I'm just an actor

Chapter 239 1 Generations

Chapter 239 The First Generation

"Schoolboys and girls, good morning everyone, I'm Xu Rong."

"Wow wow wow."

Xu Rong looked at the immature faces full of hope and the curious eyes projected in the lecture theater, and couldn't help being in a daze for a moment.

Compared with these carefree juniors and juniors, in his college days, his mind was full of learning, making money, and expanding his network.

When he just graduated, occasionally, he would feel regretful, after all, he never, nor could he spend four years intoxicated like most of his classmates.

This kind of thought often flickered in his mind during the few days when he was just out of school.

It was only later that he suddenly realized a problem. Isn't the purpose of going to college to study?
It’s just that I don’t know what’s going on, there’s something wrong with the learning environment, which has caused most people’s ideas to be inexplicably inverted, and they take it for granted that the purpose of going to college is not to study, but to talk about a lifelong unforgettable Love, join all kinds of clubs that drink or drink, turn yourself into a "semi-social person", or take a college diploma as a stepping stone.

He doesn't care much about these things now. Some people want to study, some people are willing to fall in love, join clubs, and get involved. It's their own choice. Others have no right to intervene, but after leaving school, they should also You have to pay for your past choices and actions.

Fortunately, even though he has no pension, by his side, there is a classmate Xiao Zhang who has always been carefree. During the time spent together, he can also feel carefree and relaxed, as well as truly Feel that all the hard work is worth it.

The only pity is that Xiao Zhang's talent and dual quotients limit her future heights, just like during the filming of "The Founding of the Party", it is always easy to make her instructor Feng Yuan upright and dumbfounded.

In this regard, Xu Rong can only watch from the sidelines. It is not an easy task to step into Gepai from the Strike system, especially the training that Xiao Zhang received in the past is the training method of the Strike system.

Just like Feng Yuanzheng is extremely opposed to Xiao Zhang’s writing a biography, because he thinks it will limit the imagination of the actors and form a performance under a fixed framework, but in Xu Rong’s cognition, if you don’t write a biography, you will definitely not be able to play a good role.

Furthermore, regarding the use of props and costumes, Feng Yuan is adhering to the concept of restraint in the use of them to maximize the expressive power of the actors themselves, but Xu Rong believes that the functions of auxiliary props should be used as much as possible to better present the characters.

These concepts require Xiao Zhang to gradually change in the new training method.

"The Founding of the Party", now, has been renamed "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party". After two months of sporadic filming, all his roles have been wrapped up.

The overall feeling of filming this movie is only one, tragic.

Unparalleled tragedy.

At this moment, he understood why Li Ming asked him to talk, not because he was outstanding, but because his colleagues of the same generation set him off well.

Even the idols born in the 60s and 70s can suppress the vast majority of actors from the 80s in all aspects.

Although the movie is called "The Founding of the Party", in his opinion, it can also be called "On 50 Ways of 60, 70, 80 and [-] Generations".

Holding "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" in his hand, he reviewed it again in the past two days after filming. In fact, he was not much better than his peers at the beginning, but most of them were standing still and immersed in the The comfort zone, that is, during the years of playing the same type of role from beginning to end, he actively sought transformation, tried different roles and even themes, and completely completed his own transformation at a flying speed.

But the current phenomenon cannot be ignored by him. The 80s generation is basically hopeless, but the future is still long. When the older generation gradually fades out, if the entire industry is half a bottle of vinegar, he will feel that it is meaningless .

Furthermore, when the level of practitioners is poor, no matter how good he is, in the eyes of the audience, Dingtian is only slightly higher than others, but if he is below him, there are more levels and more In contrast, wouldn't that show Xu Rong's excellence?

Therefore, today he was invited by Mr. Cui, the class teacher in his student days and now the deputy dean of the acting school, to give a welcome speech for the juniors and girls of the acting department.

Xu Rong pressed his palms, and when the students calmed down, he said: "First of all, you are welcome to come to Nortel, one of the highest art colleges in the country and even the world, with your dreams in mind, and it is also a great honor to stand here , to share with you a little of my experience."

