Chapter 236
When Xu Rong woke up and saw that she had been named and praised by four official media, while being honored, what she felt more deeply was the pressure.

Since winning the Fei Tian Award, he seems to have involuntarily embarked on a path that is farther and farther away from the sensual entertainment industry. Just like back then, he originally only wanted to work to earn enough tuition for college, but he never thought about it. By mistake, he plunged into the film and television industry.

Just like the inexplicable Feitian Award fell into his arms, and also inexplicably, he was defaulted to be the main role in "The Founding of the Party".

All along, he was actually quite curious about the reason, because according to Gao Xixi's inside information, he was not selected by the jury for the Feitian Award, so two days ago, in private, he raised his eyebrows with Zhang Heping.

Zhang Heping is not as mysterious as Huang Jianxin, but just joked with him with a smile: It seems that you are really rich, 3000 million, how long has it been, and you have completely forgotten about it?

Xu Rong fully understood the reason. In fact, this matter was still related to the past behavior of the three parties involved.

Whether it is Hairun, Baiqueling or himself, they all have very obvious similarities. They are extremely disgusted with hype, especially taking advantage of disaster hype, and it hurts to spend a lot of money. At the moment, the cost of drafting is several times higher than usual, and it is even more worthless to spend money on publicity.

But in the eyes of some people, it became his high moral integrity.

In particular, although his output is not high, he can only shoot three works throughout the year, but most of them are high-quality products or even hits, and they are also qualified to compete.

The social impact of "Thunderstorm" was beyond his expectation. His original idea was quite simple. As an actor, performing tricks well is the foundation of his survival.

Just like the original intention of Renyi, he came here with Renyi's original performance system and training methods.

But at this time, especially after Pu Cunxi's words in the museum a few days ago, he had to turn his head again and think about "Thunderstorm", the pioneering work of Chinese realistic drama.

The reason why "Thunderstorm" is a classic is not because it was created by the old dean.

Because before "Thunderstorm" came out, the old dean could only be regarded as a small street in the world of literature and drama, but once "Thunderstorm" came out, he established his status as a "master" in one fell swoop, and he was with Mr. Lu Guomaoba. tied.

Every character in "Thunderstorm" has its representativeness, representing different classes and the human nature of a certain group of people, and it is not limited to that special era, just like the persecution suffered by Fanyi, Arouse widespread discussion in society on domestic violence.

Even if "Thunderstorm" came out today, the actors only need to change their clothes and change the scene a little, and it can still be a classic.

Although Zhou Gong defined the nature of this work as "anti-feudal", the old director started from human nature when he created it.

In fact, in his opinion, considering the current environment, in "Thunderstorm", compared to Fanyi's appeal, the appeal of another person is more important and needs to be highlighted.

Lu Dahai.

It has been 32 years since the opening up, and under the tide of capital, hundreds of millions of ordinary people have reappeared who have suffered like Lu Dahai, but do not have Lu Dahai's rebellious spirit and are living numbly.

Their food, clothing, housing and transportation, as well as education, medical care, elderly care, and housing problems, are all covered under beautiful reports and colorful data.

Someone needs to stand up and speak up for them.

Now that he has passed the review of the 32 jury, he is ready to perform the "Thunderstorm" scene, and he will have to communicate more with the actors in the theater to try to find a more suitable "Lu Dahai".

Yu Zhen's image is more in line with Lu Dahai's setting, but his performance failed to let the audience see the clues of the next "thunderstorm" after the thunderstorm.

This is Xu Rong's understanding of the role of "Lu Dahai". Even if the characters in "Thunderstorm" are not destroyed by accident, then "Lu Dahai" will surely turn into a more violent thunderstorm in the future, destroying everything.

And these, Yu Zhen didn't show them, so they weren't noticed by the audience.

But in fact, dark clouds are already brewing.

As a beneficiary of this era, coupled with the influence of the profession itself, he can no longer blindly and desperately satisfy his own selfish desires while satisfying his own food, clothing, food and parents. What, it's better not to wake up in the middle of the night and realize that I have become Don Quixote in the mouth of Gao Mantang.

