I'm just an actor

Chapter 228 Chicken Soup

Chapter 228 Chicken Soup
"Puyuan, morning."

As soon as he entered the rehearsal theater, Xu Rong saw Pu Cunxi sitting on a stool in a corner, holding a script in one hand and writing something on it with a pen in the other.

Hearing the voice, Pu Cunxi raised his head, looked at Xu Rong who had changed into a shirt, trousers and leather shoes today, and asked with a smile, "The reporters at the door, shall we wait for you?"

"should be."

Pu Cunxi looked at him carefully for a while, and saw that his steps were still steady, and he was not complacent about performing another blockbuster, so he nodded and said, "Not bad."

Xu Rong also found a corner, sat down, looked at Pu Cunxi, opened the script, scanned two lines, raised his head leisurely, and asked: "Puyuan, I don't understand, why doesn't the courtyard improve the performance of the actors?" What about performance subsidies?"

In his spare time, he also thought about the reasons for the sharp decline in the overall level of human art.

It wasn't until I found out that I had an inexplicably extra 1500 yuan in the card in recent months, and after thinking about it for a long time, I finally figured out the origin of the money.

This is the salary paid to him by the courtyard.

After the Fei Tian Award, he was rated as a third-level actor even though he hadn't participated in a single play.

Come to think of it, even a first-class actor would only earn two to three thousand dollars a month, plus various rehearsal and performance subsidies, and at best it would be tens of thousands of dollars a month.

It sounds like a lot, but with the current house price of [-] yuan in the four inner city districts, there is simply no way to survive.

In the era of planned economy, people and arts are the iron rice bowl, coupled with the country's attention, talents from all walks of life gather together, and the combination of various reasons makes people and arts possible.

But in the era of the market economy, this method will not work. No one can expect people to starve and dedicate themselves to art. Since there is a choice of earning more money and paying less, why bother to stay in the hospital? inside?

Even if you really love it.

Pu Cunxi pondered for a while, and said: "Our salary standard is set by the Personnel Bureau. If the subsidy is too high, it may not be a good thing."

Xu Rong frowned slightly, and asked, "How?"

Pu Cunxi hesitated for a while, and said: "Actually, you should also understand that there are already many idlers in the courtyard. If the salary is raised, such disadvantages will only become more and more serious."

Xu Rong said silently, this kind of phenomenon cannot be avoided anywhere, not to mention the theater, even the crew, there are many such people.

They didn't come here to eat meat, they just wanted to drink some soup.

But even if it is soup, it is limited. Once the establishment is fully occupied, even if there are suitable talents, there will be no room for it.

At the beginning, Lin Zhaohua hated this, so he left Renyi angrily and set up his own studio.

Pu Cunxi didn't want to talk more about this topic, so as not to dampen Xu Rong's enthusiasm, so he said instead: "Have you heard about my bet with Director Gu?"

"Well, I heard a little bit."

Pu Cunxi looked at him with a smile: "Are you confident?"

Xu Rong shook his head without hesitation: "No!"

The smile on Pu Cunxi's face stopped abruptly, but after thinking about yesterday's rehearsal, he couldn't help being speechless.

After waiting for a while, he asked again: "Is there any good way for you?"

Xu Rong shook his head first, then paused for a moment before he said uncertainly, "Reading the script?"

"is that useful?"

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor. I can see it now. It is impossible to do it in one step. Only by reading the script dozens or hundreds of times first, and arranging it while reading it, can it be arranged. Besides this, there are other scripts. What can be done?"

The reading of the script he mentioned is naturally not just reading casually, but in the process of walking the position, constantly repeating the dialogue of the characters, and then helping the actors find the state of the characters.

As for the external expression, it can only be done step by step.

Xu Rong looked down at his watch and said, "It's almost eight o'clock, why hasn't anyone come here yet?"

"Go to work at nine o'clock."

Xu Rong couldn't say anything more, after all, it wasn't a performance, and he couldn't act like a crew, getting out of bed four or five days a day and rushing to the set.

Pu Cunxi knew that he had already studied the script thoroughly, so he suggested, "Let's try it first?"

Xu Rong became a little interested and said, "Just try it."

The two put down their scripts, walked onto the stage, and started rehearsing.

After about ten minutes, a tall figure came to the entrance of the theater, but he seemed to have heard the voice inside the theater long ago, and did not come in immediately.

"Then I ask you to completely change your current behavior for your biological mother."

"Yes, Dad, that was my momentary absurdity."

"My family is the most complete and orderly family in my opinion. I also think that my sons are all healthy children, the children I educated."


"Is it almost mean?"

"Start again, you adjust yours, and I adjust mine."

Yu Zhen folded his arms and leaned against the door frame. He was familiar with the two people on the stage, but he was not familiar with them.

One of them is the kind executive vice president, and the other is a big name in the film and television industry. To him, they are both too far away.

