I'm just an actor

Chapter 242 1 Days

Chapter 242 One Day

"Attack quickly and make an order to guarantee the bottom line!"

"Organization growth, staff increase first!"

"Decisive battle in golden autumn, we must win! We must win! We must win!"

Standing alone in the crowd, Yu Zhen looked at the appearances of all the demons including Xu Rong dancing wildly, and felt that he was surrounded by a group of lunatics.

Early this morning, according to Pu Cunxi's notice, he went to the courtyard to rehearse "Thunderstorm", but as soon as he entered the door, Xu Rong told him that the rehearsal was temporarily postponed for one day.

Just as he was about to go back to rest, Xu Rong first dragged him to the dressing room to put on makeup that he couldn't recognize himself, and then dragged him to here, the sales department of a large insurance company.

He knew that Xu Rongla must have his own considerations when he came here, because in comparison, he was busier than himself.

But after standing for a long time, Xu Rong didn't tell him the purpose, and he couldn't figure it out by himself.

While having no choice but to dance the so-called "money grabbing dance" with others, he turned his head and asked in a low voice to Xu Rong who was enjoying the dance beside him, "What are we doing here?"

Xu Rong shook his head gently and said, "Don't worry, observe carefully."

A young girl in her twenties who presided over the morning meeting was not tall, with an oval face and small eyes with single eyelids, but the single ponytail tied behind her head seemed very energetic.

After going through the early morning meeting and the second morning meeting similar to those of some special organizations, Yu Zhen finally recovered, because he always felt that he was out of tune with the surrounding environment and seemed extremely embarrassed.

"Let's go downstairs."

After Xu Rong finished speaking, he took Yu Zhen downstairs and said as he walked, "Brother Yu, I know you must have a lot of doubts in your heart. Don't worry, just watch."

The girl who presided over the morning meeting had already sat behind the counter in the lobby on the first floor, handling business for the customers who lined up early in the morning.

The two went down the stairs, just in time to see an old lady with gray hair sitting on a chair in front of the counter, holding a red nylon bag, pulling at the counter, and asked: "Little girl, when people buy insurance, they give quilts and don't pay for it." It's pots and pans, why don't you send anything?"

The little girl said calmly with a smile on her face: "Grandma, I'm sorry, we won't give it away."

The old lady became anxious on the spot, and said relentlessly: "Why don't you give it away, people give it away every year, honestly, did you make it up to yourself?!"

The little girl seemed quite speechless, but she still maintained a polite smile, and said, "Grandma, I'm really sorry, we really don't have any, and we are not allowed to give gifts to customers. Those gifts may be purchased by the salesperson themselves. You can ask the salesman who billed you this question.”

The old lady didn't listen to her words at all: "Why, I pay you more than 1 yuan a year, oh, you don't give any small gifts?"

"Anyway, I don't care, you have to give me something." The old lady said, glanced left and right, saw the white air humidifier by the counter, walked over without saying a word, and pulled out the plug, " Forget it, forget it, I don’t want your presents anymore, I’ll just use this.”

The girl was in a hurry, she bought the air humidifier herself, and hurriedly said: "Grandma, grandma, I can't give you that one, it's mine."

"What's yours? It belongs to your company." The old man didn't listen to her at all, and trotted out of the gate with the humidifier in his arms. I've never seen such a stingy one, and other houses give it away, so why don't you give it away?"

"What, go to the city company to get it?" At this moment, the middle-aged man who was already standing in front of the counter and leaning on crutches overwhelmed all the laughter in the hall, "I paid here when I paid, oh , Now I get the cash, you said let me go to the city company, why don't you say let me go to Japan to get it, you don't want to play hooligans like you."

At this time, the girl couldn't care less about chasing the humidifier that was stolen by the old lady, so she forced a smile and explained: "Uncle, our company's regulations are like this, large amounts of cash must be collected from the city company. I wouldn't want you to make a trip if I could, but we don't really have cash here."

The middle-aged man became even more angry, pointing to his leg in plaster, and shouted: "Don't pretend to be asleep, open your eyes and look carefully, look carefully, what do you want me to do, what do you want me to do ?”

The girl seemed to be frightened, and said: "Uncle, why don't you come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and I'll tell the people from our city company to come here with cash."

