I'm just an actor

Chapter 240 Photos

Chapter 240 Photos
Sitting in the car on the way home from school, Xu Rong turned on the system silently.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: A
Eyes: A
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A
Experience Points: 82/100
Glory value: 0/100
Traits: Baji Grandmaster (unmounted) Baji Introduction Baji Mastery (Analysis progress: 58%)

Xu Rong was not too surprised when he saw that his experience value had only increased by 19 points in the past six months.

After the comprehensive evaluation reached "A", the rehearsal of "Thunderstorm" with Pu Cunxi added 8 experience points, and the filming of "The Founding of the Party" increased 9 experience points.

However, the experience points gained by the verbal guidance of many seniors in the courtyard only increased by 2 points.

From his own experience, it is not too little to increase the experience value by 19 points in half a year.

For one thing, his role in "The Founding of the Party" is not particularly large compared to the past. As for the others, they are guest stars, and many of them don't even have a whole line. Neither are too high.

As for the rehearsal of "Thunderstorm", Pu Cunxi is the only one worth learning from.

The seniors in the courtyard had real skills, but they either dragged him to teach him how to paint, or dragged him to chat, and couldn't hear a serious word from their mouths for a long time.

The only two times were Mr. Zheng's demonstrations. One time directly forcibly raised the system's evaluation of his "body" expression, and the other time added 1 point of experience value. Perhaps his own accumulation was at a critical point. In this regard, the old man's demonstration was just the straw that broke the camel's back, but it undoubtedly proved the difference.

Words alone are not enough, you have to teach by example!
Because once the truth is explained by others, he can figure it out after thinking about it carefully, but if he doesn't demonstrate it carefully, he can't integrate the guiding theory and practice at all, and then form an instinct in the performance process.

"Little Zhang?"

"Xu Xing?"


After entering the house, while changing his shoes, he yelled three times in a row, but he didn't hear the slightest response.

Xiao Zhang should go to the courtyard. Some time ago, she was busy playing the role of the mother of the country in "The Founding of the Party". Due to time constraints, the returning class had to be delayed again and again.

Xu Xing also moved to live at home, mainly because he and his classmate Xiao Zhang went out to film, afraid that grandpa would be bored at home alone, so Xu Xing moved here.

But the facts proved that his worries were superfluous. The old man always finished eating and feeding the pigeons, then took the dog to chat and play chess with some old people in the community.

After entering the living room, he poured a glass of water, held the water glass, and prepared to go to the study to get a book, and then went to the terrace to bask in the sun and read a book.

If Xiao Zhang is at home, he will sit in the living room and listen to her talk about the latest news, as well as interesting things or jokes on Weibo.

Only recently, he found something wrong. Weibo is such a waste of time. Xiao Zhang can swipe at any direction, and it takes a long time to swipe, giggling endlessly, but turn off the phone or computer, When I asked her what she saw, she stared at her for a long time but couldn't say a word.

What he noticed was wrong, not because Weibo was a waste of time, but spiritual consumer goods began to show a unipolar trend. Taking film and television works as an example, in the past, they were polarized as a whole. One category was represented by purely commercial films, the purpose of which was for entertainment The public, making money, and the other category are literary and artistic films that should be responsible for "screaming". However, nowadays, literary and artistic films are gradually biased towards commercialism and praise.

Under the dual guidance of capital and policy, the entire film and television industry began to slide into the vortex of entertainment to death.

Entertainment products paralyze the public, which is the basis of survival, otherwise people will think when they are free, and when they think, accidents will happen.

However, film and television works, at least part of them, should and must have artistic components. Nowadays, there are not many "arts", and all that is left is "arts" to make money.

And this process is almost irreversible. With the development of technology, all kinds of entertainment products are desperately vying for the public's time. The methods emerge in endlessly. Driven by interests, vicious competition gradually appears. The more content there is, the lower limit, The more people can attract people's attention, and eventually, a Nash equilibrium will be formed where all parties are close to the lower limit, which means that whoever wants to improve and improve the content quality will become the only loser.