He went out earlier today because he had just had an argument with his wife more than ten minutes ago. He really didn't want to quarrel anymore. Every time before entering the house, he advised himself to calm down and not get angry, but , couldn't finish three sentences, and his anger rushed straight to his forehead.

Looking at the two figures on the stage who had lined up a few words more than a dozen times, he still had no intention of going in, so he just stood there quietly.

This is a rare tranquility, especially when the two people's cooperation is becoming more and more tacit, it makes him feel a long-lost tranquility in his heart.

The thunderstorm on the stage did not erupt, but above his head, the thunder was rumbling all the time.

Looking at the old and the young on the stage, he was a little envious and puzzled.

He envied them that they could get rid of distracting thoughts and put their energy into the play without sleeping or eating, but it was hard to understand why they had to work so hard after reaching such a high level?
"Teacher Yu, what are you doing?"


Xin Yue hurriedly closed her mouth, looked curiously at Yu Zhen who was signaling to her to keep quiet, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Yu Zhen stretched out his index finger and pointed to the theater.

Xin Yue quietly poked her head over from Yu Zhen's side, looked at the two people on the stage, couldn't help being stunned, and said in a low voice, "The two teachers came so early."


At a certain moment, Pu Cunxi stopped suddenly, and shouted towards the door: "Dahai, Sifeng, what are you doing standing at the door, why don't you hurry over here?"

When the two heard Pu Cunxi's shout, they didn't dare to delay, and trotted all the way to the stage.

Pu Cunxi and Xu Rong looked at each other, without any nonsense, said: "Come on, let's line up directly, as long as the lines are read correctly, don't stop."

Both Yu Zhen and Xin Yue were stunned for a while, and hurriedly said, "Okay."

Zhang Wankun was the fifth to arrive. Seeing the busy four people on the stage, he lowered his footsteps, and trotted all the way to the side of the stage. When he came on stage, he walked directly onto the stage without being reminded.

Similar scenes happened one after another, especially when Zhu Xiaopeng, who arrived at the last pressing point, realized that he was the last one to arrive, he first looked down at the time.

It's nine o'clock, and I'm not late.

But the anxiety in my heart has not been relieved because the minute hand of the watch has not fully pointed to "12".

Fortunately, no one blamed him.

After finally finishing their lineup, Xu Rong and Pu Cunxi looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

They hit it by mistake and seemed to have found a better way.

When the atmosphere is well shaped, everyone's input will naturally increase.

And their requirements are not as high as Mr. Zheng Rong's. As long as this time is better than the last time, and this time is more "real" than the last time, they will be satisfied.

Anyway, there is still a month to go, so don't worry.

At noon, Pu Cunxi was chatting with a group of people carrying boxed lunches, and when the conversation changed, he looked at Xu Rong and asked, "Xu Rong, why did you come to Renyi in the first place? So hot?"

Now, everyone stopped chatting and turned their attention to Xu Rong.

Xu Rong came to Renyi, they were not curious, to solve the household registration problem, many people linked to Mandarin for this purpose, and also to find a big tree for themselves to enjoy the shade.

But Xu Rong really rehearsed and participated in the performance, which they did not expect, because at the same time, with his current popularity and popularity, he could earn a wealth that many people would never be able to match in a lifetime.

And rehearsing plays in the courtyard day and night, not to mention tired, it only costs 5 to [-] yuan to support the sky.

Xu Rong glanced at Pu Cunxi, thinking how I got here, don't you know better than me?
But he also understood Pu Cunxi's intention, which was to set up a fire and prepare ingredients for him to cook a pot of fresh, thick and delicious chicken soup.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "In the past, I really wanted to play a type of role, that is, An Jiahe. In fact, the main reason was that Mr. Feng Yuanzheng portrayed it so well at the time. The year before last, by chance, I collaborated with Wu Gang in "Latent" , At the first scene, he stunned me, and at that time, I really realized the power of human art, even a lesser-known actor, his professional ability is top-notch in the industry."

"Since I started filming, I have been thinking about a question, that is, the producers, producers, and directors, what are the criteria for selecting actors?"

Seeing that everyone was listening intently, Xu Rong said: "I think it is value. A person can only be needed if he has a certain value. Then the question arises, what is the value of an actor?"

Yu Zhen tentatively asked, "Famousness!"

Xu Rong didn't directly deny his answer, which is extremely taboo to persuade others, and said: "Let me give you an example, from the first four-year-old students to last year's fourth-year students, so many people, they Was it low profile in the year it was elected?"

"However, in just three to five years, when you make one bad one, then another bad one, and then another bad one, people will stop looking for you, and then slowly, your popularity will go down, so I think the core of an actor’s value is not popularity.”

