I'm just an actor

Chapter 226 1 Week

Chapter 226 A Week

Xu Rong did understand a little bit, but he didn't know if it was all.

When Mr. Zheng came to him from the side of the stage just now, he didn't plan to straighten his sleeves, but because Mr. Zheng glanced at his sleeves, he did it subconsciously.

During the filming of "Daughter-in-law", he also had a similar behavior of mobilizing co-actors, but he couldn't be as casual as the old man, which also caused himself to be exhausted after filming every day during that period.

This is where he has to learn.

Looking at the actors standing on one side, they basically did all the ones who were supposed to be on stage right now.


This is the only feeling in his heart.

Because human art always appeared in textbooks in the past, in his prediction, the overall level of human art, in a nutshell, should be that Feng Yuanzheng walks everywhere and Wu Gang is not as good as a dog, but now it seems that Feng Yuanzheng and Wu Gang are actually It should be regarded as the ceiling of Renyi's working actors.

At this time, he completely understood Pu Cunxi's mood, and according to the current situation, the art of human beings would be finished.

Just like the ridicule suffered by "Thunderstorm" before, today's Renyi is no longer the art palace where a group of gods fought.

If it were not for the reluctant support of Pu Cunxi, Liang Guanhua, Ding Zhicheng, Feng Yuanzheng, Wu Gang and other old artists who were trained by hand, the human art hall, which was built with the same materials as the Great Hall, would have collapsed long ago.

At the same time, in an office, Liu Jiang was silently sitting on the sofa, and not far away, Luo Liping stood quietly in front of the French window with a cigarette in his hand.

Tonight, "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law" will premiere simultaneously on Dragon TV and Beijing Satellite TV.

The cost of publicity has already been spent.

But during the publicity period, the most critical link was missing. The male lead and the only actor with a strong appeal in the whole play, Xu Rong, did not participate in the whole process.

Because of this, no matter the variety show, the media, or the fan meeting, the attention has completely dropped several levels.

Xu Rong seemed to have disappeared.

Luo Liping knew very well that Xu Rong didn't disappear, but was busy with other things.

Liu Jiang poured a cup of freshly boiled Pu'er, took a sip, and said, "I don't think it's a big problem. With Xu Rong's own appeal and the influence of the two platforms, the ratings shouldn't be too bad."

His words are not very confident. This year's market is different from last year's.

With Xu Rong's small screen appeal, "Daughter-in-law" should adopt a "4+2" or even "4+4" broadcast mode, but now there are only two in the first round, Beijing Satellite TV and Dragon TV.

Although other TV stations expressed their intention to purchase the film, Luo Liping was not satisfied with the price.

Just like Liu Yanming once deduced, the market rules were broken by "Latent", the pre-order has long been a thing of the past, and even the first round, the TV station has to take huge risks.

Because today's audiences watch TV dramas, the standard of choice is no longer the quality of the TV series itself, but the popularity.

Luo Liping has put in a lot of effort in this area. If he doesn't do it and other companies are doing it, then the second round of "Daughter-in-law" may not be sold at all.

Emphasis on publicity and hype has also become the consensus of major producers and producers.

Sell ​​high consensus.

The producer cuts a few clips, or cuts a few pictures, and uses traditional media and the Internet to make simultaneous efforts. Millions of RMB are thrown out, even for an ordinary drama, which can forcibly reverse the market reputation.

There are many methods, such as provoking topics that are more concerned by the society, publicizing actors' explosive acting skills, slapping so many celebrities in the face, or advocating that a certain well-known actor is "sane in the world", etc. If you really can't find someone to publish Point, then "fairy looks" and so on can also be boasted, as long as they are willing to spend money, as long as the audience is a person living in the society, and they usually contact the Internet or paper media, they will inevitably be affected by these public opinions.

It would be easier if the audience felt general disgust due to the massive publicity, and then attacked and ridiculed.

The peers can't sit still anymore, and spend money to hire navy black!
Don't ask who the peers are, anyway, it's the peers who don't like us!
After this combination of punches, even an ordinary drama can be praised to the sky.

The overwhelming drafts have washed the ground and the brains of the audience, and what is waiting for the producer is to sit on the ground and raise the price, which is gold and silver.

The promotional expenses of "Daughter-in-law" are also expensive, but Xu Rong's silence made many TV stations hesitate.

While Luo Liping was dissatisfied, he was also very disturbed.

After a while, Luo Liping turned his head and asked in puzzlement: "Lao Liu, did we offend him somewhere? The contract between "Daughter-in-law" and "Dawn" was signed a long time ago. At that time, he was worth a lot. It's not high, but we can't blame us, and it's about to sign another compensation."

Liu Jiang shook his head with a smile, and said, "Didn't he send you a message? He said he was doing something very important."

Luo Liping said in a calm voice: "But he didn't tell me what he was doing at all. If he is really busy, why don't you give me a letter."

