Chapter 227
"More than 70 years ago, Tianjin was hit by a flood. After the flood, I once saw a white-bearded old man in a short shirt standing in the deep courtyard of a high-rise building of an official's house through a gap in a collapsed wall. Cursed on the balcony. Later, I heard that this man fell in love with a maid in his family when he was young. In order to cultivate her into his ideal wife and accepted by his family, he sent her to Japan regardless of his family's opposition. After studying abroad, this maid did not come back after she finished her studies, and he went crazy because of this."

"More than 50 years ago, I went to visit Emperor Hongxian's Cabinet Prime Minister Zhu Qiqian. He studied engineering abroad. After returning to China, he presided over the design of some bridges and buildings. At that time, I remember that when I entered the door, I saw a big The plaque on which is written in turn the various projects he designed and built throughout his life, like a stele of outstanding achievements. Although he had been liberated for many years at that time, the life in his family was still full of flowers and flowers. , the conversation with him is always saying 'yes' and saying 'yes', the daughter-in-law is standing aside, the curtains in the room are heavy, and the old living habits are still retained."

"More than 30 years ago, I went to Tianjin to perform "Tea House". I asked an old friend to give me a ticket and invited someone to watch the show. I met her by chance when I was in middle school in Tianjin. During that time, we often met for two years. For a long time, we broke up after only three letters, and I still have a deep memory of that period, even now, and at that time, I just wanted to see her."

"On the day of the performance, she was watching the show with her lover. I watched from a distance, but I couldn't recognize her at all. The impression in my mind is completely different."


Mr. Zheng was sitting in the car, slowly telling stories about his early years. Even the latest story was seven or eight years earlier than Xu Rong's birthday.

"Teacher Xu, Grandpa Zheng, here we come."

Xu Rongzheng listened quietly and earnestly. Mr. Zheng's stories are all selective, just like the first story, telling him that Zhou Ping really loves Fanyi and Sifeng, while the second and third stories The three stories explained to him the reason why he wanted to leave Fanyi, as well as his true inner thoughts.

He has seen many similar stories, but because of Mr. Zheng's tone, the stories are much more vivid than those simple words.

The car door opened slowly. Although Xu Rong complained that Wang Yaqin was driving the car too fast, he got out of the car quickly, helped Mr. Zheng down, and then sent him upstairs and sat for a long time before beating the family members. out of the courtyard.

He turned his head, looked at a certain window upstairs, and sighed faintly.

Today's rehearsal made him completely determined.

If "Thunderstorm" can be staged smoothly, after a round of performances, he will not come to the theater often in the future. He will learn from Feng Yuanzheng and Wu Gang, and come when there are performances. If there is no performance, he can go to film and television with peace of mind.

That means, throughout the year, he will stay in the courtyard for about seven or eight days or half a month.

Pu Cunxi is a good senior and a good actor, but he is not a good vice president. He bears a considerable part of the responsibility for the decline of Renyi to where it is today.

Because whether it is the former dean Liu Jinyun or the current dean Zhang Heping, they don't know much about acting. Even if they understand the importance of actors' skills, they cannot make specific judgments when it comes to actual practice.

But Pu Cunxi understands, but his management style is too gentle, always comforting and always encouraging, even talents, slowly relax in such warm water.

If Renyi is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, they are all like Wu Gang, who honed his skills in the courtyard day and night like a bastard, until they matured, and then went out and became a blockbuster. On the contrary, I am quite happy to free up the limited time and put it in the courtyard.

Then, roll them to death.

The next day, early in the morning.

Liu Jiang hung up the phone gently, looked at his son who was sleeping soundly in the stroller, ran over like a gust of wind, picked up the stroller, held it in the air, and smiled excitedly: "Son, your father It's time to develop, haha!"

"Wow, wow wow."

"Whoa whoa whoa."

Wang Tong, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, heard the cry of the child and ran out quickly. After seeing Liu Jiang's actions, he immediately became angry: "Put it down!"

"Liu Jiang, did I recruit you or provoke you? Can you save me from trouble? It took me a long time to put him to sleep, and you woke him up before the dishes were cleaned. Is it because you don’t exhaust me to death? What if you still hold it so high, what should you do if you bump into it? Can you think about it before doing something?”

Hearing his wife's machine-gun-like scolding, Liu Jiang knew he was in the wrong. After putting down the stroller, Liu Jiang took two steps back embarrassingly: "I, I'm just too excited."

"Excitement, do you have your method of excitement? Not to mention a child, even a kitten or puppy can't stand your toss. Let me tell you, I am annoyed when I see you now. I can't see a child for 5 minutes." Looking for my mother, looking for my mother, as soon as I let go, I turned around and cried, I was puzzled, he was sleeping well, why did you provoke him?"

