I'm just an actor

Chapter 243 Investing

Chapter 243 Investing
A little earlier, when Xu Rong took Yu Zhen to observe Chen Mengmeng's daily work, Beijing TV station.

Zhu Jiang, deputy director of the editor's office, looked at the latest statistical data, and his already long face stretched even longer. He casually threw the result into the arms of the chubby girl standing opposite the desk, and said, "The data is wrong. , go check and check, see what's wrong."

The girl took the report and curled her lips silently. The director of my family has no other skills, but a flatterer, and she is very lecherous.

Also, the data was wrong, and she doubted whether he had read it seriously!

It's just that when she lowered her head and scanned it again, she found that something was wrong. The ratings of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" broadcast on the second set were a bit strange.

The audience rating of the premiere broadcast three days ago reached 1.9. Looking at the very good opening data, everyone understood that this data was full of water, because they put Xu Rong's stills at the forefront during the promotion.

In fact, they have all seen this movie, Xu Rong doesn't have many roles, at best he can only be regarded as a supporting role.

By the next day, the play was immediately beaten back to its original colors.

The ratings started off with Tianhu and plummeted to 0.7.

After the results came out, Zhu Jiang did not stop the broadcast immediately. In order to compete for the ratings of "Latent", he owed Xu Rong a favor the year before last.

And now Xu Rong is not just an actor, he has heard that the appointment of Renyi has been approved, and Xu Rong is at the same level as him in the administrative level.

He has to give this face, because the place Renyi is really too evil, those who rise fast, like riding a rocket, those who rise slowly, can only be a walk-on for a lifetime, and the current Xu Rong obviously belongs to the former .

After accepting it, he made a plan. As long as the ratings don't fall below 0.3, he will bite the bullet and let him finish the broadcast. Anyway, he doesn't need money.

And the ratings on the third day after it just came out, unexpectedly became 4.1.

This data, you can guess with your ass, it must be a problem in the statistical process.

Half an hour later, when Zhu Jiang was chatting with his young confidante on the phone, the chubby girl knocked on the door again and walked in.

Zhu Jiang was a little displeased, but it didn't show on his face, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Director, the data is correct, it is 4.1."

Seeing that Zhu Jiang didn't believe it, the girl added: "The data is indeed all right, Director Liu verified it himself."

Zhu Jiang slowly put down the phone, stared at the girl, and asked, "Are you sure?"


Zhu Jiang took off his glasses lightly, took a few breaths, then took out a piece of jade-white mirror cloth from his pocket without haste, wiped it vigorously for a few times, put it on again, turned on the computer, and casually After browsing a few pages, he turned his head and said, "Why are you still standing here? Immediately, immediately, go and adjust the broadcast time for me. From today onwards, go to the stars."

Although it was free, Xu Rong only gave the TV station the right to broadcast for one round, and he didn't even think about asking for it, because he agreed to help broadcast it because of his past affection.

However, gradually different evaluations from the past on the Internet, as well as freshly released results, cannot be hidden from colleagues in the industry who are closely watching the market for a few days.

If he was still playing on the second set, the advertisers would only come to him if they were stupid.

Two days passed without a sound. Beijing Satellite TV stopped broadcasting the series that was originally on air, and switched to broadcasting "The Ming Dynasty".

Because this is a drama starring Xu Rong.

With the gradual increase of attention, word-of-mouth about "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" on the Internet has undergone a shocking reversal. From the past, Qing Yishui's "bad drama" and "the screenwriter and director did not graduate from elementary school" showed extreme polarization.

Some viewers, as in the past, criticized wildly, such as "garbage", "no conflict, plain as water", "the decisive factor of a good drama is a good opening and ending song, which happens to be neither in Ming Dynasty, and the plot is more like my grandma's Foot wraps, playing tricks and pretending to be clever." Extremely bad reviews like that.

What is different from the past is that another part of the audience also gave extreme praise, but compared with the bad reviews, most of them defined this drama with short "divine drama" and "conscience of historical drama".

Jin Fangfang was wearing a large white T-shirt, sitting cross-legged on the ground, exposing her fair and delicate calves, and hung up a call that had just come in again.

