Chapter 238
After Xu Rong presided over the recruitment of this year's Human Arts and arranged for the teachers of the 6 newcomers, they officially started preparing for their debut film.

Xiao Zhang entered Renyi without accident, but Xu Xing, who also passed the preliminary examination, fell in the re-examination which he personally supervised.

Apart from the foundation he forced to lay in the past, she didn't make any progress, and she also learned a lot of bad things.

Even though he was the chief examiner, Xu Rong still didn't make an exception. Even if someone like Xu Xing entered the courtyard, even if he won't be dismissed for his sake, he wouldn't be able to play a leading role within five years.

With that time, I might as well make a few more idol dramas while I was young, so as to earn some money.

After this recruitment, it is estimated that Pu Cunxin and the art committee will never let him preside over the exam again. Originally, he planned to recruit 15 people this year, but under his strict standards, he didn't even reach half of the quota.

At the beginning, Xu Rong also recorded according to 15 people, but when it came to the written test that he thought should be the easiest, he killed most of the candidates who passed the interview.

All the examinees couldn't even answer the relatively basic three elements of action, which proves that today's young actors basically rely on their instincts in acting.

The final result of this kind of acting is that when you meet a suitable role, you can act almost or very well, but if you don't, you can only act hard.

While Xu Rong was preparing for the new play, the No.20 [-]th Golden Eagle Award jury held its first meeting.

Li Ming, director of the judging committee and vice-chairman of the Visual Association, looked at the nomination lists submitted by the judges, his brows gradually frowned.

The problem still lies with Xu Rong, because he alone has nominated five plays "Latent", "A Beautiful Era of Wife", "The North Wind Blows", "Harbin Under the Night", and "Paper Drunk".

In all fairness, if these plays are performed by others, they can be nominated, but it is a bit inappropriate to focus on one person.

In particular, the two national-level TV dramas "Latent" and "Beautiful Times for Daughter-in-law" are peaks in their respective fields.

Li Ming gently put down the compiled list of nominations, glanced at everyone in the meeting room, and said, "Everyone, everyone should have seen it. There are a total of fourteen plays, and Xu Rong occupies five of them by himself. Let's talk about them all." Make up your own opinion."

After his voice fell, what responded to him was a moment of silence.

Because everyone knows that Xu Rong, who has released five major dramas in two years, even Sun Honglei in "The Right Way in the World Is Vicissitudes" and Wang Zhifei in "The Great Qin Empire" have little chance of winning.

The Golden Eagle TV Emperor was voted by the audience. Regardless of whether Sun Honglei or Wang Zhifei, their influence among young people combined is not as good as Xu Rong, who was born in spy wars and idol dramas.

"A grand slam at the age of 24."

Someone sighed, making the silence in the meeting room even deeper.

"Could it be possible to award him the Performing Arts Award? After all, the most popular actor is voted by the audience. Any result is possible, right?" Someone suggested without confidence.

No one echoed his words. In the previous Golden Eagle voting, the organizers would make some fine-tuning according to the results, but right now Xu Rong is engulfed in the momentum of the five major dramas, leaving no room for them to manipulate.

If you really want to do that, not only will the audience not agree, but the media will scold them badly.

I didn't see that the Feitian Award jury composed of super luxurious judges all awarded Shidi to Xu Rong.

"Tuk Tuk."

Li Ming lightly knocked on the table twice, and when all the eyes had gathered, he said, "I want to ask you a question. Who can you think of as a TV actor born in the [-]s?"

"Director Li, what do you mean?"

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Li Ming smiled and said, "It's just an ordinary chat, and I'll listen to everyone's opinions."

"A lot, Chen Jianbin, Huang Xiaoming."

"There are also Chen Kun, Deng Chao, Liu Ye, not all of them."

Li Ming nodded lightly, then turned his head and asked again: "Then I want to ask another question, who are the male actors born in the 80s, who can you think of?"

Everyone understood Li Ming's plan at this time, but because of this, no one answered.

Li Ming almost said that he wanted to suppress Xu Rong.

Li Ming has no scruples, but they are all practitioners in the TV drama industry, and they can vote by secret ballot. If they openly agree, who knows if it will reach Xu Rong's ears.

Seeing that no one spoke, a chubby middle-aged man laughed twice and said, "Isn't there another Hu, Hu or something?"

Li Ming glanced at him and said, "What are you? Huge."

"Oh, yes, Hugh."