"Some of you have already filmed movies, and some of you still don't know much about this industry and the profession of actors, but please believe that at this time, you are standing on the same starting line, because the most indispensable thing in this industry is It is just a miracle, becoming famous overnight, becoming famous overnight, it happens every day, of course, you may or may not be an actor in the future, but please keep in mind that no matter what kind of work you do, you must have your own value."

When Xu Rong said this, he looked at the students who were listening carefully with wide-eyed eyes and pricked ears, and suddenly smiled, and said: "Before I came here, I have been thinking about what I should tell you. A speech that encourages you to work hard, or a bowl of chicken soup to strive for the top?"


Xu Rongyang raised the manuscript paper in his hand, and said: "Actually, it's not. I came here today with an exchange mentality. As you can see, I only wrote dozens of words on my speech, which is actually three questions."

"First question, what is performance?"

"Let me talk about my shallow understanding of performance. Why is performance called performance? The appearance is the surface, expression, and expression, and acting is deduction. I think performance is to use our outside, that is, our body to feel our heart, and then through The body expresses what's inside, and that's acting."

"That is to say, performance is a process from the outside to the inside, and then from the inside to the outside, so an actor should pass the script, lines, and inner things of the characters we know to the audience from the inside out, and the audience Watching a play is a feeling from the outside to the inside, through the actor's externalized language, body, clothing, makeup, modeling, etc., to see the content of the play and the inner thoughts of the characters."

"If an actor doesn't feel what's inside, he's crying for crying, laughing for laughing, and what he's acting is superficial. Acting in this way is not called acting, but acting. When you start acting, you will The most touching thing is lost."

"From another perspective, acting is a skill, a comprehensive reflection of the training results of sound, stage, shape, and appearance. If you want to be a good actor, please remember not to use instinct to perform."

Xu Rong paused for a while, seeing that all the students were listening seriously, but only a few took notes, smiled, and said: "After finishing the first question, I will ask the second question to shape the characters." , What should we pursue? In other words, what should we pay attention to, what methods should be adopted, and what kind of results should be achieved, I hope that everyone will ponder and explore by themselves during the next four years of study.”

"The third question is also the last question, how to put aside instinct and act?"

Xu Rong looked at the students in the audience and said: "The above is the main content I want to tell you today, three questions, you haven't started to study and practice, maybe you can't answer, but it doesn't matter, when you reach the senior year In the second half of the semester, I should give you a one-month course, and today's three questions are the homework I assigned to you in advance, and can also be used as your graduation thesis topic."


After Xu Rong's voice fell, there was an uproar in the classroom. Immediately afterwards, all the students jumped like chickens and dogs. Some took out notebooks and pens from their bags, and those who didn't bring notebooks and pens hurriedly turned on their phones. , Write down the last question that Xu Rong mentioned just now.

A girl raised her hand. Seeing Xu Rong's gesture, she asked, "Mr. Xu, can I trouble you to repeat the first two questions just now?"

Xu Rong looked at the girl who looked familiar, she should have acted in "Family with Children", but what was the name, he couldn't remember it for a while, and said with a smile: "Sorry, this is the opportunity, just a little bit If you don’t memorize the first two questions, it’s the same if you only memorize the last question.”

Xu Rong picked up the manuscript paper, and in the astonished eyes of the students, said: "Students, then, see you in three and a half years."

The students in the classroom just stared blankly at Xu Rong. Accompanied by the vice president, Shi Shi left the classroom,
The moment Xu Rong went out, the classroom was instantly like boiling water, and the noise kept rising and falling, almost lifting the roof.

"What were the first two questions? Who remembers?"

"I remember, I remember, the first one is"

In the middle of the campus, Teacher Cui looked at him with relief and asked, "When will you act next time? I'll take your juniors to see it."

Xu Rong understood that what the teacher in charge asked was not about making TV dramas or movies, but dramas.

At present, the performance theories and training methods of various large and small systems are all derived from dramas, and because there is no technical processing, the basic skills of actors are most tested during performances.

