I'm just an actor

Chapter 237 Changes

Chapter 237 Changes
Classmate Xiao Zhang desperately held the chopsticks that Xu Rong was going to put on the plate with his chopsticks, without any intention of compromising.

When she came out of the examination room after the first exam, she immediately asked Grandpa Zheng.

Teacher Xu turned out to be the chief examiner for this year's exam!

It also means that as long as Teacher Xu nods, she will definitely be able to enter Renyi.

Xu Rong reluctantly withdrew his chopsticks, picked up the bowl, took a sip of the porridge, and said, "Look at you, why are you so impatient? I went over today to see the general situation of the candidates, and in front of outsiders, I wouldn't So I can open the back door for you, right?!"

Presiding over the recruitment is not an easy task. He has to judge the foundation, style, and talent of each actor, and selectively recruit them. After that, he must assign suitable teachers to the recruited young actors. For example, Li Guangfu has a relatively lively personality. Bo, then his student's character must be calm, otherwise the two escaped people will get together and they will be lost in the jump.

Although he has the name of the chief examiner, in fact, he is not the one who can completely make the decision. After the third test, Pu Cunxi and Yang Lixin will check and eliminate all inappropriate ones.

Seeing Xiao Zhang's dubious look, Xu Rong pouted at Xu Xing, and said: "During the interview today, I also interviewed three of our former classmates, and one Xu Xing who was already popular. Pass."

The grandfather sitting on the main seat heard Xu Rong's words, glanced at Xu Xing, and asked, "What about sister Ni?"

"I don't know about this. The hospital is still compiling the list of those who passed the preliminary examination, and the results will be released in the afternoon." Xu Rong said ambiguously.

He actually doesn't know much about Xu Xing's current level, but as long as what he taught her before is not wasted, there should be no big problem.

Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment when he heard that he had dismissed all his former classmates, and said, "Then they must hate you to death?"

Xu Rong shook his head and smiled, and said, "Do you really think I'm the only one facing this situation? In fact, every examiner in charge of the interview is similar. Think about it, except for those who graduated from the training class, the others in the academy are Chinese opera, The candidates from the acting department of Shanghai Opera and China Communications are basically their classmates, seniors, juniors, and juniors. However, it does not mean that if you have a good relationship with others, you can be passed. There are re-examinations, third examinations, and written examinations, and sooner or later you have to be rejected. Even if you are unlucky, you pass all the exams, you are admitted smoothly, and when you are assigned a teacher, if you find that you are not suitable or your basic skills are terrible, you will still be dismissed."

At the end, Xu Rong said faintly: "I am in charge of this recruitment examination. Once a teacher proposes to return the product and the art committee approves it, I will bear the responsibility for negligence. One or two can withstand it. If four or five If so, I can quit the art committee directly.”

Xu Xing worked up his courage for a long time before asking: "Brother, what are the contents of the three interviews? Can a few minutes of lines and performances be able to judge a person's future?"

Xu Rong glanced at her and understood what she meant, because Nortel's art test process is basically the same, but the standards are quite vague, just like when he took the art test, Yang Mi's song "Nanni Bay" was sung almost eighteen bends in the mountain road, and the last tune went to grandma's house.

But she was finally admitted to the school with the No.1 score in the art test.

The reason for admission is "no stage fright".

He thought for a while, and said: "My standard has three points, the first is basic skills, the second is style, and the third is talent."

Seeing that the three of them were looking at him, he put down his chopsticks and said: "Basic skills mainly refer to the most basic aspects of enunciation, vocalization, breath use, and language expressiveness. The training has been done, but the basic skills are not solid, such as slurred words, voice is not loud enough, breath is not full enough, on stage, the audience can't hear the lines at all."

"And the style is easier to understand. The style of Renyi is based on "earth", that is, as close to reality as possible, playing a role like a real person. The candidates who apply for the exam are basically professional actors. When the style has basically been finalized, if the style is too different, it cannot be admitted at all, just like Deng Chao, even if he graduated from Chinese opera, but the style is too bad, it is not impossible to change, but it takes time, Too much energy will simply delay his future."

"As for talent, after the third test, the examiner randomly asks questions, which is the time to test talent."

Xiao Zhang nodded, and suddenly thought of a question: "Mr. Xu, if I enter, will you take me?"

Xu Rong shook his head without even thinking about it. He is not sensitive to the matter of leading people.

He had already made up his mind that he would never assign anyone under his own name, even Xiao Zhang's classmate.

He has already made a plan for her future teacher.

Feng Yuanzheng.

