I'm just an actor

Chapter 231 Reaching the Standard

Chapter 231 Reaching the Standard
On May [-]st, the third edition of "Thunderstorm" by Renyi was officially staged.

Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang sat in the auditorium early, waiting for the performance to start.

Today is Group A's performance, that is, Director Gu Wei's group, and tomorrow it will be his turn to take the stage.

The last time I watched "Thunderstorm", the audience laughed one after another. The main reason was the two male actors who played Zhou Ping and Zhou Chong.

In the process of his preparation, Gu Wei was not idle. He led Group A to a small row for three days and a big row for five days. As for the results, he was not too sure.

After queuing for more than two months, I think there should be some progress.

He came here today, first to see the rehearsal results of Group A, and secondly, based on the feedback from the audience, to see if there is anything he can improve in terms of external handling.

For the next performance, the box office was second. The two groups performed crossover, with [-] performances as the boundary. After the performance was full, it was decided according to the overall attendance rate which group could be retained.

A person has a face, and a tree has a skin. As an actor, if his career of eating is denied, it will be a major blow to his acting career.

After Hu Jun's performance of "The Wilderness" suffered a major failure, it was not until the year before last that he was invited by the dean again to start contacting drama again.

Self-confidence was hit.

The gamble between Pu Cunxi and Gu Wei sounds like a joke, but when Xu Rong put himself in Pu Cunxi's position to look at the problem, he realized how wise his decision was.

"Thunderstorm" is a classic repertoire of Renyi. When it was performed, it was ridiculed by the crowd. They could find all kinds of reasons and excuses. For example, the young audience is surrounded by the atmosphere of entertainment to death, and they no longer know how to appreciate art.

But one thing that cannot be denied is that there are indeed certain problems with the performance of young actors on stage.

In the midst of breaking the boat, if the performance is still not successful, then what is waiting for the talent is to kill at the neck.

As the opening time approached, Xu Rong turned his head and took a look back. There was no one in the last four rows.

Xiao Zhang followed his gaze and looked back. When Xu Rong sat down, he asked in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, what are you looking at?"

"Not many people came today."

Xiao Zhang took it for granted: "Sure, they have been scolded since they started performing in 04. Some time ago, many drama critics criticized the young actors for their too stylized performances."

Seeing that Teacher Xu didn't agree, and his brows were slightly frowned, Xiao Zhang asked: "Mr. Xu, isn't it the attendance rate that you are comparing with? Their attendance rate is low, which is a good thing."

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "When the boat is about to capsize, fall into the water first and then fall into the water, but it's a matter of dying sooner or later."

If the young actors of Renyi can't play "Thunderstorm", it means that they have lost the inheritance of eating guys. When the older generation retires, sooner or later they will be reduced to a second-rate theater troupe like Mandarin.

After the performance started, Xu Rong noticed something unusual. The actors on the stage seemed to be used to the empty seats in the last few rows.

And the most commendable thing is that Yang Lixin has also started to learn to laugh in just over two months.

It's so outrageous.

It took Mr. Zheng 25 years to start acting in "Thunderstorm" and learn how to laugh. Despite the shackles of the time background, Mr. Zheng also confessed in his notes that if Gu Wei hadn't reminded him, he would never have realized this. .

Xu Rong suddenly remembered the scene where he had a face-to-face meeting with Yang Lixin when he visited Mr. Zheng a while ago.

There are always some people who are working hard silently.

After all, the director of Group B is Pu Cunxi, and it is impossible for Yang Lixin to be under pressure, especially after being ridiculed by the crowd last time.

But the shortcomings still haven't changed much. The two young masters, Zhou Ping and Zhou Chong, are hardly human.

Zhou Ping seems to have learned the essence of Peking Opera, especially some scenes with more intense emotions, and almost completely applied the performance method of Peking Opera.

As for Zhou Chong, he gave some understanding.

It is difficult for a young man in his 30s to act as a child of fifteen or sixteen years old, to be able to act the innocence and cuteness that that age group should have.

He thought of Zhu Xiaopeng again, shouldn't there be any serious problems?

After all, Zhu Xiaopeng himself has a baby face.


Following the conversation between Fanyi and Zhou Chong, sparse chuckles resounded in the theater again, but compared to the last time, it was much better.

After the performance, Xu Rong immediately took Xiao Zhang back home and watched a performance. He did come up with some ideas, but they still need to be pondered.

