Chapter 229
Early the next morning, although Zhu Xiaopeng was still too sleepy to open his eyes, he had no choice but to get up on the comfortable bed under the urging of the third and last alarm clock.

Today I can no longer step on it. Although no one mentioned him yesterday, as the last one, and regardless of qualifications, fame, and skills, he is the last one in the group, so he is a bit embarrassed.

Originally, he didn't have to be so sleepy, but last night, out of nowhere, he stayed up for a while.

Originally, he didn't intend to stay up late, and even made up his mind to go to bed at eleven o'clock on time, and then get up early today, and rush to the theater before eight o'clock.

Because yesterday he heard from Yu Zhen that Puyuan and Xu Rong both arrived before eight o'clock.

There is an unwritten tradition in the courtyard. If the rehearsal or performance starts at seven o'clock, the actors generally have to go backstage at six o'clock.

This is left over from the previous generation.

But that generation of people has withdrawn from the stage like the glory of human art, and it has not been written, there is no black and white rules, and there is no need to strictly abide by them.

Last night, after making up his mind to go to bed early and get up early, he was sincerely moved by his positive determination and attitude.

Unknowingly, he has caught up with the old artists.

I don't know if I am used to staying up late, lying in bed for a long time, tossing and turning, not only did not fall asleep, but became more and more energetic.

Helpless, he got up and played with the computer for a while, then went to bed again, and when he was about to go to bed, he took out his phone again.

Then, inexplicably and by accident, he opened Weibo, which has become popular recently.

Then by coincidence, he saw a poll initiated by the Internet, a vote about Xu Rong.

In the past few days, because of the popularity of "A Beautiful Era of Wife", the combination of Xu Rong and Hai Qing has become very popular, and all the satellite TVs in the country are rushing to watch it, playing it over and over again tirelessly.

After casting his own vote, he originally wanted to follow Xu Rong, but after searching, he found out that he didn't open Weibo at all.

Even if almost all the news about him is overwhelming on Weibo.

He finds it inconceivable that Xu Rong, with such a big wrist, hasn't opened Weibo yet?
He suddenly became interested.

Then he began to search for Xu Rong's past experience.

Watching Xu Rong's experience is far more exciting than listening to his speeches. He has worked on construction sites, performed in group performances, and played supporting roles. By chance, thanks to the company's support, he became famous in one fell swoop.

From Xu Rong's experience, he realized a secret of success, a high degree of self-discipline.

From others to himself, he was pleasing to the eye, glanced at the time, and before he knew it, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Putting down the phone, while being inspired by Xu Rong's history of fame, he was also filled with guilt and guilt.

Tomorrow must be an old artist!

Therefore, he didn't get up at the expected time.

After washing up quickly, he hurried out the door. On the way, he bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk, and prepared to eat them in the courtyard.

When he arrived at the door of the rehearsal hall, he glanced at the time first, and found that it was still too late, and after he calmed down his shortness of breath, he stretched out his hand to push the door.

Because there was a performance this afternoon and the theater was setting the stage, the crew moved to the rehearsal hall for rehearsal.

Putting his hand on the door, he just pushed it open when he suddenly heard a familiar but stern voice: "Please go out, we are rehearsing."

Subconsciously, he withdrew most of the strength on his hands, and gently opened a gap that only one person can pass through, but before he could lift his foot in, the door was suddenly pulled open, and an angry man in his twenties walked out of it. Almond-eyed girl.

He glanced at it, but didn't recognize it, maybe it was a relative or friend brought by an actor in the group.

But then, he keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Usually bring friends over, no one cares.

He entered the door lightly, and saw Pu Cunxi on the stage with a straight face, and said in a cold voice: "I repeat, no matter who you are, you are not allowed to bring anyone who has nothing to do with the rehearsal into the rehearsal hall."

"Okay, let's start the lineup."

Zhu Xiaopeng glanced around, only to see Xu Rong standing aside, with a rather unsightly expression, and he had some vague guesses in his heart.

Puyuan was probably in a hurry, even the people brought by Xu Rong were kicked out.

Seeing that the queue had already started on the stage, Zhu Xiaopeng had no choice but to put aside the breakfast and join in quickly.

After finishing the row, Pu Cunxi said: "Everyone have a rest, I will tell you a story from the early years. In the 20s, we were a warlord in Beiping."

As usual, Zhu Xiaopeng and Yu Mingjia brought over the breakfast that hadn't arrived yet, but just opened it and before they touched their mouths, they suddenly heard an extremely abrupt voice: "Get out!"

Holding their respective breakfasts, Zhu Xiaopeng and Yu Mingjia were stunned for a while, and when they met Pu Cunxi's gaze, they suddenly realized that Puyuan seemed to be talking to themselves.