As for why he did not directly create and criticize the current scripts and plays when exposing the malpractice, Mr. Lu Xun has already made it clear in "The Grave": "It is still a kind of happiness to say that someone hates it, compared to having no movement at all. The fly chirping does not know that people hate him; but I know, but as long as it can fly, it will fly. The gentleman said: Why don't you scold the warlord who kills without batting an eye? Si is also cowardly and cowardly Already! But I don’t want to be fooled by these booby-trafficking methods. If you get into trouble, do you think he will respect you as a martyr? No, there will be another sarcastic talk at that time.”

Gently pressing the newspaper on the table, Xu Rong suddenly realized that maybe from this moment on, he could be regarded as a qualified drama actor.

Unknowingly, the 10-year recruitment for Renyi Art has officially kicked off.

Although it was only the first round of preliminary tests, in order to ensure that Xiao Zhang was in the best condition during the interview, Xu Rong acted as a driver for Xiao Zhang this time.

After the performance, he took the time to pass the driver's license test.

Xiao Zhang was sitting on the co-pilot, clutching his notebook, and said nervously: "Mr. Xu, do you think I won't fail the initial test?"

Without even thinking about it, Xu Rong said, "Impossible. As long as you can play [-]% of the level you rehearsed last night, you will definitely pass the first test. If anyone refuses to pass for you, I will ask him to discuss it face to face."

Xiao Zhang laughed "haha", but she remembered something he said last year, and frowned again: "Mr. Xu, tell me, will Grandpa Zheng and Grandpa Lan meet me together?"

"No, the initial test is generally for newcomers who have not been admitted to the hospital for a few years, and it mainly examines the basic skills of the candidates."

"Hey, then why didn't you become an examiner?"

Xu Rong gave her a sideways look, and said, "You are really a Chinese cabbage as a member of the art committee. Even if I am an examiner, I must at least be the chief examiner of the re-examination."

"Ouch, Xiao Xu, not bad."

Xu Rong gave her a white look and said, "Don't relax too much, we will recruit fifteen people this year."

Xiao Zhang nodded with confidence and said, "Fifteen, it's okay."

But Xu Rong shook his head speechlessly. During the previous meeting, the art committee had already set the tone, preferring to lack rather than abuse.

This means that even though more than 800 people have passed the qualification review, if the style is not suitable, the original quota of 15 people will eventually become 0.

And this year, the qualification review in the academy has undergone considerable changes.

The review of Nortel candidates has been relaxed!
In the past three years, Renyi has only recruited one candidate from Nortel, and he is the one. After a round of performances, he not only won tens of millions of box office, but also set off legislation to promote anti-domestic violence.

As a result, the art committee's impression of Nortel's past has completely changed.

But these words, Xu Rong can't tell classmate Xiao Zhang, she is already very nervous, if you put more pressure on her, if she doesn't even pass the initial test, then the efforts of the past few months will be completely in vain.

Arriving in front of the square of the Capital Theater, student Xiao Zhang stood in the line of examinees. Although there were all candidates, she was full of confidence at this time.

Because the person who tutored her in the past few years is a member of the People's Arts Committee and one of the top elites in the People's Arts and even the entire Chinese drama industry.

Teacher Xu said that there is no problem, so it must be no problem.

"Miss Xiaofei."

While she was reciting her lines, a familiar figure ran up to her.

Xiao Zhang looked at Xu Xing in surprise, and after being taken aback for a moment, he asked, "Hey, Xu Xing, have you applied for the exam?"

"Well, brother said let me try."

Xu Xing looked around, but did not see Xu Rong, and asked: "Sister Xiaofei, where is my brother, didn't he come with you?"

"He said he was going to the family home, and he would pick me up after I finished the exam. By the way, grandpa was still talking about you two days ago, and told you to go home for dinner when you are free. Why don't you move home? "

A while ago, when his grandfather was hospitalized for surgery, Xu Xing cared more than Xu Rong, his grandson, and wished he could accompany him 24 hours a day.

The old man quietly revealed the idea of ​​letting her move home, because Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang will go out to film in a short time.

Xu Rong didn't have any opinion on this, and even quite agreed with it. At the end of last year, after classmate Xiao Zhang went back to his hometown to help his grandfather buy new year's goods, he lived at home alone, and always felt too deserted.

But Xu Xing really didn't want to live with Xu Rong all day.

After going out for a walk, she realized that the film and television industry experienced by an actor and the film and television industry experienced by an assistant are two completely different environments.

When following Xu Rong, even the assistant director and production director of the crew were very polite to her, but when she became an actress, she discovered that the production director turned out to be someone she needed to look up to.

