I'm just an actor

Chapter 230 The Eve

Chapter 230 The Eve
"Okay, um, okay, Aunt Lu, okay, don't worry, don't worry, I'll definitely tell him, don't worry."

Pu Cunxi hung up the phone, the smile on his face quickly faded, he raised his hand still holding the pen, and gently kneaded the center of his brow.

Why can't one of them make people feel at ease.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Come in."


The door was pushed open, revealing Xu Rong's smiling face: "Puyuan, are you busy?"

When Pu Cunxi saw him at this time, he felt angry, and immediately lowered his head and continued to revise the record of the scene during the rehearsal, but said in a displeased voice: "Are you sure you can't see it?"

Xu Rong didn't notice Pu Cunxi's distress, because since the rehearsal began, Pu Cunxi looked like this almost every day. He entered the door, took out two receipts from his pocket, patted Pu Cunxi in front of him, and asked: "Pu Yuan, what are you doing?" See if these can be reimbursed?"

Hearing this, Pu Cunxi raised his head, picked up the invoice in front of him, and asked, "What did you buy for Xiao?"


When he saw the amount on the invoice clearly, he couldn't help gasping, raised his head suddenly and asked, "Ten, 16?"

"What exactly did you buy?"

Seeing Pu Cunxi's surprised look, Xu Rong was a little puzzled, and said, "Didn't you tell me to help her find her status, so I stopped by Teacher Lu En and sat down with her. Teacher Lu told me that she wanted to play Fan Fan well." Yi, it’s best to wear cheongsams and embroidered shoes every day, but Yu Mingjia complained that the quality of cheongsams in the courtyard was too bad, so I accompanied her to order two pieces, plus two pairs of shoes, two round fans, and another I rented a painting of a woman from the Republic of China, which is still a bargain. "

Pu Cunxi put down the invoice without any trace, and said in surprise, "How do you know Mr. Lu?"

Xu Rong smiled and waved her hands, and said: "Hey, it's all because of Ming Jia's favor. She has a thin skin. I'm sorry, so I'll go to the door for her to ask for advice."

Pu Cunxi picked up a stack of materials, heard what he said, and threw them on the table casually, covered the invoices tightly, and said: "Don't talk about what's there, what's there and what's not, Xiao Yu is not as thin-skinned as you said."

"By the way, I remembered something." Seeing that Xu Rong was about to open his mouth again, Pu Cunxi immediately said, "Don't just run to the old senior's house in the yard if you have nothing to do. Everyone is getting older and their energy is not as strong as before. Go Then it will be over after a while, why don't you wince?"

"Can't you?" Xu Rong said uncertainly, "I saw that they all welcomed me. I used to mainly chat with them. I'm getting older, and my children are busy with work, so I don't have anything to say. It looks so lonely, by the way, Mr. Lan Tianye still insists on dragging me to teach me how to draw."

Pu Cunxi rolled his eyes, "Thunderstorm" has been rehearsing for half a month, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and rest on weekends.

But in the past half a month, except for breakfast, Xu Rong has never eaten a grain of rice from his own house. Today, he will go to this senior's house for a meal, and tomorrow he will go to that teacher's house to find a partner, and the etiquette is also in place. Regardless of the expensive ones and the cheap ones, there is no time to come back to the door. The key is that the mouth is sweet, and the grandpa and grandma are short.

Coupled with the fact that he is a junior actor of Renyi, it is difficult for the seniors to refuse.

Several uncles and aunts have already called him.

Can you let the young man surnamed Xu survive for two days?

Well, running to the family courtyard is more diligent than going back to my own home.

Seeing Xu Rong's suspicious eyes, Pu Cunxi rubbed his forehead helplessly: "Well, Mr. Lan is so old, if he doesn't pull you to draw, is it possible that he is pulled by you to rehearse with you?"

"Hey, I'm paying attention, I'm paying attention." Xu Rong laughed a few times, he was already deliberately controlling the time for consulting, otherwise, if he showed his energy to go to college, the old seniors in the courtyard would not be able to bear it long ago. up.

It's not that he's in a hurry, but that time really doesn't wait for me. Everyone is in their [-]s and [-]s, so it's really uncertain.

Seeing Pu Cunxi waving his hand, he understood what he meant. He was asking him to go to the rehearsal hall, but he didn't move his feet, pointed at the invoice on the table, and asked, "Then this invoice?"

Pu Cunxi saw that he came back again, took out the invoice again, coughed twice, and said: "This money is really spent."

As soon as Xu Rong listened to the voice, he knew what was going on, pulled the invoice back from his hand, and said, "Okay, I'll just say it casually, let's go."

"and many more."

Before Xu Rong went out, Pu Cunxi stopped him again, and said in an inexplicable tone: "Xiao Xu, don't forget, you have a girlfriend."

