I'm just an actor

Chapter 233 Results

Chapter 233 Results
"Mr. Xu, shall we kill a watermelon and eat it?"

Xiao Zhang, like a leaf in the dog days, languidly slumped on the mat in the practice room with his buttocks pouted.

She is about to take the human art test. During this period of time, when Xu Rong was busy rehearsing, she reviewed the content of the written test, and when Xu Rong returned home, she accompanied her to rehearse the performance items for the interview.

At first, Xiao Zhang wanted to prepare "Tang Tiezui", but Xu Rong was not very familiar with this role, so she couldn't give her detailed guidance, and she played a male role, which made it more difficult for herself for no reason.

After weighing it over and over again, Xu Rong chose "Sifeng" in "Thunderstorm" for her.

This role is more in line with her age and personality. The most important thing is that Xu Rong is familiar with this role enough to know how to present it to meet the standards of human art.

Moreover, rehearsing over and over again is also a process of self-examination for him.

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang, who was lying on the ground, with a smile, lowered his head and glanced at the time, and said, "Didn't someone say just now that the queue will stop until I'm convinced, why is it less than an hour, that's not enough? "

Classmate Xiao Zhang stared at him full of resentment: "But just one line, you made me act it out more than 30 times."

"This is the case with acting. Let me give you an analogy. In "Wotou Guild Hall", Yuan Guozhong has a line: It is not easy for anyone. With that little rent, I could buy half a bag of flour last month. Now I can buy it. A small handful is enough to make two dumplings, and I can’t wait to raise the rent for everyone! You can give it to me, it’s best to give me food, mixed noodles and black bean noodles are also fine.”

Xiao Zhang recalled it for a while, and said "um" with absolute certainty. She has also seen this play, so she should know.

Xu Rong continued: "In the script, both 'mixed noodles' and 'black bean noodles' have added Erhua pronunciation, but in fact, according to the old Peking dialect in the late 40s, 'Miscellaneous noodles' should have Erhua pronunciation, "Black Bean Noodles" not only can't be pronounced, but the word "black" must be pronounced in the third tone, otherwise, once the elderly read it, they will immediately know that your story is absolutely false."

"Ah, are you so, so strict?"

"Of course, this is the standard of human art."

Classmate Xiao Zhang frowned slowly: "But, will these affect my killing of watermelons?"

Of course, Xu Rong understands that eating watermelon and rehearsing are two different things, but the motivation meaning of "you can eat watermelon when you are ready" and "you are ready" Yu Xiaozhang is completely different.

Seeing Xu Rongguang smiling, classmate Xiao Zhang said nothing, pouted her lips, and turned her head to one side. After a while, she jumped up suddenly, with her waist down, and rushed out of the room with lightning speed.

"Hey, no, the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry?"

When Xu Rong went out, and arrived at the kitchen, classmate Xiao Zhang had "killed" the watermelon, and in her hand, the fresh red and tender flesh was neatly placed in the fruit plate.

Seeing him coming in, Xiao Zhang immediately said, "I didn't eat."

"Then why did you cut it?"

"I'm afraid that grandpa will be thirsty when he comes back later, so get ready first."

"Grandpa can't eat so much."


Xiao Zhang chopped the melon rind on the chopping board into two pieces with one knife, and stared at him angrily: "No, I want to eat it!"

"Good guy, just eat a watermelon, do you want to risk your life?"

"Haha goose goose goose goose."

In the afternoon, Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang drove to the ticket office of Renyi. Grandpa didn't enjoy watching it yesterday and wanted to watch it again.

Anyway, the ticket is not too expensive, only six yuan.

"Tomorrow's "Thunderstorm", get me two tickets, the ones in the front row."

The eldest sister at the ticket window smiled and said, "Sorry, Mr. Xu, the tickets are sold out."

"Sold out?" Xu Rong stared blankly at the other party, "Sister, are you sure that tomorrow's tickets for "Thunderstorm" are already sold out?"

