I'm just an actor

Chapter 235 Rest

Chapter 235 Rest
"Let me first say yes, today there is no dean, deputy dean, and no teachers. Come and celebrate the success of our performance. Cheers!"


After finishing his work, Zhang Heping took all the crew members to sit in the barbecue restaurant next to the theater as promised, eating skewers and drinking heavily.

A performance of "Thunderstorm" led by Xu Rong, the number one student in the mainland, is like the general public for elegant art, that is, not many people care about it, and no one is willing to take the time to care about it, only a few hours In time, the silence completely disappeared.

There are only a few words of regret left in some corners of newspapers, forums or Weibo.

As the most popular film and television actor, Xu Rong didn't hurry up to shoot movies, TV series, and commercials, but spent three months arranging a drama?
No matter where you count it from, it's a sure loss but no profit deal.

I don't know whether it's because Hong's swelling makes her crazy, or if she earns too much money and loses her desire for the world.

Nowadays, drama can still exist widely as an art form. In the eyes of the public, some businessmen think it is profitable. The investment in a drama is only 300 million at most, but the income from a round of performances can Tens of millions or even higher, in terms of pure rate of return, it is no worse than film and television.

Secondly, it is a springboard to gradually evolve into young actors. Although there are many opportunities in the film and television industry, the influx of people with dreams is ten times or even dozens of times the opportunities. A certain degree of popularity, honed professional ability, and then moved to film and television have become the first choice for many actors who lack resources and connections.

Thirdly, it is some people who have made a mistake in their minds.

Although Xu Rong is the most popular actor in the mainland, acting in a drama is not enough to become a topic of conversation for the public after dinner. If you have that time, it is better to watch the follow-up of the farce of Deyun Club.

Because in comparison, apart from Xu Rongchao's high popularity and the reputation accumulated in his past works, what he did was neither interesting nor twisted and twisted. The remnants of the times will eventually become history with time.


Xu Rong sat in front of the desk, raised his pen a few times, but put it down again.

Mr. Zheng had previously asked him to write about the creative experience of "Thunderstorm", but now he sat down quietly and thought about it carefully. In the past three months, he had pondered every line hundreds of times and went through dozens of rehearsals. Ten official performances, although each performance has improved compared with the previous one, but at this time, he still feels that the overall performance is not ideal.

Even if it finally passed the review of the 32 judging panel across the country.

Because only 70.00% of the votes were in favor in the end, this is the result of his and Pu Cunxi's hard work at the same time.

This drama could have been more ideal, and it could be more ideal.

He put down the pen he picked up again, perhaps, he shouldn't make a conclusion prematurely.

Because the old dean once revealed that "Thunderstorm" was not conceived by himself in his room. Every character in the play has existed in real life and he is familiar with it.

In the end, Xu Rong closed his notebook and prepared to summarize after the next round or the next round of performances.

Anyway, Mr. Zheng didn't set a specific time for him to hand in his homework.

On the sofa next to him, classmate Xiao Zhang hugged the computer and browsed Weibo posts, but the more she looked at her, the angrier she became, because she clearly remembered that when "Relationship" was broadcast live at the beginning of the year, Sina netizens praised Ding Zhicheng to the sky. But now, there are not many people discussing "Thunderstorm" and Mr. Xu.

The more she watched, the angrier she became, and the angrier she became, the more she couldn't help scrolling down. Finally, when her dissatisfaction reached its peak, she slapped the sofa: "I'm so angry."

Student Xiao Zhang suddenly bared his teeth and clasped his hands, screaming.

Just now, she accidentally used too much strength and hit the wood on the edge of the sofa.

Xu Rong turned her head and saw that classmate Xiao Zhang didn't seem to be pretending. She hurriedly got up and walked over, took her hand in her arms, and asked, "What's the matter? Let me see."

Student Xiao Zhang grinned and sucked in air-conditioning, while watching Teacher Xu blowing on his red fingers, he said embarrassedly: "Qi, when you get angry, you can slap your hands when you are anxious."

"What are you looking at? You're so angry."

When Xiao Zhang heard his question, he immediately felt that his hand was no longer hurting. He pulled his hand out of Mr. Xu's slap, pointed at the computer screen with extreme annoyance, and said quickly and urgently: "Look These people are so irritating, why is no one talking about you, obviously you acted so well."

