Chapter 244
Not long after Xu Rong left the gym, Xu Xing quietly took off his earphones, turned his head and glanced at Xiao Zhang, who had collapsed on the massage chair beside him, hesitated for a moment, and asked suddenly: "Sister Xiaofei?"

"Ah?" Xiao Zhang replied feebly. She was too tired, because she had to liberate her nature and release her potential. At this time, she felt that her little arms and legs had no strength at all.

She heard a saying from Teacher Xu a long time ago that acting is a profession very similar to welding.

Both require physical strength and are not high, but if the technology is not up to that level, even if you weld a hundred times or a thousand times, you still have to do what you want.

Just like Mr. Feng Yuanzheng said, his first move in the first play of the Renyi rehearsal was to lift the door curtain and enter the stage.

For such a simple action, the director repeatedly asked him to "go down and do it all over again" all morning.

The movements were very simple and effortless, but under the watchful eyes of a dozen people, at noon, he felt that he could not raise his hands at all, because his strength and courage were completely exhausted.

Xu Xing looked at her quietly, and said indifferently: "Are you familiar with Jin Fangfang?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "Well, it's not bad, she is very good and very smart. Teacher Xu said that in the business of brokers, there are few people who are better than her."

"By the way, she graduated from the National People's University."

Xu Xing was silent again, and after a while, she couldn't bear it any longer, she got off the treadmill, sat on the chair next to Xiao Zhang, and asked, "Didn't you realize that she sometimes looks at her brother?" The look in your eyes is weird?"

"It's just the feeling, the feeling, the obsession."

Xiao Zhang also sat up straight, rubbed his sore calf, and said naturally, "I know."

Xu Xing didn't understand at all. If she was standing in Xiao Zhang's position, she would definitely try to replace Jin Fangfang, so she asked, "Then why do you still pretend like you don't know anything?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang tilted his head, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Do you want to ask me why I don't mind?"


"Of course I mind, but what I mind is not that others like Mr. Xu, because there are many people who like him, which proves that my vision is quite good, and when many people don't like Mr. Xu, I was the one who liked him first. He." Classmate Xiao Zhang analyzed with reason, "What I care about is whether Teacher Xu likes me or not."

As Xiao Zhang was talking, he suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at Xu Xing, and said, "Just like you, sometimes the eyes of Mr. Xu are very wrong. I haven't said anything about you."

Xu Xing stood up suddenly, and when he was about to defend himself in a panic, he saw Xiao Zhang suddenly raised his head and smiled.

"I'm joking."

Xu Xing suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and didn't dare to let her continue, she straightened her back imposingly, and said: "Anyway, I don't feel comfortable, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against a thief, Come on, let's go up and show that vixen surnamed Jin, although we are not as fierce as her, we have longer legs and a better figure than her!"

Xiao Zhang patted her little butt conveniently, and said with a smile: "It's even taller than hers."



Hearing Jin Fangfang's words, Xu Rong felt quite novel. LeEco has become unique among many online video platforms in China in the past two years, and has taken the lead. copyright.

It is said that many of them are less than [-].

The reason why the price is so low is mainly due to the large backlog of works of various domestic film and television companies.

In recent years, with the influx of hot money, the mainland film and television market has expanded rapidly, which has also resulted in the failure of nearly [-]% of film and television dramas to be released or broadcast each year.

In terms of coping strategies, in the follow-up production of film and television companies, it is reasonable to spend as much money as possible to attract big-name stars to star and reduce other production costs, but the backlog of finished products has completely become tasteless. Tasteless, a pity to throw away.

It hurts to think about it, after all, real money was spent.

However, LeEco took aim at the difficult situation of film and television companies, and bought almost all the overstocked products of many domestic film and television companies at extremely low prices.

However, since the beginning of this year, relevant departments have begun to realize that copyright protection is imminent. The environment of rampant piracy and oversupply has driven the whole industry to see signs of bad money driving out good money.

There are investors, directors, and actors who are serious about creation and art, but they are only a minority. The vast majority of people invest in film and television and engage in the film and television industry, and they still come with the purpose of making money.

But the more serious you are, the more money you spend and the longer it takes. Just like Liu Heping, in order to write a new script, he traveled all over the Taiwan Strait and three places, consulted a large number of documents from the Republic of China period, and read more than 3000 million words of materials before writing the script. A draft of the screenplay will be written.

