I'm just an actor

Chapter 245 Opening

Chapter 245 Opening

human art.

Zhang Heping hung up the phone with a "snap", and the smile on his face gradually faded.

On the long sofa opposite him, vice presidents Ren Ming and Pu Cunxi sat on the left and right respectively.

Ren Ming asked indifferently: "Dean, what do you say?"

He and Pu Cunxi had just come here, and he paid a certain degree of attention to the controversy that erupted last night, but he didn't really care about it.

The recruitment process and review in the college are quite strict every year. In addition to the interview and written test, the return class is also a process of inspection. This year, Xu Rong is the host, and the difficulty is unprecedented. Originally planned to recruit 15 people, but in the end only hired 6 people.

If Xu Rong really showed favoritism during the recruitment process, he would never dare to assign Zhang Xiaofei to Feng Yuanzheng, who he was not familiar with.

Compared to him and Pu Cunxi, Feng Yuanzheng is neither easy to fool nor talk to.

Zhang Heping looked at Pu Cunxi and asked, "Cunxi, what's your opinion?"

It's about Xu Rong, Pu Cunxi thought about it, and said: "I don't think we should respond for the time being. I read some comments on the Internet, and they are all speculations without any basis. If we react too much, it will appear that we are guilty. "

Ren Ming saw that Zhang Heping's eyes turned to him, and said: "But if you don't respond, I'm afraid it will be hard to calm down for a while, and the impact will not be good after a long time."

Zhang Heping didn't immediately nod his head in agreement or shake his head to veto the opinions of the two. Instead, he came to sit on the sofa next to the two of them and said, "We didn't do anything wrong, so don't be afraid. I care more about it." What's more, I always feel that there is something evil in this unhealthy trend, think about it, in just a few hours, the whole Internet knows about it, if you say that no one is contributing to the flames, do you believe it?"

Ren Ming looked at Zhang Heping in surprise, and asked, "What does the dean mean?"

Zhang Heping solemnly said: "We don't bully people, but if someone bullies us, we can't suffer from being dumb. I have asked the network supervision department to investigate the source of the rumors. It is estimated that there will be results soon. Ren Ming, You are responsible for the follow-up on this matter, and you must investigate to the end what should be prosecuted and what should be held accountable."

Ren Ming asked softly: "Isn't the battle too big for doing this?"

Zhang Heping shook his head immediately, and said: "It's not about the size of the battle. We can accept criticism, and we are willing to correct mistakes, but we absolutely cannot accept unprovoked slander, a thousand-mile mention, collapsed in an ant's nest."

For audiences who don’t even know about Renyi, the capital is listed in front of Renyi. Most of those who don’t know Renyi will only subconsciously think that Renyi is a local second-rate troupe, but they ignore the signboard of Renyi. The word "people".

Ren Ming smiled and said: "Actually speaking, it's normal for such a thing to happen. Do you still remember that before, it was rumored that Xu Rong grabbed the endorsement, good guy, as if he had committed public outrage. Helping film and television actors to attack them all means that if Xu Rong is not dead, the world will not be peaceful."

"The actual situation is similar. Xu Rong has been in the film and television industry for a day. With his personality and business level, who can stand out among the 80s in the film and television industry?" Zhang Heping asked with a smile, "By the way, it's hot these days." Have you watched the broadcast of "Da Ming Dynasty 1566"?"

Pu Cunxi nodded, and said: "Look, after all, I can't imagine that Xiao Xu had such a deep foundation at that time."

"Hey, this is talent, no one can envy it."

"Beep beep."

"Beep beep."

Zhang Heping walked over and picked up the phone, but his face was so dark that water dripped out as he was talking.

"Okay, trouble."

Seeing that Zhang Heping's expression was wrong, Pu Cunxi waited for him to hang up the phone before asking: "Dean, what's the matter?"

Zhang Heping sighed, and said: "We have found the source of the rumors. I originally thought that it might be people in the film and television industry. The worst result may be that people in our courtyard are jealous, but they didn't realize it."

"Dean, who is it?" Ren Ming asked quickly when he saw that he only sighed but didn't have anything to say.

Zhang Heping walked over, picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out one, and lit it on his own, saying, "It's not someone else, it's Xu Rong's college classmate, who was rejected by Xu Rong during the interview."

Ren Ming wondered: "No, did they have a festival before?"

Pu Cunxi waved his hand without thinking, and said: "No, you don't think that Xiao Xu is usually amiable, but he is arrogant in his bones. He will have grudges with you and me, but he will definitely not have much with his classmates." Arguing for a while."

Zhang Heping nodded in agreement, and said to Ren Ming: "You are the vice president now. When I retire in the future, you will have to take over. If you encounter problems, you should use your brains. His classmate came for an interview. Seeing that Xu Rong is the principal The examiner must be thinking, hey, we are classmates, you must let me pass."

"As a result, Xu Rong didn't even let him pass the first test. No matter how much he expected, his resentment would be as deep. He even subconsciously thought that Xu Rong was deliberately making things difficult for him."