The eldest sister in the window said: "It was sold out last night, and there was a long queue. This morning, Puyuan took away all the reserved tickets. If you want tickets next time, come here in advance Say hello, I'll leave you two in the front row."

"Okay, thank you ma'am."

Although he failed to buy a ticket, Xu Rong was very happy in his heart. Judging from the current momentum, he had a great chance of winning.

At the end, he asked again: "By the way, how are the tickets for "Thunderstorm" this morning?"

"It's almost the same, there is not one left."

After Xu Rong heard this, a series of doubts arose in his heart, what happened?
Because no matter the performance of Group B yesterday or the performance of Group A the day before yesterday, the attendance rate is quite average.

At the third performance of the two groups, Xu Rong finally discovered the clues, and the attendance rate of group A returned to its original appearance.

As for the audience in Group B, there are many more young people than in the first performance.

He understood the reason in his heart, the data had been mixed with water, and there were many audiences who came for him.

As for the sudden increase in the attendance rate of Group A, it is probably due to some careless spectators who didn't see it clearly.

Because there is no still photo of him on the posters of the two groups.

In the outside world, there has been a lot of discussion about Renyi launching two completely different "Thunderstorm" lineups. The same lines and the same stage design, but because of the different directors and actors, the performances are also very different.

This is an unprecedented spectacle in the history of Renyi.

Before the fourth performance of the two groups, the "Thunderstorm" bet inside Renyi was exposed.

That is to say, from this day on, outside Renyi, a long queue suddenly appeared. The long queue formed by the ticket-buying queue stood on the second floor and looked down. It was almost impossible to see the end.

"You don't watch, I don't watch, when will Xu Rong qualify!" The jingle quickly spread on Weibo, canvassing votes for Xu Rong.

And Yang Lixin, Gong Lijun and Gu Wei also have their own group of loyal fans of the drama.

Classic dramas are produced through tens or hundreds of performances. No one drama can become a classic after only one performance.

Audiences who often watch dramas always maintain a certain tolerance and understanding for the short-term mistakes of the crew, especially classic dramas such as "Thunderstorm".

But on the whole, Xu Rong, as a film and television actor, obviously has a wider audience and a larger fan base. Although the fourth show has not yet been staged, the tickets for the follow-up shows in Group B have been completely sold out. Thirty games, no need to worry about selling tickets.

Although it is beneficial to him, Xu Rong does not think that the current situation is a good thing. At least during the rehearsal, he has clearly felt that there is hardly any pressure on the faces of the crew.

This isn't a harbinger of what Thunderstorm is to come.

During the break, Xu Rong dragged Pu Cunxi to the side, and said, "Puyuan, I remember that at the beginning of the year, didn't the courtyard cooperate with Sina to conduct an online live broadcast of "Relationship"?"

"Yes, there is such a thing. It was starring Ding Zhicheng at the time, and more than 20 viewers watched it online at the same time."

Xu Rong hesitated for a moment, and said: "I think the current situation is not fair to Group A, and it is not beneficial to our group. Since this is the case, we might as well live broadcast it online and let audiences across the country criticize and correct us. .”

Pu Cunxi frowned and asked, "Is this not very good?"

Xu Rong spread his hands and said: "Puyuan, now that people all over the country know about Renyi's bet, what else can we do? And it's not like you don't know, if it's just about winning or losing, unless Group A mobilizes fans desperately, otherwise There's just no room for winning."

Pu Cunxi scratched his head, and said, "You mean, we also conduct live broadcast?"

"Yes, and we will not compare with each other this time, we will compare with ourselves, we will launch a vote while we are broadcasting live, if more than [-]% of the audience asks us to stop the show, it means we have not passed, so we have to stop , continue to line up."

Pu Cunxi looked at Xu Rong for a while, and seemed to think of something, and said, "Have you read the comments of those drama critics?"

