I'm just an actor

Chapter 234 Improvement

Chapter 234 Improvement
Xu Rong looked at Zhang Heping, who was smiling more and more kindly, and actually understood the deeper reason in his heart.

He heard Uncle Zhu Xu mention that although he entered Renyi and went through interviews, written tests and other processes, he was first noticed by Renyi because Wu Gang wanted to give him a hand.

After the recording of the "Daughter-in-law" crew was exposed, he was attacked wildly by a group of people who thought they knew how to perform well.

It is possible to characterize him as a moth in the industry, and if he is not blocked, he will not be indignant. Although these controversies will not have a substantial impact on him, but a long-distance mention is often destroyed by an ant's nest. Once he acts in a bad drama in the future, this The helper will jump out immediately: look, look, what I said at the beginning, this kind of person should be banned!

The more lies are told and listened to, the more they gradually become the truth, even though truth and fact are two different things.

It's just that the combined boxing that Jin Fangfang had prepared hadn't started to exert its strength. Wu Gang, who had cooperated with him before, stepped forward, sorted out his recordings, and published them in the Journal of the Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Afterwards, Mr. Zheng immediately quoted and discussed the feasibility of the theory and method as well as its shortcomings, and made a detailed supplementary explanation.

A short theory and method can't represent anything, but it is commendable to Renyi, because Xu Rong's unity of knowledge and action is in line with Renyi's consistent concept of "scholar actor".

There are hundreds of thousands of Chinese film and television practitioners, and only a few can act, and among these few, the vast majority still follow the rules, so that some moments have flashes of inspiration, and some highlight moments occasionally appear, and it is not clear what exactly is How did it come about, and what kind of training method was used to finally make it normal.

The reason why Xu Rong cares about this is that he realizes that his talent is really hard to compare with most people. Since he can't match his talent, he can only lay a solid foundation, building bricks and tiles, so as to achieve the goal of building tall buildings on the ground. Target.

In the end, it was Pu Cunxi and Zhang Heping who were dedicated to revitalizing Renyi who dragged him to Renyi and put it into practical action.

Therefore, he also maintained considerable respect for the dean who admired him, saying: "It will be a year soon."

Zhang Heping nodded slightly, and said: "Taking advantage of the good news, I will announce another good news. I formally nominate Xu Rong to join the Arts and Humanities Committee, which will be reviewed at the next meeting."

The excited people in the conference room suddenly fell silent, so that the flowing air was almost stagnant.

Compared with other theater troupes, Renyi has two old traditions, but it is also a system to ensure that the theater always specializes in art. One is the chief director system, and the other is the art committee system.

Since Zhang Heping re-established the core position of the art committee, all important work related to art in the courtyard must be voted by the art committee before it can be implemented.

A member of the art committee not only represents his outstanding achievements in art in the academy, but most importantly, his status as a member has a strong symbolic meaning, just like the study committee members in the class, when they are promoted in the academy, the members of the art committee must be first candidate.

Pu Cunxi raised his head suddenly and asked, "Dean, isn't it too fast?"

According to his plan, after a year and two rounds of performances, he will nominate Xu Rong to join the art committee.

Xu Rong's entry time is not a big problem in his opinion. Ren Ming was also nominated after one year of entry. The key is that Xu Rong's age is too young.

After two rounds of performances, it was just right. When he retired, Xu Rong's qualifications would be enough, and he would be allowed to take over the position of deputy director of his arts committee.

Regarding Xu Rong's development plan in the courtyard, from the moment he crossed out Wu Gang's name with a pen, he had already had a mature idea in his mind.

Xu Rong must be tied to the courtyard.

Before realizing this plan, he still has two things to do. One is to correct some of Xu Rong's erroneous cognitions. This is more urgent in his opinion. In comparison, the second one will be relatively easy, but Have to find a suitable time.

Zhang Heping looked at Pu Cunxi's puzzled face, shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'll tell you about the specific situation later."

He turned his head, glanced at Zhang Wankun, Shi Lanya, Yu Zhen, Yu Mingjia, Xin Yue, Zhu Xiaopeng and the two actors and stage and sound staff who had different expressions in the conference room, and said: "I know, maybe the theater Some people here can't understand my decision, and I don't talk about business ability, but only my attitude. In order to arrange this scene, Xu Rong rejected all the announcements, and spent the past three months out of his own pocket. More than 40, this point, even if I come, I can’t compare with myself.”

Xu Rong's face became quite exciting for a moment. He spent a little more money than what Zhang Heping said, but since Zhang Heping was able to say this figure, it was obvious that he had got through with the seniors in the courtyard.

