Chapter 232
"I have a question I would like to ask all the teachers sitting here, how to let the audience in the back row clearly feel my thinking when communicating with the co-performers?"

Xu Rong looked at the crew in the conference room and asked.

After the performance, Pu Cunxi immediately called all the members of the crew for a summary meeting, summing up the deficiencies of every line and every physical behavior from stage design to each line.

Do not discuss the strengths, but only summarize the shortcomings and the corresponding adjustment direction, and the specific practical operation will be discussed by the person in charge of the specific work and the director.

At this time, Xu Rong vaguely understood the root cause of the unwritten rule of not summarizing strengths.

Once you praise a certain actor for a good performance of a line or a specific action, the actor will subconsciously focus on it in the next performance, and once this happens, the audience will feel that it is deliberate. The effect is just the opposite.

And after performing a drama in the big theater, Xu Rong also realized the huge difference between drama and film and television, and at the same time had a little doubt.

The doubt comes from the communication with Zhang Wankun before the "negotiation" in the second act.

At that time, Sifeng's father, Lu Gui, who was also the housekeeper of the Zhou family, said to Zhou Ping half-complimentally and half-innuendo: You are always kind and take care of us. Once you leave, this girl and I will miss you. up.

Zhou Ping replied: You have no money again, right?
If it is a film and television shooting, he has many ways to express his thinking about Lu Gui's words, but the form of stage performance severely limits his space for expression.

Because he not only has to take care of the audience in the front row, but also considers the feelings of the audience in the back row.

The audience in the front row may be able to see the dimensions of expressions and eyes clearly, but it is extremely unfriendly to the audience in the back row.

In some key plots, once a certain expression is missing, the consequence will be the collapse of the entire character image, and then the character's subsequent decisions and choices will become unreasonable to the audience.

Whether it was Su Min, Pu Cunxi and his son who shaped Zhou Ping before, or Wang Ban in Group A, they all used changes in facial expressions, and he presented it in the same way.

But during the performance, he found that the audience in the backcourt did not give the expected feedback.

As his gaze swept across, Xin Yue, Yu Zhen, Zhu Xiaopeng, Shi Lanya, and Zhang Wankun looked away one after another. When they arrived at Pu Cunxi, he smiled and asked, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Xu Rong understood what Pu Cunxi meant, and turned to say: "I think Ming Jia's acting is very good."

"Really?" Yu Mingjia looked at Xu Rong who was sitting opposite in surprise, and probably realized that her reaction was a bit too much, so she hurriedly added, "Thank you."

Xu Rong just wanted to roll her eyes at her. What he wanted to express was not really "Ming Jia's performance is very good", but "other people's performance is not as good as Ming Jia's".

After the meeting was over, Xu Rong got into the car and said to Wang Yaqin in front of him, "If you don't go home, go to the family home."

"But, Mr. Xu, didn't you say you were going to the company to get the materials?" Wang Yaqin asked instead of starting the car immediately.

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "You can go there for me later, and tell Jin Fangfang that I will meet and chat with her when I am free later."

He originally planned to go to the company today, the contract period is only five months left, where to go, has become the top priority in the film and television market.

Although the former No. [-] student Huang Xiaoming and his classmate Chen Kun also expired this year.

Because he has thoroughly proved his huge commercial value in the entire film and television field through "North Wind", "Golden Love" and "Daughter-in-law", not just "Spy Brother".

It's really hard for him to find a new home now. According to Liu Yanming's expectations for the future TV drama market, he can't give up the TV drama market, and the film market also needs to be taken into account. Two conditions must be met at the same time, so there is very little room for choice.

Perhaps, the studio is the best choice.

But there are still five months, no rush.

Right now, he is more concerned about the solutions to the problems raised in the previous "Thunderstorm" summary meeting.

This is not just a problem faced by drama performances. It is also encountered in the middle and long shots of film and television shooting, but the solution for film and television is relatively simple.

And he really wanted to make the methods taught by Mr. Zheng and Zhu Xu into a habit of acting through this play.

As for whether the crew can be retained in the end, and whether they can continue to perform next year, it is not what he is most worried about. Judging from today's attendance rate, the B group he belongs to is obviously lagging behind, but from the feedback after the curtain call, he wants to perform the day after tomorrow. , there should be some improvement.

As for whether it can reach 95 after ten performances, I can only do my best and obey the destiny.

A drama is not a one-person drama. At present, Zhu Xiaopeng is the only one with a relatively large deficiency. If his problem is solved, what the future of this drama will be is still unknown.

"Are there any presents in the trunk?"

"Not much left, only one box of black wolfberry and one box of Panax notoginseng powder left."

"Go back and buy some more."

"it is good."

Mr. Zheng didn't go to the theater. Before the official performance, he had already seen it, but he still didn't give a specific evaluation.