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, which day is it? Well, I didn't say anything when I asked for the money. Now I'll let you settle the claim. After a while, the certificate, and the medical record, I finally got all the materials you mentioned, and I'll get the cash." It’s not okay, that’s not okay, are these things you guys are doing immoral or not?”

"Hey, you're still showing your face. Where did you come to show your face to me? Call your leaders, call your leaders!"

"I have to ask him what kind of rule this is!"

Sitting next to Xu Rong, Yu Zhen looked at the girl whose eyes were red from being scolded by the middle-aged man but who had to forcefully maintain a smile, and said, "That little girl is so pitiful. Actually, none of this has anything to do with her. It’s too troublesome to break the company’s rules.”

"This is not a broken company." Xu Rong said with a smile. The reason for coming here is that the girl who handles business behind the counter went to his studio for an interview two days ago. , Jin Fangfang received an endorsement.

This is the big insurance company.

He had come here to see the situation, but after only a day's experience, the interest generated by the high endorsement fee completely died down.

When customers buy insurance, there are tens of pages of contracts and hundreds of clauses. No one will carefully investigate the rights and responsibilities one by one. Their understanding of the contract is limited to what the salesman wants them to know.

But once a claim occurs, the contract in black and white, the customer can hardly tell, and the only way is to make a fuss.

If he spoke for such a company, he would probably be scolded to death.

"I've been doing this job for a long time and I'm depressed."

Xu Rong nodded gently, but he knew that today was just the beginning.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, after dealing with a dozen customers whose scalps were numb, the girl almost collapsed behind the counter. She looked at the two people who had been sitting on the chair for a whole day, and asked feebly : "Are you still leaving?"

Even though she knew that Xu Rong was a big star, she couldn't arouse even half of her enthusiasm at this moment.

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Wait a while."

"Chen Mengmeng, a meeting in the meeting room at 06:30."

At this moment, a capable voice came from upstairs, followed by a middle-aged woman in her forties with an oval face. The middle-aged woman only poked her head, but when she saw the man lying on the counter, The girl suddenly rushed down like a gust of wind.

"Chen Mengmeng, why are you sitting here? There are still customers here. You are the image and face of our company if you sit here. If you don't look good during working hours, you will be fined fifty."

The girl sat up straight silently, lowered her head, but said nothing.

The middle-aged woman suddenly became unhappy: "Did you hear that?"

Chen Mengmeng nodded silently, and said in a low voice, "I heard it."

The woman gave up and said: "Well, finish the business of these two gentlemen and come up to the meeting."

The girl suddenly raised her head and begged, "Leader, can I take a day off today?"

The middle-aged woman frowned and stared at her, asking, "Why, what's the matter?"

Chen Mengmeng lowered her head again: "I'm a little tired today, I want to rest."

"Rest? When did you see me rest?" The middle-aged woman immediately frowned like a cat that stepped on its tail, "Chen Mengmeng, your work attitude is very problematic. Let me tell you, before I The work you do is several times that of yours now, and you don’t take a few days off throughout the year. Now it’s the juncture of business, how dare you say rest, if I were you, I would be ashamed and smashed to death here.”

The middle-aged woman saw that Xu Rong and the two standing on the side looked strange, her tone eased, and she said: "Take a break, absolutely can't be used as an excuse not to work, you are young, you don't stay in the company honestly, why go home?" go?"

"Hurry up and finish the business for these two gentlemen and come up to the meeting."

Chen Mengmeng lowered her head and said after a while, "Okay, leader."

When the middle-aged woman left, Xu Rong walked over, handed her a pack of papers, and said, "After the resignation procedures are completed, go report."

The girl touched her tears with her sleeve and said, "Thank you."

After walking out of the sales department, Xu Rong looked at Yu Zhen who was silent, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Yu Zhen shook his head and said, "I feel very uncomfortable."

Xu Rongdao: "Her salary is [-] yuan a month. Can you imagine that this is a job that should be done with a salary of [-] yuan?"

Yu Zhen turned his head and asked, "Why didn't she resign?"

"After all, it is a state-owned enterprise." Xu Rong glanced back, "It was her parents who paid for it through their relationship. There are 25 people in this sales department, but there are only six of them actually working, and the remaining [-] are hers. I have hardly seen it a few times, that is to say, she has actually undertaken the work of several people by herself."

Yu Zhen nodded lightly, and asked, "Her leader said just now that the meeting will be held, what time will it be?"