In fact, most of the money he spent was for better, faster, and more convenient ways to scatter the wool. Every time he visited the family courtyard, apart from the first few fruits, the most shabby gift was two thousand.

"So, you have to believe that it is gold, and when the light shines, no one can stop it from shining."

After Zhang Heping finished speaking, he turned his gaze back.

Xu Rong was stunned, and immediately said: "The dean is over-reputed. As a member of the academy, this is what I should do, and the performance can be successful, mainly because of the dean's mediation, and Puyuan, Teacher Zhang Wankun, Shi Lanya Teachers, Teacher Yu Zhen, Teacher Yu Mingjia, Teacher Xin Yue, Teacher Zhu Xiaopeng, as well as the teachers of stage art and sound, are also inseparable from the full support of various administrative departments of our hospital. I just did what I should do It’s a matter of nomination to the art committee, this honor is too heavy for me.”

"Huh?" Zhang Heping didn't expect Xu Rong to say these words. After being stunned for a while, he laughed and pointed at him, "Little Xu, you really are at a loss if you don't do administrative work."

"Okay, everyone, don't leave today, wait a while at the barbecue shop at the door, I will treat everyone to a barbecue!"

After leaving the door of the meeting room, Pu Cunxi walked side by side with Zhang Heping, and asked, "Dean, what's going on, didn't you say that I was nominated after the year?"

Zhang Heping smiled cheerfully, and said: "Just now, the leader of the competent department called and passed a message: This Zhou Ping is very good."

Pu Cunxi was stunned, but he was not surprised that the audience of Renyi also included a group of special groups who were elderly.

He suddenly remembered the worries in his heart, and said: "By the way, Dean, I planned to bring it up to him later. Now that I have been nominated, I have to talk to Xiao Xu. His attitude towards dialogue dramas is very wrong." .”

Zhang Heping nodded and said: "It's normal for him to have such thoughts. Practitioners in the film and television industry all have similar thoughts. Even if you don't say anything, I will tell you to talk to him as soon as possible, don't delay , must be as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Xu Rong was about to remove his make-up, why not Pu Cunxi stopped him and said, "Xiao Xu, let's go to the museum."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, but did not refuse, because he found that Pu Cunxi's expression was unprecedentedly serious at this time, and he wanted to talk to him about some more important things.

But what else could be more serious than the art committee nomination?

After going up to the fourth floor and entering the museum, Pu Cunxi walked slowly with his hands behind his back, glanced at the props and opera newspapers used in the yard in the glass cabinet on one side, and asked, "Xiao Xu, do you know Chinese drama?" the founder of

Xu Rong said without thinking: "Senior Hong Shen?"

Pu Cunxi nodded first, then shook his head and said, "That's right, that's not right."

Xu Rong didn't ask, because he knew that since Pu Cunxi said so, he would definitely explain it next.

Pu Cunxi turned his head and asked again: "Have you heard of "Black Slave Calls to Heaven"?"

"I know, Uncle Tom's Cabin."

"That's right, it's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Pu Cunxi sighed, "In 1906, Mr. Zeng Xiaogu and Mr. Li Shutong, students studying in Japan, founded a drama club in Tokyo called Chunliu Club. This is the earliest drama club in China. The drama club, the following year, Chunliu Club performed two plays in Tokyo, one was "La Traviata" and the other was "A Black Slave Calls to Heaven", which is the earliest drama performed by the Chinese."

"In the same year, Mr. Wang Zhongsheng founded the Chunyang Club in Shanghai, and also performed "The Black Slave Appeals to Heaven". This is the first drama club in China. It is different from traditional opera, but in essence, it is actually drama.”

"In the next few years, a number of new drama troupes emerged successively in Shanghai, Beiping, Jinmen, Nanjing, and Wuhan, performing such plays as "Hot Blood", "Long Live the Republic", and "Society Clock". It can be regarded as the enlightenment stage of Chinese drama.”

"During this period, new dramas, or talking dramas, as a new art form, flourished, but the good times didn't last long. After the Xin-hai-revolution and the founding of the Republic of China, new dramas suffered unprecedented losses."

Pu Cunxi sighed suddenly, and said: "Although the Qing Dynasty perished at that time, the society was still turbulent and chaotic. In the past, the new playwrights with revolutionary ideals, faced with the cruel reality, some became depressed and stopped writing and acting. Some used drama as a means of survival. In order to cater to the tastes of people of different classes, various "civilized dramas" with poor artistic quality and kitsch appeared. , Recruiting actors, setting up drama clubs, writing and performing repertoires, "civilized drama" flourished unprecedentedly for a while, but new dramas aimed at enlightening people's wisdom and changing society gradually declined."