Li Ming was noncommittal, and said: "Are you aware of the problem? Last year, Hu Ge starred in Xianjian III, but it was completely overwhelmed by "Latent", and this problem was not caused by age. The previous 70 A generation can be said to be a race of thousands of sails and a hundred battles, but now, the entire 80s generation, including the earlier actors of 81s and 30s, are already 70 years old. According to the development momentum of the [-]s generation, they should have risen up earlier. Yes, but in today's TV drama industry, there is no second male actor of the same generation who can compete with Xu Rong. If things go on like this, this will not be a good thing for the development of the entire domestic TV drama industry."

"Then what did Director Li say?"

Li Ming seemed to have made up his mind a long time ago, and said without hesitation: "I suggest that for Xu Rong's nomination, only "Latent" and "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law" should be nominated."

As soon as his voice fell, someone immediately objected: "I don't agree, "The North Wind Blows", no matter its artistry or influence, should not be buried. If there is no accident, this work should be the one in the history of TV dramas." The era, the classic finale of period dramas, counting forward, it is not that there is no better than it. In the future, it will have a better reputation and higher ratings than it. It is basically impossible. If such a drama If you can’t even be shortlisted, what kind of talent do you need to be shortlisted, “Let’s Watch the Meteor Shower”?”

"I don't agree either. The Golden Eagle Award is an authoritative award in the TV drama industry across the country. "Harbin Under the Night" and "Paper Drunken Gold", one is a huge hit in the country, and the other is almost all in the top three in the ratings and word-of-mouth of various TV stations in the southern region. If these two plays are not nominated, the audience may question the professionalism of our jury."

The meeting was at an impasse again. Everyone knew that Li Ming was right. The existence of Xu Rong was a nightmare for TV drama actors of the same generation. To nominate his other works, I am afraid that without the audience voting, it will cause huge criticism across the country.

Li Ming spread his hands and said, "My fellow judges, I didn't intend to suppress Xu Rong, but to promote healthy competition in the TV drama industry. A total of 14 dramas were nominated for the male actor award. Kah, one actor took the Five big hit dramas, more than one-third of them, the audience ranges from old to young, from male to female, think about it, think about it, as an audience, if you don’t vote for him, you’ll be right for the ones you’ve seen play?"

"But on the other hand, how many votes can other actors get? Do you want to see that No. 2's votes are even less than a fraction of his before you are satisfied?"

Seeing that everyone was still silent, Li Ming knew that they were afraid of offending others, so he threw out his trump card and said, "This is not my personal idea. I have talked with Xu Rong about this matter a while ago, and he agreed."

After the words were finished, Li Ming saw everyone sitting staring at him in a daze, and said, "Don't be dazed, let's vote."

On the other side, Xu Rong closed the phone, looked up at the signboard of Shanghai Run in the building, and felt complicated for a while.

He didn't come here today to find Jin Fangfang. Right now, Jin Fangfang has officially resigned from Hairun and is busy preparing for the studio.

His contract with Hairun has expired.

Five years have gone by in a flash.

He has grown from a young actor with nothing to a big name who already knows the result before the meeting of the Golden Eagle jury is over.

The experience of five years is much richer than the past 18 years, and it is also more dangerous and complicated. If you make a mistake or say a wrong word, you will be lost forever.

But fortunately, everything is over.

He came to see another person today, Liu Yanming.

As soon as he entered the door, Liu Yanming stood up behind the desk with a smile and said, "I thought that after your contract expired, you would never come to drink with me again."

Xu Rong sat on the sofa and said, "Look at what you said, if I didn't have the company's support, I wouldn't be where I am today. How could I do that kind of thing."

"Hahaha." Liu Yanming said, pointing to several documents on the table, "Wait for me for a few minutes, I will finish these two signatures for approval."


After leaving the door and getting into the car, Xu Rong said: "Actually, if you want me to say, you have to learn to hand over the work to others. A person's energy is limited. Even if it is iron, it can't handle your work method."

Liu Yanming sighed, and said: "If they are capable, why don't I let them do it, the key is that they can't do it."

"Do you know what you look like?"

Liu Yan looked at the smiling Xu Rong in surprise, and asked, "What does it look like?"

"Like an old hen, always keep others under your wings, lest they be blown by the wind and the rain."

Liu Yanming waved his hand with a wry smile, and said, "It doesn't look like that, but last time I had an operation, I couldn't lie down for a moment. I was worried about this, and I was afraid of that. In fact, that's the way it is. Everyone in the company is waiting for me." Let me make up my mind, if it wasn't for your sister-in-law who stopped me outside the ward and rushed to the hospital, if I lie in the hospital for three months, the company can just close down."