The next day, Xu Rong got up early.

This is the second drama performance in his life, and also the first performance in Renyi.

He didn't set off with classmate Xiao Zhang and grandpa, he had to go to the courtyard to prepare first, and it would not be too late for Xiao Zhang and grandpa to go there an hour later.

After entering the theater, Xu Rong went straight to the backstage to change clothes and put on makeup.

Then he looked at the mirror carefully for a while, until he looked a little strange staring at his familiar face, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

After going home and pondering through the feedback from yesterday's scene, he actually doesn't have too much confidence in today's performance. The only good news is that thanks to the relatively adequate preparations in the early stage, his experience is quite complete.

What he is doing now is trying to forget everything that has nothing to do with Zhou Ping, and devote himself to the role wholeheartedly.

"Thunderstorm" is a reserved repertoire in the theater, and it is also led and directed by Pu Cunxi. The theater is selected in the central hall that can accommodate nearly a thousand people.

"Teacher Zhou, get ready, it's about to start."

Xu Rong opened his eyes leisurely and said, "Okay."

He asked the staff to change the name some time ago, and it was also to help him achieve the best experience.

According to the rules of Renyi, after a newcomer actor enters the theater, he has to play a role for a few years. He is an actor who has already become famous. Like Ren Ming back then, he directly skipped the role stage and started acting.

It is a good story if it is done, but if it is not done, it will be a joke.

At nine o'clock, the performance officially began.



Standing on the side curtain, Xu Rong poked his head out and glanced at the auditorium. In the first row, grandpa, classmate Xiao Zhang, the head of the group, and the teacher all came.

But at the rear, nearly seven or eight rows of seats were empty, and the attendance rate was not as good as yesterday.

At any rate, Group A has Yang Lixin and Gong Lijun, two old "Thunderstorm" actors supporting the scene. In their group, except for Pu Cunxi who had previous experience in performing Zhou Ping, the others are still jumping between roles and dragons in human art.

In addition, there is no photo of him on the poster, but only his name, so it is reasonable that the audience is not willing to buy it.

He shifted his gaze to the stage.

The role of Zhang Wankun is highlighted at this time. If Xin Yue, who only played Sifeng, was on the court alone, facing the situation where the rear was half empty, she would inevitably panic, but with Zhang Wankun helping her stabilize, she was in a panic after a short period of time. , Immediately follow Zhang Wankun's rhythm as discussed earlier.

During the previous rehearsal process, the crew had a discussion. During the performance, if an accident happened, whoever Pu Cunxi, Xu Rong, and Zhang Wankun were on the stage, the other actors would follow one of them.

It is also to avoid the embarrassing situation where the rhythm was chaotic during the previous Group A performance.

Not far away, Yu Mingjia who was about to play saw him, walked over with strides, and said softly, "Old Xu."

Although Xu Rong has been deliberately avoiding her for the past half month, she always feels that all the past events are real, not just staged by him.

"Old Xu, do you have time to chat?"

"The performance is coming soon, don't think about it, come on." Xu Rong smiled, and then pointed to the back, "I'm going to touch up the makeup."

"Old Xu?"

Xu Rong turned a deaf ear to Yu Mingjia's low voice and went straight to the backstage.

If the performance is scolded, he is the worst one. Not only wasted two months of hard work, but also sacrificed his feelings and money.

It was as if Ming Jia was on stage, and he came to the side curtain, waiting to go on stage.


After Zhu Xiaopeng explained the reason why Sifeng rejected him, laughter inevitably erupted in the venue.

Xu Rong was also quite helpless. Among many characters with lines, Zhou Chong was neither the one with the most, nor the one with the fewest, nor the most difficult one, but for any adult actor, he was not small test.

"let's go."

Xu Rong slowly took a breath, held it in his mouth, stretched out his hand to push open the middle door, and at the same time let out a yawning tail.

Zhu Xiaopeng stood by the door, and said in a clear voice, "Brother."

At the same time, the fan in Yu Mingjia's hand, who was sitting on the sofa, stopped quietly.

"Oh, here you are."

Xu Rong first smiled gently, but after taking two steps, passing Zhou Chong's body and seeing Yu Mingjia sitting on the sofa, the gentleness on his face and the steps under his feet froze at the same time. For a while, standing in front of the door, neither entering nor leaving.