Xu Rong thought of a certain cross talk theater troupe that was bustling with outsiders recently, and asked, "Like the cross talk that has suddenly become popular in recent years?"

Pu Cunxi squinted at him, and said with a smile: "Almost, it seems that the number of practitioners has increased overnight, and the team has grown, but in fact, the influx is all laymen. Since they have no real skills, they can only rely on vulgarity and kitsch to make a quick profit." Qian, it can be seen from history that the audience will feel novelty about this kind of thing in the early stage, but in the later stage, they will gradually become disgusted."

Xu Rong nodded and said, "How did the drama rise again?"

Pu Cunxi said: "First of all, I would like to thank the New Culture Movement. At that time, Chen *xiu, Hu Shi, Fu Sinian and others especially praised the power of new dramas to inspire people's consciousness, and Ibsen's dramas on social issues. At the same time, Chen Dabei, old Ouyang Yuqian Mr. Ouyang Shanzun, the founder of our theater, put forward the slogan of "love American drama" to draw a line with traditional old dramas and degenerate "civilized dramas". The Prime Minister at that time was also one of the responders. "

"American dramas were popular at that time?"

Pu Cunxi glared at him, and said: "Aimei drama is not the drama on the other side of the ocean, but a transliteration of amateur. It will not gradually lose its original meaning in order to cater to low-level interests."

"Inspired by the slogan of non-professional drama, groups such as the People's Drama Club, Xinyou Drama Club, and Nanguo Club have emerged successively, and a number of excellent plays have also been born, such as Mr. Tian Han's "The Night of the Tiger", "The Death of a Famous Player" ", "Three Rebellious Women" by Mr. Guo Moruo, "A Piece of Patriotism" by Xiong Fuxi, "The Vixen" by Mr. Ouyang, "A Hornet" by Ding Xilin, etc. These excellent plays have also laid the foundation for Chinese drama .”

As Pu Cunxi said, he pointed to an old newspaper in the glass cabinet on one side, and said, "Here, this is the play newspaper of "Prison Mandarin Duck" and "Mother Xu Scolds Cao" published in "Drama New News" in 1917. .”

Xu Rong took a closer look. The black characters on the white background of the play were filled with the names of actors of different sizes in the middle, and in the corners were the date and title of the play, and they were all a combination of traditional and simplified, among which he was vaguely familiar. The actor's name is only "Shang Xiaoyun".

Pu Cunxi continued to walk, and said: "In 1922, as you know, Mr. Hong Shen, who studied in the United States and specialized in drama, returned to China. He carried out drastic reforms in non-professional drama in terms of script, stage discipline, and director system. Promote the co-acting system of men and women. In the past, not only in traditional dramas, but also in new dramas, women were all played by men, and actresses could occasionally rehearse plays, but they always performed with same-sex actors and could not share the stage with male actors.”

"Six years later, that is, in 1928, Mr. Hong Shen translated the English drama as 'drama'. So far, Chinese drama has officially been named."

Xu Rong looked at Pu Cunxi suspiciously, but didn't understand the meaning of him taking him to the fourth floor so seriously. Could it be to tell him about the history of speech dramas?Look at these artifacts?
Pu Cunxi stood still, looked at him, and said sonorously: "I brought you here today, hoping that you can understand that Chinese drama is a game and fusion of commercialization and high art aesthetics in the midst of social movements and revolutions. Among them, it has been formed step by step. The most essential purpose of its existence is not to sell money, let alone to make the vast majority of viewers happy, amuse, and pass the time. Its greatest significance is to guide the society. scholars, to improve society and improve the living conditions of the broad masses of the people.”

"That's why shopkeeper Wang always talks about improvement. That's why our performances strive to be true. Improvement is the initial and most essential purpose of the drama. Once this purpose is lost, the drama will become a 'civilized drama' again. He will be eliminated by society." Pu Cunxi stared straight at Xu Rong, who was blushing, "You, do you understand?"

Xu Rong was a little uncomfortable being looked at by him, and whispered: "Understood."

Because in the past, he has always believed that the criteria for judging a drama is the box office, the audience's applause and feedback. Until today, someone told him that the purpose of a drama is not to make money, nor can it be to make money, but to improve.

Pu Cunxi stared at him carefully for a while, then smiled suddenly, and said, "It's good to understand, this is the responsibility that every dramatist should stick to."

(End of this chapter)

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