Liu Jiang poured him a cup of tea, then lit a cigarette for himself, and said: "This morning, I read the news that he went to Renyi early in the morning, probably to rehearse a play, Renyi's famous actor If there is no rehearsal or performance, it is generally not necessary to run there every day.”

"Then he's not busy, it's just publicity, and a week's time is enough." Luo Liping didn't feel thirsty, so he didn't move his teacup, and said in a very puzzled way, "I'm just wondering, dramas last a year. How much money can it make? How much money can TV and movies make? He can't tell the difference."

Seeing that Liu Jiang wanted to defend himself, Luo Liping said: "If you want to talk about honing your professional ability, there is no need for that at all. His current level is enough for him to last a lifetime."

Liu Jiang pondered for a while, shook his head, and said, "I reckon that's not the case."

"Then what did you say?"

"Do you know Ren Ming?"

"I know, Ren Yuan."

Liu Jiang said with a smile: "Ren Ming joined Renyi for one year, was nominated to join the art committee, and was promoted to the deputy academy for five years. It has been so many years. It just so happens that in a few years, Zhang Heping will retire. It's no surprise that he was the first dean, and when Pu Cunxi retires, the positions of the two vice presidents will be vacated in no time."

Luo Li sat down slowly, not understanding the meaning of Liu Jiang's words.

Liu Jiang continued: "The unit of Renyi is very special. Although it does not start with the national character, it is actually the highest hall in the drama industry. It is originally a brother unit with Beijing Film Studio and Zhongxi Opera, and it is always good for senior leaders. Acting, you said that if Xu Rong performed well, he would be named by the leader, go up, and stay in the deputy position for several years, plus he was originally a film and television actor. After some manipulations, do you think it is possible to be transferred to Beijing Film Studio? ?”

Luo Liping looked at Liu Jiang strangely, and said, "No, you probably forgot that the Beijing Film Studio is long gone, right?!"

"Then what do you say it's called now?"

Luo Liping was stunned for a long time, then suddenly, he took a breath of air: "You mean, it can't be Zhongying, right?"

Liu Jiang smoked from his nostrils, and said, "It's not that it's impossible. A while ago, I heard that he was also the director of a show invested by six TV stations, an actor, and the director of a show invested by six TV stations. Isn't that a lie? Well, but if you look at it from another angle, everything makes sense. Renyi is at the same level as China Opera and China Film Group. If a vice president of Renyi is transferred, even if it is a mediocrity, it must be a deputy, but he is young. Ah, tell me, if he really sits in that position in the future, if he says yes, who would dare to say no to the film and television circles in the three places on both sides of the strait?"

Listening to Liu Jiang's sound analysis, Luo Liping couldn't help being dumbfounded. He didn't come back to his senses until the cigarette in his hand burned out and burned his hand. He hurriedly picked up the cigarette butt on the ground and threw it into the ashtray: "Fuck, this, he played a big game of chess?!"

"Who says it's not, and people's art is also the best stage, you go to the museum in the courtyard to see, good guy, there is no one below the ministerial level who writes inscriptions and letters of commendation."

After being silent for quite a while, Luo Li slowly picked up the teacup on the table, drank it all in one gulp, put it down, and then said: "It's up to you, whether we can have dinner or not depends on others." Has your face changed?"

Liu Jiang smiled and said: "Who knows, this is what I've been thinking about in my spare time. You also said that acting in dramas doesn't make money at all. Even if it's to hone your acting skills, isn't it the same to take on some supporting roles with different personalities? And this Junior, I also understand a little bit, if he decides to do something, he must have a very clear and definite purpose, otherwise he won't touch it."

"Besides, I heard some gossip that when Xu Rong just graduated, the school originally planned to let him stay in the school to teach, but after Zhang Heping and Pu Cunxi got Xu Rong's answer, they went directly to Nortel and snatched the file. Let's go, depending on the situation, if there are no accidents, it is probably another Ren Ming."

Luo Liping was overwhelmed by Liu Jiang's grand blueprint, and the dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Only then did he realize an extremely critical issue, Xu Rong's age.

He is only 24 years old, and being young means infinite possibilities. If he really becomes an artist, Liu Jiang's "blind thinking" is not impossible to become a reality step by step.

The key point is that this person not only has strong professional ability, but also knows how to do things, and is quite low-key. These three points can basically guarantee that he will thrive in a unit like Renyi.

"24 years old."

Luo Liping sighed with a wry smile. At this moment, he didn't dare to blame Xu Rong anymore, and said, "Wait, I'm going to sleep in the office tonight. When will the ratings statistics come out? When will I go back? What about you?"

"I have to go back later, I'm still waiting at home." Liu Jiang said with a smile, "When you come out, don't forget to tell me as soon as possible."

"Relax, sure."

Xu Rong had no idea that his act of entering Renyi would be analyzed by Liu Jiang in a wild manner. At this time, he had just closed the notebook he carried with him and was about to go on stage for rehearsal.

For any actor with a professional background, the "negotiation" in the second act of "Thunderstorm" is an extremely familiar plot, and it is the third small climax after the "talking about ghosts" and "drinking medicine" in the first act.