After entering the door, Xu Rong put the gift aside casually, looked at Grandma Chen standing behind the door, and said, "Grandma Chen, I'm here to see you and Grandpa Zheng."

Although Grandma Chen with a thin and long face is old and has a hunched back, her body shape and frame can still tell a bit of her tall stature when she was young. Seeing that it was Xu Rong, she squinted her eyes and smiled, saying: "Come in, you just now Grandpa Zheng is still talking about it, saying that you are performing today, and it should be over when you think about it."

Among the households in the family courtyard, Mr. Zheng's family is the one that Xu Rong runs the most diligently. Firstly, although Mr. Zheng is old, compared to Pu Cunxi's Mr. Su Min, his body is relatively healthy. Secondly, the whole courtyard Among the seniors in the village, the old man and Uncle Zhu Xu cared the most about him, which was why he was willing to come and chat with the two old people if he had nothing to do.

Mr. Zheng and Mrs. Chen have three children together, but they usually only see each other once a week. If they are busy, it may take half a month before they come to visit.

"Hey, come here as soon as you come, why are you still carrying things when you come back? Is it possible that you are afraid that you will not care about your food?!"

"Hi, by the way."

Xu Rong casually placed the gift next to the coffee table, walked to the balcony, looked at the vigorously growing shallots in the round flowerpot on the ground, and said, "Grandma Chen, the onions are too thick, why don't I get another pot of soil Bar?"

The pots were bought in a supermarket, and the soil was dug by the roadside from home with classmate Xiao Zhang.

Grandma Chen smiled and said: "No, no, it's fine. When the onions are finished, I'll go buy some garlic later, move it into the house, and grow garlic yellow."

"Then Grandma Chen, when the yellow garlic is ready to eat, you have to save some for me so I can try it too."

"Haha, okay, then I'll ask Xiao Pu to bring you a letter and come home for dinner."

After chatting with Grandma Chen for a while, Xu Rong entered the study and saw Mr. Zheng sitting on the desk, writing something seriously.

Since the old man retired, he has been obsessed with writing, and he writes when he has something to do.

Mr. Zheng had heard Xu Rong enter the door long ago, but he didn't say anything. For more than a month, Xu Rong has been running here very diligently, sometimes bringing his little girlfriend, Xiao Zhang, with him, but Xiao Zhang has never been at home. After dinner, every time it was almost dinner time, he had to leave whatever he said. At first, he was a little unhappy, thinking that she didn't want to eat with the two old people. Later, he found out that there was another old man in Xu Rong's family. Now, two people cannot stay outside at the same time.

Seeing Xu Rong come in, Mr. Zheng raised his eyelids and asked, "Is the performance over?"

"En." Xu Rong responded, holding a glass of water just poured in the living room, pulled up a chair, and sat opposite the old man, "The performance is over."

Mr. Zheng put down his pen lightly, and asked, "How is it?"

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and said: "Not too good, Fanyi is the best actor. Although I have lived, but because of my lack of experience, I still feel that some things are not handled properly."

Mr. Zheng took off his glasses, picked up his teacup, and said, "Tell me about it."

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "Grandpa Zheng, how do you think I can let the people behind the theater see my thinking process?"

Mr. Zheng handed the teacup to his mouth, paused for a moment, and then gently blew twice on the floating hair tip in the cup.

The tea was also given by Xu Rong a while ago.

After Mr. Zheng took a sip, he gently put the teacup on the table again, and then looked at him: "Do you understand?"

"Ah?" Xu Rong stared blankly at Mr. Zheng, "What do you understand?"

"Thought process and result."

Xu Rong frowned, recalling the actions of Mr. Zheng just now. When he was speaking, Mr. Zheng was about to pick up the teacup to drink tea, but when he asked a question, the teacup in Mr. Zheng's hand stopped by his mouth. And he blew it slowly twice, and in the end, he only sipped it lightly.

He vaguely understood.

Such obvious body movements must be seen by the audience sitting in the backcourt.

The audience cannot see the change of thoughts, but thoughts can be presented through reasonable design and arbitrary physical behavior, provided that the behavior must be reasonable.

Just like Mr. Zheng is about to drink tea, then he will present it as a pause of "drinking tea", if he is doing other things, then he will present it in another form.

After about ten seconds, Xu Rong's face showed a sudden look, and said: "Grandpa Zheng, thank you, I understand."

Mr. Zheng waved his hand, as if it was just a trivial matter mentioned casually, and said: "By the way, you can write an article about "Thunderstorm" later. If you want details, show it to me."

"How do you feel?"

"Our actors in Renyi can't just act stupidly. We should not only know what is happening, but also why. Only in this way can we understand by analogy."

"Then we have to wait. I only acted once, and I don't have much experience yet. Wait a little longer."

"Well, there is no rush."

After calling Mr. Zheng's house, Xu Rong suddenly remembered something, and said to Wang Yaqin, "Go to the supermarket first, I'll go buy something."

