I'm just an actor

Chapter 246 Chapter 3

Chapter 246 Twenty Three
Entering the venue, Xu Rong, guided by the etiquette of the golden dress, was about to walk to the seat on the side of the stage. Halfway, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a chubby middle-aged man in a black jacket sitting beside him, and he couldn't help being stunned.

He walked over in two steps in three steps, bowed deeply to Ma Shaohua who was sitting on the chair and looked at him curiously, and said, "Mr. Ma, hello."

Ma Shaohua is also very curious about Xu Rong. Recently, he has become obsessed with "Da Ming Dynasty 1566". He usually doesn't like to watch TV dramas. He also watched this drama under the strong recommendation of many friends, but after watching it for a while, It was out of control, until now, almost a single episode has not been left behind, there are two characters who impressed him the most, one is Emperor Jiajing played by Chen Baoguo, and the other is Shen Yishi played by Xu Rong.

There are certain similarities and differences between the two characters. The similarity is that the two characters both understand, but Jiajing can control the fate of other characters to a certain extent, while Shen Yishi can only passively accept his own fate. Fate, even struggling, is in vain.

Both actors brought out the characteristics of their respective characters.

He was a little regretful, because until Shen Yishi died, he still hadn't seen a scene where Jiajing and Shen Yishi played against each other, and he didn't like to judge which of the two played better.

While regretting, it also made him feel a little stressed.

It's a pity because the two people in "The Founding of the Party" did not have a rivalry, and the pressure is because in the past, he always thought that the professional ability of young people has declined in an all-round way, and the art and moral system collapsed. Until watching "Da Ming Dynasty 1566", he Only then did he realize that he had underestimated young people in the past. This time, the good ones, the good ones, are so outrageous that he can't even speak human words, but the amazing ones make him feel itchy.

Therefore, since Xu Rong entered the arena, he has noticed it.

He was shortlisted for the Golden Eagle Award for the first time, but regardless of his image or age, he couldn't compete with Xu Rong in the Golden Eagle Award, which attracts a lot of audiences, especially young audiences.

Just like this year's Magnolia, Sun Honglei succeeded in becoming the emperor with "The Right Way in the World Is the Vicissitudes of Life". If Xu Rong did not win the award last year, according to the usual practice, he would not be re-elected, and it is still unknown who will win.

When he was observing Xu Rong, he suddenly found that he was also looking at him, and the expression on his face became quite weird. He smiled politely. Although he was more than twice the age of the other party, he was the guy who ate. In fact, he didn't dare to pat his chest and say that he must be better than the other party. He could be so explosive before the age of 20. Now that five or six years have passed, God knows how far he has grown? !

But with a smile, Ma Shaohua watched Xu Rong run up to him, bowed deeply, he hurriedly got up, stepped aside, and said: "Hey, Teacher Xu, you are too polite, too polite, you can't be treated like that." Shouldn't be."

He thought that Xu Rong greeted him like this because he was older and more experienced. He didn't dare to accept it with peace of mind. , it is hard not to be talked about by his fans.

Seeing Xu Rong running aside, etiquette hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Xu, your seat is over there."

"Okay, here we come."

Xu Rong responded, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, leave a call after the awards ceremony is over, and I will come to visit another day."

Ma Shaohua looked at Xu Rong in bewilderment, he didn't understand what was going on, it was the first time he saw Xu Rong today, even though they both starred in "The Founding of the Party", they had never met each other, it was just that they were so polite to him Even respectful, he couldn't refuse, saying: "Okay, okay."

Sitting in the auditorium, watching the host of the party, He Yi, sang and said, but Xu Rong couldn't help being distracted.

Without Ma Shaohua's casual suggestion back then, he would never have known what Beiying is. It is very likely that after the filming of "Migrant Workers of Survival", he would honestly return to Beijing just like most ordinary people. I work part-time on construction sites, and when I have saved enough tuition fees, I choose a 985 school at random, and then find a nine-to-nine job, running around all day long for car loans and mortgages.

Ma Shaohua is a low-key actor. Most of the time, it is difficult to see him from the entertainment news, so that Xu Rong almost forgot about this person.

Following the announcement of the winners of the "Excellent TV Host Award" and "Best TV Host Award", after warming up the awards show, the award ceremony for actor awards officially kicked off.

Xu Rongju focused his attention on the stage. He was quite relaxed at the moment. He was indeed short of a Golden Eagle trophy, but his acceptance speech had been prepared, and he was on the scene again. He must be able to achieve the grand slam.

Turning to the big screen, the VCR of the shortlisted actors just started playing.

I saw the actors on the big screen switching one after another.

Fan Wei: I was shortlisted for the Golden Eagle Award for my role as Boss Fu in the TV series "The Boss's Happiness".