For a while, she couldn't take it easy.

Since noon today, many TV stations across the country have called, hoping to purchase the exclusive right to broadcast "Da Ming Dynasty 1566".

Because this drama not only has a hot ratings on the Beijing TV station, but also has extremely polarized evaluations, which is simply one of the rare spectacle in the industry.

But there is no doubt that the heated discussions and debates on the Internet have attracted huge enthusiasm and attention, because there has never been a TV series with such polarized evaluations as "Da Ming Dynasty 1566".

She was very clear about Xu Rong's purpose for buying the show.

Over the past few years, Xu Rong has always had two obsessions. One is that he has not been able to play the villain he wanted to play, and the other is that "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" has been suspended twice.

The two also privately discussed the reasons for the dismal ratings of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" many times, in order to summarize the rules and avoid receiving similar scripts in the future.

She had heard him sigh inadvertently more than once, that was his first work after he learned to act, and it was also the work with the highest level of cast since he started working in the industry.

In the end, the two attributed the reason to "the viewing threshold is too high", but she vaguely noticed that in Xu Rong's heart, he had self-doubt.

Because he always said that among the main creators of the whole play, his overall performance may be the bottom two.

Although Xu Rong didn't say anything, Jin Fangfang could feel that Xu Rong suspected that his own performance affected the ratings of the whole drama. In the early stage of "Da Ming Dynasty", Shen Yishi was the core of the contradiction.

Call after call now seems to confirm his past self-doubt.

Those who called were not only the editor-in-chief offices of David TVs across the country, but also video platforms that had emerged in the past two years.

Considering that Xu Rong was going to rehearse tomorrow, she didn't hesitate at all. After sorting out the materials, she changed into sportswear, put on a coat, and went out.

On the other side, Xu Rong was sitting on the rowing machine, and seemed to suddenly remember something, stopped, and said to Xiao Zhang, who was circling around the gym like a zombie: "Xiao Zhang, I remembered something."

Classmate Xiao Zhang was wearing his baggy shirt and hot pants, and he was passing by him step by step.

This is one of the training methods of the format.

The training methods of each school are different, some are beautiful, some are particularly ugly, just like the Method School has a special method of imagination training, requiring the practitioner to sit on a chair in a dark room with their eyes closed and put their hands on their knees , imagine that the thigh is being irradiated by a circular light spot until it feels hot and tingling.

Xu Rong tilted his head to look at classmate Xiao Zhang, and asked, "Do you want to play a role?"

"Of course." Xiao Zhang subconsciously stopped, turned his head, and said with absolute certainty.

But then, she sighed helplessly, and said: "But a few days ago, Teacher Feng Yuanzheng said that I still need to exercise for two years, so it's best to play tricks first."

Xu Rong shook his head seriously, and said: "I think with your level, you can act now. Didn't I teach you how to act Sifeng before?"

"what do you mean?"

During the day, she had heard from Xu Rong that the only unsatisfactory crew of "Thunderstorm" was Xinyue's Sifeng.

Xu Rong gave her affirmation before she finished speaking, and seemed to think of something, after glancing at Xu Xing, she said: "By the way, didn't you buy a maid outfit before, I will see if it fits when I put it on later. Not suitable."

"Huh?" Xu Xing, who was wearing a tight black sportswear and earphones on the treadmill not far away, couldn't help flickering with doubts in his expression. She came from an acting class, so she naturally knew that Sifeng was the maid of the Zhou family.

But do you have to wear a maid outfit to see if it fits?
Inadvertently, she turned her head and glanced at her elder brother and sister Xiaofei. She felt the atmosphere that was about to freeze under the two people's eyes, and hurriedly withdrew her gaze.

She was keenly aware that she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

But her brother's expression was so serious, and his tone was so serious, for a moment, she couldn't help wondering if her mind was unhealthy.

"In Renyi, after all, there are not many opportunities like this." Seeing that Xiao Zhang's brows were slowly wrinkled, Xu Rong added righteously.

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes, and after touching the beam for about three seconds, he hummed and continued his practice.

As soon as Mr. Xu pouted, she knew that he must not hold his fart well.