Seeing Xu Rong come out of the supermarket with Lego blocks and Barbie dolls in his hands, Wang Yaqin asked suspiciously, "Mr. Xu, where are you going?"

Xu Rong put the things on the car seat next to him and said, "Go to visit a friend."

Aunt Xu.

During the previous performance, he caught a glimpse of Aunt Xu in the auditorium, and beside her was a little girl.

Since the filming of "Forgiveness", he has not been in touch with Aunt Xu for nearly two years. Even though he collaborated with "Before Dawn" last year, he always feels that there is a lot of difference between Aunt Xu and Aunt Xu.

In three years, he has grown a lot. Aunt Xu has also experienced the death of relatives and became a mother, and her personality has changed a lot unconsciously.

In the past, she was always alone, like a lonely plum blossom, blooming alone even if no one appreciates it.

But now, she has almost no time for herself. Whenever she has free time, she immediately calls her child and asks her if she has eaten, what she is doing, and so on.

When Xu Rong entered the door, looking at the little girl with dark complexion and delicate face sitting on the carpet, she couldn't help being stunned, because the girl's eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Aunt Xu.

He was a little suspicious of her so-called "adoption."

It's just that he didn't plan to get to the bottom of it, everyone has their own secrets.

The little girl rolled her big eyes, looked at him equally curiously, and asked, "Are you Uncle Xu Rong?"

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise, squatted down, put his gaze at her level, and asked gently: "How do you know my name?"

The little girl pointed to Aunt Xu: "Mom told me."

"Then can you tell uncle, what's your name?"

"My name is Qiuqiu."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment before quickly realizing that "Qiuqiu" was her nickname.

"Uncle brought you building blocks and Barbie dolls, which one do you like?"

The little girl took a look: "I like everything my uncle brought."

Seeing the smile on the little girl's face, Xu Rong was quite surprised. Qiuqiu was only about two years old, but her EQ was simply sky-high.

"Uncle, shall we play together?"


Seeing the two of them always having fun on the carpet, Aunt Xu suddenly asked, "Xiao Xu, when do you plan to get married?"

Xu Rong didn't look back, and said, "Maybe, I'm busy this year, and next year will be the soonest."

"In the future, you will also bring Xiao Zhang to the house to play."


When it was time for dinner, Xu Rong looked at the two people sitting opposite, one big and one small, and asked, "Sister, I heard that you have terminated the contract with Hua Yi?"

Aunt Xu is Huayi who signed the contract last year, and it's only been half a year.

This is also one of the purposes of his visit today, not only Aunt Xu, but also top-line artists such as Senior Brother Huang Xiaoming and Zhou Xun are said to be leaving too.

But for the specific reason, his eyes were completely darkened.

"Yeah." Aunt Xu responded first, and was about to speak when she realized that Qiuqiu had climbed onto the chair, one chubby little hand was supporting the table, and when she was about to fill the plate with the other hand, she reached out and patted her. Arm, "Hey, don't touch it."

Qiuqiu retracted its claws, pointed to the plate in the middle, and said, "Mom, I want to eat meat."

"I'll clip it for you, come on, open your mouth."

Xu Rong looked at Aunt Xu, although the strangeness had faded a lot, but she felt a little out of place with her.

In the past, his impression of her was that she was independent, princess-like, and kind-hearted, but he had hardly seen her so gentle or even helpless.

"Uncle Xu, why don't you eat it? Here, eat meat."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "You eat what you eat, don't worry about me."

Instead, he asked again: "Qiuqiu has always been so social?"

Aunt Xu rolled her eyes at him, and said, "It's also different. Don't think she's small, but she's smart."

After watching Qiuqiu get off the chair, Aunt Xu came to Xu Rong's side with a spoon in her hand, and smiled helplessly: "I used to think that raising a child was easy, but after raising Qiuqiu, I realized that it is really easy. It's very hard, and I'm also busy with work, and when I go out, I'm always crying and begging to find me."

"Isn't there a nanny at home?"

"Actually, it's not very good. I grew up with my grandma when I was a child. I'm afraid that she will develop the same personality as me in the future."

Aunt Xu put down her chopsticks, as if she was not in the mood to eat. At a certain moment, she suddenly raised her head and asked, "By the way, why don't you be Qiuqiu's godfather?"

Xu Rong understands her worries. A big reason for Aunt Xu's current situation is due to her character and her growth environment. He hesitated for a while, looked at Qiuqiu again, and asked, "Qiaoqiu, Do you want to?"

Qiuqiu's cheeks were swollen, he looked at him, and after swallowing the food in his mouth, he asked: "Then, will you often come to play games with me in the future?"

Xu Rong turned his head, looked at Hangchi Hangchi who had climbed onto the chair next to him, and asked, "When my uncle is not busy, he will definitely visit you often, and you can also go to his uncle's house to play."

"That's good."

(End of this chapter)

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