Surrounded by these things in the long run, it often makes most young people today think that the whole world and society are like this, rather than a single example in fact. Over time, the values ​​​​of an era and a group will gradually be distorted.

Just like in the past, no matter whether a man or a woman cheated, they would be despised by others, but now, it is commonplace and commonplace.

Standing at the stairs, Xu Rong thought of "Thunderstorm" again.

He suddenly felt that he seemed to have understood the original intention of the old dean again. Zhou Ping's pain and escape, and his fear of his father were partly, and more partly, should be the condemnation of inner morality.

And this kind of moral condemnation is precisely because the current entertainment products are gradually abandoned, and instead they are whitewashed with other bells and whistles, and they don't even bother to beautify them.

At this time, he somewhat understood why the old dean was able to establish his status as a master in the history of modern literature with "Thunderstorm".

People live in the society as a collective. Although the times are different, the problems they encounter often have commonalities. "Thunderstorm" uses eight characters with completely different identities who live in different classes but have intersections to expose the problems in any society. There will be problems and contradictions in all aspects.

Rather than simple "anti-feudal", or the pursuit of freedom.

There has never been such a moment like this. He wants to perform "Thunderstorm" well, and even hates that he can't do avatars. Presenting the demands of each character clearly to every audience is a good medicine for healing. Well, it doesn't matter if it's a loud slap, I just hope to give full play to the meaning of the drama itself.

It's already September, and he has no other plans for this year except for the round of "Thunderstorm" after October [-]st.

No, there are two more things.

One is to take Xiao Zhang’s parents over to celebrate the New Year, and Xiao Zhang went back to buy New Year’s goods for his grandfather before the Chinese New Year last year. Heart, no money to buy needles.

He doesn't think that because Xiao Zhang is not well-known in the film and television industry, everything she does is justified.

The so-called fame, status, resources, and contacts are all outsiders' opinions. If one day he is immersed in these auras and gets lost, and even treats his closest people with the attitude of treating unrelated people, perhaps his most solid backing will also be will gradually collapse.

And if Xiao Zhang's parents are not brought here, Xiao Zhang will have to go back to Anshan for the New Year, and when the two of them stay in the capital, they will have to spend a deserted New Year.

Another thing is more important in comparison. Although he is worth a lot now, he doesn't have much cash in hand. In order to win the copyright of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", he secretly took the The house in my house was mortgaged for 5000 million.

This is also the understanding he got from reading Zeng Guofan's family letter a while ago. Wu Gang said that he used to be very aggressive, but now he is gone.

He didn't realize the changes in his body in the past. After being confirmed by Xiao Zhang, he thought for a long time and came up with a solution.

He's in debt, he's familiar with it.

Back then, he borrowed 1500 million from Hairun, but it turned out that the inflation rate was rising year by year, and the house he bought with the money has now soared to [-]. Calculated, the appreciation has increased by nearly five times.

As for the loan amount of 5000 million, it was also carefully considered by him.

2000 million is too little, it will not cause any pressure on him at all. When the studio is formally established, there will be no middlemen to get kickbacks, plus the studio's tax incentives, 2000 million, but he will accept a play, or an endorsement Things that can be paid off.

And one or two hundred million is too much, there is no need to put yourself under the pressure of being out of breath.

5000 million is considered a critical point, he has the ability to repay it, but he can't pay it back for a while.

Facts have proved that the effect is really good, at least when playing a great man, it has been affirmed by the vast majority of people.

Xu Rong pushed open the door, walked in, took out "The Complete Works of Zeng Wenzheng Gong" from the bookshelf, and was about to rest on the terrace, when he turned around, he saw an envelope lying quietly on the table.

He walked over and picked it up. The envelope was not sealed. On the front, there was a line of elegant handwriting: Teacher Xu, for you.

The words were obviously written by classmate Xiao Zhang.

Xu Rong smiled, guessing that it should be some small surprise prepared by Xiao Zhang.

Just waiting for him to open it and take out seven or eight photos, he couldn't help being stunned for a while.

