Chapter 241
On September 2010, 9 in the Gregorian calendar and July 6 in the lunar calendar, it is appropriate to open and break ground.


Six goblets filled with red liquid collided lightly, making a crisp hum.


After classmate Xiao Zhang drank it all in one gulp, she tapped her mouth twice. She hasn't had a good drink for a long time!
Because every time she drank, people who were familiar with her would not dare to drink with her because they were concerned about her drinking capacity, while those who were not familiar with her were also afraid of Xu Rong's opinion, so they would not dare to drink with her.

When she turned her head, she found that the other five people sitting there were staring at her with almost empty wine glasses. She was stunned for a moment, raised the wine glass that was empty in her hand, and said suspiciously: "Didn't you say , want to drink?"

Li Gen and Xu Xing looked at each other, swallowed subconsciously, it was not the first time he met this sister-in-law, but it was the first time he had drunk alcohol.

He reckoned that she should have never drank red wine, because it was not like white wine, and there was no obvious feeling when drinking it, but after a while, the strength of the wine came up, but it was no less relaxing than white wine.

Xu Rong also held the glass expressionlessly, staring at Jin Fangfang, who was also embarrassed when he shouted "Cheers" just now, he knew Xiao Zhang's drinking capacity.

When Wang Yaqin saw the four of you looking at me and me looking at you, Shuang Lang, who is a girl from Sichuan, stepped forward immediately, and without hesitation, she handed the cup to her mouth, and poured the remaining half of the cup into her throat in one gulp.

Seeing Wang Yaqin's eyes wandering back and forth like searchlights after drinking, the four of them handed the wine glass to their mouths again reluctantly, and finished "Cheers".

Today, Xu Rong's studio was officially opened for business, because Pu Cunxi had already talked to him about being the deputy captain of the actor team. No one else was invited to the opening ceremony, it was just an internal celebration.

On the first day of its establishment, the studio signed three artists in one go.

Xu Rong, Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing.

In terms of personnel structure, the number of artists is exactly the same as that of the staff.

In addition to Jin Fangfang and Wang Yaqin, Xu Rong was also entrusted by the teacher to hire Li Gen, and he still did his old job of serving tea and water and running some errands.

Next, the studio will continue to recruit two financial and public relations personnel.

As for the positioning of the studio, Xu Rong has already discussed it with Jin Fangfang. In the short term, the studio is a small workshop for his personal service.

In addition to handling his daily business cooperation and the affairs of the various associations he has joined, he will gradually act as the "capital" of Xu Rong who brings capital into the group.

After the filming of "Snow Leopard", Xu Rong has fully understood the benefits of bringing capital into the group. He will not criticize the director's creation, but if anyone in the group does too much, he will leave or stay, and he will only say a word thing.

The first job after the establishment of the studio was to remake "Da Ming Dynasty 1566".

This is also the teacher's purpose of bringing Li Gen over when he heard that he wanted to set up a studio.

The next step for Li Gen's tea worker is to be a director's assistant. He will learn how to coordinate the relationship between various departments of the crew with a famous director, and then how to film and how to use the camera and other skills.

After putting down the wine glass, Xu Rong motioned to Xu Xing, Xu Xing immediately understood what he meant, and seized control of the decanter before Xiao Zhang.

Only then did Xu Rong cough twice, and said, "Everyone, let me emphasize the following. From now on, the work of our studio will be fully in charge of by our boss Jin Fangfang. Of course, our purpose is to make money, not work for the purpose of making money. They are all hooligans, I hope that under the leadership of Mr. Jin, everyone can make money every day."

Xiao Zhang raised his glass immediately: "Cheers to a better tomorrow!"

Jin Fangfang was wearing a small red suit today, with her hair tied into a single ponytail. She watched classmate Xiao Zhang's face not flushing or panting after drinking a cup. Swinging the back of the chair: "Cheers to a better tomorrow."

As the actual investor of the studio, Xu Rong has already signed a nominee agreement with her. This trust is beyond her expectation.

It's just that she also gradually discovered that things didn't seem to be what she thought, because the studio was just a shitty thing, and she, the person in charge, and Li Gen, the handyman, basically did the same job.

"Cheers to a better tomorrow!"

When I became a family, I realized that it is not easy to earn daily necessities.

Looking at the staff who were slowly moving into action in the scene rebuilt according to "The Ming Dynasty", Xu Rong smiled, but his heart was bleeding.

The total capital injection of the studio was 4500 million, of which 1566 million was spent to acquire the copyright of "Da Ming Dynasty 4000", and the remaining 500 million has been spent to set up the scene, hire Zhang Li's shooting team and rent machines, and 300 million has already been spent.