Wang Zhifei: The role of Shang Yang in "The Great Qin Empire".

Yan Ni: Niu Huahua in "The North Wind Blows".

Haiqing: Mao Doudou in "A Beautiful Era of Daughter-in-law".

Song Jia: Cuiping in "Latent".

Wang Luodan: The sample of Qian in "Who Calls My Youth".

Sun Honglei: "The right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life" by Yang Liqing.

When Xu Rong's figure was cut on the screen, Xu Rong said slowly: "Latent" Yu Zecheng, "Wife's Good Times" aftertaste, "North Wind That Blows" Shuai Hongbing, "Paper Drunken Gold Fan" Wei Duanben.


As Xu Rong on the screen uttered a series of drama titles and characters, the audience was in an uproar as if a boulder had been dropped.

Until today, many people realize that Xu Rong has starred in nearly one-fifth of the hit dramas in the past two years.

Because Xu Rong rarely appears in variety shows and has almost never participated in interviews, the image of him that most viewers see is through characters in different film and television works.

This also caused many people to not realize that he has acted in so many good dramas.

The shortlisted male actors sitting in the first row all showed wry smiles, and being nominated proved that their works are outstanding compared with the [-] episodes of TV series in the past two years, which is equivalent to that they have won four Seven or four eights, but Xu Rong is holding four second belts and two kings.

Xu Rong noticed that the camera was cutting towards him, and waved his hands with a smile. He also knew that it was too ostentatious to say that, but this was the unanimous decision of the judges, and he couldn't change it.

The only pity is that Chen, the heroine of "Luxurious Paper", was not shortlisted.

After the VCR finished playing, the host Ouyang Xiadan said: "Next, we will announce the No. 20 Fifth Golden Eagle Festival's first actor award, the audience's favorite actor and actress award."

Although it was the first time for He Yi to cooperate with Ouyang Xiadan, the styles of the two did not violate at all, and they immediately connected: "Then please invite the guests of the lottery, Mr. Wang Zhongjun, the helm of the famous private entertainment organization Huayi, and the famous TV host, producer, and my good friend, Li Xiang."

After Wang Zhongjun and Li Xiang teased the Huayi artists Wang Baoqiang and Zhang Guoqiang present, they suddenly discussed Huayi's criteria for selecting actors.

It looks good!

No one really takes it seriously, but no one takes it seriously. The philosophy of the leader of the largest private film production company, to a certain extent, also represents the standard of a large part of the current film industry.

Seeing the eagerly awaited actors and actresses in the first row, Wang Zhongjun said with a smile: "Let's announce the results, No. 20 Fifth China Golden Eagle Festival, the audience's favorite actress is Song Jia."

"Congratulations, congratulations Song Jia."

Li Xiang went on to read: "Xu Rong won the No.20 Audience Favorite Actor Award at the [-]th China Golden Eagle Festival."

He Yan's voice sounded immediately: "Congratulations to Song Jia and Xu Rong, please come to the stage to accept the award, and thank you Mr. Wang Zhongjun, and thank you Li Xiang."

"I would like to invite our award-giving leaders, Zhu Hong, Director of Radio, Television and Film Awards, and Li Jingsheng, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, to present awards to our award-winning actors,"

After the trophies were handed out, He Yan looked at the two of them and said, "Both of you, please give your acceptance speech."

Xu Rong turned her head to look at Song Jia, stretched out her hand towards the microphone as a gesture of invitation, and motioned for her to come first, Song Jia was miserable enough, no matter last year's Magnolia or the Feitian Award, she was shortlisted, but she ran with her all the way, Today I finally got the award. Although it is the least valuable among the three Golden Eagle awards, it can barely be called "behind the scenes" if you have to brag about it embarrassingly.

Song Jia nodded lightly, walked up to the microphone, and said, "I am able to win this award today. First of all, I would like to thank the audience for their support. I also want to thank the director and screenwriter of "Latent", Mr. Jiang Wei, and me. My partner Xu Rong, and all the film crew members, and I also want to thank my family who have always supported me, thank you, I will redouble my efforts to shoot every film and dedicate it to everyone, thank you."

Xu Rong looked at Song Jia in surprise, isn't your acceptance speech too simple?
This made it seem inappropriate for him to prepare that long section.

"Please allow Xu Rong to deliver his acceptance speech."

Walking to the microphone, Xu Rong raised the trophy and said, "Today is the second time I have been shortlisted for the Golden Eagle Award, and it is the first time I have won the trophy. First of all, I would like to thank the audience for their continued support, thank you."