And Xu Rong has always been strict with her, she was a little afraid of him.

"Then I'll go home for dinner at noon, just to see Grandpa." Xu Xing hurriedly changed the topic, "Sister Xiaofei, I heard that Renyi has prejudice against our school's students."


"Yes, they think that we specialize in film and television, and are not good at drama or even understand drama at all."

Xiao Zhang immediately retorted: "But Teacher Xu just got in."

Xu Xing was completely at a loss for words. She vaguely understood what Sister Xiaofei was thinking, because in her eyes, her brother was just her Teacher Xu, but in the eyes of others, he was a master of drama, film and television, and dubbing. , Feitian, Bai Yulan Shidi, leading figures of the 80s generation, one of the 60 people who have made outstanding contributions in the past 27 years, and were named and praised by the four major official media a few days ago.

How could she be compared to him?

After waiting for a long time at noon, Xiao Zhang stood in front of the door, took two deep breaths slowly, and then gently pushed open the door of the examination room.

It's just that when her eyes swept away and she saw clearly one of the two examiners sitting behind the table, her eyes suddenly widened: "Xu, Teacher Xu?"

Xu Rong looked at her seriously: "This classmate, what, you know me?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at his serious appearance and hesitated for a while. She didn't know whether to say she knew him or not.

Mao Junjie, who was sitting next to him, was not surprised by this at all, because most of the candidates were very surprised when they saw Xu Rong when they entered the door.

Today's preliminary examination is divided into four examination rooms, and the No. [-] examination room where they are located is dominated by Xu Rong.

Because he is a member of the arts committee.

She didn't understand what the art committee was thinking. It was just a preliminary test, but it sent a member of the art committee to be an examiner.

Because according to the standards of previous years, members of the art committee will serve as the chief examiner and deputy chief examiner only during the retest.

As for last year's Art Committee, one director, two deputy directors, and six consultants inspecting Xu Rong at the same time, it was purely a special situation.

Classmate Xiao Zhang came to the two of them. After watching Teacher Xu pretending to flip through his resume for a long time, he looked up at her and said, "Student, please introduce yourself."

Xiao Zhang's eyes widened again, you can recite my ID number, and you want me to introduce myself?

Why didn't you ask me to introduce myself last night in bed? !

But on her face, she still kept a smile: "My name is Zhang Xiaofei, I graduated from Nortel, and I am currently working in."

At the same time as classmate Xiao Zhang introduced, Mao Junjie wrote down two comments in his notebook, "clear speech" and "full breath".

Xu Rong glanced at Mao Junjie's evaluation, raised his head, and said, "Student Zhang Xiaofei, you have 4 minutes to show your lines."


"Teachers, what I'm going to show next is Sifeng's lines from "Thunderstorm"."

Mao Junjie glanced at her, and looked at Xiao Zhang sympathetically. You are a Nortel student. Even if you don’t choose the film and television lines to show, you can choose another drama, but you chose "Thunderstorm", which Xu Rong is best at. .

In front of such an expert, any flaws would be infinitely magnified in his ears.

"Ping, you are still here, it seems like so many years have passed."

Xiao Zhang just opened his mouth to say a few words, Mao Junjie raised his head suddenly, as a drama actor, she is no stranger to "Thunderstorm", but the newcomer's lines are too good.

"Teachers, my lines are finished."

Xu Rong nodded. Xiao Zhang didn't know whether he was too nervous or too relaxed. There were two lines in which the tone of the beginning and the end were not very mellow, but if you judge it by the standards of a newcomer, It can be called the successor of human art.

"You can go out."

"Okay, thank you two teachers." Classmate Xiao Zhang bowed, turned and walked out the door. The moment the door closed, her little fist was clenched tightly.

Dog thing, "Why, do you know me?", "Please introduce yourself.", I'll see you when I go home, hum!

As soon as Xiao Zhang went out, Mao Junjie immediately said: "Mr. Xu, this candidate, I feel that I can take the stage as soon as I come."

Xu Rong laughed dryly, and he suddenly realized a problem at this time. During the tutoring period for Xiao Zhang, he set the standard too high, so that her performance just now was not like a candidate at all, but more like a student. An actor who was born in the arts and has already played a leading role.

Looking at Mao Junjie whose eyes were almost shining, he laughed aloud: "So-so, so-so."

(End of this chapter)

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