Xu Rongdao: "It's usually around eleven o'clock, but now it's their business sprint stage, it seems to be called "Golden Autumn War" or something, it will be open until two o'clock in the morning, and there are many, many people like her in this industry, from all walks of life Karma, it’s all like this, it’s just that we usually don’t understand it.”

Yu Zhen completely understood what Xu Rong meant, and silently recalled what he saw today, until he got into the car, and then said softly: "Mr. Xu, thank you."

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "No need."

When Xu Rong took Yu Zhen to squat in the sales department of the insurance company for a day, Pu Cunxi led Zhu Xiaopeng to wander around the school.

This is the method he and Pu Cunxi discussed in the past week. Judging from the performance of the last performance, the performances of Pu Cunxi, him, Zhang Wankun, and Yu Mingjia can all be regarded as remarkable, but drama is not a one-person drama. However, during the performance, even if a line of a character is inappropriate, it will immediately destroy the situation that others have worked hard to create.

Their idea is to let them have a deeper impression and understanding of that group.

Lu Dahai’s fighting spirit is to fight for the rights and interests of workers from the bottom of his heart. Although nearly a hundred years have passed, he has come full circle and returned to the original point.

And Xu Rong can imagine that if Lu Dahai plays well, "Thunderstorm" can really cause a sensation.

Because there are so many "Lu Dahai" at present that it is almost impossible to count them.

But these are all covered up under the rapid growth of GDP and other economic data, and under the praise of those economists who are dubbed "experts".

Many people have forgotten that Mr. Sun Yat-sen first introduced the word "economy" in the meaning of "Economy" in the "Book of Rites", but at the same time as developing the economy, he forgot what to be economical and what to be economical .

This is the responsibility that Xu Rong has gradually felt after becoming a drama actor and a film and television worker with great influence in China.

As for whether it can be promoted to a positive direction and further improved, he is not clear, but as Mr. Lu Xun said, it must be flying and flying.

When he got home and entered the door, he found that the house was pitch black and there was no one there.

After dialing classmate Zhang's phone number, Xu Xing's voice came over there: "Brother?"

"Where have you been?"

"We are taking grandpa for a stroll outside, do you want to come?"

"Oh, I'm still busy, don't stay out too late, come back early."


Xu Rong hung up the phone and put on his shoes again.

He doesn't want to cook.

It's been a busy day today, and I'm really tired.

After making a round of phone calls, I realized that everyone was busy, only Aunt Xu had nothing to do, but she had to take care of the child at home and couldn't come out at all.

Just right, I haven't seen Qiuqiu for a while.

Take a meal along the way.

He drove to Aunt Xu's house in a familiar way, and when he entered, he saw Qiuqiu hugging the doll he gave her last time, sitting on the floor watching TV.

Xu Rong pointed to Qiuqiu who was staring at the TV intently, and asked: "Sister, Qiuqiu is watching TV at such a young age, can you understand it?"

"It's more than two years old, how do you know that people can't understand." Aunt Xu smiled gently, "You go and play with her, I will cook first, don't leave later, we will leave after eating together. "

Seeing him coming, Qiuqiu glanced at him first, turned her face away, and pretended not to see him on purpose.

Xu Rong looked at her strangely, why did she still recognize her as a stranger, she didn't know her very well last time.

"Qiaoqiu, uncle is here to see you."

Qiuqiu turned his head suddenly, staring at him with dark double-lidded eyes: "Did you forget something?"


"Mom said let me call you godfather!"

Suddenly, Xu Rong scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "Then godfather is wrong. I have been busy recently, and I haven't had time to see you. No, I just ran over after I finished my work."

Qiuqiu tried her best to widen her eyelids and eyes: "Really?"

"of course it's true."

"Then tell me, who is more beautiful, this woman or my mother?"

Xu Rong looked at Yun Niang on the TV that the little girl was pointing at, and was stunned for a moment, where did this go?
While he was in a daze, Qiuqiu got up from the ground and ran to the kitchen with bare feet "piapiapia": "Mom, mom, godfather said that vixen is prettier than you!"

Xu Rong smiled helplessly, this little girl really couldn't tell she was less than three years old,
He just turned his head and looked at "The Great Ming Dynasty" playing on TV. He looked down at the time on his watch and was suddenly stunned.

Because the deputy director of the editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station told him that this drama will not be broadcast in prime time.

But now, what's going on?

(End of this chapter)

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