniques used by peers in the industry today, it is difficult to have the situation where I was shocked and even forgot the lines when I was filming "New Shanghai Beach".

The skill is indeed high to a certain level, but it also undoubtedly increases the difficulty of obtaining experience points.

But he is not in a hurry, he is full of plans, he is only 24 years old, before he turns 30, there may be a chance to cooperate with Li Youbin.

and many more.

He suddenly remembered one thing, the system was forcibly upgraded by him in turn.

Mr. Zheng's steady, unhurried eight steps just now, and his series of body movements!
He closed the system interface, and slowly turned his gaze to Mr. Zheng.

In the past, he seemed to overlook something.

Mr. Zheng's body is no longer strong and healthy, but Mr. Lan Tianye and Uncle Zhu Xu are both young, but they can still play and dance!
It shouldn't be a problem if you want to come to the stage, right?

A bold idea came to his mind!

But right now, he has to perform "Thunderstorm" well first, otherwise people might not like him.

After Shi Lanya played for a while and Zheng Rong made another round of criticism, he suddenly waved to Xu Rong, and when he came to him, he asked in a low voice: "Did you understand just now?"

Xu Rong knew what he meant, but he didn't dare to talk too much, so he could only whisper: "See it better."

Zheng Rong nodded and said, "Yu Mingjia, you and Xu Rong, the negotiation in the second act."

(End of this chapter)

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