Xu Rong glanced from top to bottom. The topic was indeed born from his performance of "Thunderstorm".

He carefully read the content of one of the posts, pondered for a while, and said: "I think these discussions are the greatest compliment to my dedication and hard work in the past few months, and also my greatest value as a drama actor. "

As he said this, he suddenly remembered the astonishing remarks made by Mandarin actor Liu Peiqi in an interview a while ago because of the low attendance of the theater.

Drama is dead!

Judging from the current situation, drama is not dead.

Those who died were only the vast majority of drama creators who did not resist the temptation of money. However, driven by the panacea and profit, these people came back to life as they did 100 years ago, and switched careers to start "civilized drama" ".

Because for the creators of drama, in terms of making money and profit effect, it cannot be compared with film and television and variety shows at all, although this is not the strong point of drama, let alone the purpose of the birth of drama.

It is naturally impossible to win by using one's own weaknesses to attack others' strengths.

In today's social atmosphere where practicality is king and the poor are not prostitutes, it is understandable for the general public to judge the merits of the box office, but a famous drama actor still takes this as the benchmark, which simply lowers the reputation of the second-rate Chinese theater.

However, he was not good at expressing his opinion on this matter. He had heard Uncle Zhu Xu say that even some well-known veteran actors in the film and television industry in Mandarin didn't understand drama at all.

For the time being, he left the show behind and was ready to take a good rest for a week. For several months, he was like a wind-up, even when he went to the bathroom, he was still thinking about how "Zhou Ping" peed .

Both mentally and physically, he was very tired. Therefore, a few days after the performance, he postponed his morning exercise for an hour, intending to sleep a little longer.

But on the third day after the performance, early in the morning, Pu Cunxi called him up.

If there is something urgent, come to the courtyard quickly.

Xu Rong hurriedly ate breakfast and rushed to the courtyard. When he looked at the middle-aged man with a square face sitting in Pu Cunxi's office, he was taken aback for a moment, because he always felt familiar, but he just couldn't remember it for a while. Where have you seen it?

He turned his gaze to Pu Cunxi and asked, "Pu Yuan, do you need me?"

Pu Cunxi stood up and said with a smile: "You are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"What's the matter?"

Pu Cunxi pointed to the middle-aged man with a tall Chinese character face that also stood up, and said, "Let me introduce to you, this is Director Xia Hongbo Xia from the advertising department of CCTV."

Xu Rong was stunned, no wonder he felt familiar. He should have met this person when he was filming a public service advertisement years ago.

"Hello Director Xia."

"Mr. Xu, hello, it's the second time we've met."

Pu Cunxi smiled and said, "Let's sit down and chat."

Xia Hongbo said: "I came here today because I have two things to trouble Mr. Xu, one of which is from our department, and the other is entrusted by a colleague."

Pu Cunxi smiled and said, "Director Xia, don't be a fool."


After chatting with Xia Hongbo for a long time, Xu Rong will take over the third advertisement of this year, and a job that he is good at but has never had a chance to try.


The advertisement is a public service advertisement with the theme of opposing domestic violence. In addition, he also accepted the invitation of the "Society and Law" channel to serve as a commentator for a documentary on domestic violence.

The reason why he was approached was even earlier.

After 32 people watched the live broadcast of "Thunderstorm", no matter the major social platforms or the media, almost no one discussed "Thunderstorm", Xu Rong, and Pu Cunxi, but shifted the topic to the domestic violence reflected in "Thunderstorm" .

On the first day after the performance, "China Women's News" immediately published an article titled "Thunderstorm is not far away, the essence of domestic violence is an evil of human nature".

On the second day, in the face of increasingly turbulent public opinion on the Internet, the Women's Federation immediately decided to launch the third round of surveys on the social status of Chinese women after 1990 and 2000, and domestic violence is the top priority of this survey Heavy.

In just two and a half days, with more and more victims speaking out on the Internet, "anti-domestic violence" has gradually become a hot topic on the Internet, especially the disclosure of tragedies caused by domestic violence across the country. The media's calls for the introduction of relevant bills against domestic violence have been louder and louder.