Pu Cunxi frowned, looked at the breakfast in the hands of the two, and said: "The rehearsal hall is a place for rehearsals, not a restaurant. If you want to eat out, when will you finish eating and when will you come back?"

After being dazed, Yu Mingjia hurriedly put away the breakfast, and at the same time grabbed Zhu Xiaopeng who was really going out to eat in a daze.

She glared at him, didn't she hear that Ren Puyuan was going to talk about the era background of the play? If she really went out, the role she finally got would be ruined.

"From today onwards, no one is allowed to eat in the rehearsal hall or theater, did you hear me?"

"Listen, I heard."


Yu Zhen and Xin Yue at the side looked at each other quietly, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice that they both came back after eating.

But at the same time, he was a little puzzled, why Pu Yuan, who was usually amiable, suddenly became so strict today.

Xu Rong glanced at Pu Cunxi's stern face in a "depressed" mood, and then quietly met Zhang Wankun's gaze.

it has started.

It's not in vain for Xiao Zhang to make a guest appearance.

After returning home last night, he thought of it temporarily, and then summed it up with Pu Cunxi.

In one more month, classmate Xiao Zhang will take the exam in the courtyard, regardless of whether it is useful or not, if you have something to do, you can go to Pu Cunxi to avoid getting an interview, good guy, I didn’t recognize it , Then it would be embarrassing to grandma's house.

Pu Cunxi continued to tell the stories he had heard from director Xia Chun in the past, but compared to yesterday, the atmosphere of the crew was suddenly suppressed by a large amount.

Pu Yuan was obviously in a bad mood, even Xu Rong, a junior whom he valued so much, didn't give him any face, let alone others.

Feeling the mentality of everyone, Xu Rong frowned imperceptibly, but it was still not enough, this depression could not be compared with Zhou Mansion.

But seeing Pu Cunxi's unhurried appearance, he was not in a hurry. Today's protagonist is Pu Cunxi.

At noon, during the rehearsal of "drinking medicine", a sudden bell rang, interrupting the lines of Yu Mingjia and Zhu Xiaopeng in an instant.

Because of the pause of the two, Pu Cunxi and Xu Rong, who were rehearsing on the same stage, could not continue.

All the people, in unison, looked at a brown windbreaker draped over a chair.

Yu Mingjia hurried over, took out the mobile phone from his pocket, and quickly hung up the phone.

Pu Cunxi looked at her, stretched out his hand, and said, "Take it here."

Yu Mingjia looked at Pu Cunxi's serious face, hesitated for a while, walked up to Pu Cunxi slowly, and handed him the pink mobile phone with a small rabbit pendant.

Pu Cunxi looked down at the phone first, and then said: "Younger, you should know the rules of the rehearsal hall. When entering the rehearsal hall, you must turn your phone to silent mode. You are also half an old actor in the theater. You should know , and should also set an example for the newcomers in the future.”

Yu Mingjia hurriedly apologized: "Sorry, Puyuan, I used it just now and forgot to turn it off."

Pu Cunxi shook his head and said, "Then I will give you a long memory."

He said, with a "snap", he dropped his phone on the ground, then lifted his leather shoes, and stepped on them hard.



Pu Cunxi's series of actions not only pushed back Yu Mingjia two steps in fright, even Xu Rong and Zhang Wankun who knew the reason were also dumbfounded.

Puyuan, you're a bit over the top.

After Yu Mingjia was stunned for a moment, his face visibly turned from white to red, and then from red to white again. As the jewel in the palm of the palm held by her parents since she was a child, how could she have suffered such anger?

But she clearly understood that she couldn't lose her temper. The other party was not only a senior in the industry, but also the executive vice president of Human Arts.

In the end, the anger in her chest that had nowhere to vent could only turn into mist, lingering in her eye sockets.

Seeing that the plot had developed to this point, Xu Rong understood that it was time for him to appear on stage, and hurried over, separated the two of them with his body, and said, "Puyuan, Puyuan, calm down, calm down."

Then he picked up the mobile phone that was almost in two pieces that Pu Cunxi stepped on, and said: "Mr. Yu, Pu Yuan is also under too much pressure these days. He is doing the tricks well. Don't take it to heart."

"Let's not take it as an example." Pu Cunxi said after he went down the steps built by Xu Rong, but still scanned the crowd.

Yu Mingjia was angry, but he didn't dare to speak out against it, and he didn't want to accept it. Facing Xu Rong's comfort, he whispered, "Thank you."

At this time, Shi Lanya said: "Puyuan, let's eat first, and wait for the queue after eating. Xiao Zhu and Xiao Yu haven't eaten since morning. Only when they are full can they have the strength to work."