Following his silence, Yu Mingjia said softly, "Ping."

Xu Rong slightly raised his slightly drooping forehead, took two steps forward, one big and one small, the big one in front, the small one behind, and then said: "You, you are here too."

Yu Mingjia's voice was quite strange, as if he had been greatly wronged and said: "I just came downstairs."

Xu Rongming clearly heard her grievances. He knew that she hoped that he would continue to "caring", but he couldn't ask any more, so he turned his head and looked at Zhou Chong: "Father didn't go out, did he?"

"No, are you going to see him?"

"Oh, I want to have a talk with my father before I leave."


"That's not necessarily true. I'm always afraid that my father will come back. You are very busy, so..."

As Xu Rong walked under the light, scattered inexplicable sounds of surprise gradually sounded from the auditorium, and then bursts of noise like flipping a book aroused, as if being stabbed in a hornet's nest.

Faced with the sudden change, Zhu Xiaopeng couldn't help becoming flustered, but fortunately, he still read out his lines in full: "You, don't you know that mother is sick?"

"Why does your brother take my illness to heart?"


Xu Rong saw that the two suddenly took a shot each other, and was not in a hurry, but moved a small step forward, gave a pause, and forcibly suppressed the two people who were slightly messy due to the sudden noise. Then he looked down at Yu Mingjia's back and said, "Are you feeling better?"

Yu Mingjia turned his head, looked at Xu Rong's drooping eyebrows, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Thank you, I just went downstairs."

Xu Rong nodded slightly, turned around, walked to the other side of the table, seemed to suddenly remember something, and said, "By the way, I'm going to leave home tomorrow and go to the mine."

"Oh." Yu Mingjia answered first, then paused, and then said, "Very good." Then, he asked very quickly, "When will you be back?"

At this moment, Xu Rong couldn't help being in a daze.

The moment he entered the door, he could feel that Yu Mingjia wanted to turn his head to look at him, but because she was performing, she couldn't do that.

Just like Fanyi also wanted to see Zhou Ping, but she couldn't do that because her son Zhou Chong was there,

"When will you come back?"

The first half of her sentence was fast, but the second half of her sentence suddenly slowed down. Maybe this was not intentional, but it was indeed the reason why Fanyi went downstairs.

Because Fanyi heard from Sifeng that Zhou Ping was leaving, in order to save him, after staying upstairs for a week, she finally went downstairs.

"Not necessarily, maybe two years, maybe three years." Xu Rong walked around the table, picked up a newspaper, sat down, and lifted the newspaper at the same time, blocking Yu Mingjia's sight , "Oh, how stuffy is this room?"



"Is it Xu Rong who plays Zhou Ping?"

"Look in the manual."

"It turned out to be him."

"My God, what is Renyi doing, Xu Rong can't even be on the poster!"

Backstage, Pu Cunxi led the actors who were about to take the stage and stood aside, so that the staff on the set could pass by.

A little further away, Xu Rong was leaning against the wall, closing the curtain and meditating. Not far from her, Yu Mingjia was holding the script, but the focus of his eyes was not on the script at all.


Pu Cunxi looked at the appearance of the two, and sighed silently. After two acts of performance, he clearly felt that the experience of Xu Rong and Yu Mingjia had reached the extreme. Many external skills, almost like a living person.

But he is very clear that the internal construction process of the two is completely different. Xu Rong built her own mental image and formed an emotional experience, while Yu Mingjia was forced by the external environment to shape her into Fan Yi's appearance.

He planned to make it clear to Yu Mingjia after ten performances, and then give her a vacation.

At the end of the performance, amid thunderous applause, as the last gap in the curtain closed, Xu Rong immediately rushed to the backstage, then went up to the second floor, and stared straight at the theater gate with the windows open.

After a while, the audience slowly came out one by one. Most of them came in groups of twos and threes, but there were also some who came alone.

But no matter if you came in pairs or together, almost no one was joking or fighting, and it seemed unusually quiet.

Looking at the silent flow of people coming out of the door, although the flow of people was not dense due to the attendance rate, Xu Rong grinned.

This is the standard that the old dean believes to judge whether a play is good or not, and look at the performance of the audience when they walk out of the theater.

Every drama has its praises and criticisms. "Thunderstorm" directly points to human nature and system, and it can also arouse the audience's thinking.

Judging from the current results, the performance as a whole has met the standard.

(End of this chapter)

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