Such screenwriters are not welcomed in this industry.

Because the more effort the screenwriter puts in, the more unacceptable it is for investors, directors, and actors to change the script at will.

The most direct impact on the film and television industry of the "Jianwang Action" launched by relevant departments this year is that the copyright fees of film and television works soared overnight.

The era of buying copyright at the price of cabbage is completely gone forever.

Xu Rong picked up the water glass, took a sip, and asked slowly: "It means that they took away the copyright, and then they didn't give me a penny, empty-handed white wolf?"

His deepest understanding of investment is only two points, real estate and original stocks can make money, and others such as stocks, funds, insurance, etc., are all fucking money.

Because if you don’t make money, why do people spend so much effort to get a license and go public?
You can't contribute to society, can you?

"LeTV Group just went public this year, and the market expectations are relatively good. It is a relatively cost-effective deal to get the equity of LeTV Film and Television." Jin Fangfang analyzed, "That is, now that we are urgently short of cash flow, I still recommend Youku."

"What's the price on Youku?"

"One hundred million, buy out for three years."

Xu Rong roughly calculated in his mind that [-] million is not a lot, but if the income tax and costs he needs to pay are included, it means that, on average, he was at a loss in the first two years, and because it was a buyout, although the copyright It's still in his hands, but he can only look at it when he has nothing to do.

When he bought the copyright of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", he was just thinking about it. He didn't think about making money at first, but now, he has to think about how to maximize his profits.

With Wang Yaqin, he can talk about morality, with Pu Cunxi, he can talk about ideals, but with other people, he can neither talk about morality nor ideals, but only about interests, and when he meets someone who should talk about interests, if he talks about Morality or ideals, it will only be regarded as a fool.

He looked at Jin Fangfang and asked, "What do you think?"

Jin Fangfang pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Youku thinks it's a bit beautiful."

"What's your expectation?"

Jin Fangfang took out the data and said: "I have asked Luo Liping that the price for the exclusive broadcast of "Before Dawn" is 300 million. Of course, this price is not for selling, but for not selling. Considering that "Da Ming" was aired on Beijing TV for one round after all, if they buy it out, the base price is 200 million. If they want to buy the second and third years, the starting price is 1000 million. That is to say, the total price for three years cannot be lower. At [-] million."

Xu Rong silently calculated the following in his heart, and after a long while, he asked: "Is it too high?"

Because "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" has 46 episodes!
According to Jin Fangfang, if he sells the exclusive rights for one year, he will not only get his money back, but also make a profit of nearly [-] million yuan.

The reason why it is nearly 35 million, not doubled, is because even if it is sold at Jin Fangfang's estimated price, [-]% income tax must be paid.

Jin Fangfang shook her head, and said: "The price is not too high. Let's take down this drama, plus the investment in reshoots, the book value is nearly 5000 million. If it is not recorded in the book, it can also be converted into 1000 million. That is to say, even if 200 million yuan is sold, in fact, we basically do not have a penny of profit."

Xu Rong understood Jin Fangfang's meaning. He won the copyright of "Daming" through Zhou Yu. As for how they divided the 500 million public relations fees, these were not within the scope of his concern.

But according to Jin Fangfang's statement, he actually didn't make any money at all.

But thinking that the purpose of buying it in the first place was not to make money. If you don’t make money, don’t make money. Thank God that it can be broadcast.

Jin Fangfang sorted out the information, and said: "I don't think there is any need to worry about this matter. If we can't agree with the video platform, we can also choose to sell it to the TV station. As long as we sell enough times, we can still make money. After a few days God, the ratings should still go up"

"Hey, Sister Fangfang is here." A youthful voice interrupted Jin Fangfang's words. After the voice, Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing stepped out.

Jin Fangfang turned her face and looked at Xu Xing, who was wearing a tight black sportswear, and Xiao Zhang, who was wearing a pair of sneakers and showing off her long legs without any concealment. Well, I have something to discuss with Xu Rong, you just finished exercising?"

As she spoke, she looked at the two black and two white long legs, picked up the water glass, and lowered her head to take a sip.