"Actually, I think, you might as well let them do it. If you don't do it, you will never be able to do it."

"talk later."

Liu Yanming replied thoughtfully, then turned her head and asked, "Didn't you come to tell me this today?"

"Of course not." Xu Rong shook his head, "I've made a good bottle of wine, I'll give you a taste, and I'll ask you a question along the way."

After arriving at the hotel, Xu Rong revealed the reason for his visit: "Have you seen "Da Ming Dynasty 1566"? It was the film I filmed a few years ago, directed by Zhang Li."

Liu Yanming's grasp of the TV drama market, especially as a whole, is one of the best that Xu Rong knows so far.

Although Hairun has produced less and less blockbusters in recent years, the TV dramas that Hairun invests in are all profitable.

This item alone has thrown off [-]% of domestic counterparts.

"I've watched a few episodes, and it's pretty good."

Liu Yanming nodded first, then smiled suddenly, and said, "But having said that, in comparison, your acting is really not good."

"Ha ha."

Xu Rongqian laughed twice, and said, "I'm going to buy the copyright of "The Ming Dynasty"."

Liu Yanming glanced at him and asked, "Why buy the copyright?"

"I think this show can make money."

"How much will it cost?"


Liu Yanming looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Impossible? At this price, Hunan TV hasn't made much money, has it?"

"Other expenses of 500 million."

"Fuck, it's so dark." Liu Yanming cursed subconsciously, and understood Xu Rong's meaning. "The Great Ming Dynasty" was invested and produced by Hunan TV. It has been three years since it was first broadcast. It can be said that Didn't make a penny.

Holding it in my hands, I always feel panicked. Selling it, the prices offered by all parties are not high because of the lessons learned from the two broadcasts and the two suspensions.

But whether it’s a loss or not is a matter for the stage. Some people only need to put the money in their own pockets and maintain a reasonable appearance on the surface.

In the past, when state-owned factories were restructured, similar things abound.

Xu Rong nodded and said, "It's still for the face of acquaintances. Usually, the asking price is 5000 million yuan."

Liu Yanming pondered for a while, and said: "I don't recommend you buy it. This show has been broadcast twice. The first time it got 0.5 ratings, the second time it was even worse, 0.2. The Internet is full of scolding. Douban With a score of 2.7, there are not many good ones, I think you should think carefully, it is estimated that 500 million will be thrown in, and you will not even hear a sound."

"I don't think so."

Liu Yanming looked at his expression, smiled, and said, "You, you didn't buy this movie to make money, did you?"

Xu Rong laughed, and said, "I have an immature idea, I'm ready"

After Liu Yanming listened to Xu Rong's idea, he was dumbfounded for a long time before he came to his senses and said, "Isn't it a bit unreasonable for you to do this?"

At this moment, he fully understood that Xu Rong had a lot of money and had nowhere to spend it, and the 500 million was spent just to make himself feel better.

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "Never mind him, it's all about rotten rice, I won't say it, you won't say it, who knows?"


After laughing, Liu Yanming thought of another thing, and said: "A while ago, Liu Heping approached me to solicit investment. He said that you are the male lead, and Chen Baoguo and others will also play the role. Is it true?" of it?"

"Yes, there is such a thing."

Liu Yanming patted the table and said, "You said this is nonsense, a TV series has to cast 8000 million yuan, and it's not such a trick to cheat people."

When Xu Rong heard the number mentioned by Liu Yanming, the hand that was about to hold the wine glass also stopped, because he and Liu Heping estimated that if this movie was shot, it would cost about 1.3 million yuan.

Turning around and thinking about it, he completely understood the reason. It should be that Liu Heping himself felt that 1.3 million was too sensational, so he first reduced the budget by one-third, and then continued to ask investors for money after the start-up.

There is no way, with an investment of [-] million, not to mention TV dramas, it is a big-budget movie, and few film companies dare to try it lightly.

Xu Rong understands the specific reasons. On the one hand, the actors' remuneration is caused by the huge budget for location, props, and the half-year-long shooting period on the other hand.

Seeing Liu Yanming looking at him, he knew that he was indeed moved by the script, but because of the huge investment, he didn't dare to be cruel, and said: "Actually, I'll tell you the truth, 8000 million, there is no way to make it. If you follow the According to Liu Heping's estimate, even if all the cast and actors lower their salaries for this film, it will still cost a minimum of [-] million yuan."

At this time, Liu Yanming was not frightened by the figures Xu Rong said, but asked in a low voice: "Do you think this show is really profitable?"

(End of this chapter)

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