No matter how desperately, even the salaries of Jin Fangfang's three people will not be able to pay.

Only now did he truly understand the true feelings of those capitalists, spending the least amount of money to auction the most profitable works!
Of course, it would be even better if it didn’t cost money!
As soon as the machine was turned on, Zhang Li immediately noticed the clues. After one shot was finished, he completely understood that Xu Rong spent money to buy the copyright and the root cause of the reshoot.

His impression of Xu Rong is still that of Yu Zecheng in last year's hit "Latent", but looking at it now, Xu Rong's effect has completely exceeded his expectations of him, even if the words are two little girl.

He reckoned that after cutting into a film, in the whole play, in terms of expressiveness, there were not many people who could hold him down.

Zhang Shuishui, a well-known designer in the industry, lived a new shot frame by frame. Since taking over this job, he has re-familiarized with the script of "The Ming Dynasty", because some scenes are not just Xu Rong alone.

In the process of re-editing, some clips can be cut, but some must be kept or replaced.

When Xu Rong was busy re-shooting, Pu Cunxi called "Thunderstorm" again. Considering that it has been several months since the last performance, he rehearsed several times in advance before the performance, so as to prepare for the next performance .

Because Xu Rong will not come back in a few days, and his lines fell on the shoulders of his family members, that is, classmate Xiao Zhang.

After Xiao Zhang came on the stage, according to Pu Cunxi's request, he took his position and read his lines sternly.

Similar situations often happen in the theater. There are always times when actors are delayed due to other things, or unable to participate in rehearsals due to physical reasons. At this time, other people have to take over temporarily. As long as you can say the words whole and put them in the right place, you will be fine.

At the end of one scene, Pu Cunxi did not start to line up the next scene immediately, but turned his head and said to classmate Xiao Zhang: "Xiao Zhang, you can use your emotions as much as possible to make up your words."

Classmate Xiao Zhang pointed at himself uncertainly, and asked, "I, can I?"

Pu Cunxi was also a little uncertain, so he was silent for a while and said, "Let's try."

When the rehearsal started again, Pu Cunxi felt more and more wrong. Xiao Zhang didn't say half a sentence wrong, and his position didn't miss half a step, but the effect of the rehearsal was completely incomparable with the past.

He frowned, squinted his eyes, watched the conversation between Yu Mingjia and Xiao Zhang, and gradually saw the way.

In the previous performances, when he and Xu Rong were present, they would each become the core of the stage and drive the rhythm of the entire crew, but now it was not time for him to appear on the stage, and when Xu Rong was not present, the performance unexpectedly gave him a big surprise. There is a sense of stagnation. Although the actor is also speaking lines and taking positions, he, as a bystander, cannot be pulled into the situation at all.

Pu Cunxi sighed, the members of the crew, if they can perform their roles well, thank God, they can't expect to be the engine of the scene at all.

After waiting for a row, Pu Cunxi clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let's disband, wait for Xu Rong to come back and wait for the row."

Yu Mingjia and others watched Pu Cunxi finished speaking, picked up the script and turned to leave the rehearsal hall, feeling a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

They really worked hard, but facing Xiao Zhang, their emotions just couldn't get up no matter what.

Only then did they realize the meaning of Xu Rong's existence, and why Xu Rong was nominated for the art committee after only one year in the academy. During rehearsals and performances, he was always able to use subtle movements And actions that affect co-stars.

In late September, after Pu Cunxi ran to the studio and squatted for six days, Xu Rong watched Zhang Shuishui finish the last edit, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Next, Jin Fangfang will send the film to Beijing TV Station. These were agreed before. Considering that the results of the two broadcasts of "Da Ming Dynasty" were not ideal, Xu Rong didn't ask for money, but hoped that Beijing TV Station could do as much as possible multicast two episodes of .

After doing all this, even though Xu Rong knew that he could only obey the destiny, when he thought of the results of the previous two broadcasts, he always felt uneasy, and he could only secretly pray that the ratings after the broadcast would be higher. Give Beijing TV the courage to finish the last episode.

In his opinion, especially as he gets older and sees the complexity of human nature, he feels more and more that "The Ming Dynasty" is a good drama.

But his own performance in the past was limited to the level, and among the actors, he was definitely not outstanding.

Today, such a good drama should not be buried.

I hope that the viewers of Beijing TV Station will be more or less willing to watch for a while because of the quality of his previous works.

There is still half a month before the performance of "Thunderstorm", so I have to re-enter the rehearsal of "Thunderstorm".