Ren Ming couldn't help laughing and said: "It's not like that, Xu Rong didn't offend him, did he?"

"That's human nature."

Ren Ming was a little confused, looked at Zhang Heping who was silent, then looked at Pu Cunxi who also had a helpless face, and asked, "Well, if this is the case, shall we still pursue responsibility?"

Zhang Heping immediately said: "Chasing, why don't you chase, if you don't chase, this kind of shit may happen every year in the future."

"it is good."

Zhang Heping took a breath and said: "Don't tell Xu Rong about this matter, at least, you can't tell him before it's completely over."

Ren Ming didn't understand again, and asked, "He has to know sooner or later, isn't it the same if he says it sooner or later?"

Zhang Heping held a cigarette in one hand, and covered his eyes helplessly with the other. Ren Ming's artistic attainments were very high, but he was a complete layman when it came to the twists and turns in human relationships.

At this time, he deeply felt that Renyi has no successors, not only the art creation team, but the management team also encountered the same problem.

Because of his outstanding talent, Ren Ming has been paid attention to by all parties since he left the school, no, before he left the school, the journey along the way is really smooth, even if there is a stone on the road, the old leaders in the courtyard will help him in advance tidy up.

But it is precisely because of this that he has only a half-knowledge of some truths that can only be appreciated by stumbling.

As a senior, Pu Cunxi explained: "If you tell him now, what do you think he will do?"

Ren Ming turned his head and looked at Pu Cunxi suspiciously, he still didn't understand what Zhang Heping meant.

"No matter what he thinks, he can't agree to sue because of emotion and reason, and sue his classmates in college. Although there is a reason for the incident, but if it is spread, what will his teachers, classmates, peers, and fans think of him?"

Ren Ming couldn't understand: "Why don't you think about it? Adults must be responsible for their words and deeds!"

Zhang Heping and Pu Cunxi looked at each other, and could only keep silent. Public figures, who doesn't want to have a reputation of being "open-minded", and that kid Xu Rong is not stupid, so he can't fail to see this.

But the courtyard can not rest in peace.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Ren Ming gave a wry smile and said, "It's okay, I'll do it."

"Beep beep."

"Beep beep."

Hearing the phone on the desk ringing again, Zhang Heping got up, and when he walked to the desk, he saw the phone number of the landline, hurriedly threw the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, stepped on his feet quickly, and took the cigarette at the same time. Picked up the phone: "Hey, leader."

"No, absolutely not. We have kept the complete interview video, and there is absolutely no case of favoritism or fraud. Please rest assured."

"Okay, okay, I'll announce it now." Zhang Heping paused, and then said, "Leader, I have to report something to you. This year's recruitment exam, Xu Rong's own sister also participated, and it was him , did not pass."

"Okay, okay, we must keep in mind the original intention of creating songs for the people and singing for the times, please rest assured the leaders."

Zhang Heping hung up the phone gently, let out a sigh of relief, turned his head, and said to Ren Ming and Pu Cunxi: "There are two tasks, Ren Ming, you should immediately publish the video of Zhang Xiaofei's three interviews and the results of the written test, and take the lead in punishing rumors By."

Then he turned his head to look at Pu Cunxi, and said: "Cunxi, you don't have to worry about anything for the next period of time, just concentrate on arranging "Thunderstorm" for me. After the National Day, the leader will come to see it."

Ren Ming and Pu Cunxi stood up at the same time and said, "Okay."

On the afternoon of the second day after the recruitment incident broke out, as Renyi released the relevant video images and investigation results of the recruitment, the doubts about Renyi on the Internet disappeared in an instant.

In less than 24 hours, all the shady news about Renyi’s recruitment on the Internet was wiped out in an instant, and it also made many people break out in a cold sweat while secretly rejoicing. In the past, they all thought that the Internet was a place outside the law. But this time, it took only one day to find out the source of the rumors.

Xu Rong talked with Pu Cunxi on the phone, so he didn't pay attention to these anymore, but brought classmate Xiao Zhang to Changsha again.

The two of them came two days earlier than the awards ceremony, and they had been busy in the past. He hadn't traveled much or spent vacations, so he happened to be attending the awards ceremony of the Golden Eagle TV Festival right now, and came out for a walk.

In fact, if it wasn't for his grandfather getting too old and unable to bear the toss, he would have planned to wait for the performance of "Thunderstorm" on the National Day, and take his grandfather and Xiao Zhang to go abroad for a tour.

Classmate Xiao Zhang was holding a bowl of stinky tofu, and the spicy Ha Chi Ha Chi tears were streaming down, but she still couldn't stop her from stuffing it into her mouth.

Wearing a mask, Xu Rong helped her hold a glass of sweet wine, and said, "What did I say just now, it must be so spicy, now I know, I still eat and eat, take it easy, wait a little longer eat."

"Mr. Xu, do you really not want to eat?" Xiao Zhang squeezed his red eyes vigorously and said while looking at him.