The reason why actors from Chinese opera and Shanghai opera are better than Nortel is, in the final analysis, their obsession with rehearsal. After four years of rehearsal, among other things, their basic skills are much higher than Nortel.

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "If there are no accidents, there will be a round around October [-]st."

"How many rounds are there?"

"The plan is twenty games." After Xu Rong said the number, he grinned to himself.

The smile on Cui Xinqin's face became wider, and he said, "Well, keep working hard and strive to perform [-] or [-] shows in a round next year or the year after."

Cui Xinqin has seen every detail of Xu Rong's growth. She has already expected that his achievements will be very high, because in addition to his professional ability, although his conduct in the world cannot be said to be impeccable, as long as it does not involve consulting professional issues , when getting along, it will not make people uncomfortable. Moreover, this child has never been stingy when he should be generous. She heard that Xu Rong spent a lot of money in the school for four years in college.

It's just that she didn't expect everything to come so fast. She has also led several acting classes, and the number of students she has taught is even more unknown. Among the students she taught, Xu Rong was the second to be admitted to Human Arts, but He was the first actor to play a leading role, and as for becoming a member of the Arts and Humanities Committee, he was the first actor to receive this honor since the founding of Nortel Academy, otherwise the academy would not have invited him to be a guest professor.

As for writing the performance guidance theory and supporting training methods into the teaching materials, she never thought of it.

Xu Rong shook his head busyly and said, "Teacher, you think highly of me too, how can I have that ability."

Ten performances, in the drama industry, is a watershed. Below ten performances proves that the performance is average. Either the script itself is flawed, or the level of the actors and directors is limited.

Just like in "The Wilderness" starring Hu Jun, the audience left the stage in large numbers during the performance, and the crew had to disband after one performance. This also caused Hu Jun's dialogue drama, especially for the play "The Wilderness", to have a psychological shadow.

And more than ten performances means that the play is a popular drama at the moment. If it can reach twenty or even thirty performances, after multiple rounds of performances, it will be dubbed a "classic".

However, after being able to perform more than [-] dramas in each round of Renyi, after several rounds of verification, every movement, every line, and even every word of the outstanding actors will be carefully analyzed and scrutinized by the industry peers. Then when a certain five textbooks were revised, they were torn apart, crushed and disassembled, and became a practical model of specific theories.

Xu Rong understood what Teacher Cui meant, just like what he experienced in the past, when he opened the textbook, it was full of Yu Zhi, Zheng Rong and others.

Perhaps Mr. Cui felt that he had entered the art committee of Renyi Art, and he was only one step away from this step, but only he himself understood that the distance was farther than the distance between Nortel and Renyi.

Because the overall standard of the Humanities and Arts Committee, if you don’t count the consultants, has dropped by more than a star compared to 20 years ago.

In his spare time, he also thought about the reasons. In terms of talent, every generation has high and low. As for the guiding theory, compared with the predecessors, his generation and even the previous generation have a wider range of choices, and one way to go If it doesn't work, you can use another one.

Theoretically, only one generation is better than the next generation, but there is no reason why the generation is worse than the first generation.

In the end, he attributed it to the degree of investment. In today's extremely developed film and television market, Pu Cunxi, Liang Guanhua, Ding Zhicheng, Feng Yuanzheng, He Yan, and Wu Gang have all invested in the embrace of film and television. It is doomed to disperse.

In the previous generation, although Mr. Zheng also played a cameo role in "Journey to the West" as the Taishang Laojun, it was only a few years, and most of their energy and thoughts were still in the drama, or in the drama. Among the roles they are going to play.

In the final analysis, pay and harvest are directly proportional.

If the theater gives the actors a share of the box office, each of them must work harder than the film and television actors. Taking "Thunderstorm" as an example, there are a total of eight actors, plus two extras. If there are more than 2000 performances in one round, the box office will be at least 120 million dozen. At the end of the day, even if half of the money is split, an actor can earn 100 million yuan on average, and earn more than [-] million yuan a month. Even the vast majority of film and television actors can't keep up.

If this was the case, the actors in the theater would have worked desperately to rehearse the play without any urging.

But these, he can only think about it, because he can't make the decision at all.

(End of this chapter)

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