"Xu Rong, Xu Rong."

Early in the morning, Xu Rong parked the car in the courtyard and just entered the gate of the Capital Theater when Xu Rong ran into Zhang Heping who was walking towards him.

Xu Rong looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Dean, you're here early, are you going out?"

Zhang Heping's chubby face was full of smiles, and said: "Go, go to my office, a friend brought me some good tea a few days ago, please try it."

The relief in Xu Rong's heart immediately receded like a tide. He couldn't believe that Zhang Heping met him by chance and invited him to drink tea by chance.

In fact, he already vaguely understood that whether it was Pu Cunxi or Zhang Heping, they were chaining themselves in the courtyard intentionally or unintentionally.

Although he is a member of the art committee, he is a newcomer after all. It stands to reason that he should not be in charge of such an important event as the recruitment.

But Pu Cunxi proposed that, and Zhang Heping agreed.

He didn't understand it at the time, but after careful consideration, he realized the significance of it.

Whether it is a member of the art committee or the deputy captain of the actor team, these titles, while bringing power, must also bear corresponding responsibilities.

Sitting in Zhang Heping's office, Xu Rong picked up the small teacup and sipped Zhang Heping's freshly cooked raw pudding.

The taste is very strange, not bitter, but a musty smell like something left for too long.

"How is it?" Zhang Heping looked at him with a smile, "I heard that nine out of ten of you who often stay on the set have stomach problems. This tea nourishes the stomach and you can drink it often."

"Dean, it's a waste of money for you to drink this for me, and I don't understand."

"Haha, you'll understand after drinking."

After Xu Rong raised his head and drank all the tea in the cup, he smiled and put the cup gently on the tea tray, and asked, "The dean asked me, did you have something to say?"

Zhang Heping laughed, pointed at him and said, "You, why are you so anxious, don't worry, it's a good thing."

Xu Rong's heart tightened suddenly, because last year, when Pu Cunxi approached him and wanted him to study abroad, he had the same tone and expression.

Seeing Xu Rong looking at him suspiciously, Zhang Heping said: "That's right, the courtyard is planning to rearrange "Family" next year, which is Mr. Ba Jin's repertoire adapted by the old director. I discussed it with Pu Cunxi and want you to act in it." One of the main characters."

Xu Rong hardly hesitated, and said: "Dean, it is my honor that you are willing to entrust me with such a classic play, but I always feel that my understanding of "Thunderstorm" is not deep enough. I still have to continue to study, so let’s wait a few years, and when I finish playing "Thunderstorm", I will consider other plays."

At the beginning of next year, he has already finalized a TV series, and at the end of the year, there is another big-budget movie waiting for him.

And in terms of drama, as he said, "Thunderstorm" has not been performed yet, and he doesn't want to think about other things for the time being.

Zhang Heping was not surprised by his answer at all. During the production of "Thunderstorm", he saw Xu Rong's dedication. Except for Pu Cunxi and Zhang Wankun, the others were generally behind, but even so, in the previous In the last performance, Pu Cunxi and Xu Rong carried the entire "Thunderstorm" crew soaring into the sky.

Among the young actors in the academy, Xu Rong is the only one with this kind of ability, and he is also an indispensable member of the classics.

Yu Zhen and others are not pig teammates, but they can't help him. He reckons this is the main reason for his resistance.

Zhang Heping poured him another glass and asked, "Don't you want to hear who the other actors are?"

Xu Rong tilted his head and looked at him, and asked with a smile: "Why, the dean is going to bring all the crew of "Tea House" over to perform "Home"?"

If this is the case, he really has to think about it, because even if he invests heavily in movies, it is impossible to gather so many high-level talents at once.

Zhang Heping shook his head with a smile, and said, "Let's guess more boldly."

"Well, be bold?" Xu Rong looked at him incredulously, "Dean, do you want to do it yourself?"

Zhang Heping laughed "haha", waved his hands and said, "I can't do it, it's like this, I plan to use the actors of "Wotou Guild Hall". In addition, I have already talked with Mr. Lan Tianye and Mr. Zhu Xu a few days ago, and they also They all agreed to play."

Xu Rong's face gradually became serious, and he said immediately: "Dean, you must be able to see that the performance of "Thunderstorm" is not ideal, mainly due to my lack of personal performance experience, I think it is necessary to appear on stage more often , to accumulate experience in stage performances, and as a member of the academy, how can I push back when the academy needs me? Dean, Xu Rong is obliged to appear in "Family"!"

(End of this chapter)

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