The background of the photo looks familiar to him, but he has never seen it before. It is familiar because every village on the street like his hometown has it, but he has never seen the place where the photo was taken.

He didn't even know the person in the photo.

At the corner of the street, an old man with a dark back and a bare back was sitting, with gray hair and a face covered with dimples, one foot was bare and the other was wearing a half-worn cloth shoe, holding a lotus flower in his hand. The porcelain bowl seems to be joking with the person sitting opposite.

He looked at several other photos, all of which he did not recognize, including men and women, but without exception, the background of the photos were all taken in the countryside.

Xu Rong frowned and looked at the photos carefully. Why did Xiao Zhang give herself these photos?

At a certain moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he hurried to the bathroom.

Looking at the face in the mirror, and then looking down at the photo, he completely understood.

He flipped through the photos in his hands one by one, and finally stopped on one of the photos of a thin girl. According to his grandfather, the person in the photo should be his younger sister, but judging by her appearance, she looked more like a younger sister. How old is he.

He sighed softly and said nothing more.

Go downstairs, come to the kitchen, unscrew the gas stove.

He picked up the top one and put it on, but when he was still four or five centimeters away from the flames, he hesitated for a moment and took it back.

Quietly bowed his head and went through them one by one. After a while, he reached out and turned off the fire, put the photos back into the envelope, went upstairs, and stuffed them into a corner of the bookcase.

Maybe grandpa, Xiao Zhang and even his fans and movie fans will despise or even despise them, but he has already recognized the reality. For him, the people in the photos have now become a conceptual existence, let alone absolute Most people think of resentment.

Without them, there would be no him, and if he hadn’t been abandoned, he wouldn’t be where he is today. Growing up in that environment, he might also become the five fat brothers like bean bugs in the photo, Day by day, I eat and wait to die.

And to some extent, he also used them to create a wave of sympathy and affection for himself in front of the national audience.

Keep it, at least you know where you come from.

Recently, Zhang Li has always had doubts in his heart, because Xu Rong called him a long time ago to ask him if he could spare some time and ask him to shoot a scene.

He has long known that Xu Rong has come out to work alone now, but the studio seems to have not officially opened yet. Could it be that he is already anxious to change his identity from an actor to a capital?
At the dinner table, after hearing what Xu Rong's plan was, Zhang Li was stunned.

Remake of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566"!
And only remake his scenes!
How much loss does it take to do such a wicked thing? !

Zhang Li waited until he recovered, looked at him curiously, and asked, "Have you got the copyright?"

Xu Rong picked up the wine glass with a smile, touched Zhang Li, and said, "If you don't get it, how dare you trouble Uncle Li?!"

This is his real purpose for winning "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", and when the filming is over, he plans to give it to the more familiar Beijing TV station for free for a round, so that people all over the country and colleagues in the industry can take a closer look, he Xu When I was still a student, I was able to blow up a group of veteran actors!
What is No.80 of the 1 generation!
What is talent explosion!

What is God chasing and feeding!
Zhang Li thought for a while, and said, "It's not a problem to reshoot, but the key point is that the cost is not a small sum."

Immediately, he laughed again, Xu Rong even took down the copyright, and the reshoots of his scenes were only a drop in the bucket in comparison.

"Don't worry, in terms of remuneration, I will definitely not treat Uncle Li badly."

Zhang Li chuckled, and said, "It's not a matter of reward or not, I'm actually quite puzzled, why do you do this?"

Xu Rong once again used the same rhetoric he used to prevaricate others: "I really think that this is a good show, and it is definitely a good show that can make money."

Zhang Li clinked wine glasses with Xu Rong, laughed, but didn't ask any more questions.

A long time ago, he knew that Xu Rong would definitely become the number one figure in the film and television industry, but he never expected that in just five or six years, everything would have become a reality.

And he looked at the spirit on him, it seems that he has not achieved his ideal goal at the moment.

He couldn't figure out what he was going to do, but since the other party treated each other with courtesy, he also greeted him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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