Pu Cunxi glanced at her, nodded and said, "Okay."

Then, he turned his head and winked at Xu Rong.

After walking out of the rehearsal hall, he went upstairs to Pu Cunxi's office.

Pu Cunxi took out a stack of banknotes from the wallet in the drawer, handed them over, and said, "Xiao Xu, this is 2000 yuan. Please go buy a mobile phone later and give it to Xiao Yu. If it is not enough, you can tell me later." , I will replenish it for you."

Xu Rong stared at him blankly, and said: "No, you trampled on someone else's mobile phone and paid for it yourself. Isn't that shooting yourself in the foot? What are you trying to do?"

Pu Cunxi gave a wry smile helplessly, and said: "If I don't do this, why would Yu Mingjia dislike me and be afraid of me? If she doesn't dislike me or be afraid of me, she won't be able to play Fanyi."

Without even thinking about it, Xu Rong pushed the money back, waved his hand, and was about to go out, saying: "Okay, I'll go buy it, and you can keep the money for your retirement, it's enough for your one month's salary."

Pu Cunxi grabbed him, forced the money into his hand, and said: "One yard is worth one yard, by the way, after you buy it, you must give it to him with your own hands, and don't tell her that I gave it to you." Your money."

Xu Rong looked at Pu Cunxi who patted himself on the shoulder, turned around to eat in the cafeteria with the lunch box in his hand, and thought it was quite funny at first, but at this time, he couldn't be happy anymore anyway.

What a painstaking effort.

When Xu Rong walked to the gate of the theater, the security guard standing on the side suddenly stopped him, leaned over, and said in a low voice: "Mr. dessert."

"OK, thanks."

Xu Rong was not surprised. During this period of time, although he was basically disconnected from the Internet, Xiao Zhang was always the first to report the movement of the outside world to him.

The ratings of "Daughter-in-law" are basically stable at around 7.3 in the capital area. This score is 6.2 points higher than the 1.1 of "Latent" during the melee of major TV stations last year.

It is also called "the light of mother-in-law drama" and "the peak of mother-in-law drama" by many media.

Just as "Returning the Pearl" opened up a new code for court dramas, "Daughter-in-law" also opened up a new way of playing mother-in-law dramas for the TV drama market.

The first female Hai Qing also relied on the role of Mao Doudou, step by step from an eighteenth-tier actress to a popular first-tier actress.

And he has completely transformed successfully.

But at the same time, a vote was launched on Weibo, asking him not to act in the mother-in-law drama again.

As of yesterday, the number of people who participated in the voting has reached more than 300 million.

It's so outrageous.

Xu Rong really couldn't figure it out, he was also an actor in "The Wind and Cloud of the Qing Dynasty" in the past, how come the audience's tolerance for him has dropped so low today, and he is not even allowed to act in mother-in-law dramas?

Moreover, "Daughter-in-law" is not an ordinary mother-in-law drama, but a modern family ethics relationship drama that broke the records of Beijing Satellite TV!
He couldn't understand.

In the evening, after hearing an article published by an old acquaintance Yi Lijing read by classmate Xiao Zhang, he fully understood the reason.

Xiao Zhang looked at Erlang's legs, cleared his throat, and read:

Recently, an aggressive and strange thing has happened in the film and television industry. A popular TV series with almost no negative reviews, a modern marriage and family relationship drama that is broadcast on more than a dozen TV stations across the country, has launched a request on the Internet to ask the male one not to Vote for another show like this.

What is outrageous and weird is that more than 300 million people voted for it, while only a few hundred thousand people voted against it.

This is an unprecedented weirdness, and it can be listed as one of the grotesques in the history of Chinese TV dramas.

You did a great job, but please don't do it again!
Maybe the vote itself was a joke, but we shouldn't just take it as a joke.

After each bizarre incident, there must be a deep-seated essence. In the author's opinion, the reason why this online voting was initiated and the reason why more than 300 million people voted in favor is also related to Xu Rong's past works.

Through "Bright Sword", "Ming Dynasty 1566", "Harbin Under the Night", "Paper Drunk", "The North Wind Blows", and "Latent", Xu Rong has established the status of the new generation and even the top actor in the Chinese film and television industry in one fell swoop. But at the same time, the audience has gradually formed an inherent impression that the drama Xu Rong participates in must be a serious drama, a big drama, even if it is not a luxury production, it is also a joint effort of a top team and a top script.

Now, unknowingly, he himself has become a gold-lettered signboard, a gold-lettered signboard for major dramas and high-quality dramas. This is the highest honor for an actor, and it is also a powerful shackle.

I hope the audience can give Xu Rong some tolerance and understanding. Of course, I hope Xu Rong can bring us more excellent works.

let us wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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