When filming "Snow Leopard", on a whim, she bought not only a set of girls' school uniforms from the Republic of China, but also a similar maid outfit that Chen Yi wore while working in a hotel, but she only wore the school uniform once.

Then my legs were sore for a few days.

Because that day, Mr. Xu came up with a lot of tricks.

But it's really tiring.

It's just that since then, Teacher Xu has been more attentive than her. Whenever she is about to forget that there are two uniforms at home, Teacher Xu will always remind her without any trace.

As if bewildered, he would find all kinds of excuses to get her to wear it every now and then.

She is not stupid.

After wearing it, my legs are sore for several days.

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

Xu Rong shook his head regretfully, and was about to try to persuade him again, when the cell phone placed at the door suddenly rang.

He got up and walked over, took a look, it was Jin Fangfang calling.


"You still have to come here so late, is there something urgent?"

After hanging up, Xu Rong picked up the towel next to him, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said, "Practice first, Jin Fangfang came here and asked me for something, I'll go up and have a look."

Classmate Xiao Zhang ignored him, and walked his own zombie steps, but Xu Xing was too embarrassed to respond at this time, because no matter how she thought about it, his brother's proposal just now seemed very wrong.

Then she had no choice but to pretend that she didn't hear the exchange between brother and sister Xiaofei just now.

After going upstairs, Jin Fangfang rang the doorbell after a while.

Jin Fangfang stood outside the door, looking at Xu Rong who was only wearing a tight black vest, glanced at his chest, looked away, and asked, "Aren't you cold in such thin clothes?"

"I was just exercising, so I came up directly."

After entering the living room, Xu Rong poured him a glass of water, sat down on the sofa beside her, and asked, "Why did you come here again so late, you should give yourself some time in your life."

"Work is my greatest joy."

Jin Fangfang put the bag aside, took out a copy of the latest statistical data chart, pushed it to him and said, "Didn't you wonder why "Da Ming" started to be broadcast in the prime time of Beijing Satellite TV last night?"

"Hey, the ratings results are out. The ratings of the first day's broadcast were 1.9. The ratings of the second episode's noon broadcast are mainly due to your appeal. After all, "Daughter-in-law" broke the record of last year's "Latent" TV station in Beijing. The ratings record, this is enough to prove your huge influence in the TV drama market, there are not many TV dramas in the TV drama industry that can get such a high ratings without much publicity."

Xu Rong didn't pick it up to look at it. The ratings of the premiere broadcast of 1.9 were not enough for Beijing TV to broadcast on the stars, and it was already the fifth day after the broadcast. It doesn't make much sense to look at this data at this time.

Jin Fangfang continued: "But the next day, the trend of this drama began to turn to normal, and the next day was 0.7."

Xu Rong couldn't help being even more puzzled, and asked, "Then why is it suddenly broadcasting in prime time on Satellite TV?"

Jin Fangfang said calmly: "On the third day, the ratings were 4.1, and yesterday's ratings were 5.7."

"What the hell?" Xu Rong stared blankly at Jin Fangfang, he couldn't have imagined that in just one day, the ratings went from 0.8 to 4.1, this is so magical.

And if the ratings of 4.1 can be stabilized, it can basically be guaranteed to sit firmly in the second place of Beijing Satellite TV's annual ratings this year.

The first "Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law" that set off a boom in mother-in-law dramas across the country.

Jin Fangfang shook her head and said: "Not only that, I have received more than a dozen calls today, some from TV stations, some from online video platforms, and they all hope to get the right to broadcast "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" as soon as possible."

Xu Rong nodded. With a ratings of 5.7, it has become one of the most popular dramas this year. Given the current market environment, it is inevitable that TV stations will compete for it. However, he has long heard that online video platforms have been competing for it in the past two years. When it came to copyright, I was very willing to spend money, so I asked: "What are the online video platforms?"

"Currently we have received two, LeTV hopes to get the copyright from us, and Youku is buying the broadcasting right for three years."

"What about the price?"

Jin Fangfang's face gradually became strange, and said: "LeEco's meaning is that we will not pay us in cash, but in the form of equity, which is equivalent to your direct investment in LeEco."

(End of this chapter)

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