"Believe it or not, if I take off the mask, the two of us will probably be watched immediately?"

"I don't believe it!" Xiao Zhang took a step aside and said, "If you want to watch, you will only watch you alone, not me."

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

Xu Rong took out the phone, saw the name on it that he hadn't contacted for a long time, hesitated for a while, and still connected: "Hello."

"What's the matter, don't cry, what's the matter?"

"I don't know the specifics. I'm afraid I can't decide this matter. How about it? I'll ask and see if I can withdraw the lawsuit."

"Okay, that's it. I'm busy here. Goodbye."

Xiao Zhang frowned when Xu Rong was on the phone, and asked, "What's the matter, Teacher Xu?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "A friend, please do something small."

He seemed to remember something, and said, "Xiao Zhang, let me use your mobile phone."

"Why?" Although Xiao Zhang asked this question, he still half turned around, raised his buttocks slightly, and pointed the cross-body bag to him, signaling him to take it by himself.

Xu Rong turned on classmate Xiao Zhang's mobile phone and directly blocked that classmate.

When the call came to him, he had a hundred ways to deal with it, but if the matter was still unresolved, the classmate would definitely call Xiao Zhang again.

When young people make mistakes, God will forgive them, but he is not God and is not responsible for forgiveness.

When Xu Rong put the phone back into the bag, Xiao Zhang asked: "Mr. Xu, do you think you can get Shidi this time?"

Xu Rong hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sure, it's not a big problem."

Although he has been notified in advance to prepare his acceptance speech, he is not quite sure whether it is Shidi or not.

There are three Golden Eagle Awards related to male actors, namely "Golden Eagle Award Audience's Favorite Actor Award", "Golden Eagle Festival Best Performing Arts Award", and "Golden Eagle Festival Most Popular Actor Award". Known as Shidi, it is the "Most Popular Actor Award at the Golden Eagle Festival" voted by the judges and the audience.

To a certain extent, the "Golden Eagle Festival Best Performing Arts Award" selected by the judging panel can also be called Shidi. Li Youbin has won two awards for "Bright Sword" and "Crossing the Guandong", but he didn't win it once. Get the popularity award.

While Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang were shopping and eating, the director team of the Golden Eagle Award encountered a problem during the rehearsal.

Who walked the red carpet with Xu Rong?

Because the heroines of "Latent", "The North Wind Blows", and "The Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law" were all shortlisted for the Golden Eagle Award.

Two days passed in a flash.

Xu Rong looked at Wang Luodan who was wearing a red dress beside him, and said with a smile, "Long time no see, Luodan."

Wang Luodan smiled politely and said, "Hello."

Then, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the red carpet without squinting.

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face gradually faded. Only then did he suddenly realize that the contract was really terminated.

It's not that he terminated the contract with Hairun, but that Wang Luodan followed Chang Jihong and switched to Xingmei.

Although he didn't renew his contract with Hairun, his friendship with Liu Yanming is closer than before.

He still remembers how enthusiastic Wang Luodan was when he saw him during the rehearsal for the Feitian Awards last year.

But he didn't care too much, Wang Luodan was famous for his lack of brains in Hairun before, and he dared to talk bald about anything.

In the past few years under Chang Jihong, Wang Luodan's career has indeed flourished. From "Struggle", "Who Will Live in My Youth" to this year's popular "Du Lala's Promotion", he has taken the lead The trend of the four small female roles.

"What is coming to us now are two youthful models born in the 80s, the famous actor Xu Rong, and this year's Golden Eagle Goddess Wang Luodan. Let us welcome you two."

"Ah, Xu Rong!"

As the host Sun Xiaoxiao's voice fell, the audience on one side of the red carpet erupted. Xu Rong smiled and waved to the audience on both sides.

Following Xu Rong's response, the audience on both sides of the red carpet erupted with screams and shouts, wave after wave.

It all cost money!
The Golden Eagle Awards Ceremony was broadcast live nationwide on the Internet and on TV. In view of the comparison with the last Tissot signing conference, Jin Fangfang fully learned the lesson. Whenever she encountered similar occasions, she hired hundreds of extra performers to cheer.

Otherwise, if a few second-tier artists come here randomly, the audience's feedback will be more enthusiastic than Xu Ronglai. The uninformed audience would think that Xu Rong is not even as good as a second-tier actor.

The two hosts were also taken aback by the sudden screams. Su Xing, the guest host, glanced at the audience outside the guardrail, and sighed: "Wow, you really deserve to be the leader of the 80 generation. This is today's red carpet." Highest voice."

After Xu Rong signed the name, when it came to the interview session, the host Sun Xiaoxiao asked: "Mr. Xu, this is the second time you have participated in the Golden Eagle TV Festival. Are you confident to win the award today?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, then smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you win the award or not. It is a great honor to be nominated. The most important thing is to participate. I hope everyone will not leave empty-handed."

(End of this chapter)

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