Xu Rong knows a little about the external comments, and made certain "constructive" opinions on the individual actors of the two groups, but on the whole, most of them are praises.

But these overwhelming so-called "professional" praises can't stop the audience's mouths.

"Puyuan, you should know in your heart that they are a bunch of laymen who don't understand drama. If we take their evaluation as the standard, we can't be called human art, but should be called judging art."

Pu Cunxi lowered his head and thought for a while, at the moment, the bet is indeed meaningless, and said: "Your proposal is very valuable, I will go to the dean to discuss it."

Seeing Xu Rong re-entering the rehearsal, Pu Cunxi shook his head gently. Xu Rong's background as a film and television actor limited his thinking and vision to a rather narrow range.

That's why he said that Xu Rong's opinion has reference value, but it is not correct, and even the direction is ridiculously wrong.

After the performance on the second day, Pu Cunxi and others arrived in the conference room, and said, "Everyone, before I start summarizing, I would like to announce an important news. Our tenth performance will be held on the whole network through People's Day. live streaming."

"Let colleagues in the literary and art circles across the country see the spirit and actions of human art for self-innovation, self-criticism, and self-improvement!"

Xu Rong turned his head abruptly and looked at Pu Cunxi in disbelief. He originally only wanted to broadcast live on Sina to let the audience comment, and at the same time let the general public know about human art and "Thunderstorm", but he didn't expect Pu Cunxi to make a bigger .

The audience groups of second-rate tabloids such as Sina and Renri are different. Renri’s audience is generally older, and their evaluations are relatively more objective, rational, and harmonious.

On May 20th, Renyi Art's No.[-] show of the year, which may also be the last show of "Thunderstorm" this year and even next year, kicked off.

Yesterday, the performance of Group A was over. Although Yang Lixin and Gong Lijun put their lives on stage, more than half of the 32 spectators across the country mercilessly sentenced the crew to death.

It also means that "Thunderstorm", which has been performed for nearly six years, has officially ceased to be performed indefinitely.

Backstage, Pu Cunxi looked at the familiar faces who had worked hard together for more than three months, and said: "Comrades, the performance will start in one hour. I don't want to say more about putting pressure on everyone. I just want to emphasize one thing. The thunderstorm of the characters is also our thunderstorm, either we are born in the thunderstorm, or we perish in the thunderstorm.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his palm and roared, "Come on."

One after another, white or yellowish palms rested on them: "Come on!"

The backstage staff, hearing the passionate roar here, couldn't help but pay attention in surprise.

Although eight of Group B's past nine performances were sold out, no one thought that Group B could pass the 30 judging panel.

Although Group A has been ridiculed for many years, the number of performances performed by them is several times that of Group B!
After shouting the slogan, Xu Rong found a corner, closed his eyes, and went as deep as possible into the state of "Zhou Ping".

He felt like returning to the evening six years ago, standing in the middle of the aisle between the two rows of bunk beds, waiting for Guan Hu to decide his own destiny.

Yesterday, he did not go to watch the performance of Group A, but sat in front of the computer to watch. The overall performance of the actors was worse than usual, especially when the young actors first came on stage, the obvious tension almost overflowed the screen.

Today, the tasks of Pu Cunxi, him and Zhang Wankun are more difficult than ever. Under the huge pressure, they have to be responsible for stabilizing the emotions of other co-actors.

Immediately, he immediately realized that his state was not right.

The pressure brought by the real environment and the depression caused by the prescribed situation are two different emotional experiences.

Emotional substitution will inevitably lead to presentation bias.

He exhaled lightly, trying to put irrelevant thoughts out of his mind as much as possible, recalling bit by bit the three notebooks he had sorted out in the past three months.