Seeing that Zhu Xiaopeng, who played Zhou Chong, seemed to disagree, Xu Rong didn't continue talking, paused, and said: "At present, there is such a popular view that as long as the script is good, the drama will definitely have a good ratings. I once filmed a movie called "New Shanghai Bund", although the ratings were a mess, but people scolded me badly."

"Hahaha." Everyone sitting here seemed to have seen this movie, and they all laughed at the same time.

After the laughter subsided, Xu Rong continued: "But there is one person who has not been scolded from the beginning to the end, and is even called the most interesting character in the whole play, and that is Mr. Li Xuejian who plays Feng Jingyao."

"Let's go back to the issue of value. After the producers decided on the main cast, they already expected that the show would be criticized, so they had to find an actor who could carry the word of mouth. This is the value of an actor. .”

"Some people also say that so-and-so is just hype, and the business level is poor. Let's make a bet. Let's look at it ten years later. And shouldn't the hype cost money? In fact, everyone should understand it. It’s the public relations media that spend far more money than making a good movie. This is also worth, but it’s filled with real money. This road is destined to have nothing to do with us, so we can only choose another one."

"But any technology industry, when it reaches a certain height, has a certain degree of low substitutability or even irreplaceability. There is a saying that may not be suitable for this occasion, that is, you can take a piece of shit to replace another piece of shit. But you can’t replace a table of delicacies with a piece of shit, I understand the value of an actor, that’s it, after this is achieved, the rest is to become famous and make a lot of money.”

"For example, for the play we rehearsed, "Thunderstorm", the audience is willing to buy Mr. Zheng's account. This is also the reason why I came to Renyi to accumulate my low substitutability and even irreplaceability. This door, if you want to learn something, it is not perfect and not systematic, and the process of accumulation is to carefully polish every detail through the unique skills and training methods of our school based on the ingenuity mentioned by the teacher. Until the instinct is formed."

Although the incident happened suddenly, Xu Rong closely focused on two points based on the speech method he learned from Hua Mingna.

The first point is to start from the needs. Except for Pu Cunxi, all the people sitting here are thinking about how to become famous and how to make a lot of money. His chicken soup serves this core need.

The second point is the nature of success worship. Among the examples he gave, Li Xuejian, Feng Yuanzheng, Wu Gang, and him are all people who have achieved certain achievements in the film and television industry. From another perspective, they are also survivors. But this thing is simply the best ingredient for making chicken soup.

Pu Cunxi looked at the young people in the crew who had improved a lot after Xu Rong finished speaking, and couldn't help being slightly surprised. He originally wanted Xu Rong to talk about his own experience, but he didn't expect him to something different.

In the evening, when Yu Zhen, Yu Mingjia and others dragged their tired bodies, left the theater, walked to the entrance of the theater, and looked back at the lights on the third floor, Yu Zhen couldn't help sighing: "I know why they became famous."

Although Xin Yue was tired, she was successfully fooled by Xu Rong. She raised her small fist and said to Yu Zhen, "Come on."

Yu Zhen was dumbfounded, Guozi showed a smile that would not embarrass the other party or himself, and also raised his fist: "Come on, come on."


"See you tomorrow."

Pu Cunxi left Zhang Wankun and Xu Rong behind, and held a small meeting on the third floor.

After a few days of rehearsal, Pu Cunxi also fully understood that the professional level of the three of them was significantly higher than that of the others.

And in the whole scene, when other people are on the stage, one or more of the three will basically play.

Pu Cunxi slumped in the chair, took a sip of water, and said, "We still have to find a way to mobilize other people."

Xu Rong didn't even think about it and said: "It's not realistic. The role of Fanyi is too important. It can't be brought out by people. She is also one of the cores of this play."

After Xu Rong's voice fell, the three fell into silence again.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Wankun suddenly raised his head and said, "I have an immature idea."

Pu Cunxi looked at him and said, "Tell me."

Zhang Wankun looked at Pu Cunxi, then turned his head to look again, and said, "If Pu Yuan is the real Zhou Puyuan and Xu Ronglai is the real Zhou Ping, can you bring Yu Mingjia and others into the role? "

Xu Rong and Pu Cunxi looked at each other, not to mention, Zhang Wankun's method is really quite feasible.

Pu Cunxi is the vice president, so he can completely regard Renyi as his Zhou mansion, and Xu Rong's status can also guarantee him to play the role of Zhou Ping.

But after thinking about it for a while, Xu Rong felt that it was not appropriate, and said, "Could something go wrong?"

"Mr. Xu, don't forget, we made a bet with Director Gu."

Pu Cunxi smiled and said: "Then it's settled. Let's see my performance tomorrow. For the rest, the three of us should work harder. If possible, we should try our best to treat them with the same attitude as the characters."

"it is good."

Seeing that Pu Cunxi and Zhang Wankun settled the matter with each other, Xu Rong could only sigh.

I hope Yu Mingjia and Zhu Xiaopeng's psychological qualities are tough enough.

(End of this chapter)

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