In the first scene, Fanyi fails to talk to Zhou Ping, but is forced to drink medicine by Zhou Puyuan, causing an uproar, and then another meeting with Zhou Ping.

At this time, she already knew that Zhou Ping would go to the mine tomorrow, and the time was short, so he was eager to seize this opportunity and planned to have a good talk with Zhou Ping, hoping that he could stay.

Fanyi hopes to use the past relationship with Zhou Ping to touch his heart, but Zhou Ping regrets the wrong things he did in the past. He blatantly violated the vow he made three years ago, which aroused the rift between them. contradiction.

Xu Rong knew very well that in this scene, Fanyi was in the active position, attacking, actively looking for a way out for herself.

But her extreme character and Zhou Ping's evasion and regret gradually pushed the conversation to accusations.

Zhou Ping was blindly defending and pleading to no avail, so that when he was forced into a helpless situation, the "impulse" in his character broke out.

Mr. Zheng Rong saw the two of them standing up, and said, "Let's start."

Yu Mingjia walked to the left back of the big sofa, first looked outside the door, and confirmed that Lu Gui had indeed left, then turned his head and asked loudly, "Where did he go?"

Xu Rong was standing at the left back of the table at this time, hoping that Fanyi would not notice him. Hearing the questioning from behind, he turned half of his body and asked inexplicably, "Who?"

Zheng Rong was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly turned his elbow to the young field recorder next to him, and then pointed to Xu Rong in the field.

Because he suddenly discovered that Xu Rong seemed to be more familiar with the role of Zhou Ping.

There is no need for Mr. Zheng to remind, the scene recorder just came from the "Thunderstorm" team next door, so he can naturally distinguish good from bad, and has already recorded Xu Rong's series of actions just now.

"Your father."

As soon as Yu Mingjia said this, Zheng Rong suddenly raised his hands and covered his ears, as if he heard something extremely harsh.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Pu Cunxi rang the bell hastily.

Zheng Rong didn't make any further comments, but just stood up and said, "I won't come here in the future, when you feel that you're all set, I'll come again.

Pu Cunxi could only laugh along with him, turned his head, and said to Xu Rong who was beside him: "Xiao Xu, go see Teacher Zheng off."

"Okay." Xu Rong replied, and then turned around, "Puyuan, I guess I'll have to wait a while to come over, so I have to send it home."

"Oh, okay."

Yu Mingjia's performance today is purely due to watching too much in the 79 edition.

The version at that time had not broken away from the barriers of criticizing class contradictions, and deliberately weakened humanism.

In addition, Xie Yanning, the senior who played Fan Yi in the theater at that time, was not as high as expected. In general, her presentation method is anti-human in today's view.

What can be proved is that no matter whether it is today's major performance schools, or the analysis of Renyi's own academic journals, "Thunderstorm", Xie Yanning's performances have never been excerpted, and even the creative files left in the academy have never been excerpted. included.

Because in the 79 version, when Xie Yanning came up with the scene just now, he asked in a questioning tone: "Where did he go?"

It was completely inconsistent with her original intention of wanting Zhou Ping to stay.

The reason why the 79 edition is a classic is that Mr. Zheng has reached the pinnacle in the shaping of Zhou Puyuan, and Zhu Lin, Hu Zongwen, Li Daqian, Pu Cunxi, Zhou Chong and other powerful factions have cast a classic, but Fan Yi is undoubtedly It's the biggest failure of all.

The situation is similar to the current "Thunderstorm" led by Yang Lixin and Gong Lijun, but the overall level has been weakened a lot.

When Zheng Rong and Xu Rong left the theater, Pu Cunxi turned around, looked at the group of young actors, and asked, "Are you convinced now?"

Everyone lowered their heads and said nothing.

Even if Pu Cunxi didn't say anything, they could already see that it wasn't that Xu Rong wasn't criticized by Mr. Zheng, but the "truth" he was performing.

The purpose of the performance is to make the audience look real. For the actors themselves, they really listen, see and feel. The actors have prepared their lines in advance and know the next development of the plot. They have even rehearsed countless times, but When you are on stage, you have to give reasonable feedback based on the character and behavior of the character, as if you were listening to it, seeing it for the first time, or feeling it for the first time.

Just now Xu Rong only said one word, which was "Who?" when he turned around and asked, his slightly puzzled frown, the inexplicable tone in his tone, and his half-turned body all gave people a strong feeling. feel.

He didn't want Fanyi to notice him, and even wanted to avoid communicating with her.

And his "showing weakness" also drove Yu Mingjia's next sentence "Your father." His mood dropped instantly, forming a very strong contrast between before and after.

It also caused Mr. Zheng Rong's patience to reach the limit.

Everyone knows the realm, just like everyone understands the truth, but whether it can be achieved is another matter.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Pu Cunxi stretched out a finger and said, "One week, I will limit it to one week, if you can't even perform the show, just replace it."

(End of this chapter)

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