During this period of time, he was not only busy with recruiting exams, but whenever Huang Jianxin and Director Han had actors auditioning, he would go there to help with lyrics and take positions.

In the middle, I exchanged a few words with Feng Yuanzheng.

It was those few sentences that made him see the huge energy contained in that colleague's thin body.

Losing control is his incomprehensible and extremely resistant performance technique.

Because the Stuart system pursues absolute control, even if it is loose, it is relaxation under the premise of control, but Feng Yuanzheng's out-of-control expressiveness under the control made him amazed.

Breaking the sound, every actor, even every normal person can do it, but Feng Yuanzheng had a scene with him in the situation of breaking the sound.

It was also the first time for him to see the explosive power presented by Gepai.

Although he still dislikes this kind of performance, he admits the strengths of this presentation.

If Xiao Zhang can learn [-]% to [-]% of the time, in the current competitive environment, when he gets a good book, he basically doesn't run away.

But in the process, he also saw a lot of things about Coke.

It is the overall standard of the counterparts in the three places across the strait, the high ones are really high, and the bad ones are really bad.

Some are quite famous, but they don't know how to act at all.

But after all, the reputation is there, coupled with the support of the company behind it, it is really unreasonable to use it.

In fact, he does not recommend these actors to participate in the show. As a work celebrating the old father's birthday, it is almost unnecessary to think about it. After it is released in the future, the box office will definitely be quite good, because all agencies and units must organize everyone to watch it.

As a participant, it is a rare opportunity for many actors to express their filial piety and show their faces in big productions.

But with 180 professional actors gathered in one scene, the comparison between who is high and who is low should not be too obvious, and because the disparity is too large, if there is a slight difference, the impact will be extremely dazzling to the audience.

Those who are capable will really show their faces, and those who are not capable are just rushing to embarrass themselves.

Even if it hasn't been turned on yet, he basically already has a rough estimate in his mind about who will show his face and who will lose face after the release.

However, the current environment in the film and television industry has become quite strange. Some self-proclaimed actors do not lack confidence in their performances, because in the past performance experience, they were praised by their agents, assistants, and fans all day long. "The acting skills exploded" and "do not lose to Xu Rong", as time passed, he really believed that his business level could be [-]/[-] with him.

Since he was crowned Magnolia, he has gradually become the target of many peers in the film and television industry. Once a certain young actor acts like that in a certain scene, there will be drafts of "do not lose to Xu Rong" all over the sky.

He never refuted or commented on this, because the gang of hurt people always talk about "Bright Sword" and "Great Qing Dynasty".

Sometimes when he reads these manuscripts, he doesn't have the slightest temper. He's really capable. Compare it with the works after "Shanghai Bund".

In fact, he also understands that these two dramas can now be regarded as his dark history, especially Fulin in "The Wind and Cloud of the Qing Dynasty", because to a certain extent, the role of Monk Wei can be regarded as half-true.

As for the role of Fulin, he doesn't even see it himself now, and sometimes he accidentally sees videos released by black fans on the Internet, and he can't believe that he acted it.

The acting is really bad!
In fact, compared to "The Wind and Cloud of the Qing Dynasty", he is more afraid of another drama being turned out.

"The Ming Dynasty".

To be honest, this drama is my darkest history. From the beginning to the end, I was completely hammered by a group of old guys, and there was no room for resistance.

But fortunately, since Mango TV bought out the exclusive broadcasting rights of Hunan TV, the drama was so low that the ratings were so low that it almost smashed holes in the floor. Pink burst.

Because the vast majority of netizens who want to hack him are most eager not to compare vertically, but horizontally. In "Da Ming", anyone can beat him. Once released, it will definitely become an ironclad proof of his poor professional level.

In addition to helping with lyrics, because the article on how to read scripts was selected into the Nortel textbook, he also had a meal with the dean of his alma mater. Invitation to teach.

It's not a class, but a visiting professor.

He neither agreed on the spot nor refused immediately.

The main reason is that he really doesn't have time, and besides, as an actor with poor talent, he knows too well how tortured some people with poor talent are.

Even the most basic plant growth exercises, some students need half a month to practice like that.

This is something he can't stand now.

On the third day of the preliminary examination, the re-examination of the Humanities and Arts Entrance Examination was officially held.

Wu Gang's mood has been extremely complicated recently. He heard a while ago that the art committee has passed the dean's nomination of Xu Rong to join the art committee.

Now, Xu Rong has officially become one of the members of the art committee, and there are rumors that Xu Rong is going to be the deputy captain of the actor team.