Wu Sunfu in "Midnight", Pan Yueting in "Sunrise", Mrs. Gao and Feng Leshan in "Home" emerged in his mind.
He remembered the funny story of director Xia Chun who secretly climbed up to the grape trellis to pick grapes when he was young, and after being hit by his grandfather, he was so frightened that he fell from the top and sprained his feet, but he dared not speak.

He thought of the third concubine and aunt of a certain senior's uncle who went "crazy" one after another. In fact, they were not crazy, but one of them had a lover before marrying that senior's uncle, and the other had a relationship with that senior. Senior's grandfather's subordinates eloped.

Therefore, they are all "crazy" and must be locked in the house, never seeing the light of day.

Slowly, he remembered the interesting events earlier, about [-] years ago, when he lived in Wuxi and lived with his grandmother. Later, as he got older, he was taken to the Zhou mansion. He became the young master of the Zhou mansion, and witnessed with his own eyes how his father inflicted all kinds of tyranny on Fanyi.
As the curtain slowly opened, three cameras started a simultaneous live broadcast on the entire network on the aisle in the middle of the auditorium.



Xu Rong stood on the sidewalk, closed his eyes, and listened to the conversation between Lu Gui and Sifeng on the stage.

"Young master, come on stage."

"it is good."

Xu Rong opened his eyes, and didn't deliberately think about how to deal with it or how to express it. He pushed the door open and walked in.

Several old men sitting side by side in the audience stared at Xu Rong who was on the stage, and they were stunned for a moment. He just opened the door and walked in without any yawning or other movements. Just like that, with a calm face and gentle movements. walked in.

But everything is so natural.

Zheng Rong, Zhu Xu and Lan Tianye looked at each other at the same time, and smiled triumphantly.

Xu Rong was recruited by him!

But right now, standing on the stage is a real Zhou Ping.

Yang Lixin was also sitting in the corner of the auditorium, but at this time, his expression was slightly unnatural. Although Zhou Ping in this group and Zhou Ping in his own group spoke the same lines, they were not acting alone at all. .

When it came to the scene of "drinking medicine", Yang Lixin couldn't help being surprised. Pu Cunxi's state today has almost reached the peak of his career.

He has also seen the performances of Group B. In the past nine performances, Pu Cunxi's state has been ups and downs, but it is by no means as good as it is today.

As far as the naked eye could see, under the madness of Pu Cunxi and Xu Rong, the entire crew actually came alive.

Simply incredible.

They are no longer acting in a straight line, as if they are living a real life on the stage.

Yang Lixin sighed silently. There are always some people who work silently in places where others cannot see. The performance of Pu Cunxi and Xu Rong is definitely not inspired, because they do not have a solid foundation and understanding of the characters. , just relying on a flash of inspiration in an instant, at best, you can only take one step, and the second step will definitely reveal your secrets.

While regretting, he was sincerely grateful for the two of them and for the courtyard. He had disgraced Renyi, but fortunately, Pu Cunxi and Xu Rong carried the precarious banner of Renyi again today. up!

As the curtain fell, the auditorium in the theater suddenly fell into a strange silence, which also caused the confident crowd who had come to the stage again to prepare for the curtain call to suddenly feel uneasy.

As the curtain opened a crack, applause suddenly sounded, surrounding the entire central hall.

And the ones standing in the front are half a row of old people with gray hair, crooked stature and even needing support from others.

After Pu Cunxi led the cast members to bow four times, the applause continued.

But Xu Rong who was standing on the stage knew that the real trial had just begun.

Because today, both online and offline audiences are still mostly "young" audiences. These audiences may be his fans or Pu Cunxi's fans, but no matter who the fans are, given their age, the era when "Thunderstorm" took place , is too far away from them, and the relevant literary works they have come into contact with are only the needs of exam-oriented education.

And what they thought was the "reality" of that era was that the lovers between the young master and the young lady finally got married as performed by the virtual film and television works.