During this time, Xu Rong and Yu Mingjia got too close. Usually, when it was time to rest, Yu Mingjia would snuggle up to Xu Rong, and if he remembered correctly, Xu Rong was always on Mingjia's body. It took a small 20.

He regretted the coercion and temptation at the beginning. After stepping on Yu Mingjia's cell phone, he felt that Yu Mingjia still lacked something.

Reliance on Xu Rong.

The three of them thought together and immediately came up with a beauty trick.

Status did help Yu Mingjia find it, but right now, he is a little worried.

Xu Rong's money-making ability is a bit too strong, and 20 yuan was spent for nothing without blinking an eye.

In the past two days, he always felt that Yu Mingjia's state was very strange, which made him always restless. Both of them were too young, and together with the fact that they were getting along with each other, if something unexpected happened, he really couldn't follow The family explained.

Xu Rong looked at Pu Cunxi's worried expression, and said with a smile: "At the beginning I said no, you insisted on making me do this, but now I know I'm afraid, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, and then I will let you see what a scumbag is. "

Pu Cunxi's face became more serious, and he blurted out: "What are you going to do?"

"You will know soon." Xu Rong waved his hand and closed the office door by the way.

He didn't go to the rehearsal hall immediately, but sat in the corridor outside, waiting for eight o'clock.

When it was 55:[-], he went downstairs and entered the rehearsal hall. When he saw Yu Mingjia, who was wearing a lotus-colored cheongsam with hot sauce and purple trim, and a pair of soft-soled embroidered shoes, he smiled brightly.

The upper body of the cheongsam fits well, the hem is slightly fatter, and the fork only reaches below the knee. In that era, only the cheongsam worn by dancing girls would be above the knee. Moreover, this design can not only be presented to a certain extent on Mingjia's uneven When walking, the fluttering of the hem will also give people a chic feeling.

The old dean stipulated in the script that Fanyi should wear a black cheongsam, but that was after the opening scene. During the three years of her close relationship with Zhou Ping, her mood should be bright, and her clothes should also be full of life. Warm colors for fun.

He contacted Chen and found a well-known designer to make the cheongsam. The style conforms to the popular style in the 20s, and the hairstyle of the horizontal S head was also consulted with the design in the yard, which can show her full forehead. Although Yuan Baotou should be popular in the era background of the play, that hairstyle is too old-fashioned. Zeng Siyi in "BJ Man" is more suitable, because she is a feudal defender, and Fanyi is just the opposite of her.

"Old Xu, why did you come here?" Seeing Xu Rong coming, Yu Mingjia ran up to him and asked softly.

Listening to Yu Mingjia's address to Xu Rong, Shi Lanya couldn't help but get goosebumps on his arms even though he had heard it many times.

Xu Rong was born in 87, and Yu Mingjia was born in 82, five years older than him, but when they were together, it seemed that she was the younger one.

Also the naive one.

Looking at Yu Mingjia who was looking up at Xu Rong with his chin up, Shi Lanya frowned slightly. The beginning of everything should be the third day after Xu Rong gave her the phone.

Inexplicably, Yu Mingjia suddenly became close to Xu Rong.


"It's late, you're late again today." Yu Mingjia's eyes were narrowed, "Don't go to the cafeteria for lunch, I'll bring it for you."

"Huh?" Xu Rong just sat down, almost jumped up when he heard the words, turned his head in surprise, looked at her strangely and said, "I remember hearing you say a while ago that you will never cook for men in your life .”

Yu Mingjia pouted, but smiled again, looking at him expectantly, and said: "I just learned it, how is it, is it good?"

Xu Rong didn't praise her as she wished. After pondering for a while, she said in a low voice, "I have a girlfriend."

Yu Mingjia blurted out: "I know, but you are so busy, you should find someone who is more willing to take care of you than you want to take care of, shouldn't you?"

"this is not good."

Xu Rong seemed to have something hard to say, shook his head slightly, got up and walked to the door, saying: "I'm going to change clothes."

Yu Mingjia stared blankly at Xu Rong who turned to leave, she only expressed her thoughts vaguely, why Xu Rong flinched instead?

By the way, he hesitated just now.

Yes, he was afraid that if he was exposed by the media, everything he had paid in the past would be wiped out.

He is not cynical, she believes that he is sincere, she understands him, and she believes that he also understands herself, she wants to catch up with him, catch him, and ask him to understand.

Zhang Wankun looked at this scene with a sneer. This was a method they came up with together. They didn't have much hope at first, but they never thought that the effect would be really good.

For Ming Jia, this was extremely unfriendly and even quite disrespectful, but seeing that the time left for the crew was dwindling, they really had no other choice.

Come to think of it, Yu Mingjia will understand in the future.