In terms of chest, both of them are scumbags in front of her, but her height is too short. Although she is trying hard to control her figure, she neither has the long legs of classmate Xiao Zhang, nor does she have the graceful curves of Xu Xing.

Compared to her younger classmate Zhang, she felt that Xu Xing was the one with the most potential. Regardless of his face or figure, he was a top-notch vase. As long as he was willing to spend money, it would not be difficult to earn a name like "Xu Tianxian".

Xu Rong watched the two greet each other, then slowly walked into the kitchen swinging his legs and twisting his buttocks, and said with a chuckle, "Don't be as knowledgeable as they are, they are still children and don't understand anything."

Jin Fangfang pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "People are declaring their sovereignty to me. Well, I won't sit any longer. I'll go back first. I'll call you if I have any news."

"Slow down the road."

After seeing off Jin Fangfang and entering the door, Xu Rong saw classmate Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing each holding a bottle of cold drink, staring at him covetously, and immediately understood the reason.

When Jin Fangfang came here just now, she was wearing a kawaii white T-shirt. Although she was also wearing a denim jacket, her natural domineering spirit couldn't be suppressed by a jacket.

He stretched out his hand and pointed backwards, and said, "By the way, if you two know someone suitable, introduce Jin Fangfang, who is already a very old aunt, if this delay continues, no one can stop her from dying alone. "

Both of them laughed inexplicably at the same time.

Xu Rong turned around silently, went upstairs, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher Xu."

"Teacher Xu, come out quickly."

"What's the matter?" Xu Rong just took half of the bath when Xiao Zhang's anxious voice came from outside the door.

Xu Rong opened the door, looked at Xiao Zhang who was flushing anxiously outside, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"On Weibo, on Weibo, there are many people saying that I entered Renyi this year because you cheated for personal gain." Classmate Xiao Zhang pointed at the phone, his face flushed with anger.

Teacher Feng Yuanzheng said that she has a relatively solid foundation and her style is in line with human art, so why can these laymen make irresponsible remarks?

Xu Rong said with a smile: "I thought what was the matter, don't worry about them, just say what you like."

In fact, he doesn't know who started it first. In Renyi, he joined the art committee at the age of 24 and served as the vice-captain of the actor team, which is bound to make some people crazy with jealousy.

As for his peers in the film and television industry, the awards ceremony of the Golden Eagle TV Festival will be held in another week. If there are no major accidents, this year, he will be able to achieve the highest honor of the TV drama Grand Slam.

Moreover, he had offended quite a few people in the past. Chang Jihong, Zhang Jizhong, Yu Zheng, and some colleagues and stakeholders who thought he was in the way of making money didn't mind adding fuel to the flames at this time.

Coupled with the popularity and discussion of "Da Ming" nowadays, many viewers and media have gradually put him on a par with Wang Zhiwen, Chen Baoguo and others. This is a situation that many colleagues do not want to see.

In this world, many people are not thinking about how to strive for the top all day long, but thinking about how to pull down the people above without moving.

After he finished taking a shower and sat on the bedside, Xiao Zhang was not in a hurry at this time, because she had already discovered just now that Teacher Xu didn't panic at all after hearing the news.

He sure has a way.

"Mr. Xu, what are you going to do?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Don't worry, you thought that when I asked you to apply for the human arts exam, and I was the chief examiner for this year, you didn't expect this?"

"Jealousy often changes people beyond recognition!"

"You are qualified to apply for the exam, and you have also participated in the interview and written test, and the results in each part are excellent, without any violations." Xu Rong picked up the biography of the great man beside the bed, pulled out the bookmark and said, "There is nothing to worry about. .”

"But many people on the Internet said that you must be playing favoritism."

Xu Rong blinked at him, and said: "If I'm being selfish, Xu Xing is now a member of Renyi. In terms of relationship, he is my own sister. Shouldn't I take care of her?"

"Huh?" Classmate Xiao Zhang frowned slowly, and asked, "Mr. Xu, did you expect that today's situation would happen a long time ago, so you asked Xu Xing to apply for the exam?"

"I remember she said that she didn't apply for the exam, but you said that she had a high probability of being admitted, so you asked her to apply."

Xu Rong closed the book gently, and said, "If you put on that maid outfit, I'll tell you."

Xiao Zhang pursed his lips and said, "Hmph, then I won't listen."

(End of this chapter)

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