Li Youbin stood upright, slapped his hands in a daze, frowned slightly and stared at the slender figure slowly walking backstage. He had hardly seen Xu Rong's play. After watching the first performance at the beginning of the month, he felt, I should lower my salary and invite Xu Rong to act in a play together, even if it's a supporting role, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, as long as the amount of drama is not too bad, it doesn't make much sense to position him.

I just want the judges of Magnolia to see that I can hold the hammer of Magnolia!

But after watching this scene, he felt a little guilty. If Xu Rong really broke out in this performance, the people of the whole country would probably think that the reason why he couldn't get the Magnolia was that his professional ability was not as good as Xu Rong's!
He felt a little bit uncomfortable, because Xu Rong's Magnolia Award was still in his house!
Glancing at Li Xuejian next to him, Li Youbin said meaningfully: "Mr. Li, I see that Xiao Xu's professional skills are good. You have time, why don't you raise some points carefully?"

Li Xuejian cast a sideways glance at Li Youbin, laughed, but said nothing.

Seeing Li Xuejian's equally meaningful smile, Li Youbin chuckled, understood, everything was said without saying anything.

If you don't take a look at this, you can only wait to be beaten!
After entering the backstage, everyone in the crew did not remove their makeup, but came to the conference room, waiting for the data to be released.

Statistics will be sent in an hour.

The wait is the longest.

No one spoke, no one even made a sound, and the meeting room was so quiet that the footsteps of people passing by outside the door could be clearly heard.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Everyone turned their heads to look at the door of the meeting room at the same time. After a "click", Zhang Heping pushed the door open and stood at the door.

Seeing everyone in the crew looking like they were facing a formidable enemy, Zhang Heping pressed down gently with his palms down, and a smile appeared on his fat face: "Everyone, relax, no matter what the result is, you are all ours." He is a good actor in the arts, and this live performance reflects the self-innovation spirit of our art, rather than judging success or failure by results. It is certainly worth being happy to continue to perform, but if the audience asks us to continue polishing, it is also right. Our encouragement and expectation."

After he finished speaking, he didn't come in. Instead, he stepped aside and said, "I have prepared a little snack for everyone. Eat some first to replenish your energy."

When Zhang Heping walked out lightly and closed the door, Pu Cunxi suddenly coughed twice, and seeing that everyone was looking at him, he said slowly: "Here, I want to apologize to everyone, in order to let everyone perform well, Formed a depressive Zhou mansion atmosphere, during rehearsals and performances, I lost my temper many times and said a lot of hurtful things, I hope everyone can understand."

"In addition, under my persecution, Zhang Wankun and Xu Rong also did some things against their respective wishes, all of which were at my behest and had nothing to do with them themselves. The purpose was also to help others find Appropriate state, I hope everyone can understand."

Yu Mingjia looked at him suspiciously, but at a certain moment, she slowly turned her eyes in astonishment, looked at Xu Rong who was sitting diagonally opposite, stared at the apologetic smile on his face, and seemed to suddenly understand something.

After staring at him for a few seconds, she suddenly hoped that everything Pu Cunxi said was true.

After a while, the door of the conference room was pushed open again, Zhang Heping walked in, clapped his hands, and said, "Everyone, the results are out."

"Whoa, whoa."

The sound of chairs rubbing and colliding with the ground can be heard endlessly.

Pu Cunxi strode forward, walked up to Zhang Heping, tugged at his sleeve, and asked eagerly, "Dean, how are you doing?"

"77, haha, you can continue acting."


It was not the expected exclamation, but the sound of relief, especially Pu Cunxi, who just smiled, tapped his chin twice, and then sat back on the chair silently, as if his body was drained all at once. Gained strength.

After Group A's "Thunderstorm" announced its suspension, he spent the day with the heaviest burden on his shoulders since he was admitted to the hospital.

Zhang Heping turned his face away from Pimple, looked at Xu Rong with a more serious smile on his face, and asked, "Xiao Xu, have you been here for a year?"

(End of this chapter)

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