Liu Jiang scratched his head, but he couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Tong picked up the child and coaxed it softly, but when he turned around and saw Liu Jiang still grinning, he was unhappy: "You are still laughing, are you sincerely looking for trouble?"

Liu Jiang sat down on the sofa leisurely, crossed his legs, looked at his wife coaxing the children, and said, "Do you know the ratings of the premiere of "Daughter-in-law"?"

"I don't care how much, you go and clean the dishes now!"

After Liu Jiang and his wife looked at each other for 0.1 seconds, they finally sensed the omen of the earth-shattering. He hurriedly stood up and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'll go right away, I'll go right away."

Before he walked to the door of the kitchen, Wang Tong suddenly stopped him and said, "What did you say just now?"

Liu Jiang turned his head cautiously, and said softly: "Oh, I said the ratings of "Daughter-in-law" have come out."

"How many?"


"How much?" Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, staring at him with big eyes, "Did you hear me right?"

Liu Jiang smiled and said, "Of course not, all major TV stations have already gone to Hualu with money."

At this time, he had calmed down, and said: "It's not surprising that the premiere can achieve this result. After all, this is Xu Rong's first drama after "Latent". Even for his name, many people are willing to endure it." Set your mind to watch two episodes, the next few days will be the real test."

Of course, Wang Tong understands the meaning of 4.2 ratings. With this momentum, as long as it doesn't slip, Liu Jiang will become a big director in the TV drama industry. She gently shook the child in her arms and said, "Well, how about Go ask him to promote it?"

Hearing this, Liu Jiang turned his head and went into the kitchen, saying: "Come on, please don't move before the premiere, and now it's started so well, it's even more impossible."

As the child's cries gradually subsided, Wang Tong followed into the kitchen, but he didn't go in. He just leaned against the kitchen door, looked at the busy Liu Jiang, and said, "If you say so, Xu Rong is considered a Was the transition successful?"

She watched Liu Jiang directly turn on the faucet and rush up bowl by bowl. Subconsciously, she wanted to say something to him, but because she was more concerned about the content of the chat, she reluctantly endured it.

"Not only!"

Liu Jiang said seriously: "If this show continues to develop at this rate, even if it keeps at this level of ratings, then he will become the hottest actor in this kind of TV series, no, no, it is very likely that he will be the leader of the entire industry. A top-notch actor, but what I worry about now is whether he will take the war movie."

"Why, isn't it all agreed?"

Liu Jiang sighed, and said, "Affected by the general environment, the number of war films approved this year has decreased by half, and the TV station is not as enthusiastic about anti-war films as last year. So Xu Rong's salary is a big problem."

"In the past, the quotation of [-] yuan was already the top in the TV drama industry. If it was a spy war genre, it was reasonable for him. Other types were a bit inflated. Now, regardless of the type, [-] yuan is probably only Make a bottom."

Liu Jiang said, turned off the tap, turned around and was about to go out.

Wang Tong's eyes widened suddenly: "What are you doing, the pot hasn't been cleaned yet!"

"No, didn't you just tell me to do the dishes?"

Luo Liping felt as if he had inhaled something at this time, he was obviously very tired, but he was also extremely excited.

Last night, he didn't sleep much. He always slept for a while, woke up for a while, woke up for a while, and slept for a while.

He lit a cigarette vigorously, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the capital, and after exhaling a long breath of smoke, he suddenly chanted: "Counting the romantic people, let's look at the present!"

Because of the theme of "Daughter-in-law" and the high price, the various TV stations that had been keeping a wait-and-see attitude before were already full in the conference room.

All are eager to buy movies!

"Boss Luo, another family!"

Luo Liping didn't look back, and said, "Please go to the conference room and tell them that I'll be right there."

Luo Liping took another sip. At this moment, he suddenly regretted that the price he sold to Beijing Satellite TV and Dragon TV was too bad.

Why didn't you set a sky-high price of 300 million? !

Then he was relieved, the spy war starring Xu Rong, all the TV stations seemed crazy, before the production of "Before Dawn", more than a dozen TV stations had already greeted him, and all of them wanted to premiere exclusively, and the price was negotiable .

But the cold encounter of "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law" was completely unexpected to him.

"The east corner is lost, and the sangyu is gained." Standing in front of the French window, he sighed softly.

How lucky it wasn't sold before!
Otherwise, he would have to sit on the ground holding his ankle and cry right now.

On the other side, Xu Rong was sitting in the middle of the study, staring at the two old photos on the table in a daze. The photos were taken from Mr. Zheng's house yesterday.

Xiao Zhang, who was squatting on the sofa not far away, fiddled with his mobile phone, suddenly sat up straight, and shouted very abruptly: "Teacher Xu!"