Seeing that Yu Mingjia was about to run after Xu Rong, Zhang Wankun coughed hurriedly, stopped Yu Mingjia, and asked, "Yu Yu, by the way, how is the one I introduced to you a while ago?"

"Ah, which one? Oh, that one, it doesn't feel right."

When Xu Rong went out, he breathed a sigh of relief. While letting out his breath, he suddenly had a deeper understanding of Zhou Ping.

At this moment, he was really a little afraid to be alone with Yu Mingjia again.

He didn't dare to think what she would say at all.

Just a few steps out of the door, Xu Rong met a fat girl who was about the same age as him. The girl was wearing metal round glasses. When she saw him in the corridor, she immediately trotted over and said, "Mr. Xu, Teacher Xu, I am looking for you."

"What's the matter, Teacher Guo?"

Thanks to running to the courtyard every day for half a month, he has basically recognized all the administrative staff in the courtyard. The girl in front of him is Guo Na, the graphic designer of the courtyard.

Also the only flat design.

The content of the job is to be responsible for designing posters for each scene.

Guo Na came to him, handed him the rolled A4 paper in his hand, and said, "Mr. Xu, can you take a look at the poster I designed, is it okay?"

Xu Rong took it, and although his eyes were fixed on the paper, he was thinking about the meaning behind Guo Na's move.

He is neither the leader of the academy nor a member of the art committee, so there is no need to ask for his opinion on how to design the poster.

But Guo Na came to him and asked him if it was okay.

That's weird.

He also thought of the bet between Pu Cunxi and Director Gu Wei, the final winner or loser was determined by attendance.

In addition to his status as a drama actor, he is also an actor in film and television dramas, and he doesn't usually show up often. For such an opportunity to get in touch with him at close range, once the news is exposed by the media, his movie fans and fans will probably come all the way to cheer him on. his field.

For Gu Wei, Yang Lixin, and Gong Lijun, this was an unfair gamble from the very beginning of the first performance.

Guo Na would come to ask himself on his own initiative?
Obviously not!

In just a moment, he figured out the cause and effect, turned his head and asked, "Pu Yuan asked you to come to me?"

Guo Na blinked the big eyes under the round-rimmed glasses: "No, no, I want you to check for me."

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and said, "You don't need to post my photo, just write my name."

"Oh, okay, thank you Teacher Xu."


After rehearsing twice at noon, Pu Cunxi saw that it was almost done. In the afternoon, he personally drove Mr. Zheng to the rehearsal hall.

There is still half a month left before the final performance, so I should invite the old man to come over to see the results. If there is something inappropriate, there is still time to make corrections.

When Mr. Zheng sat down, Pu Cunxi asked, "Teacher Zheng, let's make a row today."

"Well, even row."

Pu Cunxi also sat next to the old man, and said to Zhang Wankun and Xin Yue, "Let's get started."



Hearing Zhang Wankun's two lines, Mr. Zheng nodded lightly. He picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

"Drink, it's really hot."

"Sifeng, did you hear that?"


A crisp bell suddenly rang through the entire rehearsal hall.

Zhang Wankun and Xin Yue turned their heads together and looked at Zheng Rong and Pu Cunxi who were sitting behind the table.

Regardless of the distance from the bell or qualifications, only the two of them were able to ring the bell before.

Xu Rong's heart also tugged, it was not easy to get to the point where she is today, but in the end she only had four words, and the bell rang again.

Pu Cunxi also looked at Zheng Rong with doubts, because as I said just now, today I have to row together, and I didn't ring the bell halfway.

Looking at Pu Cunxi's puzzled gaze, Mr. Zheng returned a more puzzled gaze, pointed to the bell in front of him, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Following Mr. Zheng's astonishment, everyone turned their eyes to Pu Cunxi in unison. Didn't you, the director, say that there was no problem during the noon row?
Why did you ring the bell after only saying four words?
Pu Cunxi was stared at by a group of people, and everyone was dumbfounded. The bell was obviously touched by Mr. Zheng when he was putting the teacup, so why did it depend on him in a blink of an eye?
He opened his mouth twice, and in the end, he could only turn his head and dryly said to everyone: "Sorry, I accidentally touched it, I will pay attention next time."

The rehearsal started again, and this time there was nothing wrong with it. After the rehearsal, everyone looked at Mr. Zheng sitting upright, waiting for his opinion or suggestion.

The old man searched for it for a long time, and when everyone couldn't take it anymore, he shook his head and sighed: "It's not easy, it's not easy."

As for why it's not easy, even if Xu Rong and Pu Cunxi asked Mr. Zheng all the way on the way back, the old man didn't explain a word more in a daze.

But since the old man didn't turn around and leave like last time, it gave everyone a lot of hope.

After returning to the theater again, Pu Cunxi made another cruel decision in public: "For the next half month, there will be no rest!"

Under Pu Cunxi's high-pressure management, half a month passed quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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