He doesn't care about the administrative ranks of vice captain and captain, but the status of a committee member makes it difficult for him to accept.

He was admitted to the hospital much earlier than Xu Rong, and the number of performances in the hospital is also dozens of times that of Xu Rong, but he is still a long way from the art committee. Xu Rong, a newcomer who has only been admitted to the hospital for a year. , even ran ahead of himself.

It's not jealousy, but it means that if he participates in the rehearsal of new plays in the future, Xu Rong has the right to give pointers, and as a member of the art committee, even if he doesn't want to, he will be asked to give pointers.

I can't accept it.

But after watching the video of the performance of "Thunderstorm", most of his complexity was wiped out. Stage performances are all about whether they can "live". After watching the whole show, he only saw three people on stage Alive, Xu Rong, Pu Cunxi, Yu Mingjia.

However, there are differences between the three of them. Yu Mingjia obviously used emotion instead, because there are certain deviations in her processing in some extremely small details.

The performance of Pu Cunxi and Xu Rong made him, who has never been to the scene, feel excited.

Early in the morning, at a distance of about 50 meters from the Capital Theater, Wu Gang happened to meet Xu Rong who had just gotten off a taxi.

Wu Gang suddenly remembered some recent rumors, and couldn't help but realize that he was looking for the status of a certain character.

"Xu Rong."

Xu Rong turned his head, saw Wu Gang, and looked at him with a smile: "Hey, Xiao Wu, why are you in the courtyard today?"

The smile on Wu Gang's face froze immediately, but he couldn't refute.

Xu Rong looked at Wu Gang's expression, and the ridicule on his face gradually faded.

Wu Gang's eyes were a little out of sync with his facial expression.

After looking at it carefully for a few seconds, Xu Rong understood it.

This guy has a knife!
"Are you preparing for a new play?"

Xu Rong didn't answer his words, and asked as he walked, "What are you doing this time, why haven't you seen your figure?"

"Busy filming." Wu Gang saw that he kept looking at his face, so he quickly changed the topic, "How do I feel, you have changed a lot recently?"

"Well, what do you mean?"

Wu Gang shook his head and said: "I can't tell you the specifics, but the feeling you give me now is very similar, very similar to Brother Pu, like a semi-retired old man, although I am trying to imitate that drive, but it is a little less Energetic."

Xu Rong smiled without even thinking about it: "That's for sure. I used to carry tens of thousands of debts on my body. I couldn't do it without working hard. Now I have finally paid it off. I have no debts and am light. Naturally, I don't need to give myself such a big debt." pressure."

Wu Gang nodded his head twice, entered the door, and suddenly said: "But I still feel that you gave me a better feeling at that time. Although your face is calm, if you observe carefully, that spirit is always Here I am."

"is it?"

Xu Rong muttered uncertainly.

He is no longer what he used to be. A few years ago, he wanted to earn money to go to school and improve his life. Then, he was burdened with huge debts, and he had almost no way out.

But now, he holds two sets of magic capitals in the capital, a house worth more than [-] million in total, and Huayi's stock price is so high that he can't hold it down. If he realizes all of it, he will basically never struggle again What supports him to go on is nothing but the pursuit of the realm of performance and a sense of responsibility that has been born recently.

But these are not as strong as in the past, because his current professional level is enough to beat [-]% of his peers, so there is no need to rush to improve, and the sense of responsibility is not as inspiring as meeting his needs for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

After returning home at night, while eating, Xu Rong looked at classmate Xiao Zhang and asked, "Xiao Zhang, do you think I have changed a lot compared to before?"

"Ah? What did you say?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang rubbed his chopsticks, and didn't understand the meaning of his words at all.

Xu Rongdao: "A friend told me today that my current state is like a semi-retired person, and I have lost the energy of the past."

Classmate Xiao Zhang tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "A little bit, but isn't this very good, why do you put so much pressure on yourself?"

Now, Xu Rong confirmed what Wu Gang said, because Xiao Zhang has been with him all these years, and in terms of understanding him, Xiao Zhang has always had the deepest feeling. After waiting for a while, he nodded, Said: "It's pretty good."

At night, Xu Rong sat on the bedside, flipping through an old book boredly, and when he turned a page, a sentence came into view: There are very few people who do nothing in the world, and those who are greedy and profitable are rare Half of them are stimulated and forced to become half of them.

From "Zeng Guofan's Family Letter".

 It should have been updated earlier, but I searched for a piece of information about the progress of the next plot for three or four hours, but I couldn't find it, and I was so angry.

(End of this chapter)

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