Xu Rong turned his head slowly and said, "What's the matter, you're surprised again?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang raised the mobile phone in his hand and said, "There are a lot of people on the Internet, and a lot of people scold you."

Xu Rong frowned and asked, "Call me? Why?"

"They said, they didn't expect you to be reduced to accepting a play like "The Good Times of Wife."

"What's the matter?" Xu Rong was stunned for a while, "It's okay if I take "Daughter-in-law", right?"

"But they all said that you should act in a serious drama, not a short mother-in-law drama like this, which is too cheap." Xiao Zhang laughed again, "However, they also said If it’s about the same, although your performance is very good-looking, I still hope you don’t go astray.”

Xu Rong hesitated for a while before asking: "Then did you scold me for not acting well, or is there a problem with the logic of the plot?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang hurriedly lowered his head and turned around for a while, then said, "Not yet."

"That's fine." Xu Rong nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to relax completely, because only two episodes have been played, and the ratings and evaluations of the next episode are still unknown.

But judging from the current situation, this transformation has been quite successful.

The beginning of 4.2, according to the usual rules of TV dramas, basically sits firmly in the top three ratings of Beijing Satellite TV this year.

The next morning, as soon as Xu Rong got out of the car, he was blocked by [-] or [-] media outlets at the entrance of Renyi. The security guards at the gate saw that something was wrong and rushed over, but they could only shout loudly in the outer circle in vain. Let it go, please let it go."

If journalists were dismissed so easily, they would not be in this industry.

Xu Rong looked at the battle in front of him, and knew that the ratings results of the third and fourth episodes were expected to come out, otherwise it would not have attracted so many media.

"Xu Rong, why did you accept "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law"?"

"Xu Rong, is it because the salary is too much?"

Xu Rong was actually even more puzzled, as an actor, taking on different types of plays, is there anything wrong?
This time, he was not in a hurry to leave, and after appeasing the restless reporters, he asked, "My friends from the media, can I trouble you to answer my question first, why do you all think that I shouldn't accept "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law"?"

A female reporter in the lead spoke very quickly and authentically: "Because the dramas you acted in the past were all serious dramas and major dramas, and with your status, it is incomprehensible for the public to accept such mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas. I think you are lowering your self-worth by acting in such a play."

Xu Rong looked at the female reporter who was speaking, and asked, "Then do you think "Daughter-in-law" is good?"

"Looks good!" The female reporter quickly took out a pen and pointed to her chest, "Mr. Xu, please sign for me, I am your fan."

Xu Rong glanced at the pair of buckle bowls she carried with her, and said with a smile, "I'm honored that you like me, but if I sign, my girlfriend won't like me."


"Is it okay to sign it on the notebook?"

While signing, Xu Rong asked, "By the way, I want to ask you one thing. Did yesterday's ratings come out?"

"You don't know yet?"

"I've been busy recently, so I haven't paid much attention to it."

"Yesterday, Beijing's audience rating was 6.8, and Dragon TV's was 5.6."

Xu Rong handed over the notebook with a flat face, and said, "Here."

The female reporter looked at Xu Rong's Gujing's calm face and asked in surprise: "Mr. Xu, aren't you surprised at all? This ratings data has confirmed that you are the annual champion of Beijing Satellite TV?"

Xu Rong looked at each other for a while, and then asked suspiciously: "The regional annual ratings champion, is it difficult?"

He's just recovered, how can this f*ck be more explosive than "Latent"? ? ?
With this ratings, it is reasonable to be blocked by so many reporters.

The few reporters standing in front of him were also dumbfounded by his question. That’s right, last year, the year before, and the year before last, the TV series he starred in all won the ratings championships in different regions, especially last year’s "Latent", which is simply amazing. Explode the whole country.

He's telling the whole truth, the regional ratings champion, it seems, to him, is really commonplace.

But why does it sound so wrong?

"Mr. Xu, can you tell me why you chose such a subject?"

Xu Rong didn't understand why these media were entangled in this point, and asked instead: "Then why can't I answer when others can?"

"It feels like it doesn't fit your position. This is not my opinion alone. It's been said on the Internet."

Xu Rong originally wanted to say "My position is to be an actor", but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again, and smiled as gently as possible, saying: "There are two main reasons for accepting this drama. First, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been one of the biggest problems in Chinese families since ancient times, especially male compatriots, I think all of you who have been married know something about it, and with the more open-minded post-80s, they are gradually entering the palace of marriage , Being a parent, this is a difficult problem that should not be avoided and cannot be avoided. As a son or husband, how to reconcile the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also a topic that every man should study and study. subject."

"What about the second point?"

"The second point." Xu Rong smiled suddenly, "I just want to say that I can not only act in spy wars, but also in other types of dramas."

(End of this chapter)

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