"Secondly, I would also like to thank a senior and teacher who had a great influence on me. When I entered the stage just now, I saw the guide of my acting career, Mr. Ma Shaohua. Thank you, Mr. Ma. Give me advice, I won’t be standing here today, thank you.” After speaking, Xu Rong bowed deeply in Ma Shaohua’s direction.

As the camera cut to Ma Shaohua, on the big screen, Ma Shaohua pointed his finger at his nose, looking at Xu Rong on the stage with a look of astonishment.

Xu Rong noticed his movement and said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, do you still remember that six years ago, when you were filming "Migrant Workers of Survival", when you were taking a shower in the toilet, the one you met didn't know that he was going to move bricks next. Is it still a young man who is going to play tricks, yes, that young man is me."


Like the vast majority of the audience present and in front of the TV, Ma Shaohua still stared at him in bewilderment, but slowly, the doubt on his face gradually turned into surprise, until he was dumbfounded.

He remembered, it seemed that there was indeed such a thing.

But even if he was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that the young man who showed off his capital to him only took six years to achieve the grand slam of TV series? !
After finishing speaking, Xu Rong was about to lead Song Jia off the stage, but Ouyang Xiadan came over with two microphones: "You two, stay a step, you can't just go down so easily."

Ouyang Xiadan looked at Xu Rong and asked, "Xu Rong, can you tell me about your relationship with Teacher Ma Shaohua? I think the audience, both at the scene and in front of the TV, are more curious."

Xu Rong took the microphone and said with a smile: "Actually, it was about 04. At that time, I was working in a construction site in Jilin to earn tuition fees. Director Guan Hu chose to play tricks, maybe the day before the filming of the scene was over, and when I was taking a shower at night, I ran into Teacher Ma Shaohua in the toilet, and he asked me, what are you going to do after the filming is over?"

"At that time, I thought, I'm just a migrant worker, and I must go back to work on the construction site. Otherwise, what else can I do? Then Teacher Ma told me that I can go to the gate of Beiying to take a chance and earn tuition faster. At that time, I actually didn't Knowing what Beiying is and what it does, I also found out after I arrived in the capital, but it was because of Teacher Ma's words that I officially started my acting career."

"Wow wow wow."

As Xu Rong's voice fell, the auditorium gradually burst into applause.

Xu Rong had never talked about this experience, nor had it been exposed by the media. Listening to the two parties at this time, it was a bit of a legend.

After Xu Rong's narration, Ma Shaohua completely remembered at this time, but looking at Xu Rong who was wearing a suit and holding the Golden Eagle trophy on the stage, he still felt that his fate was strange. One of the biggest opponents.

He was also shortlisted for this award!
He Yi had already run off the stage at this time, handed a microphone to Ma Shaohua, and asked, "Mr. Ma, do you have anything to say to Xu Rong now?"

Ma Shaohua smiled and said: "Now, I regret it a little bit, because a few years ago, I seemed to have found a very powerful competitor for myself."


There was applause again at the scene. Ma Shaohua's answer seemed to be humorous, but he also praised Xu Rong in turn.

Ouyang Xiadan turned the topic to Song Jia again and asked, "Song Jia, this is the second time you have been shortlisted for the Audience's Favorite Actress Award. Did you expect to win today?"

Song Jia gave Xu Rong a sideways look, and said with a smile: "When filming "Latent", Xu Rong told me many times that this drama would definitely win an award, but he only comforted me after scolding me every time. mine."

He Hao got excited and came up together: "Hey, Xu Rong is still scolding you?"

As soon as Xu Rong put the microphone to his mouth, he heard He Yu shouting from the side: "Xu Rong, don't rush to defend yourself."


Song Jia also smiled and said: "Well, "Latent" was the most uncomfortable scene I filmed. I remember, from the first day I participated in the show, until it was finished, he scolded me a total of 23 times. It’s just those very, very, very ugly swear words that made me feel that I really couldn’t continue filming. After the film was finished, even after several months, I sometimes still wondered if I was really as he said. Unbearable."

Seeing Xu Rong's face getting weirder, Song Jia changed the subject and said, "But I really thank him very much. If he hadn't scolded him so many times, there wouldn't be the "Latent" that everyone sees and the Cui that everyone loves. Ping, I can't get today's trophy."

He Yan stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, and said to Xu Rong, "Xu Rong, you can now prove your innocence."

Just now when Song Jia said the first half, Xu Rong panicked in his heart. If Song Jia didn't have the second half, his reputation would really be rotten. Fortunately, Song Jia is not as brainless as Hai Qing, so what? All thrown out.

He picked up the microphone and said, "I don't have anything to justify. Two years have passed since the filming of "Latent". Song Jia still remembers that I scolded her 23 times. Male compatriots should avoid it, don’t mess with women if you have nothing to do, and don’t mess with women if you have something to do.”


(End of this chapter)

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