On the fourth day after the live broadcast of "Thunderstorm", Nandu, who has always focused on explosive entertainment gossip and attracted people's attention because of his sharp words, published an article titled "An Ordinary Actor".

"What can you do in three months?
For you and me, to work, to live, to have oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar, and to have trouble with parents is almost just a matter of opening and closing our eyes, and it is too late to sit down and think about a problem.

For an actress who has suddenly become popular this year, she has to accept endorsements, commercial performances, shoot magazines, and appear on variety shows to make money, make a lot of money, and make more and more money.

But for Xu Rong, it took him three months to line up only one "Thunderstorm". After three months of busy work, plus various subsidies, his income was less than [-].

If he is willing, spending the same time and energy in three months, maybe he can earn 3000 million or more.

But he still chose to arrange "Thunderstorm".

"Thunderstorm" is Mr. Cao Yu's classic work. This is my limited understanding of "Thunderstorm". More points should be included in my mind. "As for what was revealed and what was expressed, I can't remember clearly for a long time, but "Thunderstorm" performed live by Renyi really let us see the dangers of domestic violence.

In the past, there was a colleague in my unit who always wore a mask habitually at work every day, and she didn’t communicate with her colleagues. She didn’t care about others, and no one cared about her, because her personality was so paranoid that no one wanted her Communicate with her.

Later, during a March [-] event, I represented the union and went door-to-door to deliver benefits to female employees. After seeing what happened to that colleague, I realized why she always wore a mask and why she always had such an extreme personality.

Can you imagine being forced into a stool for hours at a time?
The stool is not big, only thigh-high, and it is very difficult for a child to get in, but it is crammed into an adult woman.

The reason why she always wears a mask is to cover the bruises and scars on her face.

Later we asked her, why didn't you get a divorce?
She told us that her husband had threatened to kill her if she filed for divorce.

Later, she went crazy like Fanyi in "Thunderstorm".

Fortunately, the good news is finally here. Thanks to the extensive discussion caused by the live broadcast of "Thunderstorm", many female representatives have publicly stated that they are ready to propose and introduce anti-domestic violence related bills. In addition, relevant legislative departments have also organized legal experts to conduct discussions , Research.

What is even more exciting is that two hours before I wrote this article, Guangdong Province was seeking public opinion on the new "Provisional Draft Regulations Against Domestic Violence". According to the plan, it should be implemented on the first day of next month. .

No accident, next year or the year after, we should be able to see a national bill to protect the personal safety and freedom of victims of domestic violence.

Before I started writing, I called Xu Rong and wanted to invite him to do an interview, because without his huge influence and superb business ability, "Thunderstorm" would not have received widespread attention today, nor would it have attracted nationwide attention. The discussion on domestic violence and the advancement of the bill project.

I would like to ask him to talk about his original intention of starring in "Thunderstorm" and thank him for his amazing service to victims of domestic persecution across the country.

He rejected me and told me: I didn't make any great contributions, I just did what an actor should do, just like thousands of ordinary people, doing my job well and taking on my responsibility. As an actor should bear the responsibility, nothing more.

From all walks of life, there are always some people who silently contribute to improving our living environment. I sincerely hope that we can have more "ordinary" actors like Xu Rong, who are willing to spend time and energy to expose the sufferings of ordinary people in reality. Rather than whitewashing peace, we would rather sit on pins and needles when watching a movie, but turn off the TV and walk out of the theater, life will be more comfortable and smooth, rather than the other way around, the pain in real life can only be escaped for a short time by sitting in front of the TV or in the cinema Boredom and distress in life.

As far as he is concerned, maybe the things he does are really ordinary, because this is what he has been doing all the time, but in terms of his profession, he complies with Renyi's phrase "creating for the people and singing for the times". Slogans are neither ordinary nor ordinary for thousands of victims of domestic violence.

Xu Rong is indeed just an ordinary actor, but his work and contributions are enough to be called great. "—Hua Ming

On the fifth day after the performance of "Thunderstorm", the day after Huaming published a signed article.

The article was reprinted by Xinhua, Renri, China Drama News